Villa Aldobrandini - Frascati
Topo a Villa Aldobrandini
Drone Frascati: Fausto Cecconi, Villa Aldobrandini
Maggio 2017
Frascati - Il teatro delle acque di Villa Aldobrandini
Nel tardo rinascimento Papa Clemente VIII, già cardinale Aldobrandini, volle farsi costruire in quel di Frascati una magnifica e sontuosa villa che celasse al suo interno un fantasioso giardino e mirabili giochi d'acqua. Il teatro delle acque è uno dei più belli esempi dell' arte barocca.
#palazziantichi #giardini #arte
veduta aerea di villa Aldobrandini Frascati
veduta aerea di villa Aldobrandini Frascati provincia di roma
Best day in My Life Frascati, Italy (2018)
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Hidden, elevated park on the grounds of a former villa offering a leafy escape & city views.If you’re in need of a breather around Via Nazionale or are in search of somewhere for a picnic, follow Via Mazzarino off the main road and walk up the steps, past 2nd-century ruins, to this graceful, sculpture-dotted garden with gravel paths and benches beneath fragrant orange trees, palms and camellias.
Places to see in ( Frascati - Italy )
Places to see in ( Frascati - Italy )
Frascati, in Lazio at a short distance from Rome, is a popular daytrip destination from the capital. Frascati is one of several attractive historic hilltowns to the south-east of Rome known collectively as the Castelli Romani. Every weekend these towns, and Frascati in particular, fill up with Romans looking for a change of pace, clean air, good food and wine. Often groups of Romans will drive here just for the evening, dining at one of the many informal restaurants which serve rich regional specialities and the local white wine.
The air is noticeably fresher than in the city, and in the sweltering summer months it has always been a popular resort. The wealthy built villas here, many of which are still standing although they're not open to the public. The most impressive is the Villa Aldobrandini, designed by Giacomo Della Porta for the nephew of a pope. This palace dominates the town, hovering above the central piazza in faded splendour. The gardens are open to the public and are free to visit - you just need to collect a permit from the tourist office first. On a weekday the grounds may be completely empty, and you can explore the terraces in solitary state. A gigantic water feature (no longer functioning), sculptures and architectural follies dominate the gardens behind the Villa, and you can climb up beside the crumbling cascade and imagine the estate in its glittering heyday.
The Villa Torlonia, nearby, was destroyed in the war. Nowadays it is a public park, where office workers jog in their lunch hour. You can still admire the gardens, and an impressive fountain, the Teatro delle acque (water theatre), designed by Carlo Maderno. The cathedral is worth a look, as are some of Frascati's other churches. There's no tourist circuit of important sights in Frascati. The chief appeal of an excursion is the relaxing ambience, fine feasting, and wandering around the evocative medieval streets and the faded grandeur of the aristocratic past.
Frascati is 13 miles (21km) from Rome, and is easily reachable by public transport. COTRAL buses run frequently from Anagnina metro station (remember to buy your tickets in advance from the kiosk at Anagnina, and to validate them when you get on the bus). For more information about COTRAl buses, see the Lazio transport page. There is also a local train service from Rome, which leaves from Stazione Termini.
The Frascati tourist information office is situated on the main square, Piazza Marconi. This is where the buses from (and to) Rome stop. There is also a panoramic terrace and a gelateria close at hand, so it's a good place to sit down and get your bearings when you arrive. Both the tourist office and the gardens of Villa Aldobrandini are closed for a couple of hours at lunchtime.
( Frascati - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Frascati . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Frascati - Italy
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Aldobrandini family Top # 24 Facts
Aldobrandini family Top # 24 Facts
Mussolini a Roma visita Villa Aldobrandini
Giornale Luce A0070 del 05/1928
Descrizione sequenze:Il duce con altre autorità nel giardino di Villa Aldobrandini ; dalla terrazza panoramica si intravede l'Altare della Patria ; il duce e la delegazione camminano per i viali del giardino ; Mussolini davanti ad alcuni attrezzi e oggetti accatastati nel giardino ;
Archivio Storico Luce .
Istituto Luce Cinecittà: tutte le immagini e i fotogrammi più belli di come eravamo, rivissuti attraverso i film, i documentari e i video che hanno fatto la storia del nostro Paese.
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Villa Aldobrandini (Frascati)
Estate 2010
Villa e Scuderie Aldobrandini
Villa e Scuderie Aldobrandini
Dopo il successo della prima “Giornata delle dimore storiche del Lazio” del 21 ottobre 2018 la Regione Lazio, in collaborazione anche con l’I.R.Vi.T. – Istituto Regionale per le Ville Tuscolane, ha organizzato un nuovo appuntamento; infatti dal 25 al 28 aprile p.v. sarà possibile conoscere e visitare un gran numero di dimore, ville, complessi architettonici, parchi e giardini di valore storico, artistico e culturale del Lazio.
Per l’occasione apriranno le porte gratuitamente:
28 APRILE 2019
Villa Aldobrandini (Frascati)
Visite guidate con ingresso libero ore 10:30 e ore 12:30
Ninfeo; Giardino storico; Sala del Parnaso.
La visita sarà allietata da sketch teatrali dello spettacolo “Cyrano de Bergerac” a cura della compagnia teatrale Controtempo.
Villa Falconieri (Frascati)
Visite guidate dalle ore 10:00 alle 13.00 – Sale con dipinti dal XVI al XVIII secolo;
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25,26,27 e 28 APRILE 2019
Parco Monumentale di Villa Torlonia (Frascati ) e Villa Tuscolana (Frascati)
Prenotazione necessaria entro il giorno 26 aprile con modalità indicate sul sito
Villa Aldobrandini
The back of Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati.
passaggio in villa Aldobrandini Frascati
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Aldobrandini family
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The Aldobrandini are an Italian noble family from Florence, with close ties to the Vatican.Its Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII.He arranged the marriage that linked the Aldobrandini with the Roman family of Pamphili.Additionally, they were also linked to marriage alliances with the Farnese and Borghese .
About the author(s): Massimop
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Author(s): Massimop (
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