15 декабря 2018 года
Юбилейный концерт посвященный 70-летию Русского театра Эстонии
Второе отделение концерта
Vene Teater Estonia's Russian Theatre
Õppefilm “Sinimäed”
Õppefilm loodud Jõhvi Gümnaasiumi uurimistööna ja Eesti Vabariigi sajandaks sünnipäevaks.
Juba põhikooli ajalootundidest on õpetatud, et Eesti osales teises maailmasõjas. Eestlasi on hukkunud nii saksa kui ka vene poolel. 1944. aastal peeti maha kõige verisemad ja ohvriterohkemad lahingud Eesti pinnal. Kui palju inimesi üldse teab midagi Eesti pinnal peetud lahingutest? Kui paljud on kuulnud üldse midagi Sinimägede lahingust?
Filmi autorid: Allan Vool ja Tanel-Kert Visnapuu
Eesti, 2018
По пьесе Алексея Шипенко «Москва-Франкфурт.9000 метров над поверхностью почвы»
В спектакле заняты: Карин Ламсон, Александр Домовой и Дан Ершов
Текст — Алексей Шипенко
Идея и постановка — Илья Прозоров
Анимация — Михаил Елизаров
Премьера 29 сентября 2018 года
16. Tallinna Pimedate Ööde Filmifestivali lõpugaala Vene teatris
Closing Ceremony of 16th Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.
poff.ee /// facebook.com/festivalpoff
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival (PÖFF) has grown to be one of the largest and most distinctive film events in the whole of Northern Europe. During its 15th edition the festival screened more than 500 films (including 260 full length), bringing over 666 screenings to a record-breaking audience of over 70,000 people as well as over 500 industry guests and journalists. In 2012 the festival will celebrate 100 years of Estonian Cinema.
Recognised by FIAPF, PÖFF embraces a cluster of events, accommodating two full-blown sub-festivals (Animated Dreams and Just Film) as well as international industry gatherings (e.g. Black Market and Baltic Event).
Altogether, PÖFF includes three international competitive programmes (EurAsia, Tridens Baltic, and North-American indie films), a traditional film festival programme with documentaries and feature films as well as a programme for short films. The festival hosts a special programme in cooperation with Screen International -- Critics' Choice, several retrospectives, a programme for prize-winning films from other festivals and other special programmes.
Animated Dreams has established itself as the biggest animation film festival in North-Eastern Europe, screening an international competition of short animations alongside non-competitive programmes, filmmaker retrospectives and country focus. In 2011 it included a new networking and training event AnimaCampus Tallinn with applicants from five continents and more than 30 countries. The festival also plans to launch an online talent and project market in the first quarter of 2012.
Just Film is the biggest children and youth film festival in the region. The festival includes a programme called streetCULTure, which consists of both fiction and documentary films that tackle the topics of modern subcultures among young people. The festival is truly designed for its young audiences -- the best films are selected by juries of local youngsters whilst the festival blog is created by young film critics who post their daily reviews of the films.
The industry events bring important industry players to PÖFF, including producers, industry leaders and distributors from Europe, Asia and beyond.
Black Market is the regional film market, focusing mainly on new films from neighbouring regions and smaller film industry countries from as Central and Eastern Europe, Nordics, CIS and Russia. Black Market is also home to sub-events, such as the literary rights market Books To Films that introduces an annual selection of books for film adaptation and has been growing in popularity. The seminar programme Industry Days recently focused on the changing economies of the film industry and how different countries are dealing with the seismic shifts in changes in funding and finance.
The film and co-production gathering Baltic Event screens the newest feature films from the Baltic countries along with a co-production market open for projects from the Baltic countries, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Scandinavia.
Events and panel discussions are also available on Black Market Online -- an online B2B environment for film industry that includes industry contacts, country profiles and statistics, co-production projects and an online screening room for buying and selling film rights in Baltic, Scandinavian, Central-Asian, Caucasian, and Russian territories.
2019.01.25 - Vene Teatris esietendub Üllar Saaremäe lavastatud Eesti matus
Vene Teatris esietendub Andrus Kivirähki näidend “Eesti matus“, mida lavastab Üllar Saaremäe. Kuigi lavaline tegevus toimub vene keeles, on igal etendusel sünkroontõlge eesti keelde.
Theatre Evenings at Chapters Boutique Cafe
Soovite veeta õhtu huvitavalt, ilusalt ja maitsvalt?
Kiirustage, piletite arv on piiratud!
16 ja 17 detsembril 2017.a. toimub venekeelse teatrietenduse „Ja sai siis nii…“ Teffi valitud teoste põhjal esietendus.
Etenduse lavastaja - Artjom Garejev (Eesti parim lavastaja aastal 2015)
1900-te aastate periood on Venemaal tähistatud Keiser Nikolai II valitsemise ajastu õitsenguga. Kultuur ja kunst on jõudnud suurepärasesse aega, mida hiljem nimetatakse «Hõbedaseks ajaks».
Teffi teravameelne, elegantne proosa, jutud, följetonid, näidendid ilmusid XX sajandi kõige kuulsamates ajakirjades. Romanovite dünastia valitsemise 300 aastapäeva tähistamisele pühendatud juubelikogumiku ettevalmistamisel, küsiti Nikolai II, keda Venemaa kirjanikest sooviks ta näha juubelikogumikus, minutit mõtlemata lausus Keiser: «Ainult Teffit!»
Mis siis siiamaani meelitab meid Teffi loomingus? Lõbus ja samas terav silp, haarav vaatlikkus ja särav huumor.
Lavakompositsioon on tehtud juttude: «Inimsarnased», «Poodides», «Elu ja krae», «Deemonlik naine », «Visiitöör» ja «Iluvabrik » põhjal.
Osades on Vene teatri näitlejad – Larissa Savankova ja Natalja Dõmtšenko.
Kostüümikunstnik – Diana Denissova
Kunstnik-kujundaja – Olesja Snitsar
Valgus-ja helirežissöör - Valeri Kazakov
Graafiline disainer - Marina Adamson
Valgustuse lahendus - Anton Andrejuk
Ja The Chapters Group OÜ kogu meeskond.
Etendus toimub Chapters Boutique Cafe (Kaubamaja 6).
Külalistele pakutakse maitsta kolmekäigulist autoriõhtusööki kohviku peakokalt - Artur Vidinš'ilt:
1. „Soe visiit“
Foie Gras brioche keekside, karamelliseeritud õunaga, värskete marjade, seedripähklite ja magus-hapu valgeveini kastmega
2. „Deemonlik naine“
Iberico seafilee pistaatsiapähkli paneeringus, köögiviljakrõpsude, seente, koorekastme mädarõikaga
3. „Teffi“
Panna cotta estragoniga maasika glasuuris, kookose graanulite, värskete vaarikate ja beseega
Õhtut saadab laulja ja kitarrist Nikolai Kolev.
XX sajandi alguse atmosfääri toetab fotograafi, Karl Bulla ekspositsioon, tolle aja tuntud fotograafi, mis sai võimalikuks tänu Karl Bulla nimelisele ajaloofoto fondile.
Etenduse kuupäevad:
2017: 16.12 ja 17.12
2018: 06.01 ja 07.01
2018: 04.02 ja 25.02
Algus kell 18.00
Pileti hind 70 euro (sisaldab õhtusööki)
Желаете провести вечер интересно, красиво и вкусно?
Торопитесь, количество билетов ограничено!
16 и 17 декабря 2017 года состоится премьера театральной постановки на русском языке «И стало так…» по произведениям Тэффи.
Режиссер спектакля- Артем Гареев (лучший театральный режиссер Эстонии 2015 года).
Период 1900х годов ознаменован в России расцветом эпохи правления императора Николая II. Культура и искусство в России вступило в замечательную пору, названную позднее «Серебряным веком».
Остроумная, изящная проза, рассказы, фельетоны, пьесы Тэффи публиковались в самых знаменитых журналах в 20 веке. Когда у Николая II спросили, кого бы из русских писателей он хотел бы видеть в юбилейном сборнике, посвященном 300-летию царствования дома Романовых, он ни минуты не задумываясь, изрек: «Одну Тэффи!»
Что же до сих пор привлекает нас в ее творчестве? Веселый и в то же время отточенный слог, цепкая наблюдательность и блестящий юмор.
В основе сценической композиции рассказы: «Человекообразные», «В магазинах», «Жизнь и воротник», «Демоническая женщина», «Визитерка» и «Фабрика красоты».
В ролях заняты актрисы Русского театра Лариса Саванкова и Наталья Дымченко.
Художник по костюмам – Диана Денисова
Художник-оформитель – Олеся Сницар
Свето -и звукорежиссер- Валерий Казаков
Графический дизайнер- Марина Адамсон
Световое решение - Антон Андреюк
И вся команда The Chapters Group OÜ.
Спектакль состоится в Chapters Boutique Cafe (Kaubamaja 6).
Зрителям будет предложено отведать авторский ужин от шеф-повара кафе – Артура Видинша из трех перемен блюд:
1. «Теплый Визит»
Фуа-гра с кексами бриошь, карамелизированным яблоком, свежими ягодами, кедровыми орехами и кисло-сладким беловинным соусом
2. «Демоническая Женщина»
Свиное филе Иберико в фисташковой панировке, с овощными чипсaми, грибами и сливочным соусом с хреном
3. «Тэффи»
Панакота с эстрагоном в клубничной глазури, с кокосовыми гранулами, свежей малиной и безе
Сопровождает вечер певец и гитарист Никола Колев.
Атмосферу начала двадцатого века поддержит экспозиция фотографий Карла Буллы, известного фотографа того времени, любезно предоставленная Фондом исторической фотографии им. Карла Буллы.
Даты спектаклей: 2017: 16.12 и 17.12
2018: 06.01 и 07.01
2018: 04.02 и 25.02
Начало в 18.00 Цена билета 70 Евро (ужин включен).
Lavastaja Kamran Shahmardan
Kunstnik Valeri Polunovski
Helilooja Aleksandr Zedeljov
Valguskunstnik Anton Andrejuk
Koreograaf Olga Privis
Videokunstnik Oleg Nikolajenko
Inspitsient Tatjana Kaur
Etenduses osalevad
Zilov – Aleksandr Ivaškevitš
Galina – Natalia Murina
Irina – Alina Karmazina
Kuzakov – Oleg Štšigorets
Sajapin – Dmitri Kordas
Valeria – Jekaterina Kordas
Kušak – Aleksandr Okunev
Veera – Ksenia Agarkova
Kelner Dima – Ilja Nartov
Muusik kohvikus – Slava Mogilevtsev
Koristaja kohvikus – Tatjana Kaur
Esietendus 19. aprillil 2018
Lavade rent: Estonia theatre fair
Estonia teatrilaat
Estonia teatri ees tehtud.
Kleint: Estonia Teater
Lavade rent, lava rent, trasslava, mööbli rent, mööblite rent, telkide rent, telgi rent
Happy new year, Vene Teater
Русский театр благодарит своего партнера Алексей Мутовкина за чудесное поздравление, и хочет поделиться им со всеми зрителями Русского театра! Счастливого Рождества и хорошего Нового года!
Eesti Vene Teatri näitlejad Sergei Furmanjuk ja Aleksandr Žilenko räägivad oma Eestist
Eesti Vene Teatri näitlejad Sergei Furmanjuk ja Aleksandr Žilenko räägivad oma Eestist, siin leitud ühtsusest ja tasakaalust ning sellest, et Euroopal oleks meilt nii mõndagi õppida.
Eesti Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu eesistumise algust tähistatakse 29. juunil kell 19.00 kontserdi ja piknikuga Vabaduse väljakul.
Eesti juhib esimest korda eesistujana Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu tööd juuli algusest detsembri lõpuni. Meie riigi ja rahva jaoks olulise poolaasta saabumist tähistatakse tasuta kontserdiga Vabaduse väljakul, kus astuvad üles mitme põlvkonna tuntud Eesti artistid: Eesti Raadio Laste Laulustuudio Kadri Hundi ja Kaie Tanneri juhatusel, Estonian Cello Ensemble, Estonian Voices, Frankie Animal, Genka, Kadri Voorand, Kukerpillid, Mari Jürjens, Miljardid, NOËP, Vaiko Eplik, Winny Puhh ja Ühendkoor Veronika Portsmuthi juhatusel. Artistide etteasted ühendab katkematuks tervikuks DJ Sander Mölder.
Linnarahvast tervitavad kontserdil Euroopa Ülemkogu eesistuja Donald Tusk, Euroopa Komisjoni president Jean-Claude Juncker ja Eesti Vabariigi peaminister Jüri Ratas.
Redel Ruudus&Mirjam Kivisild-BARUCH HABA @Vene Teater
Redel Ruudus & Mirjam Kivisild
Mirjam Kivisild - laul, kalimba
Aleksandra Kremenetski - vibrafon, marimbula, löökpillid
Valeria Jagudina - marimba, kellamäng, löökpillid
Redel Ruudus on Aleksandra Kremenetski ja Valeria Jagudina aastatepikkusest koostööst välja kasvanud löökpilliduo. Väikese bändi laiale kõlavärvide gammale ja improvisatsioonilisele lähenemisele lisab sära ja soojust Mirjam Kivisilla eriline häälekäsitlus ning tekstide läbitunnetamine. Juulis 2016 on trio salvestanud debüütplaadi Maa ja Taevas, mille põhituumaks on uudselt seatud vaimulikud rahvaviisid ning omalooming.
Lisaks kõlavad kontserdil A. Žedeljovi pala Miracle Garden ja juudi rahvaviisid.
teatr rosyjski Vene Teater Estonia's Russian Theatre
Estonia/Tallinn (Raekoja Square) Part 2
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries.
See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
The Tallinn Town Hall:
There has been a town hall in Tallinn since at least 1322 and a town square next to it ever since then. The hall was rebuilt from 1402 to 1404 into its current form, and a Christmas tree display has been held in the square since 1441, making the Tallinn Christmas tree display over 570 years old.
The Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Tallinn Old Town, Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. It is the oldest town hall in the whole of the Baltic region and Scandinavia.The building is located in the south side of the ancient market square and is 36.8 metres long. The west wall is 14.5 metres in length, and the east is 15.2 meters. It is a two-storey building with a spacious basement.The vane Old Thomas (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the Town Hall's tower, that has been there since 1530, has become one of the symbols of Tallinn. The height of the tower is 64 metres. Tallinn Town Hall is located on the Town Hall Square, where the streets Kullassepa street, Dunkri street and Vanaturu kael lead. One of the shortest streets of Tallinn is Raekoja tänav, which is located behind the Town Hall.The town hall was built by what was then the market square. The town hall square got its current length in the 1370s. Covered with a board roof in 1374, the town hall was probably a single-decked stone building with a basement. The attic was used as a storeroom. The facade of this long and narrow building is now a rear wall of the arcade, where you can still see some of the simple statuary framed windows from this time.A Town Hall with a huge meeting room was firstly mentioned in a Real Estate book in 1322 as a consistorium, which had a giant warehouse (cellarium civitatis) for that time. Some walls in the eastern part of the modern town hall and seven windows in the basement and on the ground floor have remained from that time. In 1364, it was called a playhouse (teatrum) and in 1372 a town hall (rathus).The Town council controlled the town's political, economic and partly even parlour action. The Town Hall was often a courthouse and a place to introduce goods; sometimes it was even used as a room for theatre, as you can conclude from the word teatrum. Therefore, it was very important to be placed in the heart of the town and to look representative.Although the city power worked in the Town Hall until 1970, it still holds the role of a representational building of a city administration and welcomes visitors as a concert venue and a museum, where you can get to know the centuries-long historical and architectural value of the Tallinn Town Hall. In conjunction with the Tallinn Old Town, the Town Hall has been on the UNESCO world Heritage Sites list since 1997. In 2004, Tallinn Town Hall celebrated its 600th birthday.In 2005, the Tallinn town hall received a high recognition – 2nd prize, in the category of conservation of Architectural Heritage for the revival of the last surviving Gothic Town Hall in Northern Europe and the exemplary revealing of all the historical layers of this icon of the great European tradition of municipal power. The prize was presented to Elvira Liiver Holmström, the director of Tallinn Town Hall by Queen Sofía of Spain at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony which was held on 27 June 2006 at the Palacio Real de El Pardo, Madrid. Europa Nostra medal was presented to Tallinn Town Hall on the ceremony on the 15th of September in 2006 by Siim Kallas, Vice President of the European Commission, and Thomas Willoch, Europa Nostra board member.Wikipedia
Deserter trailer
Deserter by Alexey Schiphenko
Directed by Ilia Prozorov (Estonia)
Designed by Michael Elizarov
Starring Karin Lamson, Alexander Domovoy and Dan Ershov
Vene Theater, Tallinn, Estonia 2018
Vene Teater Русский Театр Эстонии, Мальчик который ничего не боялся .
История Русского Театра Эстонии и обзор интеррактивного спектакля Мальчик который ничего не боялся .
#veneteatr #teater #theater #estonia #tallinn #eesti #fairytale #########