Gul Baba’s Tomb: Ottoman Father of Roses honoured in Hungary
There are more than a thousand kilometres between Hungary and Istanbul, but their shared history, a story of clashing faiths and pitched battles, is like enemies becoming friends. Today, a few embody that better than a man who lived nearly 500 years ago. Sarah Balter has more.
#GulBabaBudepest #HungaryMonuments #OttomanSufis
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Istambul, Blue Mosque
Brief visit to the Blue Mosque in Budapest
Mosque Tour
2nd December 2016
Masjid Sultan Badlishah
Budapest - II. district - Tomb of Gül Baba 4K
Gül Baba's tomb (türbe) is located on Mecset (mosque) Street, Budapest, a short but steep walk from the Margaret Bridge in the district of Rózsadomb.
The tomb was built by Mehmed Paşa, beylerbeyi of Buda, between 1543 and 1548 in an octagonal shape and has a shallow dome covered with lead plates and wooden tiles. It was left undamaged when the Habsburg armies captured the area during the Second Battle of Buda in 1686, but was converted into a Roman Catholic chapel by the Jesuits, who renamed it St Joseph's Chapel.
Plan for tomb of Gül Baba precinct, by Dr. Basil Al Bayati
The tomb, in 1916, represented the farthest influence of Bektashism in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The only other turbe that remained in the former Ottoman lands north of the river Sava was the turbe of Mustafa Gaibi in Slavonia, transferred in 1954 to Bosnia. In 1987, in the precinct of Gül Baba's tomb building, the Hungarian and Turkish government was going to finance a building of an Islamic Centre and Mosque complete with a library and museum, but after the political changes in 1989 nothing was built. among the plans there were buildings designed by Dr. Basil Al Bayati which would follow traditional Ottoman style.
Dr. Bayati’s design presents a large complex which successfully combines the styles of Ottoman architecture (as it was practised in Eastern Europe) and Hungarian architecture in the style of Lechner. The platform on which this complex is envisaged is already standing. The new buildings flank the turbe to the right and left. The building to the left, or more precisely to the south of the turbe, is a mosque. This is covered by three domes, all resting on drums of various heights, that in the centre being taller than the lateral ones. Due to the cold climate of the country the mosque is entirely covered and is rectangular in shape. Since colour is very much in evidence both on the exterior and interior of the building, it is envisaged that the mihrab will be coated with Zsolnay tiles and framed by a rectangular border containing Quranic inscription.”
Gül Baba türbéje egy 16. században épült török sírkápolna a budapesti Rózsadombon, a Margit híd budai hídfője közelében. Korábban a főváros Budapesti Történeti Múzeumához tartozott.
2016-tól az épületet környezetével együtt teljesen felújították, és 2018-ban az ingatlanegyüttes a Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium vagyonkezelésébe került. A Gül Baba Kulturális Központ és Kiállítóhelyet a Gül Baba Türbéje Örökségvédő Alapítvány működteti.
Gül Baba, a Rózsák atyja, bektási dervis, azaz harcos muszlim szerzetes volt, aki 1541-ben a megszálló török sereggel érkezett Budára.[1] A legenda szerint a város elfoglalásának ünnepén, a dzsámivá átalakított Nagyboldogasszony templomban tartott hálaadó istentiszteleten halt meg 1541. szeptember 2-án. Tiszteletére díszes temetést rendeztek, amelyen maga I. Szulejmán szultán is részt vett, sőt a legenda szerint beállt a koporsóvivők közé is. A Gül Baba sírja fölé emelt türbét 1543 és 1548 között építtette Mehmed Jahjapasazáde, a 3. budai pasa. A hely azóta is az iszlám vallásúak zarándokhelye, turisták rendszeres úticélja.
Music: Kevin MacLeod - Eastminster
A Kevin MacLeod Eastminster című művének használata e a következő licenc alapján engedélyezett: Creative Commons
Eger Ezer Éve - One Thousand Years of Eger
The name Eger derives from the Hungarian word égerfa (alder tree). In German, the town is known as Erlau, in Latin as Agria
St. Stephen (997--1038), the first Christian king of Hungary, founded the episcopal see in Eger. The first cathedral of Eger was built on Castle Hill, within the present site of Eger Castle. Eger grew up around its former cathedral and has remained an important religious center in Hungary since its foundation. The 14th-16th centuries were an age of prosperity for Eger. Winegrowing, for which the town is still famous, began to be important at that time. The bishops of Eger built beautiful buildings in the city during the reign of King Matthias (1458-1490) when Hungary began to be imbued with Renaissance culture.
During the Turkish occupation of Central Hungary, Eger became an important border fortress, successfully defended by Hungarian forces in the 1552 Siege of Eger, in the face of overwhelming odds. The castle's defenders under the command of Captain István Dobó are said to have numbered fewer than 2,000, including women and children, but successfully held off a Turkish army of 80,000 soldiers. Most Hungarians know the version of this story found in the novel Eclipse of the Crescent Moon (Hungarian Egri csillagok, lit. Stars of Eger) by the 19th century Hungarian author Gárdonyi Géza, which is set reading under the Hungarian national curriculum.
However, Eger was attacked in 1596 by a bigger army of Turks, who took over the castle after a short siege. Then followed 91 years of Ottoman rule in which Eger was the seat of a Turkish vilayet (administrative division). Churches were converted into mosques, the castle rebuilt, and other structures erected, including public baths and minarets.
The rule of the Turks in Central Hungary began to collapse after a failed Ottoman attempt to capture Vienna. The Vienna-based Habsburgs, who controlled the rest of Hungary, apart from Transylvania, steadily expelled the Turks out of the country. The castle of Eger was starved into surrender by the Christian army led by Charles of Lorraine in 1687, after the castle of Buda had been retaken in 1686.
Eger Castle soon began to prosper again. The city was reclaimed by its bishops, which caused many local Protestants to leave. Although the city supported the Hungarian leader Prince Francis II Rákóczi in the 1703-1711 war of independence against the Habsburgs, the Hungarians were eventually defeated by the Imperial army. Soon after that, the city was ravaged by plague. However, immigration into Eger was strong, and the population rose from 6000 to 10,000 between 1725 and 1750. Many new buildings were built in Baroque and later in Zopf style, including the Episcopal Palace, the county hall, the Lyceum (now housing the Eszterházy College of Education) and several churches, while others were reclaimed from being mosques.
Eger became the seat of an archbishopric in 1804, and the church remained in firm control of the city, despite efforts by its citizens to obtain greater freedom. In 1827, much of the city center was damaged by fire again, and four years later over 200 were killed in an epidemic.
Economic recovery was slow after World War I, although the 1899 publication of Gárdonyi's Eclipse of the Crescent Moon made Eger popular as a tourist attraction and archaeological excavation of the castle began.
Eger today is a prosperous city and popular tourist destination with a charming Baroque town center.
/source: Wikipedia/
PECS City Autumn Hungary - Pečuj Mađarska
Pečuj Mađarska jesen
Pecs Hungary (Travel Guide) - Things to Do in Pécs
The 2000-year-old city of Pecs, located in the south of Hungary, is a city of museums, art, galleries, architecture and history. Pécs is also a famous university town with many students. With a number of interesting sites such as museums, monuments, Turkish and Roman ruins, Pécs is one of the most pleasant and interesting cities to visit in Hungary. Here’s what you can see and do there!
1. Széchenyi square
2. The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, formerly known as the Mosque of Pasha Qasim
3. The statue of Holy Trinity and János Hunyadi
4. Király Street
5. The Hungarian Art Nouveau-style Palatinus Hotel
6. The National Theatre of Pécs
7. The Barbican Barbican
8. Pécs Cathedral
9. The Bishop's Palace
10. Sopianae Early Christian Mausoleum, along with its Early Christian Mausoleum
11. The Synagogue of Pecs
12. The Bath of Pasha Memi
13. The Zsolnay Cultural Quarter
The town of Pécs offers so much, so it’s an ideal place for a city break.
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Beszélgetés Dr. Erdal Şalıkoğluval török-magyar műfordítóval Isztambulban
A magyar kultúra megismertetője Törökországban. Orvos, zenész és műfordító. A munkásságáról, elsősorban a zenéről és a magyar irodalom török nyelven történő megismertetéséről beszélt Sert Zsuzsannával, aki a KCSP keretében dolgozik Isztambulban.
Discover the undiscovered - Visegrad Hostels | Esztergom
Central Europe - where to go far from the main destinations?
#Esztergom - Discover the #undiscovered
In the shadow of the magnificent basilica there is one of the most pleasant and peaceful cities in Central Europe. Here, the Art Nouveau houses mix with enormous historical buildings, pilgrim tours with artistic bohemia, gentle hills with the picturesque Danube valley.
Welcome to Esztergom - the slow-life center of Central Europe.
Central Europe is not only the main metropolises. As Milan Kundera used to describe it, maximum diversity in minimum space. We want to prove its richness, taking you to interesting places away from popular tourist routes.
Film wyprodukowany przez Fundację Volens dzięki wsparciu finansowemu Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego.
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Ian Transue - The Backpacker
Radek Biel - DOP/ Editor
Jakub Połomski - Timelaspe Artist/ Drone Aerial
Adam Miklasz - screenplay
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Múzeumpedagógia a Jakováli Haszan-dzsámiban II.
A Forster Központ TÁMOP programja a Jakováli Haszan-dzsámiban, Pécs 2012-13. II. rész
Pécs, Hungary (short version)
This video made about Pécs in Hungary. In this video there are Turkish Mosque in the Széchenyi Square, Cathedral of Pécs, etc...
szóval...ez a videó Pécsről szól, mely képekből lett összevágva. Többek között a videoban látható a széchenyi téri Dzsámi, a Székesegyház, a Kossuth tér és a Barbakán. A teljes verziót itt találod:
Vlog Hari jumat Di Budapest ( ke masjid ~ centrum ~ rumah )
Hari jumat penuh berkah , berangkat ke masjid mampir ke centrum sambil menikmati makanan khas hungaria , terus pulang.. Budapest hungaria
cover music : noah & Sheila on 7
Road to Istanbul : Capitulo 4 HUNGRIA
Es el intento de cinco personas ( Viviana, Alberto, Nacho, Aurora y Greta ) por completar la ruta Praga - Estambul (en Julio-Agosto 2011) pasando por República Checa, Austria, Hungría, Serbia, Macedonia, Grecia, Bulgaria y Turquía.
LA IDEA ERA HACERLO TODO EN AUTOSTOP Y ALOJANDONOS EN CASAS DE GENTE DE COUCHSURFING pero ya iréis viendo como a veces las cosas no salen como uno quiere.
Nacho, Alberto y Viviana se encuentran en Budapest con Greta y Aurora, alli continuan hacia el sur de Hungria y luego a Serbia
Buda Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Buda in Hungary.
Extending for nearly one and a half kilometres, the historic centre of Budapest and its impressive Royal Palace tower proudly over the banks of the Danube.Budapest’s castle district has developed into the Hungarian capital’s main attraction, most notably, Fishermen‘s Bastion that was built between 1890 and 1905. The greater part of the Gothic, Matthias Cathedral, dates back to the 19th century but of the 16th century buildings, only their foundations remain. Following its original construction in the 14th century, Matthias Cathedral became the setting of several royal coronations. Due to numerous military conflicts, the entire Gothic area of the city was destroyed. The buildings and facades that can be seen today belong mainly to the Hungarian Baroque era. Deep underground, a several kilometre long maze cuts through the city’s hill. The basements of many buildings are connected to this tunnel system, therefore allowing visitors easy access to a seemingly never-ending system of fascinating passages. The Turkish conquerors used these subterranean passages and caves, that were created among thermal springs and waterways, and extended them for military use. During the hours of evening, Buda’s streets and archways radiate a magnificent light that is a wonderful contrast to the wonderful ambience of this city during the day.
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Ferdinand's Hungarian campaign of 1527-28 Against The Ottoman Empire
The Hungarian campaign of 1527--1528 was launched by Ferdinand I, Archduke of Austria and King of Hungary and Bohemia against the Ottoman Turks. Following the Battle of Mohács, the Ottomans were forced to withdraw as events elsewhere in their now massive Empire required the Sultan's attention. Seizing upon their absence, Ferdinand I attempted to enforce his claim as King of Hungary. In 1527 he drove back the Ottoman vassal John Zápolya and captured Buda, Győr, Komárno, Esztergom, and Székesfehérvár by 1528. Meanwhile, the Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, took no action at this stage despite the pleas of his vassal.
For the Austrians, the victory here would be a very disappointing one. On 10 May 1529, Suleiman the Magnificent launched his own counter-attack negating all of Ferdinand's gains. Of greater disappointment was the fact that many of the recently captured forts surrendered without resistance, greatly speeding up the advance. As a result, Suleiman was able to reach and besiege Vienna.
Video Forster Kozpont Jakovali Haszán dzsami Pecs
A Forster Központ Jakováli Haszan-dzsámiban folyó múzeumpedagógiai programja, Pécs 2012-2013.
Two Turkish Song (Ancient Turkish Music)
Két Török Virágének / Two Turkish Love Songs (1688)
Compiled By – Giovanni Battista Donado
Design – Judit Varga*
Directed By – András L. Kecskés*
Engineer [Balance] – Endre Radányi
Ensemble – Bakfark Bálint Lute Trio, Kecskés Ensemble
Liner Notes – András L. Kecskés*
Ney – René Clemencic
Producer [Recording Producer] – Jenő Simon
Santoor – Esmail Vasseghi
Score Editor – János Malina
Ancient Turkish Music in Europe (16-18th Centuries)
Recorded May 1982 in the mosque named after Suleiman the Great in the Zrínyi Miklós Museum at Szigetvár
Cubicfun 3D, Hungarian Parliament Building
Sultan Suleiman (Turki) Suka Main Cewe?? - 9 Fakta tentang Sultan Suleiman #SMARTCHATS
Hello semua,
kali ini aku berbagi cerita tentang Sultan Suleiman.
Semoga suka :)
#sultansuleiman #sultanturki #sejarahturki