Latvia, Kuldiga and Venta Waterfall
Kuldīga is a town in western Latvia. In the city the Venta Rapid is a waterfall on the Venta River in Kuldīga, Latvia. It is the widest waterfall in Europe – 249 metres and up to 270 metres during spring floods. Its height is 1.80–2.20 metres and it changes depending on the water level in the river.
Venta Waterfall, Kuldīga Latvia
4.9.2015 Kuldīga, Latvia (27)
Longest brick bridge in Latvia - Pisin tiilisilta Latviassa.
Venta Waterfall - Ventas Rumba - Venta vesiputous.
Alekšupīte Waterfall - Kuldiga's old mill's waterfall - Alekšupīte-joen vesiputous.
KULDIGA and The Venta Waterfall
The beautiful city of Kuldiga Latvia and the widest European waterfall Ventas Rumba.
Kuldīga, Latvia
1.8.2016 Visited Kuldīga, Latvia
Kuldīga is the pearl of Kurzeme, Latvia's western region. Kuldīga boasts distinctive architecture, the Venta River with the widest waterfall ledge in Europe VENTAS RUMBA, and an old brick bridge. Alekšupīte Waterfall, currently the highest in Latvia.
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. - W.H.Auden
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Music provided by Audio Library
Kuldiga city, Latvia
Kuldiga, Latvia 2018
Kuldīga (German: Goldingen) is a town in western Latvia. It is the center of Kuldīga Municipality with a population of approximately 13,500.
Kuldīga is the pearl of Kurzeme, Latvia's western region. It is an ancient town with unique, distinctive architecture. Saint Catherine is believed to be the patron saint of Kuldīga, and thus the oldest church of the town has been named after St Catherine.
The pride of Kuldīga is the Venta Rapid (waterfall), a 240-meter wide natural rapid which is the widest in Europe. Not far from the rapid there is the Kuldīga brick bridge built in 1874, one of the longest bridges of this type in Europe. Kuldīga was recognized an EDEN destination in 2007.
Kuldiga Lotyšsko, vodopád Venta Rapid
Venta Rapid (Ventas Rumba) waterfall in Kuldīga
Venta Rapid is a waterfall on the Venta River in Kuldīga, Latvia. It is the widest waterfall in Europe – 249 metres and up to 270 metres during spring floods. Its height is 1.80–2.20 metres and it changes depending on the water level in the river.
Music by Dyalla Swain
Video by Roberts Ivanans
Kuldiga ziema.m2ts
Senā Kuldīga ziemas, sniega un sala skavās ...
Laši lec Ventas rumbā
Kuldīgas novada pašvaldības policija atgādina iedzīvotājiem un pilsētas viesiem, ka 1. oktobrī stājas spēkā vairāki liegumi, kas saistīti ar lašveidīgo sugu zivju nārstu. Nelikumīgas lašu zvejas gadījumā, neatkarīgi no tā lieluma, viens lasis vainīgajam var izmaksāt 715 eiro. Tikmēr citos gadījumos soda apmērs, var svārstīties no brīdinājuma līdz pat kriminālatbildībai.
Tāpat policija vērš uzmanību, ka citu zivju makšķerēšana no laivām Ventas upes licencētajā posmā nav atļauta no 1. oktobra līdz 30. novembrim. Savukārt no 1. oktobra līdz 30. novembrim Ventas upes posmā no ķieģeļu tilta pār Ventas upi līdz Krāčupes ietekai Ventā, upes kreisajā krastā, un Melnajai Kolkai labajā krasā, ir aizliegta visa veida makšķerēšana un atrašanās upes tuvumā ar makšķerēšanas rīkiem. Papildus pašvaldības policija atgādina, ka zemūdens medības visa gada garumā Ventas upē ir aizliegtas. Informējam, ka minētajā periodā nav atļauts makšķerēt arī ar mākslīgo ēsmu.
Pašvaldības policija informē, ka, sadarbībā ar Vides dienestu, šajā periodā sāks strādāt pastiprinātā režīmā un regulāri veiks reidus. Turklāt otrajā rindkopā nosauktās lokācijas tiks iekļautas pašvaldības policijas ikdienas patruļas maršrutā.
Pašvaldības policija lūdz iesaistīties arī iedzīvotājiem, lai veiksmīgi novērstu likumpārkāpumus. Aicinām ziņot par aizdomīgām personām un transportlīdzekļiem Ventas upes tuvumā, kā arī informēt, ja upē tiek pamanīti mākslīgi veidot aizsprosti, vai krāvumi. Lūgums par šādiem, vai citiem aizdomīgiem gadījumiem, ziņot pašvaldības policijas patruļai, zvanot uz 28881288, vai arī sūtot ziņu/attēlus Whatsapp aplikācijā. Anonimitāte garantēta.
Widest waterfall and longest brick bridge in Europe! Located in ???????? Kuldiga, Latvia
Venta Rapid (Latvian: Ventas rumba) is a waterfall on the Venta River in Kuldiga, Latvia. It is the widest waterfall in Europe at 249 metres (817 ft), and becomes as wide as 270 metres (886 ft) during spring floods. The height of the falls vary from 1.80 to 2.20 metres (5 ft 11 in to 7 ft 3 in) depending on the level of water in the river.
Folk legend tells the origin of the waterfall as follows. At location where the Kata Hut now stands, once lived a sorcerer who was angry with the devil himself and had intention to take revenge. Devil used to sleep at the witch's hut, and one night he'd collect a bag of stones and fly through Venta. But the sorcerer made rooster to sang morning song. The vilage roosters chanted and sang too. So devil was frightened and spilled stones across the river. So a threshold was formed. Another legend attributes the formation of the waterfall to the work Livonian Knights, who mined the stones for the construction of castles. The stones were indeed mined, but much later, at the time of the Duke of Courland, and in insignificant amount.
240 m from the waterfall is located the famous Kuldiga brick bridge. It was built in 1874 and is the longest operating brick bridge in Europe. Built to the building standards of the time it's wide enough for two carriages to pass. Its width is 8 m and its length is 164 m. It was modeled after the bridge on Moselle river in Germany that was erected at the time of Roman Empire. Kuldiga brick bridge was renovated in 2008 and is now in operation.
Music: Anne Vox - Возвращайся
Pavasaris un ledus Ventas Rumbā
Saule un lietus kausē sniegu. ūdens no urdziņām steidzas uz upēm un Ventu. Klāt palu laiks un ledus sāk ceļu uz jūru ...
A walking tour of Kuldiga, Latvia
Join us as we follow our local guide to explore the ancient town of Kuldiga in western Latvia. #LatviaRoadTrip
Kuldiga, Latvia 4.9.2015
Longest brick bridge in Latvia.
Brick bridge across Venta river was built in 1874. It is as famous as waterfall, again, because of European record. Actually it is said it could be one of the longest such type bridges in Europe.
Venta Waterfall - Ventas Rumba.
Venta Rapid (Latvian: Ventas rumba) is a rapid on the Venta River in Kuldīga, Latvia. It is the widest rapid in Europe – 249 metres (817 ft) and up to 270 metres (886 ft) during spring floods. Its height is 1.80–2.20 metres (5.9–7.2 ft) and it changes depending on the water level in the river. It also features the widest waterfall in Europe. It is 110 metres wide, but only two metres high.
Alekšupīte Waterfall - Kuldiga's old mill's waterfall.
Alekšupīte Waterfall in Kuldīga - the highest waterfall in Latvia. It is 4.15 m high and 8 m wide. As the waterfall is created artificially and is located next to the unattended mill building, it does not look especially attractive. The upper part of the waterfall is fixed by setting refractory bricks. A dam is built above the waterfall. About 30 metres down the stream, Alekšupīte has another small terrace.
Venta without waterfall in Kuldiga, Venta bez Rumbas Kuldiga
Waterfall Venta Rapid, Kuldīga, Latvia (Ве́нтас-Румба, Кулдига, Латвия)
Venta Rapid (Latvian: Ventas rumba) is a waterfall on the Venta River in Kuldīga, Latvia. It is the widest waterfall in Europe – 249 metres (817 ft) and up to 270 metres (886 ft) during spring floods. Its height is 1.80–2.20 metres (5.9–7.2 ft) and it changes depending on the water level in the river
Ве́нтас-Румба — самый широкий водопад Европы, расположенный в Кулдиге, Латвии. Ширина водопада зависит от количества воды и в среднем составляет 100—110 метров, однако в половодье может достигать 279 метров. Высота варьируется от 1,6 до 2,2 метров.
Lido zivis Kuldīgā 2019
Sestdien, 27. aprīlī, visi ceļi vedīs uz Kuldīgu, kur no 11.00 jau piecpadsmito reizi ar vērienīgu palu šovu “Lido zivis Kuldīgā” atklās vasaras tūrisma sezonu. Daudzveidīgajā pasākuma programmā kaut ko sev interesējošu atradīs ikviens. Paralēli pasākumam ikviens tā dalībnieks varēs baudīt unikālus dabas skatus, vērojot vimbu augstlēkšanas paraugdemonstrējumus pie Eiropas platākā ūdenskrituma – Ventas rumbas.
Waterfall of river Alekshupite - one of most high in Latvia.
This video of Alekshupite's waterfall was taken 13 Mart 2008.
There are in the center of Kuldiga-town two waterfalls: the widest in Europe Ventas rumba and waterfall of river Alekshupite - the highest in Kurzeme and one of highest in Latvian. Waterfall of Alekshupite is near 4,15 m high and near 8 m vide.
Водопад речки Алекшупите считается одним из самых высоких в Латвии и самым высоким в Курземе. Высота составляет около 4,15 м., ширина - около 8 метров. В конце 19 столетия водопад был достроен и укреплён искуственно, энергия воды стала использоваться для построенной рядом фабрики. Тогда такое решение считалось прогрессивным. Водопад находится недалеко от самого широкого в Европе водопада Вентас румба. Алекшупите впадает в Венту через 50 метров от водопада.
في مدينة كولديغا بغرب جمهورية لاتفيا $ In the city of Kuldīga in western Latvia
تمَّ التصوير من وسط المدينة الصغيرة كولديغا Kuldīga في غرب جمهورية لاتفيا Latvia الاتحادية في مساء يوم الاثنين 30 يوليو من عام 2018 م في زيارة خاصة للجمهورية البديعة .
Widest waterfall in Europe? Kuldiga travel video. Latvia cities.
Kuldīga - one of the most charming towns in West Latvia, located less than two hours drive from the capital of Latvia Riga.
It is a town which has preserved its medieval appearance and charm. Kuldīga has the widest, naturally formed, waterfall in Europe (249 m) and the longest (2 km long) cave system in Latvia - Riežupes smilšu alas.
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Kuldiga - The Most Treasured Town in Latvia
A photographer's trail through the lost streets of Kuldiga, Latvia.
The town of Kuldīga is nested in the centre of the Kurzeme Region (Courland) - located in the west of Latvia. It’s a charming, little town worth visiting either as a rest stop between Latvia’s western Baltic coast and Riga, or as a perfect weekend break away from the busy streets of Riga. Nevertheless, we’ve managed to experience the following as a day trip away from Riga. Read on to find out what to see and do in Kuldīga, where to dine, as well as some practical transport tips about getting to Kuldīga.
Music by Jo Blankenburg
Official Website:
Natural Wonders Of The Earth - Venta Rapid Europe’s Widest Waterfalls
At just 2 meters tall, the Venta Rapid, or Ventas Rumba in Latvian, is one of the smallest waterfalls in the world. But its low height is compensated by its impressive width. At its widest, which happens during spring floods, Ventas Rumba is up to 270
meters wide making it the widest waterfall in Europe. Even during summer, when there is less water, the falls are about 250 meters wide.
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