Los VOLCANES DE OLOT a un paso de Barcelona | ESPAÑA | Viajando con Mirko
OLOT y los volcanes de Olot, junto con la Fageda d'en Jordà, es una visita imperdible a unas 3 horas de Barcelona. Incluso se puede caminar en el cráter de un de ellos. Pero no te asustes, son volcanes inactivos!
Además, el Hayedo de Jordá (la Fageda d'en Jordà) o bosque de hayas es único en su tipo en España por crecer a una altitud inusual y sobre una una colada enfriada de la erupción de un volcán.
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¿Qué cámara utilizo para grabar? CANON 600D
¿Qué micrófono utilizo? RODE VideoMicro (no lo tenía cuando hice este video)
la Fageda d'en Jordà & Volcán Croscat. Olot (Girona) Rescuebcn 4k
la Fageda d'en Jordà & Volcán Croscat. Olot (Girona) Rescuebcn 4k
#Catalunya #Rescuebcn #Spain
Volcan del Croscat - Olot (Girona)
Antiguamente usado como cantera, presenta un corte que permite observar su extructura interna. Su conservación fué el detonante de la creación del Parque Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa
Olot, La Fageda, Volcán Croscat
Paseo entre hayas y volcanes
Volcán Croscat - La GARROTXA - Catalunya
Olot y los volcanes de la garrotxa
Zona volcánica de la garrotxa donde mitología y naturaleza se cogen de la mano para mostrarnos los volcanes y su historia. Mira la iglesia del cráter.
Visita al volcán Croscat (Santa Pau, la Garrotxa)
Visita al volcán Croscat, en el municipio de Santa Pau (La Garrotxa), en Girona. Se trata del último volcán en entrar en erupción en la península Ibérica.
El enorme corte permite visualizar el interior del volcán mejor que ningún otro en la zona.
Olot - Gerona - Cataluña
Olot ciudad de volcanes durmientes. Cataluña - España. Música : Eric Estudio Chinchan . Fotos : Carlos Acosta
Places to see in ( Olot - Spain )
Places to see in ( Olot - Spain )
Olot is the capital city of the comarca of Garrotxa, in the Province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. Olot is known for its natural landscape, including four volcanoes scattered around the city center. The municipality is part of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park. Olot is also well-known for its cultural activity, with historical art movements like Olot school or imaginery schools, which contributed to the location in the city of the main Design and Arts & Crafts school of the province of Girona, the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny d'Olot.
The municipality 29,12 km2 and includes the city of Olot and the town of Batet de la Serra (annexed in 1971). The term is located at 443.4 meters above sea level and is approximately 50 km from Girona, the capital of the province of the same name. It is bordered by Sant Joan les Fonts (north east), Santa Pau (south east), Les Preses (south west), Riudaura (west) and La Vall de Bianya (north west). The municipality consist of the original city of Olot and old towns and neighbourhoods that now form a conurbation around the city (Sant Roc d'Olot, Sant Cristòfol de les Fonts, Sant Andreu del Coll, Closells) apart from different urbanisations (les Fonts, Mas Bernat, les Planoles, etc.) and the old municipality of Batet de la Serra, which was independent until 1971.
Olot is located on a plain surrounded by the mountain ranges of Valentí, Aiguanegra, the plateau of Batet, Marboleny and Sant Valentí de la Pinya. The plain is crossed by the Fluvià river and the Riudaura stream. There are four volcanoes in the city of Olot, called Montolivet, Montsacopa, Garrinada and Bisaroques. The Fluvià discharges 1.07 m3/s into the Mediterranean Sea.
The Montsacopa volcano is one of the main symbols of Olot. It has a cone of volcanic material and a circular crater. From above, a 360º panoramic of the city can be seen. The volcano also has a chapel on its top, dedicated to Saint Francis, and two watchtowers surrounding the crater. The old town, which grew up in the 9th century, has a rich cultural heritage, including the three-storied neo-classical cloister from the Hospici (charity building), the church of la Mare de Déu del Tura (patron of Olot), the Renaissance cloister of El Carme (which is a site of National Cultural Interest), and the Sant Esteve Parish Church, which was built in 1763 and it contains several artistic treasures, including an original El Greco (Christ carrying the Cross). Also in the old town there are examples of Art Nouveau architecture, like the Solà-Morales house.
Olot is a city of artists. Painting, sculpture and ceramics have been the key elements in the art of Olot, not to mention the tradition of the Nativity Scenes (pessebres), and the worldwide famous sculptures of saints. Also of importance is the School of Art, which was created in 1783 and nowadays it is the most important school of arts in the province of Girona (Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny d'Olot). The artistic tradition of the city can be seen in several museums, being the Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa the most relevant.
In Olot there are two important natural areas, the Moixina and the Parc Nou, which are characterized by their oak woods, which boast an undestorey of plants that are extremely rare on the south side of the Pyrenees. These woods also inspired many of the painters from the Olot school. With the city being situated in the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, the surrounding area also offers spectacular natural places like the Fageda d'en Jordà (a beech forest with volcanic blisters) or the natural springs of Sant Roc. The city also has a bicycle lane connecting to Girona, which was an old railway.
Olot is also well-known for its local gastronomy. Its main products are the sweet herbal liquor ratafia, the traditional cakes coca de llardons and tortell de matafaluga, the charcuterie from Olot, the Olot potatoes (wafers of potato stuffed with meat, covered in egg and flour, and then deep-fried), and the buckwheat flour. Some of the restaurants of the city have grouped together, offering the so-called volcanic cuisine. From these restaurants is worth to mention Les Cols, which has two Michelin stars.
( Olot - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Olot . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Olot - Spain
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Voyage en Espagne : Olot, ses volcans et Santa Pau
Olot est une commune de la province de Gérone, en Catalogne, en Espagne dans la comarque de Garrotxa. A côté, on trouve un parc volcanique naturel et de nombreux villages romans.
Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Olot
Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Olot
Olot is the capital city of the comarca of Garrotxa, in the Province of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. The city is known for its natural landscape, including four volcanoes scattered around the city center. The municipality is part of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park.
Olot is also well-known for its cultural activity, with historical art movements like Olot school or imaginary schools, which contributed to the location in the city of the main Design and Arts & Crafts school of the province of Girona, the Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny d'Olot.
The municipality 29,12 km2 and includes the city of Olot and the town of Batet de la Serra (annexed in 1971). The term is located at 443.4 meters above sea level and is approximately 50 km from Girona, the capital of the province of the same name. It is bordered by Sant Joan les Fonts (north east), Santa Pau (south east), Les Preses (south west), Riudaura (west) and La Vall de Bianya (north west).
The municipality consists of the original city of Olot and old towns and neighbourhoods that now form a conurbation around the city (Sant Roc d'Olot, Sant Cristòfol de les Fonts, Sant Andreu del Coll, Closells) apart from different urbanisations (les Fonts, Mas Bernat, les Planoles, etc.) and the old municipality of Batet de la Serra, which was independent until 1971.
Olot is located on a plain surrounded by the mountain ranges of Valentí, Aiguanegra, the plateau of Batet, Marboleny and Sant Valentí de la Pinya. The plain is crossed by the Fluvià river and the Riudaura stream. There are four volcanoes in the city of Olot, called Montolivet, Montsacopa, Garrinada and Bisaroques.
The Montsacopa volcano is one of the main symbols of Olot. It has a cone of volcanic material and a circular crater. From above, a 360º panoramic of the city can be seen. The volcano also has a chapel on its top, dedicated to Saint Francis , and two watchtowers surrounding the crater. The old town, which grew up in the 9th century, has a rich cultural heritage, including the three-storied neo-classical cloister from the Hospici (charity building), the church of la Mare de Déu del Tura (patron of Olot), the Renaissance cloister of El Carme (which is a site of National Cultural Interest), and the Sant Esteve Parish Church, which was built in 1763 and it contains several artistic treasures, including an original El Greco (Christ carrying the Cross). Also in the old town there are examples of Art Nouveau architecture, like the Solà-Morales house.
Painting, sculpture and ceramics have been the key elements in the art of Olot, not to mention the tradition of the Nativity Scenes (pessebres), and the worldwide famous sculptures of saints. Also of importance is the School of Art, which was created in 1783 and nowadays it is the most important school of arts in the province of Girona (Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny d'Olot). The artistic tradition of the city can be seen in several museums, being the Museu Comarcal de la Garrotxa the most relevant.
In Olot there are two important natural areas, the Moixina and the Parc Nou, which are characterized by their oak woods, which boast an undestorey of plants that are extremely rare on the south side of the Pyrenees. These woods also inspired many of the painters from the Olot school. With the city being situated in the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, the surrounding area also offers spectacular natural places like the Fageda d'en Jordà (a beech forest with volcanic blisters) or the natural springs of Sant Roc. The city also has a bicycle lane connecting to Girona, which was an old railway.
Main products of Olot's local gastronomy are the sweet herbal liquor ratafia, the traditional cakes coca de llardons and tortell de matafaluga, the charcuterie from Olot, the Olot potatoes (wafers of potato stuffed with meat, covered in egg and flour, and then deep-fried), and the buckwheat flour. Some of the restaurants of the city have grouped together, offering the so-called volcanic cuisine.
( Girona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Girona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Girona - Spain
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Olot - Hiszpania.avi
Olot - Hiszpania
Olot i els seus volcans a vista de drone
Olot, La fageda d'en Jordà i la zona volcànica de la fageda a vista de drone
Volcano of olot????
It was one of most splendid experience of my life
Exploration of new place.
La Generalitat i la Diputació de Girona compren el volcà Santa Margarida
Un dels volcans més coneguts de la Garrotxa passarà a mans públiques molt aviat. La Generalitat i la Diputació compraran per més d’un milió d’euros el volcà Santa Margarida de Santa Pau, que fins ara era propietat d’una família d’Olot. El Consell de Ministres ha donat llum verd a la transacció, que garanteix la protecció d’un dels espais amb més atractiu turístic i geològic de la comarca.
dia en los volcanes de olot
olot bésalu1
C'est le meilleur exemple de paysage volcanique de Catalogne. Il couvre une superficie de 11 300 ha. Les cônes volcaniques de type strombolien, des cratères d'explosion et des coulées de laves basaltiques lui confèrent un aspect très singulier. La végétation est riche et variée - notamment dans la réserve naturelle de la Fageda d'en Jordà -, et le paysage d'une grande beauté. Santa Margarida et El Croscat sont parmi les volcans les plus spectaculaires.
Besalú, dans la province de Gérone, est un bel exemple d'architecture médiévale catalane. Enclavée dans la région de la Garrotxa, elle est située à un pas du spectaculaire Parc naturel de la zone volcanique de La Garrotxa et des derniers contreforts de la zona orientale des Pyrénées de Gérone.
Son noyau urbain se caractérise par un grand nombre de rues et des façades en pierre. Son riche patrimoine médiéval s'offre au visiteur sous forme de constructions aussi bien civiles que religieuses et de vestiges provenant du quartier juif qui exista au Moyen Âge en cette localité. Parmi les premières, citons le pont roman du XIIe siècle qui traverse le lit du fleuve Fluvià ; l'édifice de la Cùria Real qui administrait la justice ; et la résidence des Cornellà, avec sa galerie romane à arcades. Parmi les monuments religieux, citons les églises de Sant Pere, Santa María et Sant Vicenç, qui allient des éléments romans et gothiques. Par ailleurs, l'église de Sant Julià (XVIIe siècle) possède un remarquable portail décoré de façon profuse. Le quartier juif, quant à lui, abrite des bains médiévaux, consacrés aux ablutions rituelles juives.
Volcán de Montsacopa Olot
Una fuerte tormenta al empezar la subida dio paso a una gran desilusión...