Village of Arts | Senegal | Showcase
Village des Arts in Senegal's capital Dakar is a haven for artists in the country. Traditionally known for its agriculture, Senegal has started receiving worldwide recognition for its art scene. The village founded more than 2 decades ago is run by a committee of resident artists and supported by the Ministry of Culture. Miranda Atty takes us on a walk through the Village.
#SeNeTALES: Malick Ceesay | at 'Le Village des Arts', Dakar Senegal
Malick Ceesay - self-taught painter from Serekunda, The Gambia; now living in Dakar, Senegal and working within the Art Village of Dakar.
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He’s been into painting and sculpting from as far as he can remember; looking at his artworks there’s a certain order in its chaotic look which requires full attention to notice its nuances. He confesses his paintings always come forth in an organic manner; if it feels forced while creating then he switches up everything, ‘splashing everywhere’ in order to allow his subconsciousness to take the driver seat into this process.
#SeNeTALES - is an introduction to the diverse artistic / cultural scene in Dakar, Senegal brought forward through organic dialogues.
Mi residencia de Arte en La Village des Arts, Dakar, Senegal
Una recopilación fotográfica de una experiencia vital de fotografía y convivencia con los mejores artistas senegaleces en la Village des Arts.
Contacto: 697 483 518
Comunicación Fotográfica para empresas de responsabilidad social, proyectos culturales y de emprendedores consolidados para su uso en redes sociales, entornos online, impresión y decoración.
Fotografía de eventos y ferias, estudio, retrato exteriores o interiores. Fotografía de productos y perfiles profesionales personalizados. Fotografía de procesos creativos y de producción. Fotografía web 2.0
Fotografía retrato, proyectos de emprendedores, procesos creativos y actividades culturales.
Dakar Feeling - Village des Arts
Connaissez-vous le Village des Arts de Dakar?
Reportage de Cultura Dakar sur cet espace consacré aux arts plastiques qui regroupe de noumbreux peintres et sculpteurs à Dakar. Voici le Village des Arts de Dakar.
Dakar Arts Village
Adama explains the history of Dakar Arts Village to a curious Roni.
Jam in Dakar artist village
A nice jam in Esiff dakar
for more information-
Rich Mon Djizz du 03 Mai 2012 Spécial Village des Arts de Soumbédioune - Partie 1
émission de divertissement
Quartier traditionnel de Soumbédioune
Vous êtes passionnés d’histoire et de traditions, faîtes un tour du côté du quartier traditionnel lébou de Soumbédioune et vous baladez dans le village artisanal et au marché aux poissons.
Live. Love. Africa: Tour of The Dakar Artist Village
Please Subscribe. Please visit for indigenous African creativity, art, jewelry, and clothing. to support our projects. Lastly, buy one of my children's books at P instagram:dynastamir instagram:searchforuhuru facebook:searchforuhuru twitter:searchforuhuru
Papisto Boy: Art in Dakar
PeaceCulture! Radio Station è lieta di presentare l'artista senegalese Papisto Boy. Una delle sue opere più note è un affresco di quasi centro metri di lunghezza sul muro di un'officina del porto di Dakar che l'artista ha iniziato nel 1976 e che ha realizzato senza l'autorizzazione statale.
Papisto Boy è noto come artista molto indipendente rispetto all'Ecole de Dakar e al sostegno di Léopold Sédar Senghor. Le sue tele non sono mai state esposte fino al 1989 anche se nel 1980 Hubert Fichte e Leonore Mau gli dedicarono un libro.
Artisanat africain à Saly Sénégal
Visite d'une boutique d'objets artisanaux à Saly, au Sénégal.
Village Des Arts Tour
Sample of art and studios found in Village Des Arts, Dakar, Senegal. Further explanation can be found on my blog
Photos by Penney Hughes, except the photos of Kine Aw in her studio taken by Susan Graf
Music in the video: Ya Oumana by Noura Mint Seymali used under a Creative Commons license from Live on WFMU's Transpacific Sound Paradise with Rob Weisberg - Sept 28, 2013 (Noura Mint Seymali) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Le Village des Arts
Dakar, Senegal
Teaser - Le Village des Arts
Rendez-vous à la 3ème édition du Village, samedi 04 avril 2015.
Sénégal : des vélos œuvres d'art
???????? Sénégal : A Saint Louis, les vieux vélos deviennent des œuvres d'art. L'artiste Meïssa Fall les transforme en sculptures.
Village Des Artes_Bev's interview with artists
This popular location close to Dakar airport houses a number of visual artists, sculptors, ceramicists, photographers, installation artists, etc whom live and work at Village des Arts. These artists range from the emerging to the established artists who exhibit, sell and create work locally, regionally and internationally.