Segway ride in Umag, Croatia
Der Camping Park Umag**** - Ein sportlicher Rundgang
Der Camping Park Umag liegt im Norden Istriens am Ortseingang des Dorfes Umag. Die weitläufige Camping-Anlage ist nicht zuletzt augrund ihrer vielen Spiel- und Sportmöglichkeiten bei Urlaubern sehr beliebt.
Schorcheln, Tretbootfahren, Tennis, Aquafitness, Zumba, Segway... hier kommt keine Langeweile auf! Nadine testet ein paar der vielen Sportangebote und kommt schon ein bisschen ins Schwitzen! ;-)
Weitere Infos zu Freizeitaktivitäten, Ausflügen und Premium Campingplätzen in Kroatien findet ihr hier:
Dnevnik - Ho ho ho run Umag
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Segway around Dubrovnik
Riding a Segway around Dubrovnik
CampingIN Park Umag -
- Kamp Park Umag oz. bivši kamp Ladin gaj, leži tik ob morju med Umagom in Lovrečico, približno 9 km južneje od Umaga. Je eden največjih hrvaških kampov, saj lahko sprejme do 5000 gostov. Kamp je bil leta 2005 popolnoma prenovljen. Tako so do parcel napeljali vodo in elektriko, do nekaterih pa tudi TV priključke in telefon.
Zaradi urejenosti in pestre ponudbe je kamp Park Umag s strani nemškega avtokluba ADAC tudi za leto 2010 in 2013 prejel plaketo SuperPlatz oz. BestCamping . Kamp je za leto 2009 prejel tudi nagrado Hrvaške turistične organizacije kot najboljši kamp v kategoriji veliki kampi.
V kampu imajo tudi urejeno naselje mobilni hišic, ki so popolnoma opremljene z lastno kopalnico, kuhinjo in teraso. Prav tako lahko tudi najamete počitniške prikolice.
V sezoni 2012 so postavili tudi 22 Premium hišic, ki imajo tudi 3 manjše privatne bazene, postavili so moderen sanitarni objekt.
Kamp je obrasel z nizkim rastlinjem in je idealen za družine in pavšalne kampiste. Kamnita plaža je dolga okrog 600 m in ima urejene betonske površine za sončenje. V zalivu je urejen tudi dostop do morja za invalide. Parcele od plaže loči širši travnati pas, kjer je možno sončenje ali pa igranje različnih iger. V kampu je tudi manjša marina, potapljaški center ter športni center, ki organizira številne vodne športe.
V kampu delujejo trgovina, prodajalna zelenjave, ribarnica, bari, restavracije ter seveda luksuzni bazeni z gusarsko ladjo, kjer se bodo najmlajši lahko prelevili v pirate. Ob recepciji deluje tudi internet Cafe, na območju parcel Lavanda pa so kot novost v sezoni 2011 uredili brezplačni brezžični internet. Na drugih parcelah je internet plačljiv.
Rovinj, Croatia
Rovinj is a city in Croatia situated on the north Adriatic Sea with a population of 14,294 (as of 2011). Located on the western coast of the Istrian peninsula, it is a popular tourist resort and an active fishing port. Istriot, a Romance language once widely spoken in this part of Istria, is still spoken by some of the residents.
Filmed during our holiday in Croatia, may 2013. Edited with Corel Videostudio X6 and Virtualdub
Rovinj Croatia 2017, turism video
Rovinj is located in Istria in Croatia.
See beaches in Rovinj and other tourist attractions and landmarks.
What to visit in Rovinj
A walking tour of Old Town Split
Walking through Old Town Split really gives you an idea of how close things were back then. My cousin who is a professor at the university in Umag, Istria says that they built it like this so they could be close to each other and to everything. I could definitely get a sense of being confined in these narrow halls. To think of how old it is there is amazing. Structures that are nearly one thousand years old. like wow!
Celebration in city park of Zagreb / Croatia 2014
A few scenes from the celebration of the day from my hometown Zagreb / Croatia on 31 May 2014 in the city park.
Huge Motorcycle Meetup!
The event was in support of Cancer Awareness and brought bikers from across state lines. It was an awesome day, but I ended up getting lost. Helped a biker along the way too!
Campsite Lanterna, Tar-Torre
Camping Lanterna lies on Lanterna peninsula, in the close vicinity of the small city of Tar, near the towns of Novigrad and Poreč. It's the ideal place for families and activity seekers.
Due to its high quality in services and facilities, this campsite is a proud holder of many awards,
All mobile homes are set in beautiful parkland and feature terrace for enjoying the outdoor life in shaded comfort.
For adrenalin junkies who love motor sports, MOTODROM Porec certainly provides the most exciting and safe entertainment. Our karting track is one of the best in Croatia, length 600m, width 7m, where everyone can find the kart to suit their needs in which you can try out your driving skills. The options are: single kart with a 9 or 13 hp, two-seater, special kart for 3 people and Bambini karts for children from 5-12 years old, to be used on a separate kids track.
For those who are looking for an extra kick when wheeling, we have various OFF-ROAD tracks for KART CROSS, SEGWAY and QUAD driving. Our program also includes a guided quad bike tour through the forest to the sea. Groups who prefer competitive head-to-man forces can try their skills at PAINTBALL.
Your MOTODROM team
Istrakarting d.o.o.
tel: +385 52 456 100 / +385 99 880 4908
Bašarinka 5
52440 Poreč
Video by BDM Club
Camera, editing, post-production, sound: Andreas Bucovaz, Giuseppe Catalanotto, Simone Bellomo
Music: CyberSex by Daniel Cunjac.
Skandi Bike Team: Istria Granfondo 2014
Istria Garnfondo: 144km, 2350m elevation
Music: András Mócz - Treesky
Camera: Drift Ghost, CamOne infinity
Croatia 2015
Na konci školního roku jsem byl na dovolené v Chorvatsku se svojí přítelkyní a rodinou.
Dovolenou jsem si moc užil a děkuji mojí skvělé přítelkyni Rádě za skvělé zážitky :)
Miluji tě a těším se na další společné zážitky :*
Doufám že se bude video líbit ! :)
Der Holgi - Flyboard - Water Jet Pack - Cool - Top - Kroatien 2015 - Porec
Erste Versuche bei MZ Prestige in Porec
Z1 TV, Vijesti, 23. veljače 2015. Radi se punom parom na izgradnji novog terminala
Jeunes restaurateurs d'Europe
One of the most prestigious restaurant associations in the world, Jeunes restaurateurs d'Europe, welcomed new restaurants into their ranks - one of which is renowned Zagreb restaurant Dubravkin put.
kroatie 2013 segway niels
Zagreb Advent
Made with dji osmo mobile.
Zagreb ~ Highly concentred sexy creatures
Group dance - zagreb July 2012