POMPEI - Scavi e Villa dei Misteri - HD
Dopo quasi due anni di restauri (2013-2015) e una chiusura al pubblico di tre mesi, ha riaperto al pubblico la Villa dei Misteri di Pompei, nota per gli affreschi ispirati al mito di Dioniso.
La Villa dei Misteri comprende oltre 70 ambienti per circa 3mila metri quadrati ed è un esempio di commistione tra villa d’otium, dal panorama unico, e villa rustica situata nella parte suburbana di Pompei. Appartenuta forse alla famiglia degli Istacidii, risale al II secolo a. C. con successive trasformazioni fino al momento dell’eruzione nel 79 d. C. Le decorazioni delle pareti si differenziano a seconda del periodo storico durante le quali sono state realizzate: il tablino è affrescato con pareti nere mentre nel ciclo pittorico del Salone dei Misteri è il rosso a prevalere.
“Le pitture che si trovano nel grande salone ora sono un unicum ma forse prima non era così – spiega l’archeologo Antonio Varone – Uno straordinario ciclo pittorico, una megalografia, con persone rappresentate a grandezza naturale, di un artista campano, con un’elevata qualità pittorica. In alcuni volti ci sono spinte ritrattistiche, anche se l’artista non creava ma copiava da modelli”. “Dietro c’è un grosso sforzo economico – sottolinea l’esperto – lo dimostra il cinabro, il colore rosso utilizzato, che ai quei tempi veniva importato dall’Oriente e quindi fornito dal committente dell’opera”.
Le origini della località sono davvero antichissime, tanto quanto quelle romane, infatti la Gens
Pompeia discendeva dal popolo degli Oschi, una delle prime popolazioni che occuparono la
penisola. Nella seconda metà del VII secolo a.C. nacque un insediamento primitivo, un
agglomerato di abitazioni raccolte nei pressi di un nodo commerciale importante, laddove si
intersecavano le vie provenienti da Cuma, Nola e Stabia.
Il traffico continuo lungo le strade comportò, insieme ai vantaggi economici, degli inconvenienti
da un punto di vista della sicurezza: ben presto arrivarono gli attacchi dei popoli confinanti,
primo fra tutti quello sferrato dalla colonia greca di Cuma tra il 525 e il 474 a.C. Ma
l’avvenimento davvero saliente della storia pompeiana, quello che ha reso famosa in tutto il
mondo la città della Campania, fu l’eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 d.C, che rase gli edifici del
centro e sterminò gli abitanti impreparati
Non a caso nel 1997 l’UNESCO ha dichiarato Pompei Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umnaità,
insieme alla vicina Ercolano e ai comuni limitrofi, tutti sepolti dalla lava e cristallizzati per
Pompei - Villa dei Misteri - Villa of the Mysteries Pompeii
Pompei (Napoli) - La Villa dei Misteri è una villa suburbana di epoca romana ubicata a qualche centinaio di metri fuori dalle mura nord dell'antica città di Pompei. Di carattere rustico-residenziale, venne sepolta dall'eruzione del Vesuvio del 79 d.C.; riportata alla luce a partire dal 1909, la villa dei Misteri è uno degli edifici più visitati degli scavi di Pompei, soprattutto per la serie di affreschi del triclinio, raffiguranti riti misterici, ben conservati, da cui la struttura prende il nome.
RUINS OF POMPEII | Villa Dei Misteri, Pompeii Frescoes and Ancient Roman Fast Food
Today, we visit the Ruins of Pompeii, Italy, including the highlights of the Villa dei Misteri Pompeii, where you can find one of the best preserved Pompeii frescoes.
One of the biggest and more morbid moments of our day was to view the Pompeii Ruins bodies. These plaster casts of the victims of Pompeii were made from actual bodies that were buried and decomposed inside volcanic ash. As a result, there were voids that turned into a cast molding of the bodies of Pompeii that can be seen today. They include men, women, children, and even pets.
If you are up for a treat, make your way to the Villa of the Mysteries (the Villa Dei Misteri), a little bit outside of the main city center of Pompeii. Here, you can find the best-preserved frescoes in Pompeii.
#Pompeii #Italy #MountVesuvius
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Michael and Halef live in Atlanta, GA, but are originally from Canada and Indonesia, respectively. They love to travel and try to do it as much as possible. They saved for a few years and are currently on a long-term round the world trip!
Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii
Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii
Italy, Pompeii - Villa of the Mysteries
Photographer:Samuel Magal (samuel@sites-and-photos.com)
The Villa of the Mysteries (Italian: Villa dei Misteri) is a well-preserved suburban Roman villa on the outskirts of Pompeii, southern Italy, famous for the series of frescos in one room, which are usually thought to show the initiation of a young woman into a Greco-Roman mystery cult. These are now probably the best known of the relatively rare survivals of Ancient Roman painting.
Places to see in ( Pompei - Italy ) Villa dei Misteri
Places to see in ( Pompei - Italy ) Villa dei Misteri
The Villa of the Mysteries is a well-preserved suburban Roman villa on the outskirts of Pompeii, southern Italy, famous for the series of frescos in one room, which are usually thought to show the initiation of a young woman into a Greco-Roman mystery cult. These are now probably the best known of the relatively rare survivals of Ancient Roman painting. Like the rest of the Roman city of Pompeii, the villa was buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 and excavated from 1909 onwards (long after much of the main city). It is now a popular part of tourist visits to Pompeii, and forms part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Pompeii.
Although covered with metres of ash and other volcanic material, the villa sustained only minor damage in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, and the majority of its walls, ceilings, and most particularly its frescoes survived largely undamaged. Since its excavation the roofing and other parts of the house have been maintained as necessary.
The Villa is named for the paintings in one room of the residence. This space may have been a triclinium, and is decorated with very fine frescoes, believed to be painted in the early-middle 1st century. Although the actual subject of the frescoes is hotly debated, the most common interpretation of the images is scenes of the initiation of a woman into a special cult of Dionysus, a mystery cult that required specific rites and rituals to become a member. One of the defining features that help identify this as a Dionysian-related mural is the depiction of maenads. These devotees are often depicted dancing with swirling drapery and were found first on Greek pottery, many of which were made before the cult spread to Italy.[3] Of all other interpretations, the most notable is that of Paul Veyne, who believes that it depicts a young woman undergoing the rites of marriage. Though often believed to be a triclinium, the room with the frescoes could have also been a cubiculum of the matriarch, which would indicate that the matriarch was a member of the cult.
The Villa had both very fine rooms for dining and entertaining and more functional spaces. A wine-press was discovered when the Villa was excavated and has been restored in its original location. It was not uncommon for the homes of the very wealthy to include areas for the production of wine, olive oil, or other agricultural products, especially since many elite Romans owned farmland or orchards in the immediate vicinity of their villas.
The Villa may be easily accessed from Pompeii, lying some 400 metres northwest of the town walls, separated from it by a road with funerary monuments on either side. The Villa of the Mysteries was a suburban villa (Latin: villa suburbana) with a close relationship to the city but not of it.
The ownership of the Villa is unknown, as is the case with many private homes in the city of Pompeii. However, certain artifacts give tantalizing clues. A bronze seal found in the villa names L. Istacidius Zosimus, a freedman of the powerful Istacidii family. Scholars have proposed him as the owner of the Villa or overseer of reconstruction after the earthquake of 62. The presence of a statue of Livia, wife of Augustus, has caused some historians to instead declare her to have been the owner. As in other areas of Pompeii and Herculaneum, a number of bodies were found in this villa, and plaster-of-Paris casts were made of them.
( Pompei - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Pompei . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Pompei - Italy
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Pompeii Villa dei Misteri 4K
Pompeii Villa dei Misteri 4K
ポンペイ遺跡 秘儀荘
Villa dei Misteri - Cult of Dionysus fresco, Scavi di Pompeii
Let me show you around the Villa Dei Misteri, a 2000 year old well preserved ancient Roman villa at Scavi di Pompei
The villa was completely covered in volcanic ash following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The ash preserved the villa. Some 1700 years later the villa was excavated along with the town of Pompeii.
The main attraction at the villa is a fresco depicting a woman's initiation into the mysterious cult of Dionysus. Dionysus was a Greek God. The ancient Greeks settled in Southern Italy which is the reason why the ancient Romans were worshipping a Greek God.
Dionysiac frieze, Villa of Mysteries, Pompeii
Dionysian Cult Cycle (?), Villa of Mysteries, before 79 C.E., fresco, Pompeii, Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker. Created by Beth Harris and Steven Zucker.
La Villa dei Misteri
Due alunni della III E ci accompagnano tra gli ambienti del complesso architettonico della Villa dei Misteri, forse il più noto tra quelli pompeiani giunti sino a noi.
Pompeii Virtual Tour Part 5: Villa of Mysteries
Villa Dei Misteri
The Villa of the Mysteries is an ancient Roman villa under well preserved conditions. It is located nearby to the ruins of the famous town Pompei and represented a so called villa suburbana, which means that it once was a rural estate on the perimeter of the city.
The villa was built before the second century B.C. and had been progressively extended until its destruction in 79 AD. Together with the ancient city Pompei, the building had been covered by layers of hot ash due to the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in August 24, 79 AD. The volcano thus destroyed the towns Herculaneum, Pompei, Oplontis and Stabiae within a time period of about 18 hours. But the volcanic material also protected these ancient towns, which survived almost 2000 years without weathering.
The ancient villa is famous for its well preserved wall paintings, which date back 80 to 20 B.C. and thus represent the second style of ancient Roman wall paintings.
The villa received its name from a specific room, which is documented in this film. It contains murals, which are interpretable only with difficulties. They depict sceneries of the Dionysian cult. Dionysus, the god of fertility and vine, but also the god of ecstasy and obsession, was the objective of famous misery cults at those times, which referred to the ancient Greek mythology.
Satyrs (Silene) and maenads represent typical attributes of this Dionysian cult. The end of the cycle of mythic paintings in this famous room is the person of Dionysus himself, who is drinking out of a mussel shell. Hereby one of the depicted figures nearby is holding a mask upon his divinely head. Thus the mystery of Dionysus as part of a religious cult is indicated.
But also illusionistic architecture is part of the wall decorations in the Villa of the Mysteries, which unfortunately was not fully accessible during my stay in November 2013.
Colors of Ancient Pompeii - Villa of the Mysteries
The Villa of the Mysteries (Italian: Villa dei Misteri) is a well-preserved suburban Roman villa on the outskirts of Pompeii, southern Italy, famous for the series of frescos in one room, which are usually thought to show the initiation of a young woman into a Greco-Roman mystery cult. These are now probably the best known of the relatively rare survivals of Ancient Roman painting. Like the rest of the Roman city of Pompeii, the villa was buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 and excavated from 1909 onwards (long after much of the main city).
Beyond the Villa of Diomedes lies the Villa of the Mysteries, famous for having one of the most important decorative fresco collections in the Roman world. The villa originally dates from the 2nd century BC, but its current layout was set between 70 and 60BC.
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Pompei, la Villa dei misteri
La Villa dei Misteri, esempio mirabile di commistione tra villa d’otium e villa rustica, appartenuta forse alla famiglia degli Istacidii, fra le più importanti della Pompei di età augustea, è stata riaperta al pubblico il 20 marzo 2015. Gli interventi di restauro, finanziati con fondi ordinari della Soprintendenza Speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia per un importo di circa 900.000 euro, sono iniziati nel maggio del 2013 e hanno interessato tutti gli apparati decorativi, mosaici e pitture, degli oltre 70 ambienti in cui si articola la Villa. I lavori sono stati organizzati in lotti per consentire la visita del pubblico nelle aree non interessate dal cantiere, evitando così che un edificio tanto importante non fosse fruibile per un periodo molto lungo.
La conservazione delle pitture è stato il principale obiettivo degli interventi, pertanto si sono mantenuti gli ultimi strati di cera, che garantiscono nel tempo una buona aderenza dei pigmenti decoesi al supporto e lo difendono dall’ossidazione. I restauri hanno interessato anche il noto ciclo di pitture che ha reso famosa la Villa dei Misteri, sul quale in via innovativa è stata applicata una tecnologia d’avanguardia di pulitura mediante strumentazione laser.
Pompeii, ITALY: A City Frozen in Time
Pierre Repooc Productions - URL:
Buried in stone and ash by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D., the excavated ruins of Pompeii, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, give a picture of early Roman life and times.
Pompei, riapre la villa dei misteri
Gioiello della Pompei antica, la villa dei misteri è stata riaperta al pubblico dopo un restauro durato due anni.
Villa Diomede - Pompei - Italy
Save up to 25% with Smart Booking. Book it now:
Villa Diomede hotel city: Pompei - Country: Italy
Address: Via Diomede 9; zip code: 80045
Villa Diomede is a 5-minute walk from the entrance to the Pompeii ruins and Villa Dei Misteri Train Station on the Circumvesuviana line. Day trips to Vesuvio can be arranged. Rooms and apartments are bright and spacious and have a balcony or patio.
-- La Villa Diomede vous accueille à 5 minutes de marche de l'entrée des ruines de Pompéi et de la gare Villa Dei Misteri du réseau Circumvesuviana. Cet appart'hôtel peut organiser des excursions à la journée au Vésuve.
-- La Villa Diomede se encuentra a 5 minutos a pie de la entrada a las ruinas de Pompeya y de la estación de trenes de Villa Dei Misteri, en la línea Circumvesuviana. También se organizan excursiones de un día al monte Vesubio.
-- Die Villa Diomede begrüßt Sie nur 5 Gehminuten vom Eingang zu den Ruinen von Pompeji und vom Bahnhof Villa Dei Misteri der Linie Circumvesuviana entfernt. Die Mitarbeiter organisieren gerne Tagesausflüge zum Vesuv für Sie.
-- Villa Diomede ligt op 5 minuten lopen van de ingang van de ruïnes van Pompeii en van treinstation Villa Dei Misteri, een station aan de Circumvesuviana-lijn. Er kunnen dagtochten naar de Vesuvius worden geregeld.
-- Situata a 5 minuti a piedi dall'ingresso degli scavi archeologici di Pompei e dalla stazione della Circumvesuviana di Villa dei Misteri, la Villa Diomede organizza gite giornaliere al Vesuvio.
-- A Villa Diomede encontra-se a 5 minutos a pé da entrada para as Ruínas de Pompeia e da Estação Ferroviária Villa Dei Misteri, na Linha Circumvesuviana. Os hóspedes poderão desfrutar de excursões diárias para o Monte Vesúvio.
-- Villa Diomedeはポンペイ遺跡の入り口とチルクムヴェスヴィアーナ鉄道ヴィッラ・ディ・ミステリ駅から徒歩5分です。ヴェスヴィオへの日帰り旅行を手配できます。 明るく広々とした客室とアパートメントには、バルコニーまたはパティオ、エアコン、デジタルセーフティボックス、無料Wi-Fi、有線インターネット回線、薄型衛星テレビが備わります。一部のお部屋には簡易キッチンが付いています。 ...
-- Villa Diomede酒店距离庞贝遗址的入口和Circumvesuviana线上的Villa Dei Misteri Train Station火车站有5分钟步行路程。酒店可以安排一日游。 客房和公寓明亮且宽敞,并配备了一个阳台或露台。客房都装有空调,还设有数码保险箱、免费无线网络连接、有线网络连接和带卫星频道的平面电视。部分客房提供一个厨房。 早餐为自助式,客人可在酒吧享用饮品。酒店按要求提供前往那不勒斯(Naples)市中心、Capodichino...
-- Zaledwie 5 minut zajmuje spacer z obiektu Villa Diomede do słynnych ruin w Pompejach, a także do dworca kolejowego Villa Dei Misteri, gdzie zatrzymują się pociągi linii Circumvesuviana.
-- Вилла Diomede находится в 5 минутах ходьбы от руин Помпеи и железнодорожного вокзала Вилла-деи-Мистери на линии Чиркумвезувиана. Для гостей организуют однодневные экскурсии к горе Везувий.
-- Villa Diomede ligger 5 minuters promenad från ingången till Pompejis ruiner och tågstationen Villa Dei Misteri på linjen Circumvesuviana. Dagsutflykter till Vesuvio kan ordnas.
-- تقع Villa Diomede على بعد 5 دقائق سيراً على الأقدام من مدخل أطلال بومباي ومحطة قطار Villa Dei Misteri على خط Circumvesuviana. ويمكن ترتيب رحلات يومية إلى فيزوف. تعُد الغرف والشقق مشرقة وواسعة وتضم شرفة أو فناء.
POMPEII – Italy ???????? [HD]
Video and photos in HD I have made during my trip to the ancient Roman Empire town of Pompeii in Italy in 2010. The video includes the following highlights: the Brothel, bodies’ plaster casts, the Forum Baths, The Forum, Villa of the Mysteries (Villa dei Misteri), Terme Stabiane (Stabian Baths), House of the Small Fountain, House of the Faun, Garden of the Fugitives, The Amphitheater, Antiquarium, Theaters, House of Menander, Thermopolium, Nuovi Scavi (New Excavations), House of the Vettii.
As always thank you for watching and for your great comments!
Roberto from Switzerland (founder of the Swiss Travel Channel)
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SwissTravelChannel is a YouTube channel of my holiday’s trips videos, taken all around the world since 2008. Some are for pure tourism and others are more of an adventure. The videos usually show the top best tourist attractions, the top things to do and top places to see. The goal is to inspire others on their next vacations. The videos can also be seen as a guide to have an idea of the main highlights and places to explore. I love to take pictures of the nature, traditions and different cultures, to search the must-see spots and show the essentials in my videos, for this reason I always try to create the perfect vacation. Traveling is more than a hobby for me, is a way of life.
Photocamera: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T99
Editing program: Magix Movie Edit
1. Soundtrack from the movie “Gladiator” (2000)
POMPEII (source Wikipedia):
Pompeii was an ancient Roman town-city near modern Naples, in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the comune of Pompei. Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.
Archaeologists believe that the town was founded in the 7th or 6th century BC by the Osci or Oscans. It came under the domination of Rome in the 4th century BC, and was conquered and became a Roman colony in 80 BC after it joined an unsuccessful rebellion against the Roman Republic. By the time of its destruction, 160 years later, its population was estimated at 11,000 people, and the city had a complex water system, an amphitheatre, a gymnasium, and a port.
The eruption destroyed the city, killing its inhabitants and burying it under tons of ash. Evidence for the destruction originally came from a surviving letter by Pliny the Younger, who saw the eruption from a distance and described the death of his uncle Pliny the Elder, an admiral of the Roman fleet, who tried to rescue citizens. The site was lost for about 1,500 years until its initial rediscovery in 1599 and broader rediscovery almost 150 years later by Spanish engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre in 1748. The objects that lay beneath the city have been preserved for more than a millennium because of the long lack of air and moisture. These artefacts provide an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city during the Pax Romana. During the excavation, plaster was used to fill in the voids in the ash layers that once held human bodies. This allowed archaeologists to see the exact position the person was in when he or she died.
Pompeii has been a tourist destination for over 250 years. Today it has UNESCO World Heritage Site status and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy, with approximately 2.5 million visitors every year.
Villa dei Misteri Pompei - Villa of Mysteries Pompeii
Ricostruzione 3D virtuale ed interattiva della Villa dei Misteri in Pompei.
3D interactive reconstruction of Villa of Mysteries Pompeii.