Russia, Vladimir. Old Vladimir Museum.(Россия Владимир. Музей Старый Владимир)
#Владимир #Russia #Museum #DJONDO
In the 50s, in connection with the reconstruction of the city water tower is no longer used for its intended purpose and has been boarded up; on the ground floor while huddled tramp [2]. There was a question about the future of the building. In 1967, the tower has finally received the status of a monument to urban planning and architecture, and four years later was transferred to the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. Also in 1971 the Vladimir restoration workshop was given the order for the building adaptation project of urban life museum turn of the century. Under the direction of architect Sergei Ermolina tower has been transformed from the inside - a spiral staircase was built in the northern part; central pockets (former staircase) and the southern part of the building set aside for the exposure. Instead of the flat roof was constructed viewing platform with a small marquee is complete.
The author of the exhibition, devoted to the provincial Vladimir end of XIX -. The beginning of the XX century, has become a local historian, honored worker of culture of RSFSR Leah Gorelik. The official opening took place on May 1, 1975. A feature of the exhibition was the lack of special explanatory texts - instead they used authentic extracts from books, newspapers, magazines, turn of the century.
In 2009 it was carried out radical reconstruction], in the renovated museum exposition equipment was replaced and some of the exhibits. The ground floor is now dedicated to the external appearance of the pre-revolutionary Vladimir and Urban Affairs, and the second - the city population and their occupations, the third tells about the spiritual life of Vladimir, the fourth is an open observation deck. The exhibition features about 800 exhibits.
В 50-е гг., в связи с реконструкцией городского водопровода, башня перестала использоваться по прямому назначению и была заколочена; в нижнем этаже некоторое время ютились бродяги. Встал вопрос о дальнейшей судьбе здания. В 1967 году башня наконец-то получила статус памятника градостроительства и архитектуры, а четыре года спустя была передана в ведение Владимиро-Суздальского музея-заповедника. В том же 1971 году во Владимирскую реставрационную мастерскую был дан заказ на проект приспособления здания под музей городского быта рубежа веков. Под руководством архитектора Сергея Ермолина башня была переоборудована изнутри — в северной части была построена винтовая лестница; центральные «карманы» (бывшая лестница) и южная часть здания отводились под экспозицию. Вместо плоской крыши была устроена смотровая площадка с небольшим шатровым завершием.
Автором экспозиции, посвящённой провинциальному Владимиру конца XIX — начала XX вв., стала краевед и заслуженный работник культуры РСФСР Лия Горелик. Официальное открытие состоялось 1 мая 1975 года. Особенностью экспозиции было отсутствие специальных пояснительных текстов — вместо них использовались подлинные выписки из книг, газет, журналов рубежа веков.
В 2009 году была проведена кардинальная реконструкция, в обновлённом музее заменили экспозиционное оборудование и часть экспонатов. Первый этаж теперь посвящён внешнему облику дореволюционного Владимира и городскому хозяйству, второй — населению города и его занятиям, третий рассказывает о духовной жизни владимирцев, на четвёртом располагается открытая смотровая площадка. В экспозиции представлено около 800 экспонатов.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Vladimir, Russia
In this video our travel specialists have listed some of the best things to do in Vladimir . We have tried to do some extensive research before giving the listing of Things To Do in Vladimir .
If you want Things to do List in some other area, feel free to ask us in comment box, we will try to make the video of that region also.
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List of Best Things to do in Vladimir, Russia
Borodins' Blacksmith Shop
Holy Assumption Cathedral
Spoon Museum
Vladimir Suzdal Museum Reserve
Cathedral of Saint Demetrius
Vodonapornaya Bashnya Museum
Monument to Prince Vladimir And Saint Fedor
Golden Gate
Museum of Illusions and Sciences Da Vinci
Dmitriyevskiy Cathedral Museum
Старый Владимир глазами туриста.
Старый Владимир глазами туриста.
Музей хрусталя, лаковой миниатюры и вышивки во Владимире.
Музей декоративно-прикладного искусства «Хрусталь. Вышивка. Лаковая миниатюра» в Троицкой церкви на Театральной площади создан в 1974 году. Он всегда был любим владимирцами и гостями города, которые с восхищением разглядывали творения мастеров стекла из города Гусь-Хрустальный и кудесников художественной вышивки и лаковой миниатюры из Мстёры.
Музей Старый Владимир при Владимиро-Суздальском музее-заповеднике.(Водонапорная башня).
Недалеко от Золотых ворот в здании бывшей водонапорной башни
находится экспозиция «Старый Владимир». Башня, построенная в 1912 году для нужд городского водопровода, давно утратила своё утилитарное назначение. Оригинальная экспозиция (автор идеи – Л.Р. Горелик), разместившаяся в ней сейчас и открытая после кардинальной
реконструкции в конце 2009 года, рассказывает о городе конца XIX – начала XX века. Не претендуя на всесторонний охват жизни губернского центра, она показывает городскую жизнь в её повседневном, обыденном течении, воссоздаёт атмосферу старого Владимира – мещанского, чиновничьего, купеческого.
Чтобы подчеркнуть колорит эпохи, воссозданы интерьеры комнаты в доме состоятельного горожанина, церковной лавки, полицейского участка, трактира с традиционным самоваром, расписными подносами,
многочисленными штофами и графинами. Вместо объяснительных текстов – подлинные выписки из книг, газет, журналов конца XIX – начала XX в.
Russia, Suzdal. Monastery of Saint Euthymius. (Россия, Суздаль, Спасо-Ефимиев монастырь)
#Monastery #Суздаль #Travel #Путешествия #Djondo
Monastery of Saint Euthymius - Monastery of Vladimir and Suzdal Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, located on the left bank of the Kamenka River in the northern part of Suzdal.
Founded in 1352 Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Prince Boris Konstantinovich as a fortress designed to protect the city from external and internal vragov.Arhitekturny monastery complex declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The whole ensemble of the Monastery of St. Euthymius is a part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The building housed the exposition, depository and subsidiary services. At the monastery belfry re-matched with all the bells and several times a day, visitors have the opportunity to hear them chime. One of the bell ringers in the monastery worked famous Yuryev YY.
Спа́со-Евфи́миев монасты́рь — мужской монастырь Владимирской и Суздальской епархии Русской православной церкви, расположенный на левом берегу реки Каменки в северной части Суздаля.
Основан в 1352 году суздальско-нижегородским князем Борисом Константиновичем как крепость, призванная защищать город от внешних и внутренних врагов.
Архитектурный комплекс монастыря внесён в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Весь ансамбль Спасо-Евфимиева монастыря входит в состав Владимиро-Суздальского музея-заповедника. В зданиях размещаются экспозиции, фондохранилища и подсобные службы. На монастырской звоннице заново подобраны все колокола и несколько раз в день посетители имеют возможность слушать их перезвон. Одним из звонарей в монастыре трудился знаменитый Ю. Ю. Юрьев.
???????? Guia Suzdal y Vladimir (Anillo de Oro) ???? [Cosas QUE HACER en RUSIA 2020 #3]
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Estuvimos en Rusia entre el 27 de julio y el 6 de agosto de 2018
Los lugares que visitamos en este vídeo son:
- Suzdal
- Vladimir
En este vídeo podrás saber como ir anillo de oro rusia, que ver Suzdal Rusia, la ciudad de Vladimir Rusia, como moverse por rusia...
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Rusia es un pais muy seguro, no tiene nada que ver con lo que fue hace años. Ahora mismo ir a cualquier ciudad principal es como ir a Barcelona, Londres o París.
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Cathedral of the assumption Vladimir Russia!
Vladimir city country Russia. 23/7-2015.
Russia, Suzdal, Vladimir region.(Россия,Суздаль,Владимирская область.)
#Russia #Cуздаль #Travel #DJONDO
The second stop for lunch at the Main Tourist Complex Suzdal
the bus on which I traveled the first two days.
further video from the bus window, move to the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life.
Вторая остановка на обед в Главном Туристическом Комплексе СУЗДАЛЬ
автобус на котором я ездил первые два дня.
далее видео из окна автобуса,двигаемся в Музей деревянного зодчества и крестьянского быта.
Vladivostok - Moscow (May 17 - June 2, 2016)
Vladivostok to Moscow. --- Trans-Siberian Railway Trip, May 17 to June 2, 2016
Our journey started from Vladivostok. Yul Brynner who stared in The King and I was born here; His statue is in front of the house he was born.
The second stop was Irkutsk. The city's old quarter reminded me the scenes from the movie Doctor Zhivago with it's traditional wooden houses and the old trams. As an admirer of the Decembrists and their women, we visited Volkonsky and Trubestskoy's houses. One could tell the owners lived rather extravagant life during their time in the houses. White Army Admiral Alexander Kolchak's statue stands in front of Znamensky Monastery, at the spot he was executed. The monastery also has tomb of Grigory Shelekhov, who claimed Alaska for Russia, and that of the Decembrist wife Ekaterina Trubetskaya.
From Irkutsk, we reached to Lake Baikal via Listvyanka; The amazing beauty of this Lake has to be seen to believe!
Moving on from Irkutsk, the train stopped at Novosibirsk for about 50 minutes, just enough time to taxi to the city center to see the dramatic Lenin statue with flowing cloak.
The industrial city Yekaterinburg is famous for the Cathedral on the Blood, which was built at the location the last Tsar and his family were murdered. We took a local train and then walked for about 40 minutes, along a beautiful, primeval forest, to get to Ganina Yama, visiting the site the bodies of the Romanov family were secretly disposed of originally.
Next, we stopped at Kazan. Ivan the Terrible conquered the Tatars' capital in 1552. Russia's icon, the St. Basil's Cathedral of Moscow was built to commemorate the capture of Kazan. Like Yekaterinburg, Kazan is a financially well to do city compared with other places we visited along the route.
Another over night train took us to Nizhny Novgorod, which was the first of the six golden ring cities we visited during the trip: Nizhny Novgorod, Vladmir, Suzdal, Rostov-Velikiy, Sergiev Posad and Yaroslavl. Rostov-Velikiy is my favorite. It has an unparalleled view of the Kremlin from lake Nero. We also witnessed a Sunday church parade and a Mass in Rostov. Suzdal stands out as an unspoiled village town. Nizhny and Yaroslavl are actually very large cities, their top attractions are the peaceful and scenic river sides. Vladmire and Sergiev Posad both have some most photogenic scenes.
We saved Moscow for the last. Indeed, Moscow proves to be worthy of the capital of Russia! There are simply too many fascinating things to see! The metro is handy, on top of the fact itself is a bona-fide museum.
We visited many Orthodox churches during the trip. Many have magnificent interior. The choral music were serene, peaceful and simply amazing!
The monuments in the country are many. Don't miss Victory park, and all-Russia exhibition center, both of Moscow. The monuments in these two locations are just awe inspiring!
We took the west bound trains for the journey. The east bound direction is more popular with leisure travelers. We had to change trains in each location mentioned above except Novosibirsk. Long distance tickets were either purchased ahead of time ( or at the time of travel in the station. Mid to late May is the shoulder season, it's relatively easy to get train tickets. Local train tickets were easily bought on site.
Train station in big cities usually has resting room with single/double/dorm types and clean linen, charged by the hour. We stayed in such a resting room in Irkutsk as we got there in the early morning. The room was clean, quite and rather spacious.
In May of 2009, I visited Saint Petersburg. Please see the video for the visit:
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Istanbul Monastery of Saint Euthymius
Magnificent architectural ensemble of Saint Euthymius Monastery (16-17 c.) is a part of Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Russia : Vladimirskaya Oblast' : Suzdal. See on map .
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Setnja kroz jedan od najlepsih parkova Moskve-Caricino park; obilazak Muzeja, nekadasnjeg dvorca carice Ekatarine II i po neki koncert opere u cast 872og rodjendana grada Moskve.
✅ Самый старый русский город. Щурово городище. Суздаль. Full HD Old Russian city
Этот старинный русский город был выстроен Павлом Лунгиным в качестве декораций к фильму Царь. По его мнению, именно так жили наши предки в 16 веке. Называется этот старый город Щурово городище. Находится недалеко от города Суздаль.
Beautiful Russian Orthodox 18th Century Estates. #Grebnevo Estate (Moscow Region, Russia)
Beautiful Russian Orthodox 18th Century Estates on Different Russia Channel . First visit to the Grebnevo Estate located about 30 kilometers (19 mi) northeast of Moscow, on the outskirt of the town of Fryazino, on the bank of the Lyuboseyevka River (Moscow Region, Russia)
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Оригинальная версия:
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Russia Golden Ring Tour: Sergiev Posad | Russia Winter Travel Vlog
Winter in Russia. This time, I am visiting the religious larva town Sergiev Posad (day trip from Moscow) for the first time, part of my Russia Golden Ring Tour.
Full itinerary:
Was there really a Dark Age?
Breakthrough:Christianity. Following mutiny coused by the conflict of religious ideas Byzantine Emperor Andronicus allegedly born in 1152 in Crimea is killed (crucified) in 1185 in Jerusalem, and buried on the mountain of Beikos, Constantinople, Istanbul. Pre-Christianity transforms into Christianity with Emperor Andronicus as Jesus Christ of the New Testament.
Breakthrough:Crusades. Crusade of 1189-1192 AD and Crusade in 1199-1204 AD to Jerusalem-Constantinople were military operations under the banner of Christianity by the subordinates of late Emperor Andronicus. Byzantine Empire disintegrates. Part of Byzantine nobility flees to England and France via Venice, another part to Izrael (Russia). Avraamic Christianity begins to split into Orthodox and Catholic currents.
Breakthrough:Religious education. Due to powerful societal potential of Christian ideas, due to the increased speed of proliferation and dissemination of writing and reading, the religious literacy and education become possible and spread. Hundreds of monasteries, dozens of sects, schools, universities of religious character spring across Minor Asia and Europe.
Breakthrough:Orthodox Catholic Christian Empire. XIII cy AD - Slavic and Turkic Princes of Izrael, blood relatives and subordinates of Byzantium Emperor Andronicus recreate an Orthodox Catholic Christian Empire with Center in Great Novgorod, i.e. group of Vladimir-Suzdal-Yaroslavl-Kostroma-Moscow cities. Proto-Islam is a branch of Orthodox Catholic Christianity. Rem: Russian Czars are shown as direct inheritors of Jesus on their family tree in Annunciation Cathedral of Kremlin.
Breakthrough:Colonization of Europe. Orthodox Catholic Christian Empire colonizes and baptizes the Central and Western Europe. Note that in the European museums are kept swords, armor, decorations with Turkic, Slavonic, Arab and allegedly illegible inscriptions. Rem: manuscript Orthodox Slavonic Bibles used in royal coronation ritual are kept in the cathedral of Reims, France and Nikoping, Sweden. Rem: Helmets and armor of Russian Czars kept in Kremlin Armory bear Quran quotes.
Breakthrough:Evil Empire. Orthodox Catholic Christian Empire grows rapidly into a multiconfessional and multilingual centralized but ruthless Evil Empire with citizens strictly divided into hereditary castes: governing, civil, military nobles (Caucasians), transportation and equine relay network (Gypsies), taxation (Jews, origin of anti-Semitism), Orthodox, Catholic or Muslim clergy of common Avraamic root.
Breakthrough:Cavalry. Stirrups. XIV-XV cy AD – The abundance of horses in steppes of Southern Europe and Siberia, invention of stirrups allows shooting, saber hacking while riding. The superior cavalry armies of the Evil Empire or Great Mongolian Empire or Russ-Horde conquer and colonize Tribes, Kingdoms, Empires in most of Eurasia. Avraamic Christianity begins to split further into Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim, Mithraism and Buddhists currents.
Rejoice, Russian Land (Arr. Timur Mynbayev)
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Rejoice, Russian Land (Arr. Timur Mynbayev) · Eduard Markin · Chamber Choir of Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve · Dmitry Bortniansky
Bortniansky: Concerto for Choir No. 32
℗ 1978 Joint-Stock Company Firma Melodiya
℗ 1978 Joint-Stock Company “Firma Melodiya”
Released on: 2017-01-11
Auto-generated by YouTube.
Vladimir Putin Awards 'Hero Of Labour' Medals | In Pictures | May 2014
| In Pictures | President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin Awards 'Hero Of Labour' Medals
May 1, 2014, The Kremlin, Moscow.
[Photo Credit: Фото Пресс-службы Президента РФ]
★Vladimir Putin presented Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation gold medals to five citizens of Russia who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian power industry, agriculture, culture and sports.
★Titles of Hero of Labour have been awarded to Ivan Aidullin, a well workover master at Surgutneftegas; Alisa Aksenova, president of the State Vladimir-Suzdal History, Architecture and Art Museum; Mikhail Gotovtsev, head of the Udyor farm; Yury Lepekhin, a teacher from Volgograd school No. 78; and Tatyana Pokrovskaya, head coach of the Russian national synchronised swimming team.
* * *
First, allow me to congratulate you on May 1!
We have developed a very good tradition: on May Day, the Day of spring and labour, we honour those citizens of Russia who, through their hard work, have multiplied the might, authority and wealth of our country. Today we will again award gold medals of Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation.
I would like to repeat that this is an honourable state decoration, which serves as an acknowledgement to the professional achievements of hard-working, persistent and talented people, who are ready to work for the good of their Fatherland.
Russia has always been proud of such people. Their labour achievements have always brought the nation together in all times, helped to create a powerful industry, brought us to victory in space exploration, the arts, science and sports and helped us to move ahead.
Our country is indeed built with the hands of its people, through their talent, energy and self-sacrifice. This is our common history and our common pride. And today too such people are creating a strong and prosperous Russia. They are true, real-life heroes, not virtual or imaginary ones.
★Dear friends,
The path of our awardees to success has been long and often not easy. They have survived a change of political eras and the difficulties of transition periods, but they were always guided by higher values rather than their personal needs and ambitions. They have always worked for those who live and will continue to live on this land, in the name of those of who lived here, our ancestors, so that we can feel worthy of their victories. They have always worked the way our parents and grandparents taught us to as they created this great nation.
Our laureates never settled for what they had but kept setting themselves ever-greater tasks and achieved them. I believe it is just as pleasant and honourable to see the fruit of your work and feel the sincere gratitude of your compatriots, as it is to receive state decorations.
I would like to speak of each of the laureates.
Alisa Aksenova has dedicated her life to the protection of the monuments of the land of Vladimir and Suzdal. Out of two small museums, she has created a world-famous historic and cultural centre the whole nation is proud of. She truly put her heart and soul into this job, her energy and her talent.
Russian schools have always been famous for their teachers and mentors. Some have a special gift for teaching children in such a way that their eyes shine. For half a century Yury Lepekhin has been teaching children to solve complicated mathematical problems. His pupils show excellent results at the most complicated tests not only in the exact sciences, but also, as the poet said, tests in courage, honesty and success.
For many years now, Tatyana Pokrovskaya has been training synchronised swimming stars. Under her guidance, the Russian national team won all the top titles. Our synchronised swimmers were greeted with applause at four consecutive Olympic Games: in Sydney, Athens, Beijing and London. Athletes trained by Tatyana Pokrovskaya are known not only for their brilliant performance, but also for their strong will.
Ivan Aidullin took part in the development of oil and gas fields in West Siberia. In harsh climatic conditions, he worked to implement one of the grandest projects in the country's history and contributed to the establishment of the national fuel and energy complex. Currently he performs unique well workover operations, which makes it possible to efficiently use Russia's natural reserves.
I would like to congratulate you all once again on the high decoration and honorary title of Hero of Labour of the Russian Federation. On behalf of all the nation's citizens, I thank you for your honest work, commitment and for serving our Fatherland.
Thank you.
Russia trip. What you need to know before travel
This video is about things you need to know before you travel to Russia. Budget, expenses, security, transportation and all other things you need to be aware of.
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Ростовский кремль | Rostov Kremlin
Представляю Вашему вниманию, мои дорогие зрители, фильм из серии Путешествие выходного дня, рассказывающий о Государственном музее-заповеднике «Ростовский кремль».
* * *
Ростов - районный центр Ярославской области.
Расположен в 53 км к юго-западу от Ярославля, на берегу озера Неро. Население – 31 тыс. человек.
Один из древнейших городов России, официальное летосчисление ведёт от 862 года. С X века Ростов являлся одним из центров Ростово-Суздальской земли. В XI — начале XIII веков входил во Владимиро-Суздальское княжество. В Ипатьевской летописи при описании событий 1151 года назван Ростовом Великим. В 1207—1474 годах — центр Ростовского княжества.
На территории Ростова имеется 326 памятников культуры, треть из которых являются памятниками федерального значения. В 1995 году музей-заповедник «Ростовский кремль» включён в свод особо ценных объектов культурного наследия народов России. Туристический центр маршрута «Золотое кольцо России».
Государственный музей-заповедник «Ростовский кремль» основан 28 октября (10 ноября) 1883 г. на территории архитектурного ансамбля бывшего Ростовского архиерейского дома (Ростовского кремля), который сформировался в результате строительной деятельности митрополита Ростовского и Ярославского Ионы III (Сысоевича) в 1670-1680-х годах.
Успенский собор — бывший (до 1788 года) кафедральный собор Ростовcкой и Ярославской епархии. В настоящее время принадлежит Ярославской епархии Русской православной церкви. Расположен на Соборной площади Ростовского кремля. Имеет отдельно стоящую звонницу. Вместе с Архиерейским двором, сооружения которого построены позднее (в конце XVII века) и Митрополичьим садом, образует единый архитектурный ансамбль Ростовского кремля, вид на который особенно примечателен со стороны озера Неро.
В соборе покоятся многие правящие архиереи Ростово-Ярославские с XI по XVIII век, в том числе и Иона Сысоевич, митрополит, чьими заботами был создан архитектурный облик Ростова.
У южной стены собора в приделе святителя Леонтия Ростовского под спудом находятся мощи святого Леонтия Ростовского, в юго-западном углу под спудом — мощи святого Феодора Ростовского.
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Коломенское - Kolomenskoje Chiesa di Nostra Signora del Kazan
Kolomenskoje (ora nella città di Mosca) era al tempo (XVI secolo) una tenuta esiva degli Zar. Ora è un belissimo parco con all'interno interessanti monumenti storici.
La Chiesa di N.S. del Kazan è un primo esempio di barocco moscovita.