Kamchatka volcano waking up
Russian volcano erupts in activity. On the southern part of Kamchatka Peninsula, the Gorely volcano rose from its dormancy on Sunday, June 13 for the first time in more than 20 years as a plume of ash and steam rose into the air at least 1,000 meters, limiting air travel in the region. Seismologists stated that there was no immediate threat to nearby residents or tourists thus far.
We are thankful for the safety of the region's residents as we pray for the safe passing of such eruptions in the beautiful land of Russia's Far East. May our world enjoy a more peaceful future through our more heartfelt care for the environment.
Kamchatka. 7 volcanoes movie trailer with English subtitles
I represent the forerunner of my new film Kamchatka, 7 volcanoes. Mountain, pedestrian journey through Kamchatka with the ascent to seven volcanoes: Dzenzur, Koryaksky, Avacha, Tolbachik, Zimina, Bezymianniy and Klyuchevskoi volcano.
Volcano catski safari in Kamchatka, Russia's Far East, March 2015
One day catski safari to the Vilyuchinsky, Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes in Kamchatka, in Russia's Far East.
Kamchatka, Russia. September 2018
0:11 Vilyuchik Volcano
0:21 Gorelaya Volcano
0:48 Dachnye Hot Spring
1:07 Mutnovsky Volcano Hike
1:36 Mutnovsky Volcano Fumerole
1:55 Mutnovsky Volcano Crater
2:20 Modified Tank All-terrain Vehicle
4:11 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
Tour to Kuril Lake
A short movie about our trip to Kuril Lake in July 2018.
Kuril Lake is famous as a place where everyone can safely observe lots of bears fishing salmon.
We regularly organise tours to Kuril Lake. Details could be found on our web-site -
Deep inside Gorely Volcano near Petropavlovsk in Kamchatka, Russia
Gorely Volcano, located near Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka, Russia, was active at the time I made this recording but still accessible. If you look closely into the fumarole, at about 0:35, you'll see hot magma glowing red in the lower left portion of the hole...
The Kamchatka Peninsula is located in far eastern Russia well north of Japan. MY CMC friends and I took advantage of numerous hikes in and around the volcanoes located in that part of Kamchatka.
Here is my personal webpage about Russia:
Here's my page about travel in general:
Karymsky Volcano erupts Kamchatka Russia
Karymsky Volcano erupts, Kamchatka Penninsula, Siberia Russia
Вулканы Мутновский и Горелый//Mutnovsky and Gorely Volcanoes
Мутновский вулкан (2322 м) по праву считается одним из самых красивых вулканов Камчатки. У Вас есть удивительная возможность увидеть кипящие грязевые котлы, активные фумаролы, паровые выбросы, а также посмотреть, как происходит борьба стихий льда и пламени. Ледники тают и дают начало ручьям, которые несут кислые, насыщенные фумарольными газами, воды в реку Вулканная. Из кратера бешенным потоком Вулканная мчится по лавовым отложениям вниз и падает с высоты около 80 м в ущелье, которое носит название «Овраг опасный».
Вулкан Горелый (1829 м) — это действующий вулкан, который расположен на юге Камчатки. Вулкан уникален своей красивейшей коллекцией из разнообразных кратеров на его вершинной части. Некоторые из них заполнены разноцветными озерами, некоторые — снегом и льдом.
Mutnovsky volcano (2322 m) is rightly considered one of the most beautiful and interesting of Kamchatka volcanoes. It has a complicated and unusual structure. From its top a glacier goes down and powerful steam flows burst out from its fissures on the surface. You have an amazing opportunity to see boiling mud pots, active fumaroles, steam emissions, as well as to see the struggle of the elements of ice and fire. Glaciers are melting and give rise to the streams that are full of acid, saturated fumarole gases, and run their water to the Vulkannaya river. At the foot of the volcano begins a beautiful canyon Opasny into which a 80-meter waterfall falls down.
The Gorely volcano (1829 m) is an active volcano located in a spacious and picturesque caldera. It is unique with the collection of various craters on the top part. Some of them are filled with multi-colored lakes, some – with snow and ice. The edges of some of the craters cross each other, creating quite an odd and unique pattern.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky, Russia
Petropavlovsk-KamchatskyTravel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Petropavlovsk. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskyfor You. Discover Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskyas per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Petropavlovsk.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Petropavlovsk.
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List of Best Things to do in Petropavlovsk
Volcano Mutnovsky
Volcano Gorely
Avachinsky Bay
Khalaktyrsky Beach
Kamchatka Regional Museum of Local Lore
Drama and Comedy Theater
Monument to Peter and Paul
Vulcanarium Museum
Trinity Cathedral
Three Brothers Rocks
Kamchatka photo tour
In two weeks in August 2018 we visited the most popular photo sites in Kamchatka including Kluchevskoy nature park, volcanos Mutnovsky, Gorely, and the coast of the ocean.
In this video photographers from different countries (France, Belgium, Canada) share their impressions about Kamchatka landscapes, opportunities for photography and weather.
Arranged by Kamchatka travel club. Idea, footage, editing, music - by Dmitry Karpenyuk.
За две недели мы посетили самые знаковые локации для фотографии на Камчатке, включая Ключевскую группу вулканов, Южно-Камчатский природный парк и побережье Тихого Океана. В этом видео фотографы из разных стран (Франция, Бельгия, Канада) поделятся впечатлениями о местных пейзажах, особенностях быта в фото-туре и погоде.
Trips with Kamchatka Travel Club -
Facebook -
Instagram -
VK -
Footage and editing - Dmitriy Karpenuk (
Kamchatka volcanoes
Kamchatka volcanoes
Fumaroles inside Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
We hiked and wove our way in between a variety of fumaroles and boiling mud-pots inside Mulnovsky volcano in the southern part of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula. The sulfur smoke and vapor was so thick at times it made it difficult to breath without a lot of coughing and irritation!
Here's my personal webpage about our trip to Russia:
Here's my page about travel in general:
Gorely SUP trip
Спонтанная поездка на вулкан ГОрелый вместе с командой крутых путешественников Вячеслав Савинский , Владимир Исаев, Вячеслав Баташов и Станислав Иванов порадовала невероятными видами, SUP борд прогулкой в ледяном озере кратера Вулкана Горелый , спусками прямо по озеру в кратер на горных лыжах на максимальной скорости и огромным количеством Красивейших фотографий!! Это Место Силы !!!
Именно в начале лета в кратере появляется кратерное озеро невероятной голубизны и красоты ... Горелый манит к себе
Присоединяйтесь к путешествиям вместе с нами
You are welcome
Karymsky volcano Карымский Академия Наук Kamchatka
KAMCHATKA Камчатка Камчаmка Volcano Russia Karimsky
The first snowkiters on the Kamchatka volcano Mutnovsky
Kamchatka snowkiting
Two Kamchatka volcanoes continue to spew ash, hot lava
Multiple Russian volcanoes erupt. According to the Russian Academy of Sciences Geophysical Service, both the Shiveluch and the Karymsky volcanoes on Kamchatka Peninsula were observed spewing ash plumes as high as 8 kilometers into the air on Saturday, July 3. Near the Karymsky volcano, close to 200 earthquakes were noted within a 24-hour period. Also recorded on July 2 was activity from the Ebeko volcano on Paramushir in the Kuril Islands, with ash explosions noted by local observers. No evacuations were necessary, and officials did not issue any warnings for air traffic thus far, saying that the volcanoes would continue to be monitored.
We are thankful for the safety of all in the region as we pray that such potentially dangerous events are lessened with our concerted efforts to restore stability to the environment.
Russia: Welcome to Kamchatka HD
Russians are awesome - we love Russia
Kamchatka / photoshoots backstage
Scientific expedition by RussianTravelGeek:
Russia, Kamchatka
Nalychevo national park
Avachinskiy volcano
Mutnovsky geothermal plant
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky city
Avachinsky volcano Kamchatka Russia Камчатка Камчаmка Камчаткын хойг
L'Avachinsky est situé en Russie, dans la péninsule du Kamtchatka, entouré par l'océan Pacifique au sud-est, par le volcan Koryaksky au nord-ouest et par la ville de Petropavlovsk-Kamtchatski au sud-ouest.
L'Avachinsky culmine à 2 741 mètres d'altitude et a la forme d'un cône aux pentes régulière inscrit dans une caldeira en forme de fer à cheval. Il est flanqué au sud-est par le Kozelsky, une bouche éruptive latérale composée d'un cratère ouvert vers le nord-est.
La montagne est un stratovolcan faisant partie de la ceinture de feu du Pacifique et aux éruptions explosives ce qui le range dans la catégorie des volcans gris. Ses éruptions produisent des dômes de lave, des panaches volcaniques, des nuées ardentes, de petites coulées de lave et des lahars qui sont canalisés vers le sud-ouest par les rebords de la caldeira.
Камчаткын хойг (Орос хэл: полуостров Камчатка) нь Евразийн эх газрын зүүн хязгаарт, Оросын Холбооны Улсын Алс Дорнодод 1,250-км урт сунаж тогтсон хойг юм. Нийт талбай нь 472,300 км². Номхон далай, Агнуурын тэнгисээр хашигдан оршино.[1]
Камчаткын хойг нь засаг захиргааны хувьд Коммандерын арлууд болон Карагинскийн аралтай хамтдаа Оросын Холбооны Улсын Камчаткын хязгаарыг бүрдүүлнэ. 402,500 оршин суугчийн нь ихэнх нь оросууд бөгөөд 13,000 коряк оршин сууна. Хүн амын хагасаас илүү нь Петропавловск-Камчаткий (198,028) болон Елизово (41,533) орчимд төвлөрөн амьдардаг.
Камчаткын хойг нь ЮНЕСКО-гийн Дэлхийн өвийн жагсаалтад Камчаткын хойгийн галт уулс гэсэн нэрээр бүртгэгдсэн байдаг.
Камчаткад жилд 2700 мм хур тунадас унадаг.
Avachinsky volcano Kamchatka Russia Камчатка Камчаmка eruption explosion flight 666 Mutnovsky Avachinsky Klyuchevskoy Bezymianny Karymsky Kamtchatka Камчатка Камчаmка Volcano Klioutchevskoï Chiveloutch Shiveluch Klyuchevskaya Kamtschatka Активность вулкана Карымский aventure et volcans maurice katia krafft Кальдера Узон Вулканы Камчатк Kizimen