Piazza Armerina, Sicily: Villa Romana del Casale - Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide - Travel Bite
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Sicily's Villa Romana del Casale was the mansion of a wealthy Roman senator who traded in exotic animals. Its mosaics — made of dozens of different kinds of multicolored marble and glass chips — give us a colorful peek at the lifestyle of Rome's elite. Visit for more information about this destination and other destinations in Europe.
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Philosophiana - La villa romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina
Philosophiana è il toponimo del sito nel quale sorgeva, apud Hennam, ai piedi del Monte Mangone e nelle adiacenze del fiume Gela, una delle più spettacolari residenze del periodo tardo imperiale romano che vide in Sicilia anche la fioritura di sterminati latifondi. Il complesso, dopo vicende alterne e l'occupazione dei secoli successivi, fu sommerso da detriti alluvionali e riportato in luce nel 1929, grazie all'opera del grande archeologo Paolo Orsi.
Regia: Giovanna Bongiorno
Anno di produzione: 1993
1997 Piazza Armerina, villa romana del Casale - Sito UNESCO
Video realizzato dalla RAI, in collaborazione e con il contributo economico del MiBACT (fondi della legge 77/2006 nella disponibilità dell'Amministrazione per attività a favore di tutti i siti UNESCO) nell'ambito della Convenzione siglata il 3 aprile 2018
Villa del Casale - Piazza Armerina
Video tratto dal programma televisivo 'Ulisse: il piacere della scoperta', trasmesso da RAI 3 il giorno 11/05/2014
Villa romana del Casale, Piazza Armerina
La splendida villa imperiale all'inerno della Sicilia, in provincia di Enna, è una magnifica dimora rurale, la cui fama è dovuta agli incantevoli mosaici, ci viene raccontata da due studenti della III A.
Sicilia - Piazza Armerina - Villa romana del Casale
Sicilia : Piazza Armerina : Villa romana del Casale
Villa romana del Casale - visita ideale -
The subtitle of this documentary can be read in any language other than Italian.
I sottotitoli di questo documentario possono essere letti in qualunque altra lingua oltre l'italiano.
Come visitare la villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina seguendo il percorso che avrebbe compiuto un illustre ospite. Documentario realizzato dall'arch. Gaspare Mannoia.
Quando è stato realizzato questo documentario la villa era in fase di interventi di restauro e quindi la sua visione non è completa come potrebbe esserlo oggi che i lavori hanno messo in luce molti aspetti allora ignoti.
Italy, Sicily - Roman Villa in Piazza Armerina (Villa Romana del Casale)- UNESCO World Heritage Site
Photographer:Samuel Magal (samuel@sites-and-photos.com)
The visible remains of the villa were constructed in the first quarter of the 4th century AD on the remains of an older villa rustica, which are the pars dominica, or master’s residence, of a large latifundium or agricultural estate.
The villa was so large as to include multiple reception and state rooms which reflects the need to satisfy a number of different functions and to include spaces for the management of the estate as well as of the villa. This transformed the villa into a city in miniature.
Villa romana del Casale, Piazza Armerina
The Villa Romana del Casale (Villa Rumana dû Casali) is a Roman villa built in the first quarter of the 4th century and located about 3 km outside the town of Piazza Armerina, Sicily, southern Italy. Containing the richest, largest and most complex collection of Roman mosaics in the world (3500 m² of mosaics) it is one of 44 World Heritage Sites in Italy.
The Villa was constructed (on the remains of an older villa) in the first quarter of the 4th century AD, probably as the center of a huge latifundium (agricultural estate) covering the surrounding area. How long the villa kept this role is not known, maybe for less than 150 years. The complex remained inhabited and a village grew around it, named Platia (derived from the word palatium (palace). The villa was damaged and perhaps destroyed during the domination of the Vandals and the Visigoths. The outbuildings remained in use, at least in part, during the Byzantine and Arab periods. The site was abandoned in the 12th century AD when a landslide covered the villa. Survivors moved to the current location of Piazza Armerina.
The villa was almost entirely forgotten, although some of the tallest parts of the remains were always above ground. The area was cultivated for crops. Early in the 19th century, pieces of mosaics and some columns were found. The first official archaeological excavations were carried out later in that century.
Thermal baths heating system
The first professional excavations were made by Paolo Orsi in 1929, followed by the work of Giuseppe Cultrera in 1935-39. The last major excavations took place in the period 1950-60. They were led by Gino Vinicio Gentili, after which a cover was built over the mosaics. In the 1970s Andrea Carandini carried out a few localized excavations at the site.
In late antiquity the Romans partitioned most of the Sicilian hinterland into huge agricultural estates called latifundia (sing. latifundium). The size of the villa and the amount and quality of its artwork indicate that it was the center of such a latifundium. The owner was probably a member of senatorial class if not of the imperial family itself, i.e., the absolute upper class of the Roman Empire.
The villa appeared to have served several purposes. It contained some rooms that were clearly residential, others that certainly had official purposes, and a number of rooms of as yet unknown intended use. They were definitely not built for commercial or production uses. The villa would probably have been the permanent or semi-permanent residence of the owner; it would have been where the owner, in his role as patron, received his local clients; and it would have functioned as the administrative center of the latifundium.
Only the manorial portions of the complex have yet been excavated. The ancillary structures: housing for slaves, workshops, stables, etc., have not been located.
The villa was a single-story building, centered on the peristyle, around which almost all the main public and private rooms were organized. Entrance to the peristyle is via the atrium from the west. Thermal baths are located to the northwest; service rooms and probably guest rooms to the north; private apartments and a huge basilica to the east; and rooms of unknown purpose to the south. Somewhat detached, and appearing almost as an afterthought, is the separate area to the south containing the elliptical peristyle, service rooms, and a huge triclinium (formal dining room).
Villa Romana del Casale al COMPLETO. Sicilia (Italia). ESPECTACULARES MOSAICOS
Vídeo realizado por Aníbal Clemente e Inma Estévez desde la Villa Romana del Casale, cerca de Piazza Armerina, en Sicilia (Italia) el pasado día 16 de julio de 2018.
Piazza Armerina, en la provincia de Enna, es mundialmente conocida por poseer el complejo de mosaicos mejor conservado de época romana.
La villa del Casale (a pocos kilómetros de Piazza Armerina) fue la lujosa residencia de Maximiano, que gobernó el imperio del 286 al 305 d.C, en un contexto de fragmentación del imperio en dos partes, el imperio de Occidente y el de Oriente.
Hay cierto consenso en que la villa de Casale fue un pabellón de caza, tanto por los motivos de los mosaicos como por su ubicación en una zona boscosa donde abundaban las especies. Además de por su extensión (3500 metros cuadrados) la villa destaca por contar con un pavimento de mosaicos que decoran la mayor parte de las dependencias de la villa.
En total más de 50 salas que en 1997 fueron declaradas Patrimonio de la Humanidad. El estudio de los motivos ha permitido a los historiados conocer detalles importantes de la sociedad romana de la época. Dichos motivos van desde elementos de la vida cotidiana a juegos, actividades deportivas, danza, cortejo, masajes, juegos de niños, caza y mitología.
Con suma probabilidad los artistas de los mosaicos fueron africanos que fundieron los estilos de mosaicos policromados con fondos monocromos, indicando que vivían un momento de solapamiento de tendencias en la confección de los mosaicos.
La explicación del sorprendente estado de conservación de los mosaicos de la Villa del Casale se debe en parte al cuidado de los dueños posteriores tras la caída del imperio romano y los saqueos de los pueblos “bárbaros”. Por añadidura, un corrimiento de tierra en el siglo XII (1161) cubrió la villa protegiéndola de los elementos naturales.
El lugar quedo prácticamente ignoto hasta 1761, y sólo hasta la década de los 60 del pasado siglo se retomaron con orden las tareas de excavación iniciadas por el gran arqueólogo Paolo Orsi a inicios del siglo XX, que aún siguen sacando a la luz las dependencias de esclavos, y otras zonas de la villa romana que aún se encuentran bajo tierra.
El recorrido por las diferentes salas se efectuar por unas pasarelas metálicas que nos permiten no erosionar los mosaicos además de permitir visualizarlos con cierta perspectiva para admirar su grandiosidad.
Uno de los mayores mosaicos de Piazza Armerina es de la escena de caza, que escenifica la captura de animales terrestres y acuáticos como tigres, leones, avestruces, antílopes, panteras, elefantes o jabalíes, que luego se transportaban al Coliseo de Roma para la exhibición de lucha contra gladiadores.
Además son muy característicos los mosaicos denominados Scena Erotica (escena erótica) que muestran a dos jóvenes besándose, y la Sala delle Dieci ragazze (Sala de las diez muchachas), donde se representan a mujeres realizando actividades deportivas semejantes al voleibol actual, ataviadas con ropajes que recuerdan mucho a los bikinis actuales. Sin olvidar las salas del Vestibolo del Piccolo Circo y el Cubicolo dei Fanciulli Cacciatori con mosaicos de niños compitiendo en una carrera de carros tirados por pájaros, y las persecuciones de niños con patos y liebres, respectivamente.
Fuente: lasicilia.es
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Villa Romana del Casale in Piazza Armerina (Sicily - Part 1)
Our first stop in Sicily was to visit the Roman villa del Casale, home of the largest and best preserved Roman mosaics in the world. It is a Unesco World Heritage site.
These mosaics depict the every day scenes of the Roman life: hunting, fishing, farming, children playing, etc. This villa from the 4th century BC was covered by a landslide, which explains why the mosaics are so well preserved after 1,700 years.
This villa belonged to a wealthy land owner, which explains the intricacy of the details and the quality of the work. An absolute must see for those who like Roman ruins.
Music: Evening Fall Harp by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Music: Just As Soon by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Villa Romana del Casale Piazza Armerina Sicilia Italia
Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina
Patrimoni del Sud - Unesconet
Discover more on
SICILIA - La Villa Romana del Casale a Piazza Armerina
La Villa Romana del Casale, nei pressi di Piazza Armerina è uno dei posti assolutamente da vedere in Sicilia.
Patrimonio Unesco dal '97, la villa è costituita da 50 stanze interamente ricoperte di bellissimi mosaici, tra i quali si possono ammirare le prime donne ritratte in bikini della storia (in realtà delle ginnaste), oltre che ad un mosaico lungo circa 60m che come un documentario, descrive nei minimi dettagli il processo di cattura e trasporto di animali esotici dall'Africa e dall'India verso le arene dell'impero romano. Tutto questo molto tempo prima della costruzione del Colosseo a Roma.
#Villaromana #Piazzaarmerina #Footontheway
Villa Romana del Casale, Sicily, Italy in 4K (UHD) HDR
A visit to Villa Romana del #Casale, which in itself is worth a trip to Piazza Armerina, is one of the most important monuments of the Roman world and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.
This beautiful and magnificent imperial villa, with mosaic floors covering an area of 3,500 square meters, is the most important evidence of Roman civilization in #Sicily and in #Italy.
The villa was built in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD by the rich landowners of the time and the Roman emperor Maximilian Herculius.
Recorded in September 2018.
Music: PCIII - Shhhame. License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Piazza Armerina - Villa Romana del Casale (patrimonio UNESCO)
*Video: iPhone Xs
*Editing: IOS iMovie
*Soundtrack: Positive Emotions (MusicPro) - HookSounds.com
Villa Romana del Casale - Piazza Armerina
Sequenza fotografica del percorso turistico. 7 settembre 2014
RE-MASTERED by italvideonewstv.net
Sicilia Italia.Villa Romana del Casale. HD
Tiene 4500 Metros cuadrados de Mosaico
Piazza Armerina, Villa romana del Casale, 1980 - [Doc Sicilia] [Clip]
Piazza Armerina, Villa romana del Casale, 1980 - [Doc Sicilia] [Clip]
ASCinema: Fondo ● Natalia Ginzburg (Fondo documentale, di studio e catalogazione del patrimonio culturale siciliano)