Medieval Transylvania Tour - Romania
Filmed in Romania the Medieval Transylvania Tour video contains the following random tourist attractions: Prejmer - Viscri - Sighișoara - Biertan - Câlnic - Cârța
When shot the movie I was on the next route: Brașov - Prejmer - Viscri - Sighișoara - Biertan - Mediaș - Sibiu - Câlnic - Cârța - Făgăraș - Brașov
Music: to Azam Ali-Sackpipslat
Copyrights of music belong to me and unfortunately I could not find a more appropriate song for this video.
Filmed and Edited: Ciribasa Sorin
Travel and Explore Europe with Karen & Klaus
Join Klaus & Karen as they travel and visit sites in Holland, Austria, the Danube river, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania. Slideshow shows Amsterdam red light district, windmills, shoe factory, canal tour, country side tour. In Austria we toured Vienna, and the Schoenbrunn Palace home of the Hapsburg family. In Hungary we toured Budapest. Great city and lots of changes since our last visit in 2000. Down the Danube River we noticed it is not blue but interesting, Along the way we stopped in Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and finally ended out trip in Romania. We toured the city of Bucharest and had a chance to tour castles and towns in the mountains of Transylvania.
If you have any questions on traveling in Europe please drop us a line.
Romania Part I of II
This is part I of II of Brandon's fully edited videos of us visiting Romania in December of 2007. Originally Brandon had 6 videos here in Youtube, but they have now been combined down to only 2 videos, making it easier to view them. Don't forget to see part II when you finish this video!
Somewhere in Europe:Romania,historical monuments, landscapes of counties Arad, Caras, Hunedoara, ...
worth be seen
Romania - Danube Delta, Part 2 - (A UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site)
Tranquility in a Time-warp ... For 5,000 years a small community had lived in harmony with the Delta's extraordinary ecology, making a living on fishing, breeding livestock, and reed harvesting.The villages, crossed by the waterways, seem untouched by time. As a visitor you can explore this astonishing retreat of natural silence and calm by boat, an experience like entering the living pages of a National Geographic Magazine report.
Natural Reservations ... Eighteen protected reservations and buffer areas are scattered throughout the Delta. One can access them via narrow waterways past reed isles and forests, where pelicans and cormorants gather to fish. If you want to see the wildlife in solitude and without disturbing it, take a rowing boat into the smaller channels. A permit issued by the reservation of the Biosphere is necessary for this purpose.
Visit Romania episode
UnzipRomania Travel & Tourism Company
Visit Romania episode
High mountains, greem plains, sandy beaches, thounsands of castles, monasteries, lakes and vineyars.
UnzipRomania Travel & Tourism Company
Concert Bucharest Athenaeum Romania
Concert at Bucharest Athenaeum
Romania Tourism Romanians Romanian People
Romania - winter roads and scenery
Beautiful winter roads and scenery in Romania.
Romania takes steps to enhance preservation of her forests
In eco news, Romania takes steps to enhance preservation of her forests. The Minister of Environment and Forests of Romania His Excellency László Borbély stated the Government plans to finalize a legislative act to safeguard 250,000 hectares of untouched woodlands which are home for up to 13,000 species. A Memorandum of Understanding between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Minister of Environment and Forests is expected to be signed, ensuring the legal protection of the important forests. In addition, a new study of pristine or old growth forests in Romania will be completed by the middle of 2012, reports WWF.
A respectful green salute, Your Excellency László Borbély, Romania, and World Wildlife Fund, for your joint efforts to conserve these important ecosystems. May all parts of the precious Earth be saved through our wise and compassionate choices.
Atheneum part 2
different corner...
Romania, Bucharest
Dati un leu pentru Ateneu, a mers! au realizat ceva frumos!
Endangered species of Romania
A list of endengerd species of Romania :) Made for the Comenius project G.R.E.E.N 2012-2014
Truck drive in Romania over Carpathians combined with words from the Scripture
Truck drive over the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. I have combined this pictures with a great gospel allegory as a devotion.
Breathtaking photos from Romania, amazing sceneries
UnzipRomania Travel & Tourism Company
Birdwatching in Romania. O delta total necunoscuta: Glavacioc si Glavaciocul sec
Birdwatching in Romania - punem o noua destinatie pe harta. In comuna Silistea, la aproximativ 100 de kilometri de Bucuresti, vegetatia s-a dezvoltat suprinzator, iar doua balti au devenit punct de popas pentru numeroase păsări călătoare, unele dintre ele specii rare, specifice Deltei Dunării. Glavaciocul Sec, după cum îi spune şi numele, seacă vara. Dar mai există o baltă, numită simplu Glavacioc, care nu seacă nici în anotimpul cald, iar unele păsări rămân aici o mare parte din vară. Pe lângă păsările sălbatice, peisajul este completat de raţele şi gâştele localnicilor, care îşi plimbă liniştite bobocii pe luciul apei. Cele două bălţi se află însă în apropierea unui sat, iar omul a contribuit la peisaj cu o mulţime de gunoaie.
Bicaz Gorge National park Romania
Ziua Culturii Naționale va fi celebrată la Ateneul Român
4 Days Danube Delta Cruise Program by Floating Hotel
4 Days Danube Delta Cruise Program by Floating Hotel, more details at: