Villa Sandi Estates - Prosecco - Italian Sparkling Wines - Tenute Villa Sandi
Villa Sandi Estates - Prosecco - Italian Sparkling Wines - Tenuta Villa Sandi
Special shooting of Villa Sandi estates in Crocetta del Montello and Valdobbiadene.
Villa Sandi
Year 1622
A sparkling jewel protected by the hills of the Marca Trevigiana, Villa Sandi is a Palladian style masterpiece dating back to 1622, and it is also the main office of the company.
The Villa rises from a fertile countryside in which fields and farms, nowadays as well as in the past, pay homage to the local history. A vibrant stage in which nature and architecture live in total harmony together; place of delight and headquarters, the complex of Villa Sandi is an enchanting estate where man and environment are in perfect symbiosis.
The entrance is an elegant alley sided by statues of the popular Venetian sculptor Orazio Marinali, whose works decorate also the gable and the backyard. A massive pronaos, sustained by four Ionian columns, adorn the main part of the building, on each side of which two elegant Barchesse and a small chapel stand.The Villa, cultural heritage of the Trevisan land, is situated between the D.O.C.G. area of the Prosecco of Valdobbiadene and the D.O.C. area of the Montello and Piave wines.
These precious rooms, outlined by the delicate combination of pastel colours, stuccoes and bass-relieves, and dominated by splendid Murano glass chandeliers hosted in the past important figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte, the sculptor Antonio Canova, the painter Schiavoni, famous writers such as Caccianiga and Corso, thus preserving great memories of a glorious and aristocratic past. Villa Sandi is an important landmark for wine culture in Italy, not only for the quality of its products, but also for the special events that take place there, such as courses for Sommeliers, lectures on the Wine World, and wine tastings with major experts. For those who wish to combine the love for wine with the beauty of art, Villa Sandi offers guided tours of the underground cellars, the beautiful Villa, and the surrounding gardens.
The noble families from Venice spent the summer period in the villas on their vast estates in the countryside enjoying a healthier and more pleasant climate horse riding, hunting or relaxing in the scenery of gardens and vineyards.In the hilly area, they promoted vine growing and wine making giving rise to production of fresh white wines. From the 15th to the 18th centuries the noble and wealthy families of Venice had villas built in the countryside to be used as vacation mansions.
The elegant buildings recalled the magnificence of the palaces in Venice and were located at the centre of huge land properties in the area known as “Garden of Venice”. They were symbols of their owners’ power and wealth and hosted lavish banquets and dances. Villa Sandi dates back to the 17th century and is a perfect example of the link between the splendour of Venice of the past and the fertile countryside.
The Family
Devoted to wine culture for many generations, the Moretti Polegato family, owner of the Villa, have fostered this ancient tradition by making Villa Sandi the headquarters of the winery, and by promoting grape growing in the area on a modern basis. Giancarlo Moretti Polegato, who is very fond and knowledgeable of the wine world, is very proud to carry on the family tradition.
The Estates
La Rivetta Estate
The Villa Sandi estate Vigna La Rivetta lies in the heart of the 106,8 hectares of the Cartizze area, between the hamlets of Santo Stefano and San Pietro di Barbozza, in the municipality of Valdobbiadene.
The estate La Rivetta covers one and a half hectares in the middle of this micro-area blessed with a gentle microclimate and an ancient fertile soil; the estate fully benefits from this special and perfect combination of geo-climatic features. Cartizze is a very special cru, the result of exceptional and fortunate conditions that enable a wine with unique characteristics to be produced. Villa Sandi Cartizze Vigna La Rivetta is proposed in a brut version, suitable for the whole meal.
Valdobbiadene Estate
In Valdobbiadene another estate stands, whose strategic location, exposed to the beneficial effects of sunrays and wind, leads to the cultivation of the best selection of grapes and to the production of the best crus of Prosecco DOCG. Besides this enchanting scenario of sunny hills, Villa Sandi monitors, with the help of experienced eonologists and agronomists, numerous vineyards of selected grape growers to ensure top quality DOCG wines.
This area is well renowned for the production of Prosecco, and Villa Sandi devotes to the production its utmost care and attention. The result of such effort is an elegant wine with typical flowery and fruity notes that makes it unique in all its versions: sparkling, and semi-sparkling.
Villa Sandi Wine Cellars Treviso
Villa Sandi Wine Cellars Treviso
Via Erizzo, 113A, 31035 Crocetta del Montello TV, Italy
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OFFICINE RASERA 35, V. DEGLI ARTIGIANI - Z.I. NOGARé Tel 00390423639823 Fax 00390423639836 Officine Rasera. Da oltre trent'anni operiamo nel settore delle minuterie metalliche con professionalità e competenza. Specializzati nella produzione di accessori realizzati con nastri e fili metallici, anche su disegno in filo e in lamiera.Via degli Artigiani, 35 - Crocetta del Montello (TV)Tel. 0423 639823Fax 0423
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