Verres Castle, valle d'Aosta, Italy
Individual with a private tour guide in Verres Castle in Aosta Valley, Italy in autumn (part II)
Verres Castle, Aosta Valley, Italy
Individual with a private tour guide in Verres Castle in Aosta Valley, Italy in autumn (part I)
Visiting Castle Verres In The Italian Aosta Valley ???????? - E13
VERRES, ITALY: The Valle d'Aosta is a fantastic area in the north of Italy in the middle of the Alps. The valley borders directly on Switzerland and France and has the highest and most beautiful mountains in Europe, Mont Blanc and the Matterhorn. The valley is a wonderful destination for hikes to the peaks of the mountains or for exploring the numerous historical sites dating back to Roman times of over 2000 years ago.
More information, videos, pictures and countries:
Castel's Trail 2017 - Verres
Questo è un video test dove ho provato a coprire l'intero tracciato della corsa da solo. A metà mattinata però ho perso i video della partenza e del primo tratto di gara. Comunque, ho voluto montarlo per non buttare la mattinata di riprese.
Grazie a Nuove Prospettive Biella per le riprese aeree:
Instagram: @joelvierin
Now Online: Skiing on the Ground - Freeski Film
Verres ed Aosta (Italia)
Verres ed Aosta (Valle d'Aosta) Italia
Valle d'Aosta | Aosta Valley: Mountains And Castles | 4K Drone Video
A cinematic aerial drone video of the Valle d'Aosta (Aosta Valley) region, in Northern Italy. Featuring the Castle of Graines in Val d'Ayas, located near the village with the same name near Brusson.
It occupies the summit of a rocky spur which commands Brusson and most of the Val d'Ayas. In medieval times, it communicated through flag or mirror messages with the nearby Bonot Tower and the Villa Castle in Challand-Saint-Victor.
According to a legend a large treasure lies buried under the castle!
The fief of Graines is documented since 515, when King Sigismund of Burgundy donated it to the newly formed Abbey of St. Maurice. The castle was perhaps built in the 11th century by its monks, who built the Romanesque chapel which is still visible in the interior.
In 1263 the abbey sold the fief to Godefroi of Challant, a faithful vassal of the House of Savoy, whose family held the castle until the 18th century. The castle was a stronghold of Catherine of Challant in her struggle for the family's inheritance. When the Challant disappeared in the 19th century, the castle was bought by Passerin d'Entrèves family, who later sold it to the commune of Brusson.
The video is followed by the Shrine of the Madonna della Neve of Machaby (Madonna of the snow), which is located at a height of 696 metres, in the Machaby valley and not far from the centre of Arnad, in a splendid position among the chestnut forests.
The building, which originates from the fourteenth century, was rebuilt entirely in 1687.
Next is the Castello superiore di Arnad (Arnad's superior castle). Situated in a position dominating the village, on the side of the Machaby valley, the castle is at present in ruins.
It was probably built by the noble De Arnado family in the 13th century. In the 14th century it was the residence of the Valleise family, who invited Amadeus VI of Savoy to lunch in 1351.
The next point of interest shown is the famous Castello di Bard (Bard's castle), also know for being features as the Hydra Fortress in Marvel's Avengers.
It is situated in the historic route that controls the pass between Italy and France in the Aosta Valley (northwest of Italy).
The current Bard fortifications were built by Charles Albert of Savoy between 1830 and 1838. It replaced a 10th-century castle that had, itself, been built on an earlier structure founded by Theodoric I in the 5th century. The castle was under the control of the powerful local lords of Bard until the middle of the 13th century when ownership passed to the House of Savoy. Under their control, the defences were strengthened and improved. On May 14, 1800, a 40,000-strong French army was stopped by 400 Austro-Piedmontese soldiers at Fort Bard. They held the pass for two weeks, completely ruining Napoleon Bonaparte's plan of making a surprise attack on the Po Valley and Turin.
Lastly, the Verres Castle (Castello di Verrès) is a fortified 14th-century fortress in the lower Aosta Valley, in north-western Italy. It has been called one of the most impressive buildings from the Middle Ages in the area. Built as a military fortress by Yblet de Challant in the fourteenth century, it was one of the first examples of a castle constructed as a single structure rather than as a series of buildings enclosed in a circuit wall.
The castle stands on a rocky promonitory on the opposite side of the Dora Baltea from Issogne Castle. The castle dominates the town of Verrès and the access to the Val d'Ayas. From the outside it looks like an austere cube, thirty metres long on each side and practically free of decorative elements.
- Footage filmed with DJI Inspire 2
-Camera: Zenmuse X7 with 50mm. ND8 filter:
- Filming time: approx. 60 minutes (4 battery set)
- Editing time: approx. 3 hours
- Editing software: FCPX (Final Cut Pro X by Apple)
- Music Licensed By: Artlist
#Aosta #Castle #Italy
Drone Special Gear:
Safety Drone Gear: ULTIMADRONE by Atellani (Patent Pending).
NOW available exclusively at:
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Contact us at: office[at] or write to:
dario[at] for more information
Footage is up to 6K Resolution!
Watch: The Amazing Square Wave By Ivan Black
Il Castello di Verres
Il castello di Verrès è uno dei più famosi manieri medievali valdostani. Costruito come fortezza militare da Ibleto di Challant nel XIV secolo, fu uno dei primi esempi di castello monoblocco, costituito cioè da un unico edificio a differenza dei manieri più antichi formati da una serie di corpi di fabbrica racchiusi da una cinta muraria.
Si erge su un promontorio roccioso che domina l'abitato di Verrès e la strada della Val d'Ayas, dalla parte opposta della Dora Baltea rispetto al castello di Issogne, ed esternamente appare come un austero cubo di trenta metri di lato, praticamente privo di elementi decorativi. Il castello, costruito per essere una fortezza militare, sorge su un promontorio roccioso a picco sul torrente Evançon che domina l'abitato di Verrès. Oltre ad essere di difficile accesso e facilmente difendibile, la sua posizione gli consentiva di controllare il paese sottostante, la valle centrale e la strada che sale lungo la Val d'Ayas, all'epoca importante via di comunicazione. Nel XVIII secolo lo storico valdostano Jean-Baptiste de Tillier nella sua Historique de la Vallée d'Aoste descrisse il castello di Verrès come «Et l'on peut dire sans exagération que c'est un des plus solides et plus fameux batiments qu'un vassal ait pu faire construire dans le domaine d'un prince souverain où celluy-cy tient le rang d'un des plus renommés», definendolo uno dei più solidi e più famosi edifici che un vassallo abbia potuto costruite nel dominio di un principe sovrano.
Esternamente si presenta come un austero monoblocco cubico di 30 metri di lato, circondato alla base da una cinta muraria che racchiude tutta la sommità del picco di roccia. Le pareti, dello spessore di più di 2,5 metri, sono sormontate da una fila continua di beccatelli, che nascondono una caditoia, e su di esse si aprono bifore medievali e finestre a crociera rinascimentali. Ogni elemento del castello sembra essere stato studiato per rendere la fortezza meglio difendibile. Vi si accede a piedi tramite una mulattiera che sale lungo la montagna fino a raggiungere l'ingresso della cinta muraria, una volta accessibile tramite un ponte levatoio. Questo ingresso, così come la cinta muraria esterna, fu realizzato da Renato di Challant nel XVI secolo, come indicato nell'iscrizione posta sopra il portone di ingresso.
Chi percorre il sentiero per salire al castello offre sempre alla fortezza il fianco destro. Questo era un ulteriore accorgimento per la difesa, dal momento che i soldati del tempo erano soliti portare lo scudo con la mano sinistra e quindi il destro era il fianco più esposto.
Oltrepassato il portone ci si ritrova in un'antiporta, in salita e in curva per rendere difficoltoso l'eventuale uso di un ariete[5]. Su questo spazio si apre il portone che conduce al parco interno e ai bastioni, un tempo occupato dalle scuderie, non accessibile ai visitatori.
Superata l'antiporta si raggiunge il corpo di guardia, sotto il quale si trovavano le prigioni, adibito a biglietteria per le visite al maniero. Di fronte vi è l'ingresso vero e proprio del castello, chiuso da un portale in legno ricostruzione di quello originale, rinforzato da chiodi di ferro e racchiuso da un doppio arco a tutto sesto e a sesto acuto. Il castello di Verrès è uno dei monumenti più visitati della Valle d'Aosta e nel triennio 2007-2009 ha contato circa 20 000 ingressi ogni anno.
Nel 1884 il maniero venne utilizzato da Alfredo d'Andrade come uno dei modelli per la Rocca del Borgo Medievale di Torino, realizzata in occasione dell'Esposizione Generale Italiana Artistica e Industriale di quell'anno.
A partire dal 1949, ogni anno, a Verrès, in occasione del carnevale, viene rievocato l'episodio durante il quale, il 31 maggio del 1449, Caterina di Challant e suo marito Pietro d'Introd scesero sulla piazza del paese e iniziarono a ballare con gli abitanti del borgo. Durante i quattro giorni del carnevale il castello ospita cene e balli in maschera e la rappresentazione dell'opera Una partita a scacchi di Giuseppe Giacosa.
I miei video:
#castelloverres #ripreseaereecondrone #luoghi #drone
verres castello
visita al castello di Verres, agosto 2015
Verrès Castle, valle d'Aosta, Italy
Verrès Castle is a fortified 14th-century castle in Verrès, in the lower Aosta Valley, in north-western Italy. It has been called one of the most impressive buildings from the Middle Ages in the area. Built as a military fortress by Yblet de Challant in the fourteenth century, it was one of the first examples of a castle constructed as a single structure rather than as a series of buildings enclosed in a circuit wall
Lago Villa 1, Valle d'Aosta, Verres
Riserva naturale
Hone Bard - Verres (Valle d'Aosta) Italia
TREKKING - Escursionismo
Castello di Verrès
Il castello di Verrès, è uno dei più famosi manieri medievali valdostani. Costruito come fortezza militare da Ibleto di Challant nel XIV secolo, fu uno dei primi esempi di castello monoblocco, costituito cioè da un unico edificio, a differenza dei manieri più antichi formati da una serie di corpi di fabbrica racchiusi da una cinta muraria.
Si erge su un promontorio roccioso che domina l'abitato di Verrès e la strada della Val d'Ayas, dalla parte opposta della Dora Baltea rispetto al castello di Issogne, ed esternamente appare come un austero cubo di trenta metri di lato, praticamente privo di elementi decorativi. Nella parte alta del borgo, si trova invece il complesso della Prevostura di Saint-Gilles, realizzato tra il XI e il XIII secolo, che ospita nella cappella sepolcrale di Ibleto di Challant una trifora in pietra, capolavoro del gotico valdostano.
Verrès storia e tradizioni - video promozionale del comune di Verrès (AO)
Versione breve del video Verrès storia e tradizioni.
Il castello, la Collegiata di Saint-Gilles, il Carnevale Storico di Verrès, la storia, enogastronomia, mercatino dell'occasione e dello scambio, passeggiate ed escursioni, arboreto Borna di Lau, Torille
Lago Villa 3, Valle d'Aosta, Verres
Area protetta
Ciclovia Francigena 1 Aosta - Verres
First day of our bicycle tour at the Ciclovia Francigena in the north of Italy. We cycled from Aosta along the river Dora through small villages such as Saint Vincent and Borso to Verres where we took the train back to our hotel in Aosta. We enjoyed the views of the mountains, wineyards, dog games and a fantastic miniature castel-village.
Recorded sunday 25 june 2017
Music: Avocado Street & Modus Operandi by Silent Partner
Maps: Sloways (
I've made a videoclip of each day; if you want to see more of this ciclovia, check this playlist:
Hope you like my video. There is more to come, so subscribe my channel!
Movie Locations | Marvel's Avengers Hydra fortress | Bard Fort Aosta
The Bard Castle / Fortress located in the Aosta Valley (Valle d'Aosta) Italy is the location of the Hydra Fortress in the fictional Eastern European nation of Sokovia for Marvel's blockbuster movie: Avengers The Age Of Ultron. This is a 19th-century castle, situated in the historic route that controls the pass between Italy and France in the Aosta Valley (northwest of Italy). For the Avengers attack, the castle was lined with fake snow and many extras were recruited from the local population.
This Aerial Drone Cinematic video, filmed in 4K (2160p) and up to 6K (2880p) features several Aosta Valley locations, including the Castle of Verres, Gressoney and Cervinia.
The current Bard fortifications were built by Charles Albert of Savoy between 1830 and 1838. It replaced a 10th-century castle that had, itself, been built on an earlier structure founded by Theodoric I in the 5th century. The castle was under the control of the powerful local lords of Bard until the middle of the 13th century when ownership passed to the House of Savoy. Under their control, the defences were strengthened and improved. On May 14, 1800, a 40,000-strong French army was stopped by 400 Austro-Piedmontese soldiers at Fort Bard. They held the pass for two weeks, completely ruining Napoleon Bonaparte's plan of making a surprise attack on the Po Valley and Turin. When he heard the news, he named the fort vilain castel de Bard. Bonaparte then gave the order himself, that the fort should be razed to the ground. It was not until 1830 that Charles Albert of Savoy, fearing new attacks from the French, ordered that the fort be rebuilt. The task was entrusted to the famed Italian military engineer, Francesco Antonio Olivero. The work, which took eight years to complete, created a fort with two distinct levels. The upper part had conventional battlements whereas the lower part had 50 gun ports in autonomous casemates that were designed to offer mutual protection if attacked.
The Verres Castle (Castello di Verrès) is a fortified 14th-century fortress in the lower Aosta Valley, in north-western Italy. It has been called one of the most impressive buildings from the Middle Ages in the area. Built as a military fortress by Yblet de Challant in the fourteenth century, it was one of the first examples of a castle constructed as a single structure rather than as a series of buildings enclosed in a circuit wall.
The castle stands on a rocky promonitory on the opposite side of the Dora Baltea from Issogne Castle. The castle dominates the town of Verrès and the access to the Val d'Ayas. From the outside it looks like an austere cube, thirty metres long on each side and practically free of decorative elements.
Keywords: 4k, 5k, 6k, HD, High Definition, Castle, Marvel, Avengers, Age of Ultron, Bard, Fortress, Aosta Valley, Cervinia, Gressoney, Valle d'Aosta, Movie Location. Movie Set
#avengers #aosta #bard
Drone Special Gear:
Safety Drone Gear: ULTIMADRONE by Atellani (Patent Pending).
NOW available exclusively at:
Please visit:
Contact us at: office[at] or write to:
dario[at] for more information
Footage is up to 6K Resolution!
Watch: The Amazing Square Wave By Ivan Black
Verrès | Val d'Ayas | Valle d'Aosta | 4K | ITALY | By Drone
Avengers: Age of Ultron - Castle Battle Scene☑️
Movie: Avengers: Age of Ultron
Production company: Marvel Studios
Distributed by: Walt Disney Studios