光のページェント「TWINKLE JOYO」 2019
光のページェント「TWINKLE JOYO」は2002(平成14)年にスタート。文化パルク城陽をはじめ、市内のコミュニティセンターや商店街にも装飾の輪が広がり、回を重ねるごとに発展してきた。電球約70万球で、団体や企業、グループから募った個性あふれるデザインをボランティアの協力のもとで装飾する。期間中はイメージキャラクター「イルミン」の登場や地元特産品等の販売など、さまざまなイベントも行われる。
【VLOG】#021:京都で有名なイルミネーション「TWINKLE JOYO 2018」 (JOYO illumination/Kyoto)
#イルミネーション #京都 #城陽市
GoPro HERO6 Black
GoPro Karma Grip
Joyo Twinkle Kyoto Japan HD 京都
【VLOG】#051:京都で有名なイルミネーション「TWINKLE JOYO 2019」 (JOYO illumination/Kyoto)
#イルミネーション #京都 #ロゴスランド
GoPro HERO7 Black
GoPro Karma Grip
Twinkle JOYO 2017
城陽イルミネーション Twinkle JOYO 2017
【Kyoto】光のページェントTWINKLE JOYO Christmas Illumination (2012)
Camera:CANON iVIS HF M43
城陽市 Joyo City
[4K] TWINKLE JOYO 2017 @ Kyoto
城陽イルミネーション 2017
Camera Nikon D850 4K UHD 24P Flat
Lends AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8E ED VR
Soft & Grading Adobe Premiere Pro CC
光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2019(6/6)
前年度より更に内容がパワーアップ! 正直、これにはビックリ。丘の上のほうには未だ多くの空きスペースが残されており、来年以降、ここにも手を拡げるのであろうか?
Plum Blossom Viewing in Joyo, Kyoto, Japan, March 2011!
Plum blossom's are the first sign of spring! Although still quite cold, the blossoms give hope, that winter is almost over and spring is on the horizon. The famous sakura blossoms arrive about 1 month later though. Joyo is famous for its plum trees and its Umeboshi (Pickled Plum), you can find them in all Obentos (Japanese lunch box).
TWINKLE JOYO 2011(京都府城陽市)
光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2019(4/6)
前年度より更に内容がパワーアップ! 正直、これにはビックリ。丘の上のほうには未だ多くの空きスペースが残されており、来年以降、ここにも手を拡げるのであろうか?
Japanese colours
Check out this video which will teach you about colours in Japanese. This was made by Stan Fairbank. Check out his cool sight.
光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2019(3/6)
前年度より更に内容がパワーアップ! 正直、これにはビックリ。丘の上のほうには未だ多くの空きスペースが残されており、来年以降、ここにも手を拡げるのであろうか?
179. 城陽市『 光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2015 』 2015.12.21 (2016.2.5 リメイク♪)
城陽市 『 光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2015 』
BGMは「 フリー音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERY」様よりお借りしました♪
著作権の関係でBGMが引っかかっていましたので 曲を変えました
2016.10.20 また曲が引っかかっていましたので、今度はYouTube内の
曲に変更しました 『Seeger』 アンビエイトの3.57
319. 城陽市『 光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2016 』 2016.12.2
去年 行ったときに 雨が降った後で道がぬかるんでいて
頭から背中 スカート ブーツまで泥んこになってしまい
恥かしくって 恥かしくって テンション ガタ落ち(T_T)
ゆ~っくり すみずみ見てくることが出来ました(^^)v
HP ” ”
曲名は「Good night」
光のページェント TWINKLE JOYO 2019(5/6)
前年度より更に内容がパワーアップ! 正直、これにはビックリ。丘の上のほうには未だ多くの空きスペースが残されており、来年以降、ここにも手を拡げるのであろうか?
Travel Japan || Rohm Illumination (Kyoto) || Fabulous Tree Lighting by Rohm
Travel Japan || Rohm Illumination (Kyoto) || Fabulous Tree Lighting by Rohm
Rohm Illumination is the biggest tree lighting event in Kyoto City. It is held in the area around the Rohm headquarters. Rohm is a large company designing and manufacturing electronic components. The admission is free because the purpose of this event is to make a contribution to the society. It is amazing, isn’t it?
At the entrance, two round trees welcome visitors. They are Myrica rubra (Japanese: yamamomo) trees, and the meaning of the flower is “to love someone with your whole heart.” It is romantic for couples. The colors of the lights change slowly so you can see two colorful Christmas trees.
The main street is called Sai Street (or Kasuga Street). The trees along the street are decorated with lots of orange light bulbs. The decoration is simple and the trees look very beautiful. Simple is best. I love this decoration, so I go to see it almost every winter. Some lights are turned on and off randomly, which makes the trees look like glittering gems!
There is Nagura Park in front of the Rohm headquarters. The trees in the park are also decorated with many light bulbs. Thanks to them, the park is lighted and you can see other people. When I went there, I felt the ground was soft as it was covered with fallen leaves. This is a great place for children to play. It must be exciting to run and climb in the night park.
Performer SYO! 大道芸 JAPAN Style Street Performance
movie Q&A , DANCE EVENT report , etc:
Twinkle Joyo 2011-Christmas Illumination!
In our hometown of Jyoyo, there is a December tradition of lighting up the local sports park with 550,000 light bulbs of all colors and in all shapes. Starting from the first of December till Christmas day -- 5:30 in the evening to 9:30 at night -- numerous groups have made their mark with lights, building Christmas trees and draping real ones.
This year was the 10th Anniversary of Twinkle Jyoyo, and as usual, it was an elaborate production; visitors start their journey through a tunnel of brilliant lights, coming out into the familiar hills and steps of the sports park in dark, illuminated only by the lights coming from around. Though the air was freezing and the footing was dubious, the view was breathtaking, especially seen from a distance. The beauty of the lights reflected on the lake at the center and dotting the rolling hills beside was definitely unable to capture completely with a camera.
Some of the decorations were made by high schools, some by local hobby clubs. Other than the illuminations, there was a corner for kids, and below, a typical Japanese festival market where you could by so many delicious foods and trinkets -- takoyaki, yakisoba, and more. On certain days there are shows and dance groups performing, so be sure to pick up a pamphlet if you ever drop by.