Skorkaervej 8, Ulfborg, Holstebro 6990, Denmark
Peace Conference is a 3 day event, which took place from 29th of April till 1st of May in Tvind campus, nearby a town called Ulfborg, Denmark. Around 50 volunteers from various countries in Europe gathered to make it happen.
Welcome to Peace Conference 2016!
ONE day with workshops and networking
ONE day with speeches and exhibitions
ONE day joining May 1st demonstrations, marching for peace, and solidarity with refugees,
Understanding PEACE, and how to achieve it, is essential for the improvement of the whole world. Tvind International School Centre had the pleasure to organize the SECOND Peace Conference, with the help of many Development Instructors from different schools (CICD, Lindersvolt, etc.) and many other volunteers.
Official website:
newspaper from the Peace Conference:
Peace Conference is a 3 day event, which took place from 29th of April till 1st of May in Tvind campus, nearby a town called Ulfborg, Denmark. Around 50 volunteers from various countries in Europe gathered to make it happen.
Welcome to Peace Conference 2016!
ONE day with workshops and networking
ONE day with speeches and exhibitions
ONE day joining May 1st demonstrations, marching for peace, and solidarity with refugees,
Understanding PEACE, and how to achieve it, is essential for the improvement of the whole world. Tvind International School Centre had the pleasure to organize the SECOND Peace Conference, with the help of many Development Instructors from different schools (CICD, Lindersvolt, etc.) and many other volunteers.
Official website:
newspaper from the Peace Conference:
Møllen i Tvind
Sang til møllens 40 års jubilæum
Is a sport event where youngsters from Denmark and Europe gather together for 2 days of sport. Participating over 600 people in over 60 disciplines and working together as a team to be the best, even though we are all winners!
As future teachers and development instructors and good-doers we are working together to make a positive impact on youth and the future through education.
OL på Tvind september 2017
I den første weekend i september hvert år mødes omkring 700 børn, unge og voksne på Tvind Internationale Skolecenter i Ulfborg til ”OL på Tvind”.
Det er en meget afholdt tradition med over 60 sportdiscipliner, gode oplevelser og fuld fart over feltet i to dage.
”Ol på Tvind” er et konkret eksempel på det kulturelle og pædagogiske samarbejde som udøves af det uformelle netværk som i folkemunde kaldes ”Tvind”.
Mere om ”Tvind” her:
I filmen fortæller pædagoger og lærere om deres oplevelser af dette unikke sportsstævne.
We are in DNS.. and where are you?
Short movies about the daily life at DNS (The Necessary Teacher Training College). Part 1
Video by: Mercédesz Fehér & Marcel Müller
Tvind wins the European Solar Price 2008 (In German)
The Tvind Windmill celebrates 40 years the 29th of Maj 2015. In 2008 Tvindkraft got the European Solar Price.
Sommer på Tvind
1:40 min. Sommer på Tvind med masser af farver, liv og teater! - Oh, what a lovely war!
A Normal Day in Your New Life
This movie will introduce you to daily life at the teacher traing college DNS in Denmark. It was produced in order to welcome the new team DNS 2008. Hopefully you'll enjoy its humour and content. Watch out for the highly developed acting by the team DNS2005.
David Rovics - The Biggest Windmill - Berlin Soundstrike Aug. 2011
The Biggest Windmill
It was in the 1970′s, the fuel crisis had begun
The choices were presented to us as if we had none
Leaders of industry said they could solve the problem
By mastering the power of the radioactive atom
Some folks in western Jutland got a notion in their heads
They thought there might be something they could offer up instead
A few hundred people gathered in a little place called Tvind
And declared their will to harness the power of the wind
They said we're gonna build the biggest windmill in the world
We're gonna build the biggest windmill in the world
There were many who said their science wasn't sound
That such a mighty windmill would simply topple to the ground
Some of them were scientists, the vast majority were not
But they knew with years of effort you could do a lot
Word about the project spread far and wide
A hundred thousand visitors came to help and to advise
Until one day these windmill builders drove in with a crane
And lifted up their giant wings with a mighty chain
When Tvindkraft was completed it reached up to the sky
Its wings churned in the air at 54 meters high
The critics all fell silent, no one now was jeering
As even industry agreed this was some damn fine engineering
The wind regaled Jutland from the north Atlantic sea
As it was seamlessly converted into electricity
It was power for the people, leukemia for none
When they declared in Denmark just south of the midnight sun
They gave away the patents, they said knowledge should be free
And their plans were copied by a new-born industry
Soon Denmark would be known as the windmill-building nation
And it all started with some hippies at the Tvindkraft power station
Debates were held in parliament about which way things should go
Build a nuclear reactor, the majority said no
It could have gone quite differently — in much of the world it did
Except for those in Ulfborg who said we're getting off the grid
David Rovics Live - Dienstag 30. August 2011
Berlin Soundstrike Konzert Gegen Rassismus und Kriege
anlässlich des Antikriegstages am 1. September
Veranstaltungsort: Brauhaus Südstern - Hasenheide 69 Berlin Kreuzberg
Webseite David Rovics
Soundstrike Berlin ist eine Initiative von internationalen Künstlern in Berlin gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Rassimus, für Frieden und mehr Bürgerrechte. David Rovics ist Unterstützer dieses Netzwerks.
Students from DNS International Teacher Training College are making interviews about life in DNS and Tvind International School Centre. Prepare, because there will come at least 19 more of these videos!