white model 30 nakliye kamyonu carrier's van truck Rahmi Koç Müzesi Museum classic car
Rahmi M. Koç Museum is a private industrial museum in Istanbul, Turkey dedicated to history of transport, industry and communications. Rahmi M. Koç, member of the wealthiest dynasty in Turkey and retired boss of the Koç Group, founded the museum in 1991, which was opened on December 13, 1994. The museum is located in the suburb of Hasköy on the north shore of the Golden Horn and situated in two historical buildings connected to each other. It is open to public every day except Monday. The museum's general manager is Ertuğrul Duru.
A sister museum, but smaller in size, the Çengelhan Rahmi M. Koç Museum opened its doors to the residents of Ankara in 2005
A visit of Rahmi Koç to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, United States inspired him to create this museum. The Koç Foundation bought the first museum building in 1991, which was left derelict and seriously damaged after a roof fire in 1984. This building (in Turkish: Lengerhane), was initially used for casting anchors and chains for the Ottoman navy, during the rule of Ahmet III (1703–1730). It was restored during the reign of Selim III (1789–1807) before passing into the ownership of Ministry of Finance in the Ottoman Empire. During the Republican era, the State Monopoly and Tobacco Co. then used the building as a warehouse until 1951. The Koç Foundation spent two and half years for the restoration work of this class II historical monument.
In July 2001, the museum opened a new building to improve the display of its collection of industrial and scientific artifacts. This new section was a disused historical dockyard, founded in 1861 by the former Ottoman Maritime Company (Şirket-i Hayriye) for the maintenance and repair of its own ships. The Koç Foundation bought the building in 1996.
The two buildings are on the same road, on opposite sides: the dockyard part of the complex is on the shores of the Golden Horn. A glass-sided ramp leads down to the basement exhibition area of the Lengerhane.
Most of the items exhibited in the museum are selected from Rahmi Koç's private collection. Other objects are either borrowed from or donated by various organizations and individuals. Original machines and their replicas, scientific and mechanical items make up the basis of the museum's exhibits.
Road transport: Racing cars, sports cars (between 1953 and 1986), salon/coupe and convertible cars (1898–1994), utility vehicles (1911–1963), commercial vehicles (1908–2002), motorcycles (1908–2003),
Rail transport: Old Istanbul tram (1934), Sultan’s carriage (1867), steam engine locomotive (1913), narrow-gauge steam locomotive (1930), Istanbul Tünel carriage (1876), Henschel steam locomotive (1918),
TCG Uluçalireis (S 338) moored before the museum at the Golden Horn
Marine: Cargo vessel, motorboat, lifeboat (1951), Bosphorus passenger ferryboat, outboard motor collection, amphibious car (1961), submarine (1944): TCG Uluçalireis (S 338) (former USS Thornback (SS-418)),[1] Kısmet, Sadun Boro's sloop, he circumnavigated the globe with as the first ever Turkish sailor,[2]
Aviation: Aircraft (1941–1979), aviation parts collection, aircraft engines (1928–1979), large and small-scale aircraft models,
Engineering: Ferry boat steam engine (1911), olive oil factory, portable stationary steam engine (1872), gas engine, wood saw, marine compound steam engine (1900),
Communications: Rotary dial telephone (1920), phonograph (1903), Thomas Edison telegraph patent model (1876), valve amplifier (1936), zoetrope (1835),
Scientific instruments: Wimshurst machine, grand orrery, marine chronometer, Strassbourg turret clock,
Models and toys: Hands-on: Cutaway car, aero plane, scientific experiments and cutaway domestic goods.
Camera: GoPro Hero 7 Black
TURKEY Playlist:
Archaeological excavations and surveys carried out in Van province indicate that the history of human settlement in this region goes back at least as far as 5000 BC. The Tilkitepe Mound, which is on the shores of Lake Van and a few kilometres to the south of Van Castle, is the only source of information about the oldest culture of Van.
The Van Archeological Museum, Western Armenia
Վանի թանգարանը՝ Արևմտյան Հայաստանում
The Van Archeological Museum, Western Armenia
Van Müzesi, Batı Ermenistan
Au Musée de Van, Arménie Occidentale
Van Kent Müzesi projesi hayata geçiyor
Van Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından sunulan “Van Kent Müzesi” projesi kapsamında kültürel mirasın korunması yoluyla geçmiş ile gelecek arasında bir bağ kurulması sağlanarak sosyal anlamda toplumsal bütünleşmeye, dayanışmaya, ayrıca, ülke ve dünya örneklerinde olduğu gibi yerli ve yabancı turistlere sunulacak hizmetler bakımından ekonomik bir değere dönüştürülmek suretiyle kentin ve bölgenin tanıtımına, turizm sektörünün gelişmesine ve dolayısıyla bölgesel kalkınmaya katkı sağlamak amacıyla Eski Endüstri Meslek Lisesi binasının “Van Kent Müzesi” olarak tamir, tanzim ve tefrişi yapılacaktır.
Nüfusu bir milyonu aşan Van ili, 7 bin yıllık tarihi geçmişi ile çeşitli uygarlıkların izlerini bağrında taşıyan kadim bir kenttir. Tarihi, kültürel zenginlikleriyle hinterlandında etkileşim, çekim merkezi olan Van’ın korunamayan kültürel kimliğine ait birçok eser mekansal yoksunluktan dolayı sergilenememektedir. Ve maalesef kent kültürü bu gibi sebeplerden dolayı yozlaşmaya, hatta kaybolmaya yüz tutmaktadır.
Van Kent Müzesi Projesi, Van’ın sözlü ve yazılı kültürüne, tarihine ve hızla kaybolmaya yüz tutan hafızasına katkı yapma amacını taşımaktadır. Van’ın kültürünü kapsayan yazılı, sözlü ve toplumsal gündelik yaşama dair kültürel değerler burada bir araya toplanarak yeniden hayat bulacaktır. Van Kent Müzesi, Van’ın yaşayan hafızası, iletişim ve eğitim merkezi olacak, kentlilik bilincinin gelişmesine katkı sağlayacaktır.
Ayrıca, Cumhuriyet döneminden günümüze kadar ayakta kalabilen iki tarihi yapıdan biri olan İpekyolu ilçesindeki Eski Endüstri Meslek Lisesine ait tarih yapı korunarak ve işlevsel hale getirilerek Van kültürüne kazandırılacaktır. Böylece, kentin tarihi hafızası, geçmişe ait kültürel ve sanatsal değerlerin yeni kuşaklara tanıtılması ve geçmiş ile gelecek nesiller arasında bir köprünün kurulması sağlanacaktır.
Projenin toplam bütçesi 7.500.000 TL olup 4.500.000 TL’si güdümlü proje desteği kapsamında Ajans tarafından karşılanacaktır. Projeden tüm Van halkı ve ilimizi ziyaret eden yerli ve yabancı turistler faydalanacaktır. Projenin geçmişten günümüze Van kültürel yaşamına ait mekanlar oluşturması, Van’a gelen yerli ve yabancı turist sayısında artış sağlaması, yerli ve yabancı turistlere sunulacak hizmetlerin kalitesini artırması ve kentin ve bölgenin tanıtımına katkı sağlanması beklenmektedir.
Armenian archpriest conduct religious ceremony in Turkey's Van
Archpriest Tatul Anushyan, spiritual leader of Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul, conducted a religious ceremony at Akdamar Church in Turkey's eastern province of Van in front of 40 Turkish-born Christian Armenians.
Urartian stelas at Van Museum
Two 2,800-year-old Urartian-era stelas found in the Patnos Brigade Command campus in the eastern province of Van have been transported to the Van Museum.
Three three-meter tall stelas were found in 1990 by soldiers at the Urartian castle of Aznavurtepe in Patnos during an excavation to place a telephone pole, after which they were taken under protection by the commanders at the time. Two of the stelas had been on display in the Ağrı Brigade Command and one in the garden of the Patnos Brigade Command for 25 years.
The Van Culture and Tourism Directorate initiated work to bring the stelas to the museum. After talks with the Defense Ministry, which took two years, two of three stelas were brought to the Van Museum.
Speaking to press members, Culture and Tourism Provincial Director Muzaffer Aktuğ said the stelas were made by the Urartian King Minua around 800 B.C. for the God Haldi.
The stelas, which held religious meaning, were the first and only in Turkey, said Aktuğ, adding, “The stela in Patnos got damaged during the road construction work and was broken into pieces. We are now working to bring [it] to the Van Museum, too.”
Aktuğ added their protection in the military field enabled the stelas to survive.
daf ya 4440 van dt museum
Video van sleutelbak
Museum of Vanning. Hudson Florida.
An in-depth look and tour of the Museum of Vanning with Joe Madonia. Filmed by John Koterba (OOP) A Lightning Videos, VansOnVideo production.
Tonko Grever and Hans Bayens at Museum van Loon, Nov. 1999
Tonko Grever and Hans Bayens at Museum van Loon, aired Nov. 21, 1999 on Aspect Art, an art program for Kleurnet Television Amsterdam, 1998-2001, interviews and edit by David Heine and son, production by Luc Sala.
Mozaïken in het archeologisch museum van Sousse, tunisia 2012
Mozaïken in het archeologisch museum van Sousse, tunisia 2012.mp4
De grote Hal met alle wereldleiders in het Museum van Skopje in Macedonië
Van Gölü'nde 3 bin yıllık kale bulundu /3,000-year-old Urartu castle during underwater
aeologists in Turkey's eastern Van province discovered the ruins of a 3,000-year-old Urartu castle during underwater excavations in lake Van.
The excavation led by Van Yüzüncü Yıl University and Governorship of Turkey's eastern Bitlis Province revealed that the underwater ruins are supposedly from the Iron Age Urartu civilization, also known as the Kingdom of Van, thought to date back to the eighth to seventh centuries B.C.
There was a rumor that there might be something under the water but most archaeologists and museum officials told us that we won't find anything, the head of the diving team Tahsin Ceylan said, adding that they proceeded with the research and discovered the ancient castle.
The current water level of Van Lake, which has a history of 6,000 years, is reportedly several hundred meters higher than it was during the Urartu civilization.
Civilizations living around the lake set up large villages and settlements while the water level of the lake was low, but they had to leave the area after it increased again, Ceylan said.
The research couldn't determine how much of the walls of the castle are buried, but about three to four meters are seen above the water.
We will have to hold underwater excavations to find out about that he added.
The underwater ruins are expected to attract the interest of thousands of tourists due to its unique historical worth.
Lake Van is the largest lake in Turkey and the second largest in the Middle East. It's also the biggest sodium water lake in the world. The lake lies on the high grounds of Eastern Anatolian region near the border with Iran. It was formed by a crater caused by a volcanic explosion of Mount Nemrut near the province of Van.
Van Gölü'nde 3 bin yıllık kale bulundu
Türkiye'de en büyük Van Gölü'nün sırlarını ortaya çıkarmak için çalışmalar devam ediyor. Daha önce hummalı çalışma ile boyları 10 metreyi aşan 'Su altı peribacaları' diye bilinen dikitler olan mikrobiyalitler (Kayaç benzeri yapılar) tespit edilirken, Van Gölü'nde Urartular dönemine ait 3 bin yıllık kale görüntülendi.
Bitlis’in Adilcevaz İlçesi’ne gelen Sualtı Görüntüleme Yönetmeni Tahsin Ceylan ve beraberindeki Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi öğretim görevlisi Yard.Doç.Dr. Mustafa Akkuş, Dalış Eğitmeni ve Federasyon Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Murat Kulakaç ve dalgıç Cumali Birol, Van Gölü’ne dalış yaparak Urartular dönemine ait 3 bin yıllık kaleyi görüntüledi.
Yapılan çalışmaları Adilcevaz Kaymakamı Arif Karaman da izledi. Adilcevaz Kaymakamı Arif Karaman, yapılan çalışmaların önemli olduğunu ifade ederek, şöyle dedi:
İlçemizde bulunan tarihi Urartu Kalesi'nin su altında kalan kısmı gün yüzüne çıkarıldı. Bu yaklaşık 3 bin yıllık bir kaledir. Yapılan bu çalışma ilçemizin tarihi açısından önemli bir çalışmadır. Bu tarihin gün yüzüne çıkarılmasında emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ediyorum.
Sualtı Görüntüleme Yönetmeni Tahsin Ceylan ise, Van Gölü 600 bin yıllık bir tarihe sahip olduğunu ifade ederek şöyle konuştu:
Van Gölü’nün etrafından birçok uygarlık ve toplumlar yaşamıştır. Bu toplumlar Van Gölü’nü yukarı deniz olarak isimlendirmiş ve Van Gölü’nün kalbinde birçok gizemi barındırdığına inanmıştır. Bizler de bu noktadan hareketle Van Gölü’nün yani yukarı denizin kalbindeki sırları açığa çıkarmak için çalışmalar yapmaktayız. Bildiğiniz gibi Van Gölü’nde yaklaşık 10 yıla yakın yaptığımız çalışmalar ile İnci Kefali, Mikrobiyalitler ya da Van Gölü Mercanları ve Rus Batığının su altı görüntülerini çekerek bütün dünyaya duyurduk...
...Bugün burada Van Gölü’nün suları altında kalmış bir kaleyi keşfetmekle Van Gölü’ne ait sırlardan birisini daha açığa çıkarmanın heyecan ve mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz. Bizde bu tarihi parça parça araştırıp üstüne gidiyoruz. Van Gölü’nde bulunan bu kalenin yanı sıra daha önce tespit edilen mikrobiyalitlerin bölgenin ekonomisine ve turizmine önemli katkılar sağlayacağını düşünüyorum. Su altında bu kaleye rastlamamız mucizevi bir olay. Bu kalenin tarihi hakkında arkeologlar gelip araştırma yapacak ve buranın tarihi hakkında da önemli bilgiler edinmiş olacağız. Kaledeki surun taş yapısı daha çok Urartular döneminde kullanılan kesme taşlardır...
...Bu nedenle bu kalenin bir Urartu kalesi olması daha ağır basıyor. Burada bulunan kalenin surları çok geniş bir alanı kaplamaktadır. Van Gölü suyu sodalı bir su olması dolayısıyla kalenin yapılarında bir bozulma söz konusu değildir. Bu nedenle kale yıllardır suyun altında tahrip olmadan ilk günkü gibi özelliğini korumaktadır. Adilcevaz kaymakamımız Arif Karaman’ın daveti üzerine yapmış olduğumuz dalış ile Van Gölü’nün suları altındaki kalenin yerini kesin olarak belirleyerek su altı görüntülerini çektik...
...Elde ettiğimiz bulgular ile bir yıla yakın süren araştırmalarımız ileri bir boyuta taşınmış oldu. Bu aşamadan sonra arkeolog ve
Turkish Lake Monster
An amateur monster-hunter has recorded video footage of a supposed sea monster swimming across Lake Van, a small lake in eastern Turkey. The mediocre-quality footage, snippets of which were posted in QuickTime movie format on the CNN web site, shows an indeterminate dark object several feet in length bobbing up and down on the lake's surface.
The video was shot on June 10 by Unal Kozak, a teaching assistant at Van University, who says that he has spotted and filmed the creature on three separate occasions. Kozak has written a book on the Lake Van monster, having collected the testimony of a mind-blowing 1,000 witnesses.
Kozak says the alleged sea monster has been a matter of intense fascination for him ever since it was first reported at Lake Van in 1995. Among the witnesses who first claimed to see a dinosaur-like creature was a provincial deputy governor, who persuaded the Turkish parliament to carry out a search.
Peterheads sole surviving convict van
The only sole surviving Peterhead Prison railway carriage and its underframe seen here being loaded onto its transportation at the Bo'ness and Kinneil Railway in Scotland 18/03/2014.
Some History.
This carriage, it transpires was acquired by the railway museum for restoration and is one of four carriages especially built to transport prisoners on the British State Railway. This short (2.5 miles) standard gauge line opened in 1889 and formed part of the project to build Peterhead Harbour of Refuge. Peterhead was chosen as the site for the harbour because of its strategic position for North Sea fishing and proximity to a supply of suitable construction material, the granite quarry at Stirling Hill. Peterhead Prison was built to house the convicts used to provide the labour needed to carry out the heavy construction work and granite quarrying involved. The Admiralty Yard, built next to the prison, contained workshops and storage facilities for the materials needed in the construction work. In 1889 a standard gauge railway was built between Admiralty Yard, the south breakwater and Stirling Hill Quarry. Shackled prisoners, accompanied by warders carrying cutlasses, travelled in 4 specially built carriages between Admiralty Yard and Stirling Hill Quarry where, under armed guard, they extracted granite for the harbour..
The carriage was rescued from a farmyard at Crimond and consists only of the wooden box with small barred windows which formed the coach body. It is thought to have been built in 1915 and now requires extensive restoration.
The sole surviving convict van (one of four built in 1915) is to be restored as part of the Rocks, Rouges, Rails and Refuge project to explore this aspect of social and transport heritage. Once completed the van, and associated displays will become part of the Maud Railway Museum, in Aberdeenshire.
Fateh Company (Turkish Historical Line, Museum)
FATEH - Project, Construction, Repair and Design Company
The Van Fortress in Western Armenia
Experience | Istanbul, Turkey | Cinematic
Panoramisch uitzicht op de Bosporus-brug en het Eminonu-plein, Valens Aquaeduct met verkeer, Prachtig uitzicht vanaf de Camlica-heuvel, Eminonu Pier, Maidens Tower, Binnenkant van de Sultan Ahmet-moskee, Binnenkant van het Hagia Sophia-museum, Mensenmenigte in de Grote Bazaar, Kadikoy-haven, Nieuwe moskee in Eminonu, Sehzade-moskee, Topkapi-paleis, Ortakoy-moskee.
Giambologna at Museum van Loon, Jan. 2, 1999
Aspect Art, an art program for Kleurnet Television Amsterdam, 1998-2001,. interviews and edit by David Heine and son, production by Luc Sala.