किराड़ू ,एक प्राचीन स्थल , kiradu ek etihasik paryatk jagah , barmer
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Visited Kiradu Temples Barmer Aug18 With Muneer Ahamad.
The Kiradu Temples are a group of ruined temples located in the Barmer District of Rajasthan, India. The Kiradu town is located in the Thar desert, about 35 km from Barmer and 157 km from Jaisalmer. Really Awesome Experience. Many Inscriptions ruined. Design And Drawing is unbelievable.
A Temple In a Beautiful Place ll Tihari ll Himachal Pradesh
A beautyful temple in a beautyful place . Dev Shri Aadi Brahma Temple is in Tihari Village in Mandi District of Himachal Pradesh.. About 55 KM from Mandi City.. place is well known for its natural beauty and atmosphere ...For More Videos Please Visit and Subscribe Channel Aapna Mandi
For More Info About Himachal Click Link Below
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माँ जालपा देवी मन्दिर ll Mandi, Himachal Pradesh
Rishi Shukdev Temple ll शुकदेव ऋषि मंदिर ll शिवा बदार ll मण्डी हिमाचल
पराशर मंदिर ,प्राचीन देव ऋषि पराशर का मूल स्थान, मण्डी हिमाचल प्रदेश
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Hounted tempal of kiradu.???? ||किराडू का रहस्यमय मंदिर ♨️♨️|| desitalantt||
हेलो दोस्तो स्वागत है आपका एक और नए वीडियो में
जैसा की वीडियो टाइटल से पता चलता है कि यह वीडियो किराड़ू नामक एक मंदिर पर बनाया गया है यह मंदिर राजस्थान के बाड़मेर जिले में किराडू गाँव मे आया हुआ है मान्यताओं के अनुसार यह मंदिर एक रहस्यमय मंदिर है जहां पर कई प्रकार के रहस्य मौजूद है इन्हीं रहस्यों को आप तक पहुंचाने के लिए और उन रहस्य को उजागर करने के लिए हमने यह वीडियो खास आपके लिए बनाया है तो आप से निवेदन है कि आप इस वीडियो को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लाइक करें हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें और वीडियो को शेयर करें अपने दोस्तों के साथ और इस रहस्यों से को आप भी जाने और अपने दोस्तो को भी बताए।
दोस्तो ये किराडू का प्राचीन मंदिर है इसका यह रह्स्य है कि यह शाम ढलने के बाद जो भी कोई इन्सान यहां आता है वो पत्तर का बन जाता है।
हमारे अन्य वीडियो देखने के लिए यहा क्लिक करे।
अनार की खेती व प्लांट
रिबेल कॉमेडी वीडियो
खेमसिद्ध बाबा का मंदिर पलरिया धाम सिणधरी
साथ ही हमारे दोस्त desertstar का चैनल सब्सक्राइब करने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक करे
वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद।
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Haunted Kiradu Group Of Temples || Mangalore - Leh || Day 5
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i planned to to visit India's Last Railway Station MUNABAO which is close to Pakistan Border.. Kiradu Temples which located between Barmer MUNABAO Road.. So i decided to Step in... ,
Kiradu Group of Temples, Villagers Believe it was Sage's curse which lead temple area to be haunted and If someone Dares to visit at night will be turned into Statues...
But if you closely observe the ruins, it looks more like war with Turkic lead to Destruction...
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क्या बारह ज्योतिर्लिंगों में से एक उज्जैन के महाकाल मंदिर का शिवलिंग ख़तरे में है? क्या शिवलिंग पर पंचामृत चढाने और जलाभिषेक की परंपरा पर पाबंदी लग जायेगी? ये सवाल इसलिए उठ रहे हैं क्योंकि सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश पर वैज्ञानिकों की एक टीम शिवलिंग की जांच कर रही है. ये जानने की कोशिश है कि कहीं पंचामृत चढ़ाने, छूने और भांग के लेप से बाबा महाकाल का शिवलिंग घिस तो नहीं रहा?
Kiradu temple in barmer Rajasthan
राजस्थान की रेतीली धरती में कई राज दफन हैं। यह राज ऐसे हैं जिन्हें जानकर बड़े-बड़े सूरमाओं के पसीने छूट जाते हैं। कुलधारा गांव और भानगढ़ का किला ऐसे ही रहस्यमय स्थानों में से एक है जो भूतहा स्थान के रुप में पूरी दुनिया में जाने जाते है।
कुलधारा और भानगढ़ से अलग एक और रहस्यमय स्थान है जो बारमेर जिले में स्थित है। यह स्थान है किराडू का मंदिर।
पूरे राजस्थान में खजुराहो मंदिर के नाम से प्रसिद्घ यह मंदिर प्रेमियों को विशेष आकर्षित करता हैं। लेकिन यहां की ऐसी खौफनाक सच्चाई है जिसे जानने के बाद कोई भी यहां शाम के बाद ठहरने की हिम्मत नहीं कर सकता।
वह पत्थर का बन जाता है
किराडू के मंदिर विषय में ऐसी मान्यता है कि यहां शाम ढ़लने के बाद जो भी रह जाता है वह या तो पत्थर का बन जाता है या मौत की नींद सो जाता है। किराडू के विषय में यह मान्यता वर्षों से चली आ रही है। पत्थर बन जाने के डर से यहां शाम ढ़लते ही पूरा इलाका विरान हो जाता है।
इस मान्यता के पीछे एक अजब दास्तान है जिसकी गवाह एक औरत की पत्थर की मूर्ति है, जो किराडू से कुछ दूर सिहणी गांव में स्थित है।
इस तरह किराडू के लोग बन गए पत्थर के
वर्षों पहले किराडू में एक तपस्वी पधारे। इनके साथ शिष्यों की एक टोली थी। तपस्वी एक दिन शिष्यों को गांव में छोड़कर देशाटन के लिए चले गए। इस बीच शिष्यों का स्वास्थ्य खराब हो गया।
गांव वालों ने इनकी कोई मदद नहीं की। तपस्वी जब वापस किराडू लौटे और अपने शिष्यों की दुर्दशा देखी तो गांव वालों को शाप दे दिया कि जहां के लोगों के हृदय पाषाण के हैं वह इंसान बने रहने योग्य नहीं हैं इसलिए सब पत्थर के हो जाएं।
एक कुम्हारन थी जिन्होंने शिष्यों की सहायता की थी। तपस्वी ने उस पर दया करते हुए कहा कि तुम गांव से चली जाओ वरना तुम भी पत्थर की बन जाओगी। लेकिन याद रखना जाते समय पीछे मुड़कर मत देखना।
कुम्हारन गांव से चली गई लेकिन उसके मन में यह संदेह होने लगा कि तपस्वी की बात सच भी है या नहीं वह पीछे मुड़कर देखने लगी और वह भी पत्थर की बन गयी। सिहणी गावं में कुम्हार की पत्थर की मूर्ति आज भी उस घटना की याद दिलाती है।
The Kiradu temples are a group of ruined temples located in the Barmer district of Rajasthan, India. The Kiradu town is located in the Thar desert, about 35 km from Barmer and 157 km from Jaisalmer.
Kiradu Temples
किराडु मंदिर
Someshavara temple at Kiradu, in 1897
Location in Barmer Rajasthan
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Coordinates 25.7528°N 71.0977°E
Country India
State Rajasthan
District Barmer
Location Barmer
Sanctum Shiva
Number of temples 5
The ruins of at least five temples exist at Kiradu. Of these, the Someshvara temple, dedicated to Shiva, is the best-preserved structure. Epigraphic evidence suggests that the temples were constructed during the 11-12th century by the vassals of the Chaulukya (Solanki) monarchs.
History Edit
Inscriptions dated 1153-1178 CE have been found at Kiradu. Based on this, Indian historian Gaurishankar Ojha assigned the temples to the 12th century CE.[1] Art historians Ratna Chandra Agrawala and Stella Kramrisch have also dated the Someshvara temple to the 12th century.[2] However, art historians Madhusudan Dhaky and Percy Brown dated the temple to 11th century CE.[1][2]
Kiradu was originally known as Kiratakupa. During the 12th century, it was controlled by several small dynasties, which ruled as vassals of the Chaulukyas. Someshvara, who belonged to a Paramara branch, rose to prominence in the 1140s CE after gaining favour of the Chaulukya rulers Jayasimha Siddharaja and Kumarapala.[3]
In the 1150s, the Naddula Chahamana ruler Alhana (also a Chaulukya vassal) seems to have been appointed as a governor of Kiradu, as attested by a 1152 CE inscription.[3] The area was restored to Someshvara by the 1160s. Sometime later, the Chaulukyas transferred the control of Kiradu to Madanabrahma, who came from a Chahamana family. Madanabrahma's successor was probably Asala, who was defeated by Alhana's son Kirtipala.[4]
A 1178 CE Kiradu inscription, issued during the reign of the Chaulukya monarch Bhima II, records repairs to a temple damaged by the Turushkas (Turkic people). These Turushkas are identified with the Ghurids led by Muhammad of Ghor, who were defeated by the Chaulukya forces at the Battle of Kasahrada.[5]
According to a legend, Kiradu was deserted because of a sage's curse. The sage left behind his disciple to the care of the people of Kiradu, but except for a potter's wife no one carried out the sage's wish. The sage cursed the town but told the potter's wife beforehand to leave and never turn back. Out of curiosity she turned to take one last look at her hometown and was instantly turned to stone. The outskirts of the town have a stone statue purported to be her.[citatio
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Brahma Temple of Pushkar
She is considered the deity for all branches of knowledge, the 36 Raginis and 6 Ragas of music, ideas such as Memory and Victory, yogas, religious acts, speech, language, and the various units of measurement and time.
She is the blood-wife of Lord Brahma. In the modern Hindu trinity, he is the creator god. It is said, in order to bring forth life on earth, Brahma created a female from his thigh. In this manner, she could be compared to the Biblical Eve.
The personal life of Saraswathi could be compared to the Biblical Queen Vashti, wife of the Persian (Zoroastrian) Emperor Ahasuerus. One interesting things about Indian mythology is the projection of gods with all human weakness. These stories may not be real; but these tales are woven with religious mythology to teach the human beings to avoid such mistakes that were committed by gods. The following is the story:
Once upon a time, when Brahma was searching for an ideal place to perform a yagna, a lotus fell from his hand onto a spot which came to be called Pushkar. The auspicious hour was selected. Brahma and his wife Savitri were to jointly perform the yagna. But as the time for the ceremony drew near, Savitri was still preoccupied beautifying herself for the event. An enraged Brahma, under the compulsion of performing the rites with a wife, married a local cowherd's daughter, Gayatri. Once Savitri learnt of this, she cursed Brahma that he would not be worshipped anywhere on earth except at Pushkar. She deserted him and sat on the nearby Ratnagiri hill. There, today, is a Savitri temple. From there, anyone with a good eyesight can see the crimson Brahma temple where The Creator still sits with the cowherd's daughter.
One can find several stories with different versions connected with the same personality as well. Goddesses Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvati is also considered an aspect of five-headed goddess Gayatri, who gave the famous “Gayatri Mantra” to the world.
There are very few temples exists dedicated to Lord Brahma. The major temples for Brahma exists in Pushkar, Rajasthan (India) and in Prambanan in Yogyakarta (Indonesia). Other are few minor temples for Lord Brhama in the following places in India: Bithoor (Uttar Pradesh); Khedbrahma (Gujarat); village Asotra near Balotra city of Barmer district (Rajasthan); Uttamar Kovil (one of the Divya Desams) near Tiruchirapalli (Thamizh Nadu); Carambolim near Valpoi (Goa), in addition to one in in Bali, Indonesia (Mother Temple of Besakih).
The temple priests, in order to have access to the offerings have lowered the status of the deity by preferring a legal suit.
In 1984, Mahant Laharpuri, a portly man in his seventies today and an undisputed guardian of the Brahma temple, filed a case in Pushkar courts against Benugopal Sharma, head priest of the Savitri temple. Laharpuri demanded the right to perform pujas at the Savitri temple for five days (The five days coincide with the Pushkar fair.) every year and more noteworthy is his other demand, to take the offerings coming his way on those days. As guardian of the Brahma temple, he said it was his right on the dwelling of the wife.
In a case that has seen innumerable adjournments, Laharpuri had consistently pleaded with the courts that due to religious reasons he cannot leave the Brahma temple and attend the hearings. Bansal used it against him saying that if he could not attend the court he cannot go up to the Savitri temple either. In 2004, the court dismissed the dispute. However, a fresh appeal has been now filed in the District and Sessions court at Ajmer.
Mean while, Bansal says, as defence counsel he had told the court that since Savitri was Brahma's deserted wife she should be given alimony instead by the Brahma temple. However, this was rejected by the court on the grounds that it cannot be done in regard to idols. Also according to Hindu law (regarding idols) deities are perpetual minors and they are under guardianship of the head priest, and therefore the question of any sort of maintenance does not arise.
According to Benugopal, now a 73-yearold man is confident that nothing much will come out of this fresh appeal. The case will not go to the High Court or the Supreme court, he says.
This video is made with the clips that I took last year during my visit to in Pushkar and I am sure this mini-video will give an idea about the temple dedicated Lord Brahma to those, who have not visited Pushkar.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
Yatra || गया धाम - श्राद्ध कर्म के लिए उत्तम तीर्थ ॥ Bodh Gaya || Story Of Gayasur-# Ambey Bhakti
Yatra || गया धाम - श्राद्ध कर्म के लिए उत्तम तीर्थ ॥ Bodh Gaya || Story Of Gayasur-# Ambey Bhakti
Album - Gaya Dham Mahatamya
Voice -O P Rathore
Script -Directoion - Subhash Bose
Singer -Tripty Shakya, Neelima , Vipin Sachdeva, Sanjay Vidyarthi,
Editor - Mukesh Aryan
Copyright : Shubham Audio Video
Watch “ Gaya Dham Mahatamya From Ambey Bhakti.
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