Today we have been stretching our legs with a mini food and sightseeing tour of the city of Turin.
Hopefully we've inspired you to visit this beautiful city and experience what it has to offer.
SUBSCRIBE for more videos from us as we continue on our travels! :)
Egyptian Museum -
Focaccia Gran Torino -
Gelato :) -
Mole -
Roman Gate -
L'Obelix Cafe -
Jobii - Scootaloo
Frook - Manhattanite
Homeboy - Heaters
Gregory David - Can U Relax
Yomoti - Cats Walking
Guustavv - Caribbean Christmas
Justnormal - Green Snake
GoPro Hero 7 Black -
Rode VideoMicro Ext Microphone -
GoPro Pro 3.5mm Mic Adapter for HERO7 Black -
Ulanzi Protective Case with External Microphone Mount for GoPro -
GoPro Lens and Screen Protector -
Selfie Stick -
#Turin #Gelato #Foccacia
???????? Driving in Turin, Italy 4K. Juventus stadium, Turin downtown and more.
Street views of Turin (Torino), Italy in 4K
Date: 19.08.2019 afternoon
Country: Italy
City: Turin (Torino)
Area: Piedmont
Corso Gaetano Scirea
Corso Alessandria
Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi
Via Giuseppe Cavallo
Strada Provinciale 501 della Reggia
Corso Grosseto
Corso Vercelli
Lungo Dora Firenze
Via Bologna
Corso Palermo
Corso Regio Parco/Ponte delle Benne
Rondò Rivella
Corso S. Maurizio
Viale dei Partigiani
Viale 1º Maggio
Piazza Castello
Via Giovanni Battista Viotti
Via Pietro Micca
Via Cernaia
Piazza XVIII Dicembre
Corso Bolzano
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Corso Castelfidardo
Corso Mediterraneo
Corso Lione
Corso Carlo e Nello Rosselli/Largo Orbassano
Via Tirreno
Corso IV Novembre
Corso Monte Lungo
Corso Galileo Ferraris
Corso Sebastopoli
Via Zino Zini
Corso Caio Plinio
Via Mario Pannunzio
Via Genova
Via Giulio Biglieri
Via Ventimiglia
Via Prospero Richelmy
Piazzale Fratelli Ceirano
Corso Unità d'Italia
Corso Moncalieri
Piazza Gran Madre di Dio
Corso Giovanni Lanza
Corso Moncalieri
Ponte Isabella
Weather: Cloudy
Turin At Night [HD]
Turin at night. A beautiful video of Piedmont capital city, the largest city and financial heart of Northern Italy.
Cost Of Living In Turin, Italy In 2019, Rank 122nd In The World
These data are based on 1732 entries in the past 18 months from 199 different contributors. Please help us to update the data, thank you.
Turin, Italy. A Walk Around the City Centre. Piazza Castello, St. Carlo Square and Via Roma
A Day in the Life Studying Abroad in Torino, Italy
Jamie shows you around the city of Torino and what a typical day studying abroad as a USAC student in Italy is like.
Juventus Turin Stadium Tour and Museum - Allianz Stadium, Turin(Torino), Italy
Visiting the Juventus Turin Stadium and the Museum in the Allianz Stadium in Turin(Torino), Italy
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Captured with GoPro Hero 7 Black in 2,7K 60FPS
GoPro Hero 7 Black
GoPro 3-Way Grip Stativ
mole antonelliana
A day in Torino
Feldhof Inc. would like to invite you to another guided city tour. This time we're going to Torino, 180 km away from Milan and a nice place to spend your weekend. Beautiful architecture, nice shopping streets and even a very big Egyptian museum! Enjoy watching!
Turin Living City
This time lapse was ment to show how beautiful the city Turin is. Sadly for work reason I moved from Turin before I had the chance to complete it. So I publish this unfinished project as a small Time Lapse as a tribute for Turin.
Urban environment and health in Turin, Italy, 2017
The municipality of Turin is one of the EURO-HEALTHY case studies of the project aiming to evaluate the potential of policies from multiple domains to promote health and reduce urban health inequalities. Departing from the existing geographical variation observed in the income level and men life expectancy at birth along the metro line (difference of 3.4 years in life expectancy), this video presents a series of interviews of city resident’s views on the characteristics of the respective place of residence. It includes also the interview made to the Turin’ Council Member for Social Innovation and Smart City.
The EURO-HEALTHY project is a three-year Horizon 2020 research project launched in January 2015 that aimed to increase knowledge and resources on policies that have the potential to promote health and health equity across Europe.
More info:
Production: Giuseppe Costa and Nicolás Zengarini (ASL TO3), Paula Santana and Ângela Freitas (UC)
Interviews: Turin City residents, Giuseppe Costa (ASL TO3) and Paola Pisano (Council member, Turin municipality)
Acknowledgments: Massimo Rossi, Nathalie Coue (CSI-Piemonte) and Iwa Stefanik (UC)
Image and edition: Karine Paniza, Marta Costa
Voice: Marta Costa
Market interviews: CSI-Piemonte
Graphics: Henrique Patrício
Aerial images: CSI-Piemonte
The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Filannino 2000-2010 @ Statuto Eco Art Hotel Torino - Gaiahotels Cit Turin City Centre
Pasquale Filannino 2000 2010 @ Statuto Eco Art Hotel Torino - by GaiaHotels Cit Turin City Centre - Porta Susa station - Campidoglio: near MAU Museo d'Arte Urbana
HI - Turin - Ostello Torino Hostel - Turin, Italy
See for reviews and price comparison for HI - Turin - Ostello Torino Hostel. Or visit for a complete list of all Turin hostels.
Torino city ( Turin ) Italy Night time
Torino city ( Turin ) Italy Night time 25/12/2018
Places to see in ( Turin - Italy ) Parco del Valentino
Places to see in ( Turin - Italy ) Parco del Valentino
Parco del Valentino is a popular public park in Turin, Italy. It is located along the west bank of the Po river. It covers an area of 500,000m², which makes it Turin's second largest park. (Turin's largest park, the 840,000m² Pellerina Park, is Italy's most extended urban green area).
The Parco del Valentino was opened by the city of Turin in 1856, and was Italy’s first public garden. Several now defunct paved street circuits held races in the park between 1935 and 1954. Except for the 1948 Italian Grand Prix, the official title for these races was the Gran Premio del Valentino.
Buildings within the park include:
The Botanical Gardens
The Baroque Castle (Castello del Valentino)
Medieval Castle and Village
The Torino Esposizioni and Underground Pavilion Complex
Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti
Villa Glicini
Enzo Ferrari's special bench
( Turin - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Turin . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Turin - Italy
Join us for more :
Eco Bus tour a Torino
Girare e andare a spasso per conoscere al meglio quelle che sono le bellezze turistiche della capitale sabauda. E per fare tutto questo che c’è di meglio che un minibus ecologico completamente a misura d’uomo. Questo l’obiettivo che Booking Piemonte sta cercando di portare avanti promuovere il turismo ecosostenibile. Uno strumento in più per accogliere un grande flusso di visitatore per godere di quello che viene proposta da questa stagione 2015 nata sotto l’insegna della Sindone e di Expo
Turin Italy - Torino Italia
Torino visitata da me sulle rive del Po, un omaggio per chi vuole visitare la Città
Turin visited by me on the banks of the Po, a tribute to those who want to visit the city.
City of Torino (Turin) | Brief view...
Hi again!
Back again with any view of Torino!
Torino is an city based in the north of Italy (Pretty close to Milan). Very beautiful city!
A lot of green, tram tracks, buses, but also an very modern city centre.
But sadly I wasn’t gone on vacation there, I passed there by bus/car ????.
So I thought, even tho I didn’t get to be in the city, I’d still share an portion of the city just as I left with the bus.
So hopefully I could show you how an other city looks like. Did you like it? Tell me!
But anyways, on to the next video! Bye bye! PS: Love you! ????????
Moschea Aperta & Iftar In Via | Turin [Italy] 2019 | المسجد المفتوح والإفطار الكبير | IftarStreet
???? Eccovi finalmente il video-reportage ???? della grandissima #Festa dei torinesi dello scorso 2 giugno in occasione di Moschea aperta & Iftar in Via 2019.
Evento che alla sua terza edizione ha visto la partecipazione di circa 4mila torinesi di ogni fede, colore e origine, riuniti dall’impegno comune per una città fondata sulla mutua conoscenza e sulla condivisione.
???????? ⬇ عربي - ???????? ⬇ English
Nella #MoscheaAperta ????, per entrare alla quale si sono formate lunghissime code, sono stati allestiti diversi stand per presentare i vari aspetti inerenti la fede, la spiritualità, l’arte e la comunità islamica torinese.
In contemporanea sulla via si sono svolti due #dibattiti ????: il primo su “L’Islam italiano e i valori repubblicani” e il secondo su “Spiritualità e ambiente”.
L’inno nazionale ???????? cantato dal coro dei bimbi della moschea, in occasione della Festa della Repubblica del 2 giugno, ha aperto i #Saluti_istituzionali e la raccolta fondi per il progetto di piantumazione al Parco Dora nell’ambito della campagna #GreenRamadan.
Al calar del sole ????, il richiamo alla preghiera recitato dall’imam della moschea ha dato il via alla grandissima cena di #Iftar offerta dalla comunità musulmana a tutta la cittadinanza.
Particolarità di quest’anno è che tutte le stoviglie utilizzate per la cena erano biodegradabili ♻ e i rifiuti sono stati raccolti in maniera differenziata, il tutto per sensibilizzare sull’importanza che il tema ecologico deve rivestire nella nostra quotidianità.
إليكم متابعينا الأعزاء شريط الفيديو الخاص بالحفل البهيج الذي شهده مسجد طيبة في الثاني من يونيو الماضي بمناسبة يوم المسجد المفتوح والإفطار في الشارع 2019”. هذا الحدث الذي شهد في نسخته الثالثة مشاركة حوالي 4 آلاف من سكان مدينة طورينو من كل الأصول والألوان والأديان، متحدين في التزام مشترك من أجل مدينة تقوم على التعارف المتبادل والمشاركة.
في المسجد المفتوح، والذي تشكلت لدخوله طوابير طويلة جدًا، تم إعداد عدة أروقة لعرض الجوانب المتعلقة بالدين الإسلامي والإيمان والإحسان، والفنون، والمجتمع الإسلامي في تورينو.
في الوقت نفسه، شهد الشارع المقابل للمسجد تنظيم ندوتين مختلفتين مع ثلة من ضيوف المسجد: الندوة الأولى حول الإسلام الإيطالي وقيم الجمهورية والندوة الثانية حول الروحانيات والبيئة. قبيل أذان المغرب أدت مجموعة من براعم وزهرات المسجد النشيد الوطني بمناسبة عيد الجمهورية (2 يونيو)، ثم تفضل ممثلو المؤسسات الرسمية والدينية بإلقاء تحياتهم الرسمية على الحاضرين. كما تم جمع التبرعات لمشروع تشجير حديقة دورا كجزء من حملة رمضان الأخضر.
عند غروب الشمس، رفع إمام المسجد أذان الصلاة في الحاضرين، ثم دعا الجميع إلى مأدبة إفطار ضخمة أقامها مسلمو المدينة على شرف جميع المواطنين.
وقد كانت السمة المميزة لهذا العام أن جميع الأواني المستخدمة لتناول طعام الإفطار من النوع القابل للتدوير. كما تم جمع النفايات بطريقة صديقة للبيئة، وذلك لرفع الوعي بالأهمية التي يجب أن يلعبها الاهتمام بالبيئة في حياتنا اليومية.
Finally here is the video-reportage of the huge Festival in via Chivasso of last June 2nd during the @Moschea Aperta and Iftar in Via 2019. Event in which, in its third edition, saw the participation of about 4 thousand Turiners of every faith, color and origin, united by the common commitment to a city founded on mutual knowledge and sharing. In the open mosque different stands were set up to present the various aspects concerning faith, spirituality, art and the Islamic community of Turin. At the same time, two debates took place on the street: the first on Italian Islam and Republican values and the second on Spirituality and environment. The national anthem sung by the children's choir of the mosque, on the occasion of the Republic Day on June 2, opened the institutional greetings and fundraising for the planting project at the Dora Park as part of the Green Ramadan campaign. At sunset, the call to prayer recited by the imam of the mosque started the huge Iftar dinner offered by the Muslim community to all citizens. This year's special feature is that all the dishes used for dinner were biodegradable and the waste was collected in a differentiated manner, all to raise awareness of the importance that the ecological theme must play in our daily lives.
25 verde, TURIN
Echo-Logis, c’est la série-documentaire qui part aux quatre coins de la planète à la découverte d’écho-habitats hors du commun . 26 minutes consacrées à un lieu, à la rencontre d’hommes et de femmes qui mettent en oeuvre des solutions durables et responsables pour construire demain. Retrouvez tous nos écho-habitats sur echologis.com