Vyborg, Russia. Swedish-Finnish-Russian City (Viborg, Viipuri). First Trip. Vlog.
With a contribution of my patrons, I began to travel Russia. Once I've got not too much of support though, my initial plan to make a big trip over Russia is failed, at least for now. But it is enough at least to begin with a single small trips to the Russian cities close to me (Saint Petersburg).
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The City of Vyborg (Russia Выборг, Swedish Viborg, Finnish Viipuri, German Wiburg) is located in Leningrad region in 120km Northwest from Saint Petersburg, Russia.
It is situated on the Karelian Isthmus near the head of the Vyborg Bay where the Saimaa Canal enters the Gulf of Finland. The population is about 80,000 residents.
In this video, I had a time to explore a little bit of the historical city center of Vyborg - railway station, Druzhba Hotel, Market Square with Central Market and Round Tower, Square of Old Town Hall, Pretzel Coffee Shop, Castle Island, The Vyborg Castle (Vyborg Museum), Olaf's Tower, Cathedral Square and Transfiguration Cathedral, St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Prospect of Lenin (Lenin Avenue).
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Vyborg, Russia
Vyborg Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Vyborg. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Vyborg for You. Discover Vyborg as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Vyborg.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Vyborg.
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List of Best Things to do in Vyborg, Russia
Alvar Aalto Library
Historical-Cultural Center Varyazhskiy Dvor
Statue of Torkel Knutsson
Monrepos Park, Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum Preserve
Vyborg Castle
Monument to Elk
Military Museum of the Karelian Isthmus
Byurger Estate
Exhibition Center Hermitage-Vyborg
Round Tower
Aalto Library, Hermitage-Vyborg, Oldest House. Vyborg, Russia
My second trip to Vyborg, Russia.
The examples of Finnish modern architecture - The Alvar Aalto Library and Hermitage-Vyborg and the oldest residential building (16th century) in Russia (Krestyanskaya st., 13A).
First trip to Vyborg, Russia -
The video filmed with contribution of my patrons. For more videos from more place of Russia consider to join my Patreon at
Vyborg: The crumbling historical city of Russia
Once a busy medieval trading hub, Vyborg has fallen into ruin. This Russian city was established in 2193 and was a major trading centre between the East and West and had Russian, Swedish and Finnish influences. It was a rich architectural and archaeological heritage but was damaged during World War II. And after that, it was neglected for years. The World Monuments Watch has included the city on its list of 50 world heritage sites under the threat of extinction.
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Tour de Vyborg 2017 - серия стартов в Выборге
VyborgRun - 28 мая
VyborgTri - 25 июня
съемка и трансляция соревнований
Primorskoe Highway: Sestroretsk, Zelenogorsk, Primorsk, Vyborg. Leningrad Region, Russia. Vlog
Driving through Primorskoe Highway which is a part of Scandinavia E-18 Highway. It is mostly goes along the coast of the Gulf of Finland and towns like Sestroretsk, Zelenogorsk, Primorsk and Vyborg.
In this one day road trip, I've tried to make a quick look at all of those towns. This is another vlog to continue the course I've got this year for exploring more of Russia.
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Moscow Out: Trip to Vyborg, part 2
Continuing the second part of our trip to Vyborg, RT's culture vulture Martyn Andrews and his crew look at the impressive city's Swedish and Finnish influences. We also look at the history surrounding the various battles that took place here, plus visit a castle built in 1293, City Hall Tower and the Hyacinth Catholic Church. If you want to visit a fairytale city, this city is one of the closest you will ever get!
Moscow Out on Facebook:
The Vyborg craft market.
The Craft market in the center of the Vyborg (Viipuri, Wiborg) is givving an oppotunity to buy the items like apron, socks, shales and other things made of all natural materials. With lots of love.
The prices are rather low for now.
Tankkaus reissu viipuriin
10th January 2020: Inside the Heritage Tram Café in Vyborg City Center, Russia
Filmed on 10.01.2020.
This is filming inside the heritage tram that was made as a replica of the first ASEA/AEG Tram that was manufactured for the opening of the Trams in Vyborg in 1912, but none of the original trams used in the network that was closed down in 1957, have survived, so an old preserved similar one from Helsinki was used as a model. The route that this trams first served in 1912 is written in Russian (old style), Finnish and Swedish. I also went to see it from inside. It was made for the 725th anniversary of the town in 2018 (founded in 1293). There are also two sculptures, one of the tram driver, and another of the kid who is riding the tram without a ticket.
January 2020, Hotel Room Tour: Hotel Druzhba***, Vyborg, Russia
Filmed on 09.01.2020.
I stayed in this hotel for one night, between 09-10.01.2020. It was built by the Finnish Perusyhtymä OY for accomodating mostly tourists visiting Vyborg, and it was completed in 1982. It was known as one of the best and most successful creations of the Soviet times in Vyborg. There is still one original classic KONE elevator available, but at the time of filming, the second one was unfortunately replaced, so this was also my last chance to get it filmed. Breakfast and morning sauna are included in the room rate. The location of the hotel is very convenient, close to the railway station. From the rooms facing the city center, there are views to the Vyborg Castle. In the vicinity of the hotel, two ships that were made as models of viking ships for the 1985 film Trees Grow on the Stones too, which was a Norwegian - Soviet collaboration.
The New MUST - VISIT Place in the Center of Moscow / Travel Guide 2019 with Different Russia
The Polytechnic Museum (Russian: Политехнический музей) is one of the oldest science museums in the world and is located in Moscow. It showcases Russian and Soviet technology and science, as well as modern inventions. It was founded in 1872 after the first All-Russian Technical Exhibition on the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of Peter the Great at the initiative of the Society of Devotees of Natural Science, Anthropology, and Ethnography. The first stage of the museum was designed by Ippolit Monighetti and completed in 1877. The north wing was added in 1896 and the south wing in 1907.
The Polytechnic Museum is the largest technical museum in Russia, and houses a wide range of historical inventions and technological achievements, including humanoid automata of the 18th century, and the first Soviet computers. The collection contains over 160,000 items in 65 halls including, chemistry, mining, metallurgy, transport, energy, optics, automation, computer engineering, radio electronics, communications, and space exploration. Highlights include the first achromatic telescope; an early solar microscope by German anatomists Johann Nathanael Lieberkühn; an early seismograph by Boris Borisovich Galitzine; galvanoplastics by Moritz von Jacobi; and early electric lights by Pavel Yablochkov.
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Music by Epidemic Sound (
ES_Fall into You (Instrumental Version) - Houses On The Hill
ES_Feel Your Blue Sky (Instrumental Version) - Bothnia
ES_I'm Indestructible (Tigerblood Jewel Remix) - OTE
Часть 51. Город Выборг. Part 51. City Vyborg
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Видео создано на основе дорожных панорам и Карт Google
Videos created on the basis of road panoramas and Google Maps
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Часть 51. Город Выборг (Россия)
Part 51. City Vyborg (Russia)
Это бы Вы увидели, находясь за рулём своего автомобиля, проезжая через город Выборг
Вы́борг (фин. Viipuri, швед. Viborg, нем. Wiburg) — город в России, административный центр Выборгского муниципального района Ленинградской области. Образует муниципальное образование город Выборг.
Население - 80 тысяч человек
Находится в 68 км к северо-западу от административной границы и в 122 км от исторического центра Санкт-Петербурга. От границы с Финляндией Выборг отделяют 27 км по железной дороге станция (Бусловская), по автомобильным дорогам до ближайшего международного контрольно-пропускного пункта «Брусничное» — 35 км. Город расположен на берегу Выборгского залива, находящегося в северо-восточной части Финского залива.
В 1293 году во время одного из крестовых походов в землю, населённую карелами, по решению регента шведского короля Торгильса Кнутссона на Замковом острове основан мощный замок, получивший название Выборг. Он стал надёжным форпостом распространения шведского влияния на земли Карельского перешейка, оставаясь неприступным до 1710 года.
Во время Северной войны Выборг был устаревшей тыловой крепостью Швеции на Карельском перешейке, и, после падения Нотебурга (Орешка) и Ниеншанца в Ингерманландии, стал неожиданно передовой базой, из которой шведы могли бы угрожать только что основанному Санкт-Петербургу. В 1706 году Пётр I предпринял первую попытку захватить шведскую крепость и осадил Выборг, однако безрезультатно. Только в 1710 году город был взят русскими войсками и флотом, а по Ништадтскому мирному договору 1721 года официально стал частью Российской империи.
Швеция неоднократно пыталась вернуть Выборг, и в ходе русско-шведской войны летом 1790 года в акватории Выборгского залива происходит крупнейшее морское сражение между русской эскадрой под командованием адмирала Чичагова и шведской эскадрой под командованием короля Густава III, завершившееся разгромом шведов.
Мирный период закончился в 1939 году, когда началась советско-финская война. В феврале 1940 года, после прорыва линии Маннергейма, Красная армия вплотную подошла к Выборгскому укреплённому району.
Согласно условиям Московского мирного договора большая часть Выборгской губернии Финляндии, включая Выборг и весь Карельский перешеек, а также ряд других территорий отошли к СССР.
31 марта 1940 года был принят Закон СССР о передаче большей части полученных от Финляндии территорий в состав Карело-Финской ССР. В составе этой республики 9 июля 1940 года Выборг был определён центром Выборгского (Виипурского) района.
Летом 1941 года в Выборг снова пришла война.
29 августа под натиском наступающего 4-го армейского корпуса Финляндии части РККА оставили город, отступив к Ленинграду, заминировав большое число зданий радиофугасами «БЕМИ». Однако взорваться из них успели лишь единицы, большая же часть была разминирована финскими сапёрами. В город начало возвращаться финское население и восстанавливать городское хозяйство.
Через три года финская армия отступила с Карельского перешейка, финские граждане вновь эвакуировались во внутренние районы Финляндии, 20 июня 1944 года в Выборг вошли части советской 21-й армии Ленинградского фронта
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Old Unknown 1981 (rb Mogilevliftmash late 2010s) Tr. Elevator @ Hotel Druzhba, Vyborg, Russia
Filmed on 09.01.2020.
I stayed in this hotel for one night, between 09-10.01.2020. It was built by the Finnish Perusyhtymä OY for accomodating mostly tourists visiting Vyborg, and it was completed in 1982. It was known as one of the best and most successful creations of the Soviet times in Vyborg. There is still one original classic KONE elevator available, but at the time of filming, the second one was unfortunately replaced, so this was also my last chance to get it filmed.
The staff elevator is boring, so I didn't even ride it.
Breakfast and morning sauna are included in the room rate. The location of the hotel is very convenient, close to the railway station. From the rooms facing the city center, there are views to the Vyborg Castle. In the vicinity of the hotel, two ships that were made as models of viking ships for the 1985 film Trees Grow on the Stones too, which was a Norwegian - Soviet collaboration.
Location: Hotel Druzhba***, Vyborg, Russia
Brand: Unknown
Replaced by: Mogilevliftmash
Type: Traction
Year installed/replaced: Late 1981 (Completed in 1982, would have turned 40 years old during 2021-22) / 2017 (Estimated)
Floors served: 6 (*1*, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Serial: Unknown
Capacity: Forgot to check
Vyborg. The town, which is not
Vyborg. The town, which is not
alkopona collected business cards of the city that we would never see.
Vyborg - a city with a glorious past, a medieval picture that if the lick, you can safely drive a lot of tourists, and Sweden, and say: Look, what city you have pressed. While it turns out otherwise, we can bring here Swedish tourists, and say, Look what we've lost. Nowhere else in Russia, my heart was not excruciatingly painful in Vyborg. Many of the buildings are destroyed, but still hold on to his seat. Today I will tell you about the three buildings in the city, which will not return because there was not horns or feet from them.
New Cathedral Vyborg
By the end of the nineteenth century, half-Russian Vyborg believers were divided into two Lutheran communities, some believe in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, the other in a rural community, but their number is considerably increased and the parish could not accommodate everyone. So in 1891 and got the idea to build a new impressive cathedral, for centuries, to the envy of their ancestors, to the property of descendants.
The decoration of the cathedral were not only impressive beauty of the interior, but also an amazing body, but not simple, and the largest in the whole of northern Europe.
eogotichesky handsome that today would be a major hallmark of Vyborg, on the background to the Chinese self and bought issued in their own country magnets. It is presented to him maybe even a fancy name like Notre Dame de choice and to dedicate a couple of songs.
But these lands came the war, and as a result of fighting the temple was destroyed, so he looked in 1941.
It could still be saved even after the war, the Soviet Commission has brought the temple to the list of monuments. But does our government support of religion? No. Therefore, finally decided to demolish the cathedral and broken down into its place Square, the center of which must be a monument to Stalin ideal.
Since the city was not his first business card.
Restaurant Esplanade
Even a century ago, the city had one restaurant, the fame of which spread far beyond the city. It came out of the St. Petersburg sample local dishes, so enjoy the interiors.
This crown of wooden architecture was the model of the restaurant business in the city. To tell the truth, these restaurants in our time is to meet with difficulty.
The first time there was a Russian restaurant called Belvedere, but it burned down, and in its place the Finns have built a new building, called Esplanade. That ye may feel the swing, you know, even in the restaurant was open air stage.
Here, three times the most famous orchestras acted week.
Successful future again interrupted by the war. The restaurant was destroyed in modern times it wanted to recover and passed six months ago, to the delight of tourists like the restaurant building, but its former greatness will not return.
Railway station in Vyborg
Now you may ask, Wait a minute, where did the train come after we have seen the building, walked on legs?. Yes, but the fact that the station of the city has gone through as many as three of regeneration and had to visit different guises: in wood, granite and Soviet. This Phoenix that city.
The first birth he was in the construction of the railway linking Helsinki and St. Petersburg, and then began the most prosperous history of the city, who was sitting in the middle of the transport path of friendly regions of the empire and collect a lot of carrots with trains passing by.
City flourished like tulips in the Netherlands, and at the beginning of the XX century it was decided to upgrade the station building, unbecoming such a wonderful city have a temporary wooden structure, and by 1913 the results of competitions in Vyborg miracle appeared.
The handsome red Finnish granite became another hallmark of the city and in a smart tuxedo seen arriving in Vyborg guests.
But like the previous architectural buildings fell in the liberation battles for the city.
Restore his image and likeness did not dare to have done a new version in the style of Stalin's empire, but he was far from his predecessor.
To date, only the building of the luggage box office tells us about the past greatness.
Here they are three buildings of the city's past, who have suffered at the time of the war and were finished off his own people, on whose graves have not been born nothing beautiful. According to the results of this post I want to hang in the air is only one question: Is the current government of the city knows what the building will be next on the list?.
La vie à St Petersbourg - Dans le train pour Vyborg
Continuons notre voyage en terre slave par la ville de Vyborg. Situé au nord-ouest de St Petersbourg, elle se trouve près de la frontière finlandaise. Pour y aller, il n'y a qu'une seule solution : le train ! Le voyage dure 2h30 et on est installés sur des bancs en bois, vive l'héritage soviétique ! Ville finlandaise au début du siècle, Vyborg est connue notamment pour sa forteresse. Beaucoup de finlandais y viennent dépenser leurs euros car en Russie, la vie est deux à trois fois moins chère qu'en Finlande...
My trip from Saint-Petersburg to Lappeenranta
My trip from Saint-Petersburg (Russia) to Lappeenranta (Finland) this weekend.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Veliky Novgorod , Russia
Veliky Novgorod Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Veliky Novgorod. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Luxembourg City for You. Discover Veliky Novgorod as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Isle of Skye.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Veliky Novgorod.
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List of Best Things to do in Veliky Novgorod
Millennium of Russia
Novgorod Kremlin (Detinets)
St. Sophia Cathedral
Granovitaya Palata
Church of the Savior's Transfiguration on Ilin Street
St. George Monastery
Pedestrian Bridge Across River Volkhov
Yaroslav Courtyard (Dvorishche)
Center of Musical Antiquities
Novgorod State Integrated Museum Reseve