Virtual autopsy
Virtual autopsy table in Visualization Center C (Norrköping, Sweden). Just a short preview of brilliant overall performance.
For more information visit:
Aishamoskén - Norrköping [2019-05-05]
Byggprojektet, Aishamoskén (Norrköping - Sweden)
Aishamoskén drivs av Norrköpings islamiska center som bildades år 1982 i en liten lokal i Norrköping. 1986 förvärvade man en markyta på 2170 kvadratmeter i bostadsområdet porten i Hageby. Byggnationen av Aishamoskén gick av stapeln våren 2014. Det var med glädje som muslimerna i Norrköping såg ett slut på en trettioårs väntan på att få en ändamålsenlig moské.
Det man då inte visste var att någon planerade för att rasera deras drömmar, att med sina illvilja handgripligen sätta moskén i brand och utplåna den lycka som just hade börjat gro bland Norrköpings muslimer. Nyheten om en anlagd brand den 25 juli 2014 spred sig som en chockvåg bland församlingsmedlemmarna och det tilltänkta bygget stannade upp helt.
Styrelsen för Aishamoskén valde efter denna händelse att omprojektera och investera i mer brandsäkra material. Ett nödvändigt beslut som dock inneburit ökade kostnader.
Juli 2015 satte byggnadsarbetet igång på nytt och fram tills idag står ca 80% av byggnationen klar, alhamdullillah.
Så skynda, må Allâh vara er nådig, till en enorm välgärning vars godhet består och är till nytta för bidragsgivaren, in sha Allah.
Allâh säger:
varje god handling som ni sänder framför er [till Domen] skall ni återfinna hos Allâh, förskönad och [följd av] en rikare belöning.
{alMuzzammil 20}
CoderDojo Norrköping på Visualiseringscenter C
CoderDojo arrangeras ideellt av studenter vid Linköpings universitet, Campus Norrköping. Syftet är att lära barn och ungdomar mellan 7-17 år att koda spel, hemsidor m.m. CoderDojo arrangeras på Visualiseringscenter C i Norrköping.
Den här filmen är en kort presentation om eventet och ungdomars tankar kring CoderDojo och framtiden.
Film & ljud: Mattias Arbelius
TEDxGöteborg - Anders Ynnerman - Inside Information: Visualizing the Interior of the Human Body
Professor Anders Ynnerman received a Ph.D. in physics from Gothenburg University. During the early 90s he was doing research at Oxford University, UK, and Vanderbilt University, USA. From 1997 to 2002 he directed the Swedish National Supercomputer Centre and from 2002 to 2006 he directed the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). Since 1999 he has held a chair in scientific visualization and is the director of the Norrköping Visualization Center -- C. He is also one of the co-founders of the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV).
Ynnerman is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences and a board member of the Swedish Research Council. In 2007 Ynnerman was awarded the Akzo Nobel Science award and the Golden Mouse award for Swedish IT-person of the year.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
The climate system and global climate models & Regional climate simulations
Prof. Erik Kjellström, SMHI, Norrköping, Sweden
The Virtual Autopsy Table
Have a look at the inside of a human being. In this installation, with the help of an easy to use multi touch interface, the user can freely interact with stunning volumetric 3D datasets of real scanned human bodies.
The datasets in this demo have been created with state of the art techniques within medical imaging; Dual Energy Computed Tomography and by using new methods in the field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The data has been imported straight from the scanners and has not been edited or modified before rendering, what you see is not a 3D model, its a full volumetric description of a human body.
The visualization techniques used in this table is already utilized successfully as a compliment to the conventional autopsy. Apart from avoiding cutting in the body the medical experts, such as coroners, can see things that are difficult to discover in a conventional autopsy. Furthermore, the technique opens up for new opportunities in countries where autopsies are not accepted due to cultural reasons. The technique will revolutionize the traditional health care in many areas.
The technique can also, for educational purposes, be used in education environments and in public institutions such as museums, Science and Technology centers.
The Virtual Autopsy Table is developed by Norrköping Visualization Centre in collaboration with CMIV
The installation is based on research results from CMIV, VITA at Linköping University, Sweden and Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine.
For more information please visit:
Technical details:
Volume data resolution: 512x512x3397x2 (1.7 GB)
Frame rate: 30 Hz
Display resolution: 1980x1080
Installation concept: Interactive Institute
Project management: Thomas Rydell - Interactive Institute
Volume rendering: Dr. Patric Ljung, Prof. Anders Ynnerman, Prof. Anders Persson and Willem Frishert CMIV/VITA
Scanning, data and medical expertise: Prof. Anders Persson - CMIV
User interface: David Karlsson - Interactive Institute and Willem Frishert - VITA
Video production: Claes Ericson - Interactive Institute
Mötesplatser för visualisering
Sverige är världsledande på området visualisering och visualiseringsteknik. Visualisering är framtidens viktigaste analys- och kommunikationsverktyg. Forskningsprogrammet Visualisering kraftsamlar kring två mötesplatser: Center of Visualization i Göteborg och C-site i Norrköping/Linköping. Mötesplatserna gör det möjligt för olika kompetenser och entreprenörer inom framtidsområdet visualisering att samlas för kreativ samverkan.
Bakom forskningsprogrammet står KK-stiftelsen, Stiftelsen för strategisk forskning, Vinnova, Vårdalstiftelsen och Invest in Sweden Agency. Totalt satsas 85 miljoner kronor under fem år.
Besök KK-stiftelens webbplats
Urban Explorer Table 2 introduction film.
Urban Explorer Table 2 was developed by Interactive Institute Swedish ICT together with the city planning office of Norrköping City in Sweden in close collaboration with Visualisation Centre C, Hyresbostäder in Norrköping and City Planning Office of Gothenburg.
Data credits: City Planning Office Norrköping, Hyresbostäder in Norrköping, Linköping University, City Planning Office Norrköping, Göteborg Energi and SAAB Vricon Systems.
Read more at:
LiU Game Awards 2012 nominees
These are the finalists in LiU Game Awards 2012! The price ceremony will be held the 8th of November 2012 at the Visualization Center C in Norrköping (Sweden) together with speakers from DICE, Mojang, Paradox and more!
Gesture Controlled Volume Rendering Using Microsoft Kinect for Finger Tracking
Combining the Xip volume renderer with gesture control for presentation purposes, demonstrated in the dome of the Visualizationcenter in Norrköping, Sweden.
A joint project of the Virtopsygroup and C-research.
'Evolving Evolution'
Watch the whole series here:
The pace of change is accelerating; we – everything - is evolving faster, with “evolving” stripped of the normative sense of “getting better” imposed by western culture.
Man has been thinking systematically about evolution at least since the early greek philosopher Anaximander (c. 610 – c. 546 BC) posited that “apeiron” – an endless, unlimited primor- dial mass, subject to neither old age nor decay – perpetually yielded fresh materials from which everything we perceive is derived. Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace formulated the idea of natural selection, which Darwin described in 1859 in the Origin of species: as an inherently slow process;
“...Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap, but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps.”
Fast forward to the early 21st century and it’s become clear that “slow” and “evolution” don’t belong in the same sentence, if they ever did.
Explore our evolving evolution with reflections from:
Sylvester James Gates, Jr.
Council of Advisors on Science and Technology for President Barack Obama, USA
Steve Gullans
Managing Director, Excel Venture Management, USA
Anders Ynnerman
Director, Norrköping Visualization Center - C, and Professor, Sweden
The Tällberg Foundation recently convened a group of scientists, artists, academics, diplomats, businessmen and others to discuss the accelerating pace of change that is transforming our universe, our planet, our species and our societies. This is part of their conversation.
Interview with Anders Ynnerman at the Tällberg Forum 2012
Interview with Anders Ynnerman, Director, Norrköping Visualization Center - C, and Professor, Scientific Visualization, Linköping University, Dept of Science and technology (ITN), Sweden, at the Tällberg Forum 2012.
Medipad - A new way of working with radiology workstations
Medipad is a new of working with radiology workstations. The gesture-based interface enables radiologists to control their workstation with gestures instead of a mouse and keyboard. This can contribute to a more efficient way of working and ultimately change how radiologists interact with their workstation.
Medipad is developed by the Interactive Institute Swedish ICT in collaboration with Visualization Center C, CMIV and Medical IT-company Sectra. The project is partially supported and funded by C-Site an initiative by Norrköping Science Park.
For more information please visit:
'Escaping Constraints'
Watch the whole series here:
Technological advances promise boundless possibilities for a better future, but is this optimistic approach preventing us from finding realistic solutions? Listen to reflections on the creative power of constraints with:
Wendy Wheeler
Emeritus Professor of English Literature and Cultural Inquiry, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, London Metropolitan University, UK
Anders Ynnerman
Director, Norrköping Visualization Center - C, and Professor, Scientific Visualization, Linköping University, Dept of Science and Technology (ITN), Sweden
Tord Ekelöf
Professor, Elementary Particle Physics; Head of FREIA Accelerator Development Department, Uppsala University, Sweden
Stephen Nachmanovitch
Musician, Author, and Educator, USA
The Tällberg Foundation recently convened a group of scientists, artists, academics, diplomats, businessmen and others to discuss the accelerating pace of change that is transforming our universe, our planet, our species and our societies. This is part of their conversation.
Aruna & Hari Sharma in SJ Pendeltåg 840 Stockholm Central to Uppsala Central Station, Sep 26, 2016
Forums for visualisation
Sweden is a world leader in the field of visualisation and visualisation technology. Visualisation is the futures most important tool of analysis and communication. The Visualisation research programme brings together two forums: the Centre of Visualisation in Gothenburg and C-site in Norrköping/Linköping. These forums enable different specialists and entrepreneurs in the future area of visualisation to come together for the purpose of creative collaboration.
Behind the research programme are the Knowledge Foundation, the Foundation for Strategic Research, Vinnova, Vårdalstiftelsen (the Foundation for Health Care Sciences and Allergy Research) and the Invest in Sweden Agency. A total of SEK 85 million is being invested over five years.
Anders Ynnerman: Visualizing the medical data explosion
Today medical scans produce thousands of images and terabytes of data for a single patient in mere seconds, but how do doctors parse this information and determine what's useful? At TEDxGöteborg, scientific visualization expert Anders Ynnerman shows us sophisticated new tools -- like virtual autopsies -- for analyzing this myriad data, and a glimpse at some sci-fi-sounding medical technologies in development. This talk contains some graphic medical imagery.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the Sixth Sense wearable tech, and Lost producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at
Errand Källén - Weather Prediction and the Scalability Challenge Final
Weather prediction using high performance computing relies on having physically based models of the atmosphere that can deliver forecasts well in advance of the weather actually happening. Numerical weather prediction (NWP) is an initial value problem where globally distributed observations, coming from satellites as well as the Earth's surface and in-situ atmospheric observations, are continuously processed to define starting points for weather forecasts. Typically tens of millions of observed quantities have to be processed in real time within an hour. A forecast model is then integrated forwards in time out to two weeks ahead, also within an hour. The forecast information is subsequently distributed to users all over the world. A European intergovernmental organisation, ECMWF (European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasts), was established forty years ago to deliver global forecast information to its member states. The forecasts have a very high quality, regular assessments conducted by the World Meteorological Organisation show that the forecasts from ECMWF are generally better than the ones produced by other weather centres around the world.
ECMWF uses HPC in order to be able to deliver the forecasts and to continuously improve the forecast quality. One of the main challenges today is to use software that can run efficiently on an HPC with hundreds of thousands of processors. Both the forecast model and the processes used for assimilating observations and distributing the forecast outputs have to be made much more efficient than they are today. Therefore ECMWF has embarked on a scalability programme together with the NWP and climate modelling community in Europe. The programme is supported by a number of EU funded research projects as well as national and intergovernmental resources. Particular research topics are numerical algorithms, big data storage and distribution and improved parallelisation of software used in all stages of the forecasting system.
The talk will give an overview of the principles underlying numerical weather prediction as well as a description of the HPC related challenges that are facing the NWP and climate modelling communities today.
Bio: Erland Källén obtained his PhD in meteorology from Stockholm University in 1980 and since 2009 he works at ECMWF (European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting, Reading, UK) as Director of Research. From 1983 until 2009 he was first an associate professor and later professor in dynamic meteorology at Stockholm University. His areas of research are large scale dynamics of the atmosphere, numerical weather prediction and climate modelling. He has worked as a project leader for the European regional weather forecasting project HIRLAM and was responsible for initiating and heading the first Swedish climate modelling programme in the 1990's. As a leader of these projects he worked for the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) in Norrköping, Sweden. He also spent one year as Head of Research at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) in Copenhagen, Denmark. During the period 2000-2006 he was Head of the Meteorology department at Stockholm University. Erland Källén is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and Academia Europea.
Henrik Fexeus - I Ditt Huvud (Inside Your Head - full show from 2013!)
I Ditt Huvud (Inside Your Head) was Henrik's third stage show, after Mind Melt and SinnesCirkus, and his second major Swedish tour.
The show was filmed in 2013 at the Maxim Theatre in Stockholm.
(And naturally, no animals were harmed during the performance!)
List of planetariums | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:13 1 Permanent planetariums
00:00:37 1.1 Africa
00:01:21 1.2 Asia
00:06:51 1.3 Europe
00:21:00 1.4 North America
00:21:09 1.4.1 Canada
00:22:56 1.4.2 Costa Rica
00:23:08 1.4.3 Mexico
00:25:50 1.4.4 United States
00:40:49 1.5 Oceania
00:41:41 1.6 South America
00:44:17 2 Planetarium computer software
00:45:02 3 Planetarium manufacturers
00:50:40 4 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This entry is a list of permanent planetariums, including software and manufacturers. In addition, many mobile planetariums exist, touring venues such as schools.