Maratonul Olteniei ( Oltenia's Marathon ) Start - 2015 -Ramnicu Valcea/ Romania
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Maratonul Olteniei ( Oltenia's Marathon ) 2015 . First kilometer.
Ramnicu Valcea
Aug 2015 Romania
Intrunire profesionala bibliotecari Gradistea Valcea 2012 - vizita Muzeul satului
Potter in Olari village, Romania
This is how traditional Horezu pottery is painted.
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Trovants these stones are alive and growing!South of central Romania
These stones are alive and growing!
South of central Romania these stone formations with alien features lie dormant, until it begins to rain. As soon as the last drops of water fall, they resume their process of multiplication. Small oval or round blain-like forms appear on the upper crusts of the previous year stones. People are left astounded and locals are surprised, when after a heavy rainfall these rock formations begin to ‘grow' on their own.
It is difficult to image that stones can really grow, but these stones seem to be alive!
The Romanian Trovants Museum Natural Reserve is located in Valcea County, close to the road connecting Ramnicu Valcea and Targu Jiu, 8 km far from Horezu.
Here in a small village named Costesti, there are some fascinating and mysterious stones, called trovants, which are believed to have a life in them. Trovant is a geological term used often in Romania. It means cemented sand.
Trovants are geological phenomena which consist in spherical shapes of cemented sand, appeared due to some powerful seismic activity.
The earthquakes that led to the creation of the first trovants are supposed to have taken place 6 million years ago.
What makes these trovants unique and mysterious is that are reproducing after coming in contact with water.
After heavy raining the stones grow starting with 6-8 millimetres and ending with 6-10 meters.
One of the strangest aspects about these stones is that although they vary in size, from a couple of millimeters to even 10 m, they are very similar, taking into account a natural law that states there are no such things as identical stones.
In addition, just like the famous rocks in Death Valley, California, the trovants often move from one place to another place.
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Zilele Europene ale Patrimoniului la Muzeul Satului din Bujoreni
Sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011, la Muzeul Satului Vâlcean din Bujoreni s-a sărbătorit cea de-a XIX-a ediţie a Zilelor Europene ale Patrimoniului.
Castelul Huniazilor, primul obiectiv virtual din Romania
Televiziunea VTV
Cimitirul Maritim din Sulina - The Maritime Cemetery Of Sulina (Romania)
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Cimitirul Maritim (nume folosit prima dată în 1889 de către scriitorul Jean Bart), cunoscut și sub numele de Cimitirul Cosmopolit, sau Multiconfesional, sau Multietnic a fost înființat în 1864 de Comisia Europeană a Dunării (C.E.D.) cu scopul de a asigura eternitatea salariaților săi morți pe malurile Dunării. Comisia Europeană a Dunării este organizația multinațională, extrateritorială, care pe timpul cât a funcționat la Sulina (1856-1921) a transformat satul de pescari într-un înfloritor oraș cu statut de port liber (Porto Franco). În perioada sa de glorie de la începutul secolului XX, Sulina avea mai mulți locuitori decât în prezent, aparținând la 27 de naționalități, dintre care până la Primul Război Mondial au predominat grecii, după care românii. Chiar dacă primele morminte au fost cele ale unor defuncți protestanți sau catolici (funcționari C.E.D., marinari etc.), cimitirul s-a extins repede fiind divizat în patru sectoare: catolic-protestant, musulman, evreiesc, ortodox de rit vechi (lipovenesc; a nu se confunda ritul vechi cu stilul vechi) și ortodox. Cu timpul, cele două cimitire ortodoxe au devenit cele mai mari, fiind active și în prezent. Cimitirul Maritim de la Sulina, numit și Cimitirul Viu, intră în categoria cimitirelor culturale ale României alături de Cimitirul Vesel de la Săpânța și Cimitirul Bellu din București, un Père Lachaise românesc. Acest lucru se datorează poveștilor spuse de morminte, în special de cele catolice-protestante și multe din cele ortodoxe (de rit nou). Astfel, epitafurile monumentelor funerare, multe redate în subtitrare, condensează tragedia vieții umane, de la marinari (unii foarte tineri), prințese și îndrăgostiți înecați în Dunăre, la nenorociri familiale, la personalul tehnic și funcționari ai C.E.D. și de ce nu, chiar la povești cu pirați.
The Maritime Cemetery was founded in 1864 by the European Commission of the Danube (C.E.D.) to ensure the eternity of its employees dead on the banks of the Danube. The European Commission of the Danube is the multinational, extraterritorial organization that, during its operation in Sulina (1856-1921), turned the fishing village into a flourishing city free-port (Porto Franco). In its glory period at the beginning of the 20th century, Sulina had more inhabitants than today, belonging to 21 nationalities, of which until the First World War dominated the Greeks, after which the Romanians. Even though the first graves were those of Protestant or Catholic deceasedes (C.E.D. officials, sailors, etc.), the cemetery expanded rapidly, being divided into four sectors: Catholic-Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Old-Orthodox rite (Lipovan) and Orthodox. Over time, the two Orthodox cemeteries have become the largest, and are still active today. The Sulina Maritime Cemetery, also known as the Living Cemetery, falls into the category of cultural cemetiries, together with the Merry Cemetery (in Sapanta) and the Bellu Cemetery (in Bucharest), being one authentic Romanian Père Lachaise. This is due to stories told by graves, especially Catholic-Protestant ones and many of the Orthodox (new rite). Thus, the epitaphs of funeral monuments, many of them reproduced in subtitles, condense the tragedy of human life, from sailors (some very young), princesses and lovers drowned in the Danube, to family misfortunes, to technical staff and officials of C.E.D. and why not, even to pirates stories.
Cazare Batanii Mici, Covasna -
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muzeul satului Astra Sibiu Romania
Welcome to Sibiu,Romania! |Anne Maria|
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A.C.T.O.R.-EVS-Playing is a serios job 3
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Interact Râmnicu Vâlcea @ One of Romania's most beautiful cities
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Ramnic Archdiocese. Faith, beauty and tranquility..mpg
Ramnic Archdiocese. Faith, beauty and tranquility.
Saint Constantin Brancoveanu Pilgrimage Center of The Ramnic Archdiocese
Ramnicu Valcea county of Valcea, Romania
Tel.: +40,760665911
curtea de arges video
City Court of Arges is located in the north of the county of Arges, the upper basin depression intrahill river, at an altitude of 450 m above sea level and is surrounded by hills and southern muscelele Fagaras Mountains. City area is about 75 km ², being conditioned by the presence of the natural area nearby mountain, which lies about 28 km away and introducing variation and diversity. It is situated at a distance of 38 km from the city of Pitesti, 36 km from the city of Ramnicu Valcea and 45 km from Campulung. Being located in the lowland, the city enjoys a favorable climate with moderate temperatures year round and relatively abundant rainfall, winters are less harsh than the plain, and summers are generally pleasant, with sunny days.
Muzeul satului SIBIU
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