VIP EVENT LESIZZA GOLD 22K - Vila Vipolže - Goriška Brda - Slovenia
Wine Lesizza Gold 22k with edible gold - by Susana & Egon Lesizza; Special Thanks go to: Mariana BO - DJ Producer & Violinist, Yolanda Martin; Joel Loyo - Fashion Designer; Miss Gaming Slovenia - Polonca Goršek, Lucija Potočnik, Hana Lipnik, Monika Aberšek, Lina Borovnik; Make UP: Tea Bratina; Roberta Fičur - Dancer; Danilo Kotnik - Photographer; Matjaž Ščurek - Cameramen; Video edition: Rial Trade, d.o.o.; Music: Mariana Bo Feat. Melissa Galindo - Lights And Love (Cover Audio); Digiart - Laser Show, Prima I.E. - Ford, Fana and other sponsors. Thank you all!
Sidharta at klet brda (dobrovo v brdih 2019)
Najlepša slovenska renesančna Vila tudi uradno odprta
Dobre tri mesece po podpisu pogodbe o upravljanju in predaji ključev so se v Vili Vipolže 22. oktobra ponovno zbrali briški župan Franc Mužič, direktorica Zavoda za turizem, kulturo, mladino in šport (ZTKMŠ) Brda Tina Novak Samec in ministrica za kulturo mag. Julijana Bizjak Mlakar, tokrat ob uradnem odprtju briškega renesančnega dvorca.
Poroka v Goriških Brdih - Vila Vipolže // Špela & Tine
Sončen jesenski dan je bil v znamenju čudovitega para in razposajenih svatov. Ljubezen in srečo je bilo mogoč uzreti na obrazu prav vsakega prisotnega. Po uradnem delu pred Vilo Vipolže, se je slavje nadaljevalo v Kleti Brda na Dobrovem. Pesem, ples in odlična hrana sta poskrbela da je bila noč nepozabna. Vso srečo mladoporočencema!
Glasba: Ditka Haberl: Kot nekdo, ki imel me bo rad
Unchained Melody - Kenny Rogers
Kamera/Montaža: Andrej Curk
Z.B.G - Črjšnje črjšnje
Z.B.G - Združeni Briški Glasbeniki je medgeneracijski glasbeni projekt različnih briških glasbenikov. Začetki segajo v leto 2010. Od takrat nastajajo pesmi različnih zvrsti s sodelovanjem preko 40 različnih briških glasbenikov. V Vili Vipolže so 24. maja 2019 tudi prvič nastopili skupaj in predstavili CD prvenec pred več kot 500 glavo množico.
Vokal: Žarko Marinič
Back: Dominik Rusjan
Mandolina: Matej Srebrnič
Banjo: Oton Zuljan
Kitara: Tilen Šfiligoj
Solo kitara: Vasja Rusjan
Bas: Aljaž Bužinel
Bobni: Jan Jakončič
Besedilo: Ludvik Zorzut
Melodija: Žarko Marinič, Matej Srebrnič, Tilen Šfiligoj
Glasba: ZBG
Prisluhnite albumu Z.B.G na tej povezavi:
Spremljajte Z.B.G na tej povezavi:
Kamera: Aleks Vuga in Vid Sirk
Zvok: Marko Turel
Montaža: Aleks Vuga
-Posneto 24.5.2019
Z.B.G - Gradnikove
Z.B.G - Združeni Briški Glasbeniki je medgeneracijski glasbeni projekt različnih briških glasbenikov. Začetki segajo v leto 2010. Od takrat nastajajo pesmi različnih zvrsti s sodelovanjem preko 40 različnih briških glasbenikov. V Vili Vipolže so 24. maja 2019 tudi prvič nastopili skupaj in predstavili CD prvenec pred več kot 500 glavo množico.
Vokal: Tina Drnovšček
Back: Zarjan Kocina
Zbor: Nonet Brda
Klavir: Ingrid Mačus
Kitara: Tilen Šfiligoj
Solo kitara: Franko Reja
Bas: Danilo Podvršček
Bobni: Bogdan Kodermac
Besedilo: Alojz Gradnik
Melodija: Tilen Šfiligoj
Glasba: ZBG
Prisluhnite albumu Z.B.G na tej povezavi:
Spremljajte Z.B.G na tej povezavi:
Kamera: Aleks Vuga in Vid Sirk
Zvok: Marko Turel
Montaža: Aleks Vuga
-Posneto 24.5.2019
Utrinek iz koncerta za prijatelje v Vili Vipolže
Občina Brda je domačinom in Primorcem, ki so še pred obnovo Vile Vipolže uživali na velikih zabavah, podarila veliki Koncert za prijatelje.
Kizomba • Semba • Ishmech • Afro Tribal • Intiniti Dance Bliss Festival 2017
INTINITI Dance Bliss International Festival took place 19. - 22. 10. 2017. This was our first edition. The second is to be 18. - 21. 10. 2018
Ishmech, Afro tribal, Kizomba, Semba, Mindfulness
»Back to your roots – here and now.«
Slovenia, Brda, Vila Vipolže
INTINITI Dance Bliss International Festival brings together world renown concepts:
Raising consciousness through DANCE WITHOUT FORM
Connect with the intelligence of your heart first.
African heritage, culture, and wisdom.
Allow the music dance through your body, reaching your soul.
Feel the other on the dance path of Beauty and Joy.
Be fully alive in the present moment and become The Dance.
“Unveil your Bliss through Dance and return back to your Roots - here and now!”
Kristina De Ventus (Slovenia)
Antonio Bandeira (Angola/Portugal)
To Costa (Angola/England)
Petchu&Vanessa (Angola/Portugal)
Iolanda&Dasmara (Angola/Portugal)
Nemanja Sonero (Serbia/Estonia)
Matej and Barbara (Slovenia)
Peppe Kizomba (Italy)
DJ Sabura (Portugal)
DJ Virgin (Italy)
DJ Lindt (Netherlands)
Kirsi vanSol (Finland)
Katian Ramos Caria (Portugal)
3 days of Workshops: Ishmech, Afro Tribal, Kizomba, Semba, Mindfulness, Musicality, Round table
4 Parties (in 2 rooms)
Social room
Taxi dancers
Live music
African fashion
Trip over Brda
Wine and olive oil experience
Journey throughout exclusive cuisine experience by Tomaž Kavčič (Zemono): genuine food, snack bar, 4 dinners provided at the venue
Slovenia, the region Brda
The festival is located midway between the Alps and the Mediterranean, among the hills of the Brda region, right neighboring Italy. Despite being quick and simple to find this elite Slovenian region, you will still feel far removed from everyday life and the urban bustle. An ideal environment to relax, enjoy the company of friends and dancers, party and explore.
The gentle slopes of Brda bask under the rays of the sun after crossing the famous bridge over the magnificent Soča river. Green vineyards twist and turn among the picturesque villages, along with olive trees and orchards. Guests keep returning to Brda because of the pampering they receive, the excellent wines at the wine cellars, and the home-made food on offer at the tourist farms.
Main Venue:
Vila Vpolže
All the festival programe will be held in Vila Vipolže, the most beautiful Renaissance villa in Slovenia. The villa’s complete restoration in 2015 and modern interior have lent it an air of timeless elegance. Its unique story and integration in the Brda region rank it among the most beautiful centres for social, cultural and business events in Slovenia. You will be welcomed by friendly hosts who will endeavour to ensure that all your requirements are met.
Vipolze 29
5212 Dobrovo
For the guests flying or coming by public transport we will organize the TRANSFER to the venue.
Nearby airports
Ljubljana, Joze Pucnik: 135 km
Trieste, Ronchi dei Legionari: 25 km
Venice, Marco Polo: 130 km
Venice, Treviso: 125 km
Klagenfurt: 200 km
Zagreb: 260 km
Pula: 190 km
The entire main venue at Vila Vipolže will be intended for the Festival needs.
Brda is an elongated region with countless vineyards, rolling hills, and medieval villages. There are enough accommodation possibilities in nearby villages, even in walking distance.
The FREE transfer from your accommodation to the main venue Vila will be provided by the festival organization. The drive to the Vila will take you for about 5 minutes.
We’ve agreed with most of the local accommodation providers a DISCOUNT.
Intiniti Dance Bliss Festival 2017 Official
INTINITI Dance Bliss International Festival will be held 19. - 22. 10. 2017
Ishmech, Afro tribal, Kizomba, Semba, Mindfulness
»Back to your roots – here and now.«
Slovenia, Brda, Vila Vipolže
INTINITI Dance Bliss International Festival brings together world renown concepts:
Raising consciousness through DANCE WITHOUT FORM
Connect with the intelligence of your heart first.
African heritage, culture, and wisdom.
Allow the music dance through your body, reaching your soul.
Feel the other on the dance path of Beauty and Joy.
Be fully alive in the present moment and become The Dance.
“Unveil your Bliss through Dance and return back to your Roots - here and now!”
Kristina De Ventus (Slovenia)
Antonio Bandeira (Angola/Portugal)
To Costa (Angola/England)
Petchu&Vanessa (Angola/Portugal)
Iolanda&Dasmara (Angola/Portugal)
Nemanja Sonero (Serbia/Estonia)
Matej and Barbara (Slovenia)
Peppe Kizomba (Italy)
DJ Sabura (Portugal)
DJ Virgin (Italy)
DJ Lindt (Netherlands)
Kirsi vanSol (Finland)
Katian Ramos Caria (Portugal)
3 days of Workshops: Ishmech, Afro Tribal, Kizomba, Semba, Mindfulness, Musicality, Round table
4 Parties (in 2 rooms)
Social room
Taxi dancers
Live music
African fashion
Trip over Brda
Wine and olive oil experience
Journey throughout exclusive cuisine experience by Tomaž Kavčič (Zemono): genuine food, snack bar, 4 dinners provided at the venue
*** PRICE:
FULL PASS includes:
- 3 days of Workshops (in 2 rooms)
- 4 Parties (in 2 rooms)
- 1 bottle of world renowned Wine from Brda region
- Wine and Olive oil tasting experience
- Social room
- Movies
!!! First 20 passes: 90 eur !!!
Untill 31.3: 115 eur
1.4. - 15.5: 120 eur
16.5. - 17.6.: 130 eur
18.7. - 31.8.: 140 eur
1.9. - 30.9.: 150 eur
1.10. - 18.10: 160 eur
At the door: 190 eur
Discount of 11 eur per each Full Pass + 1 dinner (Thursday, Friday or Sunday)
Use Promo Code: Bliss Couple
Find your PROMO CODE by INTINITI Dance Bliss PROMOTERS or contact us.
Buy your ticket:
The festival is located midway between the Alps and the Mediterranean, among the hills of the Brda region, right neighboring Italy. Despite being quick and simple to find this elite Slovenian region, you will still feel far removed from everyday life and the urban bustle. An ideal environment to relax, enjoy the company of friends and dancers, party and explore.
The gentle slopes of Brda bask under the rays of the sun after crossing the famous bridge over the magnificent Soča river. Green vineyards twist and turn among the picturesque villages, along with olive trees and orchards. Guests keep returning to Brda because of the pampering they receive, the excellent wines at the wine cellars, and the home-made food on offer at the tourist farms.
Main Venue:
Vila Vpolže
All the festival programe will be held in Vila Vipolže, the most beautiful Renaissance villa in Slovenia. The villa’s complete restoration in 2015 and modern interior have lent it an air of timeless elegance. Its unique story and integration in the Brda region rank it among the most beautiful centres for social, cultural and business events in Slovenia. You will be welcomed by friendly hosts who will endeavour to ensure that all your requirements are met.
Vipolze 29
5212 Dobrovo
For the guests flying or coming by public transport we will organize the TRANSFER to the venue.
Nearby airports
Ljubljana, Joze Pucnik: 135 km
Trieste, Ronchi dei Legionari: 25 km
Venice, Marco Polo: 130 km
Venice, Treviso: 125 km
Klagenfurt: 200 km
Zagreb: 260 km
Pula: 190 km
The entire main venue at Vila Vipolže will be intended for the Festival needs.
Brda is an elongated region with countless vineyards, rolling hills, and medieval villages. There are enough accommodation possibilities in nearby villages, even in walking distance.
The FREE transfer from your accommodation to the main venue Vila will be provided by the festival organization. The drive to the Vila will take you for about 5 minutes.
We’ve agreed with most of the local accommodation providers a DISCOUNT.
Check @
Mobile, WhatsApp, Viber
+386 41 238 552
+386 40 423 719
See U in October. It's gonna be great!
Goriška Brda na Obmejnih okusih 2017
Zapuščena vas Slapnik Abandoned village Slapnik
Abbandoned Village of Slapnik
Zapuščena vas slapnik
Slapnik, nekdaj naselje premožnih kmetov, je edina vas v Goriški Brdi, v kateri ne živi nihče.Slapnik se je ugnezdil 360 metrov visoko na sončnem pobočju Korade, z 812 metri najvišjega briškega hriba.
Večina prebivalcev se je namreč po drugi svetovni vojni odselila na Koprsko, v Argentino in drugam po svetu. V slapniku je živelo približno 50 ljudi.
Vasica, ki sicer propada, je polna zanimivih motivov in prelepih kamnoseških detajlov, ki pričajo o nekdanjem živahnem utripu.
Slapnik, once a village of wealthy farmers, is the only village in the Goriška Brda, without inhabitans. Slapnik is located 360 meters high on the sunny side of Korada.
Most of the Slapnik residents have moved out of the village, after the world war II.
Approximately 50 people lived in Slapnik, mostly farmers and their families.
Praznik Češenj 2018
Dogajanja na prazniku češenj v Goriških Brdih 10. 6. 2018
Na pobudo Gorazda Britovška iz piranske Čakole in Maria Druscovicha iz ribiškega društva Oradela se gurmanstvu in radoživosti predana skupina piranskih ribičev bo že tretjič podala na kulinarični dogodek k vinarju Belica. Kot se za tak obisk za ribiče spodobi, bomo s seboj vzeli nekaj svežih rib in kalamarov, ki jih bomo nalovili skuhali brodet za ta namen ter se polni pričakovanj nad presenečenji iz kuhinje podali v Medano k vinarju Belici.
Obisk Goriška Brda - Donald Trump - Pust
Pustni obisk Goriška brda - Donald Trump
THE THING Jazz & Wine Of Peace 2018
Jazz & Wine Of Peace 2018
Vila Vipolže Dobrovo Slovenia
27 10 2018
Mats Gustafsson: tenor, alto, baritone saxophones
Ingebrigt Håker Flaten: double and electric bass
Paal Nilssen-Love: drums
Mal na zrak - Goriška Brda
Goriška Brda, Dobrovo, nedelja 9. junij 2019, konec tedna, v Brdih spet živahno. Godi se tradicionalni praznik češenj, največja in najbolj odmevna kulturno-turistična prireditev, ki jo letno obišče več kot trideset tisoč obiskovalcev. Praznovanje se je začelo že pretekli konec tedna s 108 kilometrov dolgim kolesarskim maratonom iz Ljubljane v Brda, z dnevom odprtih kleti in pohodom »od češnje do češnje«. Vrhunec dogajanja je pa ta, s tradicionalno povorko kmečkih voz, izborom kraljice češenj, strokovnim ocenjevanjem in razstavo češenj. Plesni ritmi in glasbene predstave so na celotnem prizorišču Dobrovega. Na gradu Dobrovo bo Briška poroka, zvečer pa veliki češnjev zaključni koncert s skupinama Agronavti in Kontrabant. in
mini praznik Češenj v Beljaku 2016
Praznik češenj prirejata AACC in občina Brda skupaj z mestom Beljak