Iceland Krafla volcanic fields, Viti crater lake and geotermal power station Krafla area from drone
To the north of Hverarond stretches unusual volcanic Krafla area, it has the craters of volcanoes Krafla and Viti. It's definitely one of the places that you must see. Area of land still rises and falls of several centimeters. This is due to the continuous flow of magma through underground chamber. The whole area is very active, volcanologists believe that at any moment can happen here eruption. Therefore, caution should be exercised.
The name comes from the volcanic area located on its premises Krafla volcano with a height of 818 m above the sea level You can see a lot of smoldering crevices, and with a little Szczeci also small eruptions.
Undoubtedly, attention is focused on lava field Leirgjukur a particularly wide 320 m Viti crater filled with water in a dark blue color, summer is painted in beautiful colors. What is interesting in Icelandic Viti means a evil comes from pagan beliefs supposedly diabolical habitat was under the volcano.
The crater Stora Viti was established in May 1724, during the eruption Myvatnseldar ( fires Myvatn), was the biggest series of eruptions and earthquakes in the history of Iceland. The huge mass of volcanic ash covered the entire adjacent area. In 1,725 years there was ie. An explosion slot, when the outbreak of the resulting cracks surfaced five streams of lava. One of them came to Lake Myvatn. Heated flowing magma destroying everything in its path, except for the church in Reykjahlik, who miraculously survived the disaster. A series of earthquakes and explosions, lasted for five years until 1729. Over the next 250 years Krafla rested.
Magma shedding beneath the earth's surface heats the crust so hard that it is an inexhaustible source of energy. Naturally, Icelanders decided to take advantage of this fact building a geothermal power plant. Drilling started in 1973. Had a depth of up to 2 kilometers, and all to accompany the hot steam from the magma chambers to built power plant. Enraged drilling work Krafla in the same year, December 20, decided to show its unpredictability. Fires Krafli (Kröflueldar) of the night fireworks which was accompanied by a flow of molten lava, followed by a strong earthquake at the same time opening up to three hundred meters gap which immediately appeared magma, it began another series of explosions similar to those of 1,724 years. This time, the series lasted nearly a decade, spilling up to nine streams of lava, which, however, did not threaten the construction of the power plant. Freed nearly a quarter of a cubic kilometer of lava, which covered an area of over 30 km2. Flames shot here in 1980, and even 1984 years.
Walk the Krafla area is permitted only delineated trails. Avoid lighter areas around the mesh mud, snow caps and jagged fragments of lava. Visiting this place can be seen protruding from the ground pipe. They belong to the geothermal power plant Leirbotn.
Country : Iceland
Place : Blue lake
GPS Coordinates :
65° 43' 3.09'' N
16° 45' 16.1784'' W
Latitude / Longitude :
65.640039, -16.848307
Filmed by : Phantom 3 pro
Country : Iceland
Place : Viti crater ( Krafla area )
GPS Coordinates :
65° 38' 24.1404'' N
16° 50' 53.9052'' W
Latitude / Longitude :
65.717560, -16.754065
Filmed by : Phantom 3 pro
Country : Iceland
Place : Geotermal power station ( Krafla area )
GPS Coordinates :
65° 42' 9.9612'' N
16° 46' 24.7728'' W
Latitude / Longitude :
65.702767, -16.773548
Filmed by : Phantom 3 pro
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Iceland travel: Krafla lava field and Viti crater
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Krafla lava fields and crater are located 6km east of Lake Myvatn on Route 1. Take the left turn towards Krafla and drive past the geothermal power plant into the first parking area. This area is is included in all Iceland tours of the Mývatn District (Iceland's Northeast Region).
This volcanic area is stunning and Viti crater lake is really beautiful crater lake.
A walk around the craters takes just a couple of minutes and the sulfuric fields can be watched from just a few meters. The geothermal activity of the earth can be seen in the smoke emitting from the boiling pools, the smoking lava rocks. The landscape is an expanse of lava rock with multi colours of rock where the thermal pools are emanating smoke, yellow sulphur sediments, red maybe iron or copper. The pools have a very beautiful tinge of emerald. Its quite a walk to see the lava fields area and the pathways are well laid out. Its like a natural sauna from the smoke from the steaming rocks. It’s definitely part of the list of the beautiful places to see in the world.
Many other geological and thermal sights are nearby (Námafjall, Myvatn Nature Baths, Hverarond).
This video was done with GoPro camera.
Music : Sunday Drive by Silent Partner
Walking the Rim of the Viti Crater in Iceland!
During our road trip around the Ring Road in Iceland, in the northeast we stopped at the beautiful Krafla area. One of the most popular sites is the Viti Crater. Join us as we explore the rim of the crater. An explosion crater formed during a volcanic eruption, Krafla Viti Crater is surrounded by nothing other than some power plant pipes and equipment, making the blue aqua colored lake contrasting with the surrounding white snow and dark mountains a breathtaking sight!
Check out our photos, how-to's and recommendations by clicking the link below:
Where is Krafla Viti Crater located?
Krafla Viti Crater is located in Northern Iceland about 116 km/72 mi east of Akureyri, Iceland’s “Capital of the North”, and about 24 km/15 mi east of Myvatn.
How do you get to Viti Crater?
It is easily accessible via the Ring Road/Route 1. Turn towards Viti/Krafla and drive past the power plant. The parking lot is at the end of this road.
How should you tour Viti Crater?
You can walk the rim of the entire crater or just view from the parking lot. The right side is the easier side to explore and has another lake (pictured below). The left side is a little more difficult and can be slippery.
How was Krafla Viti Crater formed?
It is an explosion crater formed during a volcanic eruption at the start of the Myvatn fires in 1724. The eruption last around 5 years.
How long does it take to tour Viti Crater?
It will take 45-60 minutes to walk the entire rim. If just viewing from the parking lot, give yourself 15 minutes.
How big is Viti Crater?
The diameter of the crater is around 300 meters/984 feet.
When should you visit Viti Crater?
We found the landscape absolutely stunning with the remaining snow on the mountains surrounding the crater. You can tour this anytime but we recommend avoiding during wet conditions as it can be slippery around the rim of the crater. Since the parking lot is right at the rim of the crater, it can still be viewed if rainy weather.
What should you bring?
Walking/Hiking Shoes
How much does it cost?
Free! Parking is free too!
We recommend walking the entire rim so you can see different perspectives of the crater.
If the ground is wet, be extremely careful if you are walking the rim as most parts will be slippery.
Pair this with some of the sites listed below.
What else can you see nearby?
Check out Namafjall Hverir Geothermal area (10 km/6 miles)
Soak in the Myvatn Nature Baths (13 km/8 mi)
Visit Myvatn Lake and its surrounding sites (24 km/15 miles)
Admire one of Iceland’s most powerful waterfalls, Godafoss (64 km/40 miles)
Hike through lava fields to the famous waterfalls Dettifoss and Selfoss (71 km/44 miles)
Explore Iceland’s “North Capital” city of Akureyri (116 km/72 miles)
ISLANDA TOUR - Dettifoss, Hvevir, Lake Myvatn, Hverfjall, Grjotagja, Krafla Viti Crater
- Dettifoss
Circa 30 km prima di sfociare nella baia Öxarfjörður nell'Islanda settentrionale, il fiume Jökulsá á Fjöllum cade da più cascate. La più spettacolari delle quali sono tre, nell'ordine: Selfoss, seguita da Dettifoss e Hafragilsfoss. Tutte sono situate nel grandioso canyon Jökulsárgljúfur. È alta 44 m e larga 100 m, mentre la portata media è di più di 180-200 m³/s (circa 200 tonnellate d'acqua che si gettano ogni secondo fragorosamente giù per il canyon), ma è estremamente variabile a seconda del livello e del volume dello Jökulsá, dipendentemente dalle precipitazioni, dallo scioglimento del Vatnajökull da cui il fiume si origina, in base alla stagione e all'attività vulcanica sotto il ghiacciaio.
Si tratta di un grande campo geotermico fatto di piccoli laghetti di fango che ribollono e fumarole attive. Una volta qui, prestosi capisce subito perché l'Islanda è denominata Terra di Fuoco e Ghiaccio.A primo impatto, dà la sensazione di un paesaggio simile a quello del pianeta Marte.
-Lake Myvatn
È un lago eutrofico poco profondo situato in un'area di vulcanismo attivo nel nord dell'Islanda, non lontano dal vulcano Krafla. Il lago e le sue zone umide circostanti hanno una fauna eccezionalmente ricca di uccelli acquatici, soprattutto anatre. Il lago è stato creato da un'enorme eruzione di lavica basaltica di 2300 anni fa, e il paesaggio circostante è dominato da forme vulcaniche, tra cui colonne di lava e schioppi senza radici (pseudocrateri). Il fiume affluente Laxá è noto per la sua ricca pesca di trote marrone e salmone atlantico.
- Hverfjall
È un vulcano con forma ad anello fatto di tufo situato nell'Islanda settentrionale, ad est di Mývatn. Si è creato nel 2500 a.C. nella parte meridionale dello sciame sismico della zona del Krafla. Il cratere è di circa 1 km di diametro.
- Grjotagja
Grjótagjá è una piccola grotta di lava vicino al lago Mývatn con una sorgente termale all'interno. All'inizio del XVIII secolo ha vissuto là fuori Jón Markússon che usò la grotta come suo bagno termale. Questa grotta è stato utilizzata come luogo per riprese del quinto episodio della terza stagione di Game of Thrones, chiamato Kissed by Fire.
- Krafla Viti Crater
La regione del Krafla comprende il cratere Víti, uno dei due crateri noti con questo nome in Islanda. La parola islandese víti significa inferno. Nell'antichità le persone credevano che gli inferi fossero situati sotto i vulcani. Víti ha un lago azzurro all'interno di esso.
Copyrights Sound:
0.00 - 1.50
[Progressive House] Thimlife ft. Vanessa Lani - Now You're Gone
• Thimlife
2.28 - 5.51
[Tropical House] Diviners - Savannah (ft. Philly K)
• Diviners
Myvatn, Iceland in 4K (Ultra HD)
Mývatn is a lake in Northern Iceland, the name is used also for the stunning and diverse surrounding area of volcanic origin.
Locations in the video: Hverir/Hverarond (0:06), Viti Crater (1:07), Krafla Lava Fields (1:35), Geothermal pool (2:13), Myvatn Nature Baths (2:37), Hverfjall Crater (2:54), Dimmuborgir - volcanic caves and rock formations (3:12), Höfði (3:37), Skútustaðir - area of pseudocraters formed by steam erruptions (4:01).
Recorded June 2016 in 4K (Ultra HD) with Sony AX100.
Ryo Utasato - Forgotten Kingdom - 07 - Pearl
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Iceland Krafla volcanic fields, Viti crater lake and geotermal power station Krafla area from de 00
Viti Crater In Iceland
BRAND NEW!!! Check out my DJI Osmo Pocket Test Footage:
We barely could see the lake but that fog made it even more special. More info:
Don't You Ever Click Here!!!!
Please watch: Low Light / Slow Motion DJI Osmo Pocket Test Footage: Turia Fountain Valencia, Spain
Viti Crater - Krafla Area - Iceland
Coordonnées: 65°43'03.3N 16°45'11.0W
Durée de l'activité: 03h00 (incluant le champ de lave de Leirhnjúkur)
Coût: Gratuit
Krafla est une zone volcanique toujours active en ce jour. Elle est située en Islande.
Le cratère Viti et le champ de lave de Leirhnjúkur en font partie.
Il y a un stationnement près du cratère Viti. C'est à partir de cet endroit que nous avons débuté la visite de ces attractions.
Nous avons monté tout d'abord au sommet du cratère Viti. La montée est très facile et nous avons une vue spectaculaire de la région.
Un lac de couleur émeraude tapisse le fond du cratère. C'est vraiment un endroit magnifique! Nous avons fait le tour du cratère et nous avons rencontré des champs de fumerolles à plusieurs endroits.
Infos pour le champ de lave de Leirhnjúkur:
Crater Lake in Iceland - Trail and first view of Crater Lake
21 Jul 2015
Iceland Islandia Krafla Viti crater with blue lake and lava fields 360º view 2018
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MYVATN ICELAND - Namafjall Hverir, Dimmuborgir, Krafla, Grjotagja Cave - DRONE Aerial Footage
Myvatn Region of Iceland Travel Video (North Iceland)
Two Weeks in Iceland Travel Vlog Series [DAY 6&7]
Driving around the Ring Road of Iceland on an epic 2 week road trip, we stayed in the Myvatn region for days 6 and 7. In this video, you'll see:
- Namafjall Hverir Geothermal Site
- Dimmuborgir Lava Field
- Grjotagja Cave
- Viti Crater at Krafla
- Dettifoss (waterfall)
For more information:
Top 6 Things to Do in Myvatn Iceland:
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ICELAND: Skútustaðagígar
Recorded September 5, 2008.
Our final stop on our tour of northern Iceland was Skútustaðagígar. The shores along the south side of the lake are home to many pseudocraters, formed during volcanic eruptions when lava flowed over wetlands, eventually resulting in steam eruptions and forming these medium-sized craters.
Iceland - Krafla, Viti, Myvantn Lake
Krafla, Viti, Myvantn Lake
Krafla crater | must see place in Iceland | Viti Volcano Part 1
considered to be one of the spectacular Volcanoes of Iceland. the Krafla or Viti crater is one of the hotspot of Iceland. If you are looking for great adventure in Iceland, this should be one of them.
You can walk around the crater and if you dare, you can also walk down. I've seen several people do that today. I would not recommend it unless you know what you're doing.
don't become a statistic in Iceland. Travel safe.
FROZEN Volcano Crater at Leirhnjúkur Iceland, Krafla | 4K
Leirhnjúkur Crater in Northern Iceland is located close to the other and more famous crater Víti in the Krafla caldera. It's surrounded by a big, black lava field which I find immensely fascinating! Despite this I also find it very hard to photograph and get a proper photograph from. This winter I visited Leirhnjúkur Crater twice with mixed success. What made the biggest impression on me was all the beautiful patterns in the snow!
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Mit dem Jeep durch Island 08: Dimmuborgir, Myvatn-Bad, Krafla, Viti, Bjarnaflag
Teil 8 einer Jeep-Safari durch Island. Vorbei an den Pseudokratern am Myvatn erreichen wir das Lava-Labyrinth Dimmuborgir, machen von dort einen kurzen Abstecher zum Myvatn-Bad und fahren weiter zum Zentralvulkan Krafla, wo wir uns den Viti-Krater anschauen. Den Abschluß bilden die Geothermal-Kraftwerke Krafla und Bjarnaflag.
Lake Viti, Iceland
Situated in the crater of the volcano Askja in the north-east of the glacier Vatnajökull. Its name simply means the lake of Askja. Like the neighbouring crater Víti, it was created by an enormous volcanic eruption in 1875.
Crater lake Viti (Hell), next to the much larger lake Öskjuvatn, inside the even larger crater, Askja.
65°02'49.1N 16°43'34.6W
My Iceland #5: Mývatn - Krafla
A day of otherworldly beauty and Mother Nature's violence. Starting off with the placid, fly-ridden eden of the Mývatn lake followed by an exploration of the fuming, belching multicoloured volcanic sites in and around Krafla. A brief visit to Dettifoss before falling asleep at the remote fair of Möðrudalur.
Far Away by Mono Town
Easy Way Out by Other Lives
Iceland - Myvatn - lake of flies, Drone - Phantom 3 Pro, 2016
Iceland - Myvatn - lake of flies, aerial view
Islandia - Myvatn - jezioro much, widok z lotu ptaka
Dron - Phantom 3 Pro