The best view of Salzburg Austria - Untersberg mountain cable car
Untersberg mountain is the highest peak near Salzburg, you can take a cable car ride to the top for a stunning views across the Salzach Valley to Salzburg into Berchtesgaden. This is certainly a must-do in Salzburg, Austria.
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Riding the cable car up to Untersberg outside Salzburg, Austria
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Maximizing Your Salzburg Card with the Untersberg Cable Car
After seeing a brochure for the Untersberg cable car in my Salzburg hotel lobby, I buy a Salzburg Card and take the next bus to Untersbergbahn GmbH. The stunning panoramic views 1,853 meters above Austria and Germany are fantastic and totally worth seeing.
Jess's Johns Hopkins Children's Center fundraiser:
Vlog: 090
Date: 2018-10-06
Shine by Declan DP
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Hiking on The Untersberg Mountain - near Salzburg, Austria
The Untersberg is a massif of the Berchtesgaden Alps that straddles the border between Berchtesgaden, Germany and Salzburg, Austria. It is about 16km south of Salzburg.
The area was used in the closing scene of the 70s film The Sound Of Music, where the family escapes across the mountains.
We decided to take a hike up to the summit after arriving near the top by way of the tram that takes you from the village of St. Leonhard. Still a pretty strenous hike for about the last mile or so, mostly climbing upward, higher and higher, but so worth it for the spectacular views that await you up there. Since it straddles both Austria and Germany you can get views of both countries. At the very top there is a large wooden cross with the inscription Im Kreuz Is Heil, which loosely translates as The cross is salvation.
I want to give special thanks to TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music - Royalty Free Soundscape Music #13 (Crystal Caves in the Mountain) Downtempo_Chill_Piano for allowing unrestricted use of their song, which you hear near the beginning as we take the tram up to the top. They are also @
Untersbergbahn winter view
Camcorder footage travellng large gondola lift to mountain Untersberg in Austria.
Beautiful view from top of the montain 1800meter.
Hiking with stunning views from Untersberg near Salzburg, Austria
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Up the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria
The Untersberg rises at the rim of the Northern Limestone Alps, a mountain range clearly visible from many places within Salzburg and for which its castle offers wonderful panoramas. Around two thirds of the range are in Germany whilst the northernmost third is in Austria. Neighbouring peaks are the Hoher Göll in the southeast and Mt. Watzmann to the south. The mountain lends its name to an 1829 opera, Der Untersberg, by Johann Nepomuk von Poißl (1783–1865).
To get up the Untersberg one takes the cable car and that is easily accesible from Salzburg. There is a regular bus service running either two, three or four times per hour (depending on the time of day) from Salzburg, the number 25 to Grödig. The Salzburg Visitors Card includes the cable car up the mountain and if anyone is thinking of doing this then the card will almost pay for itself. Indeed as the bus route also takes in the palace of Hellbrunn with its trick fountains and Salzburg Zoo - all three locations could be fitted into a great day out - although this will not leave much time to spare!
The cable car route was opened in April 1961 and took two years to build., The route is particularly exciting as at times it is as though the car is about to hit the sheer cliff face only to be pulled up and over the rocks. St. Leonhard lies at 456 m the Geiereck spur is at an altitude of 1,776 m and one covers 2.5km as the crow flies - or rather in this case, as the Alpine chough flies!
At the top there are walking trails although the area is covered in snow for much of the year. Good, waterproof footwear is a must and gloves and hat will be needed. A tough plastic bag will come in handy for sliding down some of the trails when covered in ice!
The Untersberg massif is mainly made up of limestone and includes numerous caves - and there are still those that have not been explored! The Schellenberg ice cave at 1,570 m has been a tourist attraction since 1925. The Riesending cave is the largest cave in Germany.
An interesting feature is the marble mine and this place gives its name to the English word 'marbles' from the round balls of the same name that were once exported from here to London and from then onto other parts of the British Empire. The last marbles went from Untersberg to London in 1921.
The Untersberg is one of two locations where the twelfth century monarch Emperor Frederick Barbarossa is said to sleep (the other being in Thuringia). Apparently when he leaves the mountain, there will be no further Holy Roman Empire and the last great battle of humankind will be fought on the Walserfeld, a pasture at Wals, west of Salzburg. The Holy Roman Emprie effectively ended in 1803 so he missed the date.
AUSTRIA - Salzburg, Untersbergbahn
#latikasworld #salzburgaustria #untersberg
From the small village of Fürstenbrunn in the dark woods on the foot of the legendary Untersberg mountain, the ski montaineering route takes us 1400 vertical meters up to the Salzburger Hochthron Peak (1853 m) in winter, on Feb. 24, 2019.
Salzburger Hochthron Untersberg
Das Salzburger Land ist reich -- an Seen, an naturbelassenen Landschaften und an Bergen. Besonders imponierend ist der Untersberg, der sich vor allem im Sommer für Erkundungstouren anbietet. Wer es in seinem Wanderurlaub im Salzburger Land gemütlich angehen will, lässt sich von der Untersberg-Seilbahn in luftige Höhen emportragen und wandert dann weiter auf den Salzburger Hochthron. Ein schöner Nachmittagsausflug mit herrlichen Rundumblick.
Untersberg, Salzburg, Austria
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Position on google maps:
Untersberg Cablecar near Salzburg Austria
Untersberg cable car runs from the 'St Leonhard' station in the town of Gartenau to the station at the Geiereck peak.
Unser Untersberg
Imagevideo: Mit der Untersbergbahn zu allen Jahreszeiten Bergfeeling vor den Toren der Stadt Salzburg genießen.
Salzburg (Gartenau) Untersbergbahn und Berg - Salzburg Cable Car and Mountain
Salzburg (Gartenau) Cable Car and Mountain with spectacular views of the city below. Check out Google's 3D maps of this location. Very impressive.
Untersberg Avalanches / Snowslides - Salzburg - AUSTRIA
Morning sun is triggering a series of snow avalanches at the Untersberg in Salzburg Austria. Do not under estimate the danger of our beautiful mountains!
Sorry for the poor quality, I just spontaneously captured the scene with my smart phone on the way to the office.
EuropeTrek Ep8 : Salzburg Austria - Fortress Hohensalzburg - Untersberg Mountain Cable Car
We visit the impressive city of Salzburg and take the Untersberg Mountain Cable Car. To make the most of our visit we used a 72 hour Salzburg Card which gave us entry into most of the museums. The card also provided access to local buses which were plentiful and very easy to navigate.
Wanderung zum Salzburger Hochthron (Untersberg) 30.09.18 - VLOG #21
Mit der Untersbergbahn geht es zur Bergstation beim Geiereck. Von dort geht es zu Fuß weiter auf den Reitsteig zum Salzburger Hochthron (1853 m).
Auf dem Salzburger Hochthron angekommen wird man mit einem traumhaften Rundumblick belohnt. Der Blick schweift über Hochstaufen, Lattengebirge und Kaisergebirge und bleibt schließlich am Watzmannstock hängen, bei dem ich regelmäßig ins Schwärmen gerate. Von der Perspektive hier oben überragt König Watzmann deutlich die umliegenden Gipfel und zeichnet sich scharf und deutlich mit Watzmannfrau und - kindern vor dem blauen Himmel ab.
Auf demselben Weg geht es zurück zur Bergstation.
„Inspiration_folk“ by Christian Petermann
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)
„Ever after“ by ZERO-PROJECT
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)
Untersberg - Salzburger Hochthron (1853m, Berchtesgadener Alpen) - Salzburg, Österreich
Das Panorama auf dem Salzburger Hochthron
Tourbeschreibung und Bilder unter:
Untersberg aus der Vogelperspektive
Das Untersberg-Video wurde im Sommer und Winter 2016 aufgenommen, – die meisten Einstellungen mit Drohnen aus der Vogelperspektive - atemberaubende Aussicht auf das Salzburger Becken und weit ins Berchtesgadener Land – bis zum Königssee.
Der Untersberg bei Salzburg ist besonders imponierend, er bietet sich vor allem im Sommer für Erkundungstouren an. Wer es in seinem Wanderurlaub im Salzburger Land gemütlich angehen will, lässt sich von der Untersbergbahn in luftige Höhen auf 1850m emportragen. In nur15 Minuten überwindet man einen Höhenunterschied von 1.320 Metern.
Für geübte Wanderer sind die verschiedenen Routen auf den Untersberg verlockend. Vom Grödiger Ortsteil Fürstenbrunn aus führt beispielsweise der Weg über die Schiabfahrt vorbei bei der Schweigmühlalm und den Großen Eiskeller zur Mittagsscharte bzw. direkt zum Salzburger Hochthron, hier hat der Untersberg eine Höhe von 1892m. Das Geiereck oberhalb der Seilbahnstation erreicht man von Glanegg aus über den Dopplersteig oder Reitsteig über das Zeppezauerhaus (1668 m). Große Bekanntheit hat der Untersberg auch durch den Film „Sound of music“ erlangt.
The video was taken in summer and winter 2016 – mostly filmed with drones, in breathtaking view.
The Untersberg Mountain is majestic and mysterious. This Salzburg -“hometown” mountain that rises above the village of Grödig is also surrounded by numerous legends. One of these legends tells of the Emperor Karl V who lives within the 1973 meter high mountain and who rules over his dwarf mountain inhabitants – the “Untersberger Mandln”. The Untersberg mountain is also well known from the famous movie “Sound of music”, definitely legendary is the magnificent view from atop the Untersberg! Visitors can reach the summit via the marked hiking trails or by the impressive Untersberg cable car, which takes only 15 minutes to ascend 1,320 meters! Whether you experience the Untersberg from the cable car or if you strap on the hiking boots, the breathtaking panoramic view of the Salzburg basin and the Berchtesgaden region from atop this beautiful mountain is guaranteed to chase away all stress or strain.