Русское государство. Киево-Печерская лавра. Прод 3. Russian state. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Cont 3.
Киево-Печерская лавра ― православный мужской монастырь, древнейший и один из самых значительных монастырей на Руси. Впервые пещеры лавры упоминаются в «Повести временных лет» преподобного Нестора Летописца (нач. XII в.). До нашего времени сохранилась изначальная планировка лаврской застройки, прекрасно гармонирующей с рельефным ландшафтом правого берега Днепра. Монастырь расположен на высоких холмах, между которыми пролег глубокий овраг, разделяющий его на так называемую Верхнюю лавру, куда еще в XI в. перебралась основная часть братии, и Нижнюю, где находятся Ближние и Дальние пещеры и странноприимный двор. Каждый из комплексов древней обители составляют несколько храмов, административных, жилых и хозяйственных построек.
В предыдущих сериях Вы , мои уважаемые друзья, посмотрели: древнерусское зодчество и иконопись Главного храма Киево-Печерской лавры и других зданий и сооружений возле нее, а также широко купольный в «неовизантийском» стиле храм в честь преподобный Антония и Феодосия Печерских с трапезной палатой (Трапезная церковь). Западные (Святые врата с Троицкой надвратной церковью); Северные (Экономические ворота с церковью Всех Святых); Церковь Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы; Великая лаврская колокольня;Колокольня на Ближних пещерах ; совершили экскурсию из верхней территории в нижнюю и дошли до Пещерных врат и Паломнический отдел лавры.
В этой серии видео Вы увидите: Колокольня на Ближних пещерах ; Крестовоздвиженская церковь и церковь Всех преподобных Печерских (Теплый храм); Крестовоздвиженская церковь; Церковь во имя Всех Преподобных Печерских; церковь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы.; колокольня Дальних пещер, переход к пещерам и сами пещеры.
Kiev-Pechersk Lavra - Orthodox monastery, the oldest and one of the most important monasteries in Russia. The first cave monastery are mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years Venerable Nestor the Chronicler (beg. The XII century.). Before our time preserved the original layout of the Lavra building, in perfect harmony with the landscape of relief right bank of the Dnieper. The monastery is located on the high hills between which prolih deep ravine that divides it into the so-called Upper Lavra, where else in the XI century. moved the main part of the brethren, and lower, where the Near and Far Caves and hospice courtyard. Each of the complexes of the ancient monastery are a few temples, administrative, residential and farm buildings.
Previously on you, my dear friends, watched: Old Russian architecture and iconography of the Main Temple of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and other buildings near it, as well as wide dome in the neo-Byzantine style temple in honor of St. Anthony and Theodosius with a refectory ( Refectory church). Western (Holy Gates with Gate Church of the Trinity); Northern (Economic gate to the church of All Saints); Church of the Annunciation; Great Lavra Bell Tower, Bell Tower in the Near Caves; We made a tour of the top areas in the lower and reached the gates of the Cave Monastery and Pilgrimage department.
In this video series you will see: The bell tower on Caves; Holy Cross Church and the Church of All Monks Caves (Warm church, Holy Cross Church, the Church of All Saints of the Caves, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary church bell tower .; Far Caves, the transition to the caves and the caves themselves
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Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The previous 3 films invite to look at these locations:
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ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA ARE UNFAIR ON HUMANITY 22/3/2014... I am saddened by the events in the UKRAINE, with over 80 dead, civil war and now economic sanctions war waved on the west. This is a difficult situation for Putin.. Could you Imagine being in his position? This is the best Russian leader ever & one who wants good relations with the west. In my opinion we have never had a safe Russian leader like Putin. A leader who cares for his country and one who is worried about outside influences in his country. We must remember Russia is a former Communist country and has made remarkable changes and sacrifices to integrate with the west and change. For some this change is too fast and Putin knows that there are western opportunist that want to influence political parties inside the Ukraine to suit Europe. Putin has every right to protect his countries interests and in my opinion acted sensibly in moving his troop in position when the Ukraine was facing serious civil unrest. Who are we to tell Russia how to run their country? I don't like it and what is so hurtful is the wicked use of economic sanctions on Russia. Russia don't want this and the world don't need this. Have we already forgotten the devastating recession we are barely coming out of? Yet we are risking another collapse by behaving like a bunch of school bully boys. PICK ON RUSSIA PICKING ON RUSSIA it has to stop. Is there something I have missed? This is wrong to impose sanctions on Russia.. It makes me so sad and I can already feel for the people especially the venerable one who are already poor. This could cripple them, causing starvation, deprivation, and even more social problems. Each time I turn on the news and see our prime minister and William Hague speak about imposing sanctions it makes me real sad and low. The way western leaders are behaving is making this world a unsafe place. RUSSIA CAN TURN US INTO DUST WITH THE PRESS OF ONE BUTTON.... In my opinion this is no different to painful sanctions apart from the end of mankind. Sanctions and banning diplomats is wicked and must stop.. Leave Russia to sort out their own internal problems and stop thinking about ourselves and the economic advantage of doing business with the Ukraine. Stability first then maybe business. We should count ourselves lucky, do you remember the cold war? That horrible feeling of wondering if someone would make the mistake of pushing the Nuclear Button. Putin is the best Russian prime minister of all time. He has made the world a safer place and is no where as tough as the older Russian leaders. We should be helping Putin and not going against him