volgograd . russia
Volgograd Stalingrad in Pictures - The Motherland Calls #Volgograd #Russia
Volgograd Motherland Calls is a statue at Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia. - More sightseeing in Volgograd... The Motherland Calls (Russian: Родина-мать зовёт!, tr. Rodina-mat' zovyot!, literally Homeland-Mother Is Calling) is a statue in Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia, commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad. It was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and structural engineer Nikolai Nikitin, and declared the largest statue in the world in 1967. Today, it is the tallest statue of a woman in the world, not including pedestals.
The Motherland Calls is highly complex from an engineering point of view, due to its characteristic posture with a sword raised high in the right hand and the left hand extended in a calling gesture. The technology behind the hollow statue is based on a combination of prestressed concrete with wire ropes structure, a solution which can be found also in another work of Nikitin's, the super-tall Ostankino Tower in Moscow.
The monument was inspired by the Ancient Greek sculpture the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and was modelled on a local woman, Valentina Izotova.
Visit Wolgograd formerly known as Stalingrad - We will join the Victory Day Parade in Wolgograd and celebrate 9th of May with the locals. We also going to see the war memorials and war cemetery.
Join us on a wonderful history tour to Russia and Russian culture.
Victory Day is a holiday that commemorates the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War. It was first inaugurated in the 16 republics of the Soviet Union, following the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender late in the evening on 8 May 1945 (after midnight, thus on 9 May Moscow Time). The Soviet government announced the victory early on 9 May after the signing ceremony in Berlin. Though the official inauguration occurred in 1945 the holiday became a non-labour day only in 1965 and only in certain Soviet republics.
In East Germany, 8 May was observed as Liberation Day from 1950 to 1966, and was celebrated again on the 40th anniversary in 1985. In 1975, a Soviet-style Victory Day was celebrated on 9 May. Since 2002, the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has observed a commemoration day known as the Day of Liberation from National Socialism, and the End of the Second World War.
After regaining their independence from the Soviet Union, the Baltic countries now commemorate the end of World War II on 8 May, the Victory in Europe Day.
During the Soviet Union's existence, 9 May was celebrated throughout the USSR and in the countries of the Eastern Bloc. Though the holiday was introduced in many Soviet republics between 1946 and 1950, it only became a non-labour day in the Ukrainian SSR in 1963 and the Russian SSR in 1965. In the Russian SSR a weekday off (usually a Monday) was given if 9 May fell on a Saturday or Sunday.
The celebration of Victory Day continued during subsequent years. The war became a topic of great importance in cinema, literature, history lessons at school, the mass media, and the arts. The ritual of the celebration gradually obtained a distinctive character with a number of similar elements: ceremonial meetings, speeches, lectures, receptions and fireworks.
In Russia during the 1990s, the 9 May holiday was not celebrated with large Soviet-style mass demonstrations due to the policies of successive Russian governments. Following Vladimir Putin's rise to power, the Russian government began promoting the prestige of the governing regime and history, and national holidays and commemorations became a source of national self-esteem. Victory Day in Russia has increasingly become a celebration in which popular culture plays a central role. The 60th and 70th anniversaries of Victory Day in Russia (2005 and 2015) became the largest popular holidays since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
In 2015 around 30 leaders, including those of China and India, attended the 2015 celebration, while Western leaders boycotted the ceremonies because of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine.
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ATS® Flash Mob World Wide 2019 @ Volgograd, Russia
Music: Dil Gaya (Radio Version) - Omnia
American tribal style® performance with the influence of ATS® dialects of Tamarind Tribal Bellydance and Melody Bustillos sword format. It was devoted to ATS® Flash Mob World Wide 2019 .
The 'Black Widows' spreading terror in Russia
In the past 13 years, around 50 female suicide bombers are said to have struck in Russia.
A female fanatic was behind October's bus bombing in Volgograd, claiming six lives. Naida Asiyalova from Dagestan was a friend of the woman suspected to have caused this Sunday's deadly explosion.
Dubbed 'Black Widows', Russia's female suicide bombers
serve the cause of a man. He is Doku Umarov, the leader of the Islamist rebellion and the Kremlin's Public Enemy Number One. In an online video in July, he urged militants to use maximum force to prevent the Winter Olympics in Sochi from going ahead. He told them to disrupt this Satanic dancing on the bones of our ancestors.
At 49, Umarov is a veteran of the two Chechan wars. When he first joined up to fight for independence, he opposed terrorist methods but fundamentalism gradually won him over and today he is calling for a jihad against Russia.
Formerly president of the self-proclaimed separatist Chechen republic of Ichkeria, he dissolved it in 2007 and now styles himself as the Emir of the Caucasus Emirate, taking in Dagestan, Ingushetia and North Ossetia.
Seeking to avenge fallen husbands, two 'Black Widows', were behind the twin suicide attacks that killed 40 people on the Moscow metro system in 2010. One of them was Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova, the 17-year-old widow of leading Islamist militant Umalat Magomedov,
Women were also involved in the deadly Moscow theatre siege in 2002 in chilling pictures seen around the world. Ever since, female radicals have become more active.
And as the terror threat looms ahead of the Sochi Olympics, locals in the North Caucasus say Russia is taking saliva samples from religiously conservative Muslim women. The aim is apparently to gather DNA so authorities can identify the body parts if any become suicide bombers.
To gain greater insight, euronews spoke to Matthew Clements, a specialist in Russian affairs at IHS Country Risk and asked him who is behind these attacks?
Matthew Clements: The most likely perpetrators are Islamist militants base in the Russian North Caucasus region, who have undertaken suicide attacks against civilian targets in the past. We assess these attacks in Volgograd are designed to try to create a sense of insecurity and to potentially put off visitors ahead of the Sochi Winter Olympics, which will be held in the nearby Krasnodar Territory in February next year.
Adrian Lancashire euronews: What kind of resources do these people have -- how long could they keep up a campaign like this? Could we call this a campaign?
Matthew Clements: Well, they have been undertaking very regular attacks across the North Caucasus republics, such as Dagestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya, for well over a decade now. Alongside that they have been undertaking relatively sporadic attacks in other parts of Russia. But what we seem to be seeing now is a step-up in this campaign to try to create a greater sense of insecurity in Sochi ahead of the Winter Olympics. So there is certainly a threat from these groups to undertake attacks across southern Russia, and even into some major cities, such as Moscow.
Adrian Lancashire euronews: You say the ultimate target is the Winter Olympics in Sochi; is there any way President Putin can control this?
Matthew Clements: Well, we have seen that Russia has put in place a very strict security regime around the Sochi Winter Olympic venues, and actually across much of Krasnodar Territory surrounding it. Now what this does do is reduce the risk that terrorists would be able to undertake successful attacks against the Olympic venues themselves. At more risk are the softer targets such as transport infrastructure in that region and also in other areas of southern Russia, and again, even in places such as Moscow, because the psychological impact of an attack such as this could be seen to undermine the games and therefore the government and indeed Vladimir Putin's reputation.
euronews: The people who carried out these attacks: can you put a name on them?
Clements: No, at the current moment there isn't enough information to be confident in the individual perpetrators. Indeed the reports coming out from the Russian police have shown that the suspected target has changed a number of times. What we do seem to be clear on is that both attacks in Volgograd were suicide attacks. Beyond that we are not able to ascertain many more details of the personalities behind this.
Volgograd 1964 archive footage
Archival footage shot by a Russian filmmaker on his way home after attending the Olympic Games of 1964 held in Tokyo.
It contains stock footage of Volgograd, a city known as Stalingrad until 1961: group of children walking together, NET (New Experimental Theatre) building, Square of the Fallen Fighters obelisk, eternal flame, children celebration in a park, the construction of the Motherland Calls giant statue, Volgograd Reservoir, and more.
Please comment if you recognize more subjects.
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Дорогой длинною (Those Were the Days) - Alexandrov Ensemble (Volgograd, 2017)
SUBTITLES: Русский, Српски, Srpski, Еspañol, English.
Дорогой длинною - Dugim putem - Por un largo camino - The road is long
Солист: Максим Маклаков
Soloist: Maxim Maklakov
Ансамбль песни и пляски им. А. В. Александрова
Дирижер: Геннадий Саченюк
Волгоградский музыкальный театр,
Волгоград, 07.09.2017
Alexandrov Ensemble (Red Army Choir)
Conductor: Gennady Sachenyuk
Volgograd Music Theater,
Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), September 7, 2017
«Мы ушли отсюда немного иными». «Царицынский благовест» на оперной сцене.
Мелодичным колокольным звоном был оглашен обычный вечер пятницы для многих волгоградцев. Именно так театр «Царицынская опера» оповестил о начале беспрецедентного для региона события – открытия фестиваля православной культуры «Царицынский благовест». Проект был задуман и реализован совместно с Волгоградской епархией, по благословению митрополита Волгоградского и Камышинского Германа. Чтобы сразу погрузить слушателей в атмосферу православного действа на уличном балконе театра была установлена звонница. Московский, ярославский, праздничный, воскресный звоны в исполнении звонарей местных храмов зазвучали уже за час до начала, как бы созывая и настраивая зрителей.
Дата первого концерта «Прикоснись к святому сердцем» была приурочена к окончанию Сырной недели, когда считанные дни остаются до Прощеного воскресенья и начала Великого поста. Самое время «настроиться на время духовного созерцания», - обращаясь к гостям отметил игумен Христофор Казанцев, настоятель волгоградского Свято-Владимирского храма. По мнению священника: «Заслуга устроителей концерта в том, что мы уйдем отсюда немного иными. Искусство нам поможет в духовной работе над собой».
В том, что высокое искусство, так же, как и православие, заставляет оторваться от мирского, задуматься о боге, очистить душу от всего суетного напомнили зрителям со сцены театра исполнители разного возраста и жанра: от звонарей, несущих серебряный звук колокольной звонницы, светлых и нежных детских голосов хора «Виктория» музыкальной школы № 4, до мощного многоголосия хоровой капеллы, солистов, хора «Царицынской оперы» в сопровождении оркестра театра. Все участники программы смогли создать уникальную атмосферу светлой и чистой радости, способной вдохновить, одухотворить, озарить добром и любовью душу каждого сидящего в зале.
Впечатления от концерта дополняла тематическая выставка, развернутая в фойе театра. Здесь были представлены детские рисунки, живописные полотна начинающих художников, произведения художественного творчества, историческая утварь.
Со сцены прозвучали классические произведения Чайковского, Рахманинова, Свиридова, Римского-Корсакова, современных композиторов, в полной мере соответствующие названию «Прикоснись к святому сердцем». Последующие концерты фестиваля будут приурочены к Великому посту (16 марта), Пасхе (18 апреля) и «Дню славянской письменности и культуры» (24 мая).
Главная идея фестиваля − возрождение духовно-нравственных традиций, связанных с православной музыкой, хоровым и сольным исполнением церковных произведений разных жанров, широко распространенных в православной России и дореволюционном Царицыне. По свидетельству историков, царицане с удовольствием слушали и исполняли хоровую духовную музыку, концерты на различных городских площадках проходили часто и были неотъемлемой составляющей культурной жизни нашего города. Фестиваль «Царицынский благовест», организованный на сцене оперного театра призван возобновить и развить в Волгограде прекрасную традицию.
«Царицынская опера» – уникальное в своем роде место. В миллионном Волгограде, театр, претендующий на абсолютно академический имидж, территориально расположен в рабочем районе, и занимает здание бывшего Дома Культуры завода Красный Октябрь. Элитарное оперное и балетное искусство здесь в прямом смысле становится достоянием масс. Здание, кстати, является архитектурным памятником в стиле сталинского ампира, и кроме роскошных деталей отделки фасада и интерьеров, поражает прекрасными акустическими характеристиками. Знаменитый советский архитектор Корнфельд, построивший ДК в 1954 году, постарался придать своему детищу черты помпезности, роскоши и монументальности всех предыдущих эпох и украсил его элементами в духе социалистических побед.
Братья и сестры! Просим Ваших святых молитв!
Да снизойдет на Вас Божия благодать!
Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
Братья и сестры! Просвещайтесь, распространяйте, подписывайтесь -
Harlem Shake (Volgograd,Russia)
Калинка (Kalinka) - Alexandrov Ensemble (Volgograd, 2017)
SUBTITLES: Русский, Српски, Srpski, Ελληνικά, 中文 (简体), Arabic (العربية), Čeština, Français, Hebrew (עִברִית), Nederlands, Italiano, Japanese (日本語), Македонски, Magyar, Deutsch, Polski, Português, Español, Türkçe, Korean (한국어), Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt), English.
Солист: Вадим Ананьев
Soloist: Vadim Ananiev
Ансамбль песни и пляски им. А. В. Александрова
Дирижер: Геннадий Саченюк
Волгоградский музыкальный театр,
Волгоград, 07.09.2017
Alexandrov Ensemble (Red Army Choir)
Conductor: Gennady Sachenyuk
Volgograd Music Theater,
Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), September 7, 2017
Бери шинель, пошли домой - Alexandrov Ensemble (Volgograd, 2017)
SUBTITLES: Русский, Français, Português, English, Tiếng Việt.
Солист: Валерий Гавва
Soloist: Valery Gavva
Ансамбль песни и пляски им. А. В. Александрова
Дирижер: Геннадий Саченюк
Волгоградский музыкальный театр
Волгоград, 07.09.2017
Alexandrov Ensemble (Red Army Choir)
Conductor: Gennady Sachenyuk
Volgograd Music Theater,
Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), September 7, 2017
Коробейники - Alexandrov Ensemble (Volgograd, 2017)
SUBTITLES (Lyrics): Русский, Српски, Srpski, Français, Português, Español, Italiano, Deutsch, English.
Коробейники - Les colporteurs - Caixinhas - Los buhoneros -
Venditori Ambulanti - The Peddlers
Солист: Вадим Ананьев
Soloist: Vadim Ananiev
Ансамбль песни и пляски им. А. В. Александрова
Дирижер: Геннадий Саченюк
Волгоградский музыкальный театр,
Волгоград, 07.09.2017
Alexandrov Ensemble (Red Army Choir)
Conductor: Gennady Sachenyuk
Volgograd Music Theater,
Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), September 7, 2017
Ой, полна, полна моя коробушка,
есть и ситцы и парча.
Пожалей, душа моя зазнобушка,
молодецкого плеча!
Выди, выди в рожь высокую!
Там до ночки погожу,
а завижу черноокую –
Все товары разложу.
А завижу черноокую –
Все товары разложу.
Цены сам платил немалые,
не торгуйся, не скупись:
Подставляй-ка губы алые,
ближе к милому садись!
Вот уж пала ночь туманная,
ждет удалый молодец.
Чу, идет! — пришла желанная,
продает товар купец.
Катя бережно торгуется,
всё боится передать,
парень с девицей целуется,
просит цены набавлять.
Парень с девицей целуется,
просит цены набавлять.
Знает только ночь глубокая,
как поладили они.
Распрямись ты, рожь высокая,
тайну свято сохрани!
Ой, полна, полна коробушка,
есть и ситцы и парча.
Пожалей, душа моя зазнобушка,
молодецкого плеча!
Пожалей, душа-зазнобушка,
молодецкого плеча!
Молодецкого плеча!
Dena K-volgograd music
by promo
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Zarjanka in Volgograd
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Russian National Anthem - Children's Choir At The Mariinsky Theatre St. Petersburg
How Come I NEVER uploaded a Russian National Anthem Video??
video walk. We headed towards the theater NET , and go past the Volgograd Conservatory (Institute)
named after P. A. Serebryakov . In which get the music profession. AND HERE WE COME TO THE THEATRE NET. 10.10.2016 year
Indian KalaUtsav 2K15
video url:
memoriale Stalingrado - Volgograd
visita guidata a Mamaev Kurgan, la collina teatro della battaglia di Stalingrado 1a parte