Travel Slovakia - Exploring the Historic Town of Vlkolinec in Ruzomberok
Take a tour of Historic Vlkolinec in Ruzomberok, Slovakia -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
There are few places better for Slovakian folk architecture than the town of Vlkolinec.
It dates to at least the fourteenth century, when its earliest mention was recorded.
One of the most impressive structures in the town is the eighteenth-century belfry that is located in the towns central square.
They are nearly all of entirely traditional design and are an important part of Slovakian culture.
The brightly-colored wood homes are a striking counterpoint to the tall hills and mountains of the region.
Accompanying Vlkolinec's folk architecture is the folk art of the area, including carvings and statues scattered throughout the village.
This ancient town not only holds a UNESCO world heritage site honor, but has been named as one of only ten Slovak folk architecture reservations.
Vlkolinec Unesco village, Slovakia
Vlkolinec Unesco village, Slovakia 2016
Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Its name is probably derived from the Slovak word vlk, i. e. wolf.
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.
Walking Tour: Vlkolínec, Slovakia / Pěší výlet: Vlkolínec, Slovensko
Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Its name is probably derived from the Slovak word vlk, i. e. wolf.
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.( )
3D version:
Short version:
Vlkolínec je podhorská osada, miestna časť okresného mesta Ružomberok v Žilinskom kraji. Je pamiatkovou rezerváciou ľudovej architektúry a ako pozoruhodne zachovaný sídelný celok, pozostávajúci z typických zrubových objektov charakteristického stredoeurópskeho typu, je od roku 1993 zapísaný do Zoznamu Svetového dedičstva UNESCO.( )
3D verzio:
Krátka verzia:
Vlkolínec -- wieś położona na słowackim Liptowie, administracyjnie wchodzi w skład miasta Ružomberok, w kraju żylińskim.
We wsi zachowało się typowe dla górskich obszarów Słowacji budownictwo wiejskie. Grupa 45 zabudowań tworzy żywy skansen słowackiej architektury ludowej.
W 1993 wieś została wpisana na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.( )
Wersja 3D:
Wersja skrócona:
Vlkolínec, Slovakia / Slovensko / Słowacja
Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Its name is probably derived from the Slovak word vlk, i. e. wolf.
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.( )
3D version:
Walking Tour version:
Vlkolínec je podhorská osada, miestna časť okresného mesta Ružomberok v Žilinskom kraji. Je pamiatkovou rezerváciou ľudovej architektúry a ako pozoruhodne zachovaný sídelný celok, pozostávajúci z typických zrubových objektov charakteristického stredoeurópskeho typu, je od roku 1993 zapísaný do Zoznamu Svetového dedičstva UNESCO.( )
3D verzio:
Pěší výlet verzio:
Vlkolínec -- wieś położona na słowackim Liptowie, administracyjnie wchodzi w skład miasta Ružomberok, w kraju żylińskim.
We wsi zachowało się typowe dla górskich obszarów Słowacji budownictwo wiejskie. Grupa 45 zabudowań tworzy żywy skansen słowackiej architektury ludowej.
W 1993 wieś została wpisana na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.( )
Wersja 3D:
Wersja rozszerzona:
Vlkolínec (UNESCO)
Music: Jan Balaz / Fujara (slovakian national instrument)
Ružomberok, Vlkolinec
Obec Vlkolinec Ružomberok je zapísana do pamiatok UNESCO - Liptov
Ruzomberok-Vlkolinec Slovakia・スロバキア・世界遺産
Traditional Slovak Village - Vlkolinec
Located only a few kilometers from Ruzomberok, Vlkolinec is a perfect place to visit to learn something about life of Slovak people in the past. The village is a part of UNESCO world heritage. There is a possibility to book a room in the traditional house as well. Colorful houses set between mountains create a beautiful and romantic scenery.
Thank you for the amazing music produced
Craft Draft Brewski Bois - Ian Ewing [Chillhop Essentials: Summer 2017]
Skanzen Vlkolinec (Slovakia) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Skanzen Vlkolinec in Slovakia.
Seven hundred metres above sea level, herds of sheep graze peacefully on the slopes of the Great Fatra, the location of almost hidden and forgotten, Vlkolínec, a unique village in the heart of Slovakia’s Liptov region. Today, the vibrant village is tantamount to being an open-air museum. Since 1977 the characteristic blockhouses of Central Slovakia have been listed as historic monuments. A small museum within a farmhouse at the entrance to the community provides an insight into the village life of 1886. In front of the houses are small flower and vegetable gardens, well-cared-for by the farmers’ wives. The houses have gabled saddle roofs and are covered with wooden shingle. For the winter months, firewood is piled against the walls. The village was first mentioned in 1376. Its name was derived from the Slovakian location of Vlk, which means Wolf, a fitting name for this isolated mountain settlement as it was a reference to the former duty of the villagers to build and maintain wolves’ holes. On the outskirts is the picturesque church of the Visitation Of Virgin Mary, built in 1875, a single-nave, Neoclassical building with an adjoining tower and sacristy. It is a sacred building of the Christian church, in the past the only place for social life within the region’s harsh environment. Vlkolĺnec, a place inhabited by wolves!
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Vlkolínec (UNESCO/NHK)
Vlkolínec, situated in the centre of Slovakia, is a remarkably intact settlement of 45 buildings with the traditional features of a central European village. It is the region's most complete group of these kinds of traditional log houses, often found in mountainous areas.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
VLKOLINEC, the Lost Village in Slovakia.
Vlkolinec is a small village, lost in the mountains near Ruzomberok, in Slovakia. This wonderful place is listed among the Unesco world heritage sites.
Vlkolínec, Slovakia Slovensko,Słowacja UNESCO
Vlkolínec, Slovakia Slovensko,Słowacja UNESCO
Vlkolínec - Slovakia (UNESCO)
Vlkolínec je podhorská osada, miestna časť okresného mesta Ružomberok v Žilinskom kraji. Je pamiatkovou rezerváciou ľudovej architektúry a ako pozoruhodne zachovaný sídelný celok, pozostávajúci z typických zrubových objektov charakteristického stredoeurópskeho typu, je od roku 1993 zapísaný do Zoznamu Svetového dedičstva UNESCO.
Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376 and after 1882 it became part of Ružomberok. Its name is probably derived from the Slovak word vlk, i. e. wolf.
Vlkolínec has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, and is one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservations. This status was granted because the village is an untouched and complex example of folk countryside architecture of the region of the Northern Carpathians.
#slovakia #unesco #vlkolinec
Vlkolinec Center of Slovakia
Old fashioned village, UNESCO
Vlkolinec UNESCO Slovakia
Lokalita Svetového dedičstva UNESCO.
Vlkolínec je podhorská osada, pamiatková rezervácia ľudovej architektúry.
Rezervácia ľudovej architektúry Vlkolínec.
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Vlkolínec is part of city Ružomberok. Vlkolínec is situdated in the center of Slovakia in Velká Fatra region. Vlkolínec is very old town. First written mention of the village came from 14th century. Vlkolínec has been listed as UNESCO World Heritage.
Ruzomberok - Malinô Brdo prelet vtruľníkom
Vlkolínec - Slovakia
The village Vlkolínec is a typical mountain village, situated in the Veľká Fatra mountains below the hill Sidorovo, at the altitude of 718 m. The first written reference about the village is from the year 1376, when it was mentioned as a street of the town Ružomberok. In 1625, it had only 9 houses and in 1828 about 51 houses. The villages burnt out during the World War Second as a part of reprisals performed by the German army against partisans.
It was declared a national cultural reservation in 1977 and since 1993 it has been registered in the list of the World natural and cultural heritage UNESCO. The reason was a unique complex of 45 original, almost unchanged little rustical houses with stone socles, walls daubed by clay and roofs covered by shingles. Houses originate mostly from the 19th century and have a typical ground plan with three rooms. Split-level in the entrance-hall and in the pantry is from trampled clay and the living-room has a wooden floor.
The oven is located in the entrance hall and the fume is conducted through the opening in the shingle saddle roof. Although the base is made from quarry stone, usually they do not have any cellar.