Monument of Estonian War of Independence/Tallinn, Estonia
Monument of Estonia War of Indepence at Vabaduse Väljak (Square of Freedom) in Tallinn, Estonia. The monument was finised in 2009.
Freedom Monument, Tallinn Freedom Square - Vabaduse väljak
Tallinn 2011
Vabaduse väljak (Freedom Square), Tallinn
Short overview of the Freedom square.
Vabaduse väljak, Tallinn
Vabaduse väljakut tutvustav video.
Tallinna „Surmatants“ / Tallinn’s Dance of Death
Kuulsale Lübecki meistrile Bernt Notkele omistatud Tallinna „Surmatants“ pärineb 15. sajandi lõpust ning on ainus tänaseni säilinud lõuendile maalitud keskaegne surmatantsumaal kogu maailmas.
Haruldase ja suurejoonelise teose uue ekspositsioonilahenduse on loonud KOKO arhitektid 2018. aastal.
Toetajad: Kultuuriministeerium, AS Merko Ehitus, Moodne Valgustus, Pro Kapital Eesti AS.
Meie veebileht
Tallinn’s Dance of Death, which dates back to the late 15th century and has been attributed to the Lübeck master Bernt Notke, is the only surviving medieval danse macabre painting in the world painted on canvas.
The new exposition solution has been created by KOKO Architects in 2018.
Sponsors: Kultuuriministeerium, AS Merko Ehitus, Moodne Valgustus, Pro Kapital Eesti AS.
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freedom monument dedication, tallinn, estonia
the dedication of the freedom monument in tallinn, estonia, midnight, 23 june 2009
New Year 2013 Tallinn, Estonia, Rusalka monument, pirita, sadama
Ristil mälestati küüditamise ohvreid 25.03.2017
Hommikul mälestati Risti raudteejaama mälestussamba juures neid, keda nõukogude võim 1949. aasta märtsis väevõimuga Siberisse viis, kuid ka meest, kelle eestvedamisel 1999. aastal avati mälestusmärk “Raudteerööpad meenutavad” – Viljar Anskot.
Läänemaa Memento juhatuse esimees Arnold Aljastel on täna 60. sünnipäev. Sündis ta 1957. aastal Siberis, kuhu ta vanemad oli küüditatud.
“Mul on kaasas üks väga kurb uudis. Mementolaste seast on lahkunud Lemmi Tammesaar, kes 12-aastaselt saadeti Siberisse ja oli samas linnas asumisel kus mina 1957 aastal sündisin. Ta lahkus meie hulgast 21. märtsil. 21. märtsi seisuga teadsin mina represseeritute arvuks Läänemaal 236 inimest. Nüüd on neid 235. Suure osa nendest moodustavad nõndanimetatud Tšernobõli-poisid ja nende täpset arvu ma ei tea,” ütles ta.
“Täna 68 aastat tagasi pandi eesti rahva vastu toime genotsiidiakt – üle 22 000 inimese. Neid oli esialgu vähem, keda vagunitesse pandi, aga väga paljud pereliikmed läksid lihtsalt ise järele,” kõneles Arnold Aljaste.
“Tänusõnad Viljarile mälestusmärgi eest, neid ei saa kunagi küll. Sest nendele, kes Siberisse jäid, on hauasambaid tänaseks väga vähe jäänud. See peab neid siin meie jaoks asendama. Ja ega kusagil mujal Eestimaal nii uhket sammast ei ole ka.”
Monumendi “Raudteerööpad mäletavad” juures oli seekord ka mälestushetk monumendi autori ja rajaja Viljar Ansko auks.
“20. detsembril eelmisel aastal lahkus meie seast jäädavalt arst, karikaturist, luuletaja, koduloolane, ajaloolane, leiutaja ja inimene, kes armastas oma isamaad ja rahvast. Viljar Ansko, keda, lähedased kutsusid Villuks,” ütles Kaitseliidu Risti malevkonna pealik Aksel Heidemann.
“Villu võitlused ebaõigluse vastu, mis meid on ajaloo jooksul tabanud, on saanud oma kuju selle mälestussamba näol siin Risti endise raudteejaama perroonil. 23. augustil 1999 avati Villu kavandi järgi püstitatud monument “Raudteerööpad mäletavad”, mis täna kannab rahva seas nime Risti rist ja on mälestusmärgiks rohkem kui 3000 küüditatud läänlasele.”
Mäestuspalvuse pidas Ristil Lääne praost Leevi Reinaru. Kõne pidasid ka Lääne maavanem Neeme Suur, Lääne-Nigula ja Kullamaa vallajuhid.
Tammsaare tee Tallinn
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Freedom Square Tallinn Estonia
Freedom Square is a popular meeting place designed for pedestrians. The monument to the War of Independence is also located there.
Kommunismiohvrid said Maarjamäele mälestuspaiga
Iga totalitaarne ideoloogia on juba oma olemuselt vabaduse vaenlane ja selle kõrget hinda teame meie oma ajaloolisest kogemusest, sõnas president Kersti Kaljulaid memoriaali avamisel peetud kõnes.
Estonian Victory Monument [Sampolit Film]
Part 1 - The Construction. The War of Independence Victory Column is located in Freedom Square, Tallinn, Estonia. It was opened on 23rd June 2009 as a memorial for those who fell during the Estonian War of Independence, through which the people of Estonia will be able to commemorate all those who had fought for freedom and independence.
The idea of creating a monument was conceived in 1919, before the end of the war. During the liberation war of 1918-1920 6,275 people were killed, and many more wounded. In 1936 a law was passed to establish nation-wide monument in commemoration of the Liberation War. Preparatory work was interrupted by the Second World War and subsequent Soviet annexation. After Estonia regained independence the question of establishing a nation-wide monument for the commemoration of the Liberation War was raised. In spring 2005, the Parliament of Estonian decided that a column of victory in memory of the War will be erected in Freedom Square in Tallinn.
The pillar is 23.5 meters high and consists of 143 specially designed and strengthened glass plates. The memorial incorporates the Cross of Liberty, Estonias most distinguished award established in 1919. The monument complex cost around 11 million $ dollars.
Tallinn Travel Guide - Exploring Unique Estonia
Tallinn Travel Guide - Exploring Unique Estonia
Tallinn , the capital of Estonia, lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland, only 70 km (43 mi) south of Helsinki. At the historical and medieval heart of the city is the hill of Toompea, covered in cobbled streets and filled with medieval houses and alleyways. The lower town spreads out from the foot of the hill, still protected by the remnants of a city wall. Around the city wall is a series of well-maintained green parks, great for strolling.
The city's old town has been astonishingly well preserved and was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997, it is now in better shape than ever, with the bigger roads converted into fashionable shopping streets reminiscent of Zürich or Geneva. Especially in summer, the Old Town is packed with tourists, with the traditional daytrippers from Helsinki increasingly supplemented by other Europeans taking advantage of cheap flights.
Alas, the new town sprawling all around is largely built in typical concrete Soviet style, now joined with glass-and-steel cubes celebrating the post-Soviet economic boom. The new centre of town is Vabaduse väljak (Freedom Square) at the edge of the old town, and nearby is the giant matchbox of Hotel Viru.
Tallinn is a historic city dating back to the medieval times and it was first recorded on a world map in 1154, although the first fortress was built on Toompea in 1050. In 1219, the city was conquered by Valdemar II of Denmark, but it was soon sold to the Hanseatic League in 1285. The city, known as Reval at the time, prospered as a trading town in the 14th century, and much of Tallinn's historic center was built at this time.
The Old City is best navigated on foot. A network of buses, trams and trolleybuses covers the rest of the city. There is an abundance of relatively cheap taxis. Before you jump in a random taxi car make sure you check the price on the window of the car. In Tallinn there are more than 20 different taxi companies and some can be a rip-off.
If you are on a day trip to Tallinn for few hours only, then you can walk down to Viru street (10-15 min walk from Ferry Terminal) or take a taxi to get there and then roam the old city on foot. There are some great lookout points, where you can take in spectacular views of the rest of Old Town.
The Old City is packed with restaurants claiming to offer authentic Estonian food, particularly on and around Raekoja plats. Prices at restaurants near the Raekoja Plats are generally more expensive, yet offer the same quality of food, as restaurants off this main square. Prices are steep by Estonian standards, but still much cheaper than neighbouring Helsinki, which explains why on weekends they're always packed with day tripping Finns.
The new neighborhoods on the rise are Kalamaja and Kopli. Here you can find quite a lot of trendy restaurants opened up in old factories and such. There are no touristy restaurants or party pubs but nice, affordable restaurants popular among local people.
Tallinn's Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a major tourist attraction; others include the Seaplane Harbour of Estonian Maritime Museum, the Tallinn Zoo, Kadriorg Park, and the Estonian Open Air Museum. Most of the visitors come from Europe, though Tallinn has also become increasingly visited by tourists from Russia and the Asia-Pacific region
A lot to see in Tallinn such as :
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Tallinn Town Hall
Kadriorg Art Museum
Toompea Castle
St Olaf's church
Tallinn TV Tower
St. Nicholas' Church and Museum
St Mary's Cathedral
Estonian Open Air Museum
Seaplane Harbour Lennusadam
Kohtuotsa Viewing platform
Kadriorg Park
Raekoja plats
Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom
Estonian Maritime Museum
Pikk Hermann
Tallinn Zoo
Pirita convent
Kiek in de Kök Museum and Bastion Tunnels
Eesti Kunstimuuseum
Estonian History Museum
Church of the Holy Spirit, Tallinn
Freedom Square, Tallinn
St. Catherine's Passage
Paks Margareeta
Jägala Waterfall
Walls of Tallinn
Telliskivi Creative City
Viru Square
Tallinn Passenger Port
KGB Museum
Danish King's Garden
Patkuli viewing platform
Patarei Prison
Tallinn Botanic Garden
Kiek in de Kök, Tallinn
Great Guild, Tallinn
Lahemaa National Park
Russalka Memorial
Balti Jaama Turg
Port of Tallinn
Viru Gate
House of the Blackheads
( Tallinn - Estonia ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Tallinn . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Tallinn - Estonia
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[Wikipedia] Monument of Lihula
Monument of Lihula is the colloquial name of a monument commemorating the Estonians who fought for Estonia against the Soviet Union in World War II, located in Lagedi near Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.
The monument has moved twice before ending up in the current location. It was originally unveiled in Pärnu on 2002, but taken down only nine days after prime minister Siim Kallas had condemned the statue. The statue was then located in Lihula in 2004, finally being unveiled in Lagedi on October 15, 2005.
The monument depicts a soldier in a military uniform, with World War II German helmet, Estonian flag on the wrist and the Cross of Liberty on the collar. There are no Nazi symbols on the monument. It consists of a bronze bas-relief and a dedication tablet mounted on a vertical granite slab. The tablet reads: To Estonian men who fought in 1940-1945 against Bolshevism and for the restoration of Estonian independence.
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Uusaastaöö ilutulestik Vabaduse väljak, Tallinn, Estonia
Aitäh, Edgar! Uusaastaöö ilutulestik Vabaduse väljak, Tallinn, Estonia. 01.01.2013, kell 00.00 :D Head uut aastat! Happy new year!
Vabaduse väljak, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, Eesti
Tallinn, freedom square~
Nice day, nice people, nice trip!~
11.10.2014. Maarjamäe War Memorial, Pirita tee. Tallinn
Vabadussõja võidusammas
Võidupüha, 23. juuni esimestel minutitel avatakse Vabaduse platsil Vabadussõja võidusammas. Monument on püstitatud 2009. aastal tähistamaks Eesti võitu Vabadussõjas(1918-1920).
Vabadussõda peeti Eesti iseseisvuse kaitseks aastatel 1918-1920. Eestit toetasid Briti laevastik ning Soome, Taani, Rootsi jt riikide vabatahtlikud. Eesti vägedes võitlesid lisaks eestlastele ka kohalikud rootslased, baltisakslased, venelased, lätlased, ingerlased ja juudid. Eesti liitlaseks olid Vene valgete väed, olulist abi osutasid Ameerika Ühendriigid ja Prantsusmaa.
Vabadussõda lõppes Tartu rahu sõlmimisega 2. veebruaril 1920.
Klaasist sammas sümboliseerib vabadust, mida on raske saavutada, kuid mis on habras ja võib kergelt hävineda.
Jääskulptuuri-laadne sammas on jalamilt 23,5 meetrit kõrge ning koosneb 143 klaasplokist.
Samba autorid on Rainer Sternfeld, Andri Laidre, Kadri Kiho, Anto Savi.
Vabadussõja võidusamba rajamist toetas oma annetustega üle 12000 inimese.
Memorial Monument, Vastseliina Estonia
4.8.2016 Memorial Monument in Vastseliina Estonia.
The memorial monument to the soldiers perished during the War of Independence was erected in 1931 and represents a wounded Estonian soldier.
The greatest gifts you can give to your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. - Denis Waitley
LETTING GO by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library