Viña Perez Cruz
Beto Duarte visitou a Viña Perez Cruz no Chile
Viña Intriga versión español
Sacacorchos visitó la Viña Pérez Cruz
El blog de El Observador especializado en vinos visitó una bodega chilena.
HORSEBACK THROUGH THE ANDES - Perez Cruz vineyard in Maipo Valley, Chile
This is one for the books.
Less and less do I bother myself with thinking ahead, as Mauricio's 70's Bronco continues to truck along over hill and dale. I do wonder however, where this crescendo will lead?
In comes the multifaceted Marcelo Leppe Reyes and the Pia Soto Monasterio. Before getting a glance at the artists paintings, Marcelo and his band began warming up. A huaso (Chilean cowboy) and his dancing partner performed a flawless dance that had coincidentally been explained in great detail by my mother-in-law earlier in the week.
The context as I understand it, is intended to ape the movements of a rooster and hen, engaged in a courting dance.
The hausa waves his white bandana high in the air, as the two encircle one another, to the crashing sound of the spurs on his boots, and the band thumping on.
After empanadas and some tasty wine, Marcelo showcased his paintings, as well as others in a local exhibit at the venue. Marcelo likes a free approach, making instinctual art, rather than extensively planning his pieces.
We said our goodbyes, hands full of empanadas, and took the Bronco to Viña Perez Cruz.
Parrots. Why did it have to be parrots?
As we popped into the entrance, I had the sudden feeling that my gringo dehydration had been spotted by vultures overhead. Their long shadows cast down over me, making threatening circles and cawing sounds.
Maybe it was the good ol' country cigarettes talking, but there was a lot of big birds circling overhead, and I really should've taken a glass of water over that second wine, plus the cottonmouth isn't helping. I fear this will be my last report.
Our contact at the vineyard must have sensed my concern of impending death, because he quickly offered his unsolicited explanation on the matter.
It turns out the bloodthirsty buggers are actually parrots! Because of the fragile nature of the microclimates found in Chile's many valleys, a fire in one valley, can mean an influx of fucking parrots in another!
These parrots relocated by disaster, however they stay by choice. They thrive on the land, much to the dismay of the viñateros.
You're out? But like -- Maybe a little for us?
Okay I will admit, I have never been on a wine tour. Although I love wine, the entire craft and cryptic mystique of it in all it's fussy glory, I never much liked the idea of being doted over in a place of serious labor.
I mean the people that are at these places every day work their asses off in a difficult industry. Let's not forget this hard earned juice comes from farmers. Artists and weirdo farmers, but farmers nonetheless.
That being said, I was wrong. It is important and I ended up learning a lot. I stood in awe in the fermentation rooms with their massive, two level construction, complete with trap-doors that open the whole structure for the pumps to feed the grape must into the vats after harvest.
I have loved fermentation as a chef for years, and with wine, I've found one of the most noble rots.
When it was tasting time, we had lessons on accurately evaluating the wines. Our leader was a pragmatic showman, and kept us enchanted. He obviously loved what he did, and made us feel passionate about it as well.
The terroir of the area has a huge impact on the wine. This was proven in the Perez Cruz Carmenere which left a mentholated eucalyptus sensation in the mouth after a strong inhale with the mouth agape.
Normally I just do this action in private, with salt and vinegar chips, not that anyone was curious. Now I will start trying it with wine!
Our favorite was a Grenache which was mentioned several times as a product they ran out of. We didn't push the subject, and found other wines to commit to what little carrying capacity we had to get back home. Our contact however, unable to accept our subtle defeat, disappeared briefly only to return with the last of the last Grenache for a year!
More horsepower!
Savor it we did, then on to the horses. Like for real, we got on some horses! It was my first time, and the horse was gentle on me. Popy however, turned into the freakin Lone Ranger and galloped into the sunset!
We did manage to stick together, with kind compromise from both Popy and our huaso guide, who I think also felt vultures would eventual eat me out here. We were rewarded by our endevours as we rose higher in the Andes and noticed a ranch opening up in the horizon. This ranch was complete with a spring fed pool, and wood fire grill.
The rest of the evening was spent gorging on grilled meats, local melon, and getting some much needed hydration -- before sampling more wine and Pisco, naturally!
I really enjoyed my time during this Maipo valley tour. Even Popy enjoyed herself and learned a lot, and she grew up nearby! Our contact Juan thought of everything for us to have a rad day, full of all the adventures we had hoped for, and even some surprises.
Viña Pérez Cruz - Turismo / Tourism
【K】Chile Travel-Santiago[칠레 여행-산티아고]콘차이토로 와이너리, 악마의 저장고/Casillero del Diablo/Bodega/Vineyard
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[한국어 정보]
칠레 와인을 생산하는 곳 중에서 가장 유명한 곳이 보데가 콘차이토로. 산티아고에서 약 10Km 떨어진 곳에 자리하고 있다. 16세기 중반 가톨릭 종교행사에 쓸 포도주를 생산하기 위해, 스페인인들이 포도 묘목을 들여온 것이 칠레 와인의 시작이었다. 그 후 1883년 돈 멜초르 콘차이토로에 의해 설립된 콘차이토로 와인은 칠레 와인을 대표하는 브랜드로 자리 잡았다. 까베르넷 세비뇽 품종을 생산하는 이 포도밭의 면적은 약 68헥타르. 이곳은 일교차가 크고 물이 잘 빠지는 토양을 가지고 있어 와인용 포도 재배에 최적의 조건을 지니고 있다고 한다. 와인을 발효시킨 후 저장하는 와인저장고는 와인의 품질을 결정하는 중요한 요소 중 하나다. “이 드럼통에는 까베르넷 세비뇽 품종인 떼루뇨 와인이 들어 있는데, 좀 전에 밖에서 보셨던 포도로 만든 것입니다. 여길 보시면 나무에 대한 모든 정보가 적혀있는데 날인이 찍혀 있으며 나무의 산지, 숲, 사이즈, 생산년도, 구운 정도가 적혀있습니다.” 와인을 보관하는 장소에 따라 그 이름이 결정되기도 하는데, 그 대표적인 예가 악마의 저장고라는 의미를 갖고 있는 까시예로 델 디아블로다. “여기는 까시예로 델 디아블로입니다. 예전에 어떤 방법으로 습도와 온도를 유지할 수 있었는지 알 수 있는 곳입니다. 지금 지하 4M에 들어와 있는데 여기서는 습도를 조절하지 않아도 항상 81%로 유지됩니다. 온도는 여름이건 겨울이건 항상 13도입니다.” 이곳에 얽힌 전설을 들려주겠다며 안내인은 나만 혼자 남겨둔 채 나가버렸다. 이 포도원의 설립자인 돈 멜초르는 1883년 프랑스 보르도 지방에서 가장 우수한 포도 종자를 가져와 이곳에 재배하기 시작했고, 비옥한 토양 덕분에 품질이 뛰어난 포도를 수확할 수 있었다. 돈 멜초르는 이 포도로 만든 와인 중에서 가장 좋은 와인만을 골라, 최적의 온도와 습도를 유지할 수 있는 지하저장고 까시예로에 보관하게 된다. 그런데 누군가 와인을 조금씩 훔쳐간다는 것을 알게 된 돈 멜초르는 도난을 막기 위해, 이 저장고에 악마가 산다는 소문을 퍼뜨렸다. 그 후 와인이 없어지는 일은 더 이상 일어나지 않았고, 소문은 사실처럼 믿겨져 이 저장고의 와인은 악마의 저장고, 까시예로 델 디아블로라는 이름으로 불려 지게 된다. 그리고 100년이 지난 지금, 까시예로 델 디아블로는 세계에서 가장 유명한 와인 중에 하나가 됐다.
■클립명: 남미11-칠레01-07 콘차이토로 와이너리, 악마의 저장고/Casillero del Diablo/Bodega/Vineyard
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 성상엽 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 2월 February
남미,America,아메리카,칠레,Chile,성상엽,2007,2월 February,산티아고,Santiago
Viña la Montaña
Viña la Montaña
Viña Cardonal
Este es un video promocional de la viña cardonal que realice para un trabajo en la u. Las imagenes no son de muy buena calidad ya que fueron bajadas de un banco de imagenes.
Viña Perez Cruz Roba AGUA del río Peuco para regar sus viñas
#ChileNoSeVende #ElAguaNoSeVende
Denuncia ciudadana en contra de la Viña Pérez Cruz, propiedad de Matías Pérez Cruz el mismísimo sr Gasco, roba agua del río Peuco para regar sus viñas.
No les bastó destruir el bosque para reemplazarlas con viñas ahora destruye el rio para robar el Agua.
Vídeos vía Jota Villegas
Germán Lyon Pérez Cruz Winemaker
Bodega / viña del Valle del Maipo. Más información sobre enoturismo en el Valle del Maipo en:
Gracias a:
Hemisferio- Hasta Encontrarte (En vivo en Entropia Fest)
Entropia fest (aniversario de Vastator)
Hangar Subterraneo, Santiago, Chile
Desvío de agua de Rio Peuco deja sin agua a pequeños agricultores
Pequeños agricultores que utilizan el tranque Chada para sus plantaciones, denuncian desvío de agua de parte de Viña Pérez Cruz de propiedad del Presidente de Gasco Matías Pérez Cruz
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Insecto acuático podría ser clave contra sequía | 24 Horas TVN Chile
¿Se imagina tomar una taza de té o darse una ducha con agua de mar? Bueno, técnicamente sí se puede. El proceso se llama des-sa-li-nización y ya se utiliza en Chile. La crisis hídrica está llevando a las autoridades a tomar en serio esta alternativa en un país que cada día vive con mayor sequía.
¿Chileno en el extranjero? Conéctate en
#Noticias #24HorasTVN #TVNChile #Chile
Atención al usuario
Situaciones de buenas prácticas en la atención de usuarios en la posta rural de Huelquén. Grupo 72
Viña La Montaña
Enoturismo Aventura en Chile.
Adventure Wine Tourism
Vendimia 2017 - Viña Pérez Cruz - Liceo María Carvajal
WineStory víno | Carmenere 2010, Teillery (Chile | Maipo Valley)
Entrevista a Gerardo Cabezas (Vocero Defensores del Agua en Paine)
Entrevista al dirigente Gerardo Cabezas Hernández, vocero de la Coordinadora Territorial de Defensa del Agua en Paine, localidades de Chada, Culitril, Cardonal Bajo y La Turbina y su disputa con la Viña Pérez Cruz y su apropiación del caudal del río Peuco en la Comuna de Paine. Agenda Pública, conversaciones de actualidad, se emite en el canal TNE TV y en la señala canal 99 de VTR cable y su red nacional. Mayo 2019.