Vestfjarðagöng (Vestfirðir Tunnel)
This tunnel is Y-shaped in that it goes from Ísafjörður to Flateyri with the option to turn to go to Suðureyri. We were very impressed with the size of the tunnels we saw in Iceland. They save a lot of time and give access to towns in the winter by tunneling through mountains and under fjords.
Iceland west fjords. Tunnel to isafjordur
Tunnel to Ísafjörður #1, West Fjörds, Iceland, 7/8/07
A long drive through this amazing tunnel - about five minutes or more. You got choked from the exhaust fumes as you passed through it; there's no proper ventilation. A bit dark, this clip.
Tunnel to Ísafjörður #2, West Fjörds, Iceland, 7/8/07
A shorter clip but a bit better quality.
Iceland tunnel to Seyðisfjörður
Single lane, about 2km long, with pull-outs.
Soundtrack by Tegan and Sara.
May 2010
Driving into the light, away from the coast.
Rescue team Iceland
A group of volunteers in Sudureyri cleaning the roof from snow
Óshlíð - the most dangerous road in Iceland
Breathtaking scenery and good weather this summer when I rode hist road from Hnífsdalur to Bolungarvík, the most daangerous raod in iceland and you can see why. The road was built in 1949 and just 2 years later it took the lives of 2 people when rocks fell on a Bus. In 2010 the road was cloesed when the 5.4 km long tunnel was opened.
Redwood Highway by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
A Drive Through Hvalfjörður Tunnel, Iceland
Read the whole story at An Icelandic Roadtrip: Journey to the Center of the Snow
Iceland Travel Deals - Vestfirðir
The Westfjords or West Fjords is the name for the large peninsula in northwestern Iceland. It is connected to the rest of Iceland by a 7 km wide isthmus between Gilsfjörður and Bitrufjörður. The Westfjords are very mountainous; the coastline is heavily indented by dozens of fjords surrounded by steep hills. These indentations make roads circuitous and communications difficult. The cliffs at Látrabjarg comprise the longest bird cliff in the northern Atlantic Ocean and are at the westernmost point in Iceland. The Drangajökull glacier is located in the north of the peninsula and is the fifth largest of the country, but the only glacier of the region.
On Top of Iceland's Vestfirðir (Westfjords)
High up in Iceland's Vestfirðir (Westfjords) off Route 60.
Súðavík - Kirkjuferð - West Fjords
Mynd frá Súðavík og endað í messu í Súðavíkurkirkju. Fyrir altari þjónaði sr. Bernharður Guðmundsson, sem var sóknarprestur í Súðavík á sjöunda áratug liðinnar aldar. Gamli biskupinn sr. Karl Sigurbjörnsson predikaði. Orgelleikari var Kjartan Sigurjónsson, fyrrv. skólastjóri á Ísafirði og fyrrum organisti Ísafjarðarkirkju.
Ísafjörður West Fjords
Ísafjörður is the largest town in the peninsula of Vestfirðir (Westfjords). It is located on a spit of sand and connected to the nearby Bolungarvík by a tunnel. In summertime it is animated by several music and art festivals, while in wintertime ice and snow dominates the whole area.
Ísafjörður að komast í jólabúninginn.
Tækifæri dreifðra byggða - Vestfirðir Arnhildur Lilý Karlsdottir
Arnhildur Lilý Karlsdóttir, forstöðukona Blánbankans á Þingeyri fjallaði um verkefni sem Blábankinn tekur þátt í sem nefnist Stafrænir flakkarar. Markmið verkefnisins er að fleiri fari að líta á það sem möguleika að búa og starfa á Þingeyri og að störf án staðsetningar, hvort sem er til skemmri eða lengri tíma.
Málstofa um Tækifæri dreifðra byggða í fjórðu iðnbyltingunni. Samstarfsverkefni Nýsköpunarmiðstöðvar Íslands og landshlutasamtaka sveitarfélaga utan höfuðborgarsvæðisins og Byggðastofnunar.
Haldin 5.september 2019 á sex stöðum landinu og streymt á internetinu.
Borgarnes, Ísafjörður, Sauðárkrókur, Akureyri, Reyðarfjörður og Selfoss
Iceland tunnel bomb
Tunnel bombing bolungarvík iceland
Road to Ísafjörður Iceland (Mavic Drone)
Driving in Seydisfjördur, Westfjords, Iceland
Dudes in Iceland - Day 4 - The Tunnel
The dudes navigate the one lane tunnel OddgoggkarKARG (otherwise known as Oddsskardsgong) Tunnel on the way to Neskauptstadur.
Undersea Tunnel Iceland
Hvalfjôrður , Iceland