Extreme coastal vineyards in Chile with Felipe Marin in Lo Abarca, San Antonio
Get to grips with the soils, climate and challenges of coastal vineyards and explorations in Chile's San Antonio region. Amanda Barnes interviews winemaker Felipe Marin on making wines in the most coastal vineyard in Chile, in Lo Abarca, just 4kms from the coast. We talk varieties, limitations, opportunities and more in this detailed interview for Around the World in 80 Harvests. 80harvests.com #80harvests
Vina Casa Marin showing several wines at the T. Edward Wines IBERIAN & SOUTH AMERICAN PORTFOLIO TASTING 2011
Wine Tasting of Casa Marin Lo Abarca Hills 2008 Pinot Noire
Red Wine Tasting
Viña Casa Marin
Viña Casa Marin was founded by Maria Luz Marin. When Marin first began pursuing her dreams, she was called crazy. Casa Marin was the first vineyard founded by a women in Chile. Despite all the disbelief she traveled to Europe to show the world what they had been missing.
The boutique wine gained popularity overseas, and the vineyard continues to export 90 percent of their delicious Pinot Noirs and Sauvignon Blancs. The vineyard continues to remain the only winery founded by a women to this day.
Viña Casa Marin is set apart by the vineyard's unique location, Lo Abarca. Lo Abarca has created an amazing relationship between the community and the vineyard, as well as a fruity and flavorful taste.
Casablanca vs San Antonio: The different terroirs of coastal Chile with Matetic
Want to know the difference between Chile's San Antonio and Casablanca valleys? Amanda Barnes interviews winemaker Julio Bastias from Matetic vineyards to find out the different terroirs of these coastal regions. We talk varieties, limitations, opportunities and more in this detailed interview for Around the World in 80 Harvests. 80harvests.com #80harvests
El sueño de Mari Luz, la galardonada dueña de la impetuosa viña Casa Marín, era desde muy joven tener un viñedo propio. Uno que diferenciara de los demás, que fuese elegante, y por sobre todo radical.
¡Sueño logrado!
La viña Casa Marín es una apuesta arriesgada en todos los sentidos, ya que cuando fue cosechada, en contra de todos los escépticos, era solo un lugar exclusivamente conocido por sus lechugas costinas, y por su clima agresivamente oscilante. Un lugar donde nadie hubiese invertido.
Mari Luz, literalmente, frente a viento y marea, siguió su sueño, y el resultado de esto fue la creación de una de las mejores viñas a nivel internacional!
Sus premiados brebajes expresan la mineralidad y acides de vinos de alta gama, y cada una de sus variedades, expresa su potencial gracias a sus distintivos terroirs.
Esta hermosa viña está inserta en el pueblo de Lo Abarca, por lo que su decoración siguió la misma línea de la clásica arquitectura del entorno, pero esto no lo es todo.
Sus espectaculares viñedos mega inclinados, poseen cabañas para que la gente pueda hospedarse y disfrutar del basto paisaje y con el mar en el horizonte de protagonista.
No haber probado sus vinos puede ser un problema, pero no darse la oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia, es desperdiciar lo que la vida nos entrega.
Dirección: Camino Lo Abarca S/N. Cartagena, V Región.
The story of Maria Luz Marin - Business Woman of the Year BBVA 2018
Casa Marín’s story began with its founder, owner, and winemaker, María Luz Marín’s dream.
Nothing describes this winery better than the story of a woman who persevered to create unique, fine, and exclusive wines. In 2000, against advice from colleagues and experts, she decided to establish her winery in Lo Abarca, a small town in the San Antonio Valley. Despite warnings about problems with location, the cool climate and people’s disbelief, she was successful in creating a company whose wines have received global awards and have helped position Chile in a distinct light with its high quality, high value wines.
Este es un viaje que hicimos a la fiesta del vino de Viña Casa Marin una de las viñas mas cercanas al mar en Chile...el sabor ,su cosecha es lo que hace que esta viña tenga vinos de sabores premiun reconocido a nivel mundial...revisa y suscribete a nuestro canal..
Cuando recibimos el llamado de Isabel Shea invitandonos a degustar los nuevos vinos de la Viña Casa Marin, fue imposible negarnos. Al llegar y ver que la señora Marilu Marin era quien nos esperaba nos hacia pensar en que algo mas habia preparado, y no nos equivocamos.
Ser parte de una cata vertical de vinos blancos no es una invitacion que se reciba todos los dias. Disfrutar de vinos de una excelente calidad, de elegante consistencia, en un ambiente ideal junto con personas idoneas es una experiencia que se debe registrar. Es asi como presentamos este #EWINEVIDEO en nuestra visita a los viñedos de Casa Marin.
Espero disfruten junto a una copa de vino de esta pieza audiovisual.
Viña Casa Marin, Pinot Noir grapes sorted by Felipe Marin
Felipe Marin and Kristine Austin separating the Pinot Noirs grapes from the stems.
Saxophonist at Viña Casa Marin
A saxophonist plays inside Viña Casa Marin's wine cellar in Lo Abarca, Chile, on Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011.
Felipe Marin - Vinhos Casa Marin
Beto Duarte entrevistou um dos proprietários da Casa Marin, Felipe Marin.
Casa Marin Syrah, Miramar Vineyard
Jamie Verbraak of Casa Marin Chile introduces their Miramar Vinayard Syrah.
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Casa Marin Vineyards
A beautiful view of our vineyards, located in Lo Abarca, San Antonio Valley.
Casa Marin is a small boutique family-owned vineyard, only 4km away from the Pacific Ocean, this makes us the closes vineyard to the Pacific Ocean in Chile. Due to our particular micro climate with low temperatures and ocean fog, together with the poor chalk soils with marine deposits, we are worldwide recognized for our outstanding wines. Read more about us at casamarin.cl
Antiyal, organically grown biodynamically winery in Maipo Valley, Chile
Karen from Food and Wine Travel with Marina from Antiyal, Maipo Valley, Chile. Antiyal is organically grown biodynamically wine.
London Wine Fair with Casa Marin - The Wine
We chat to Jamie Verbzach from Casa Marin over at the Mentzendorff stand about the history of the Casa Marin family vineyard and their wonderful award winning Chilean Syrah.
Make sure you check out the London Wine Fair Playlist for more -
Viña Leyda
Flyingwinewriter op bezoek in Leyda, Chili.
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Special Promotion: Casablanca y San Antonio
These two coastal wine regions in Chile are nestled among the hills and perfect conditions for cool-climate wines.