Corfu Town: Serbian Museum The Serbians in Corfu 1916-1918
The Dimomitsi mansion houses today the Serbian museum. During the World War I, the Austro-Hungarian, German and Bulgarian army prevailed the Serbian army in the Serbian front. As a result, the Serbs (about 152.000 Serbian soldiers) left their country and found shelter in Corfu (Kerkyra), the Island of Salvation, as they called it.
In the Serbian Museum of the Serbs in Corfu 1916-1918 are accommodated.various objects from the Serbs like photographs, maps, documents, uniforms, arms and equipment, flags, medical tools, and ecclesiastical vestments that indicate the Serbian presence in the island during that period while at the same time reveal historical data of the Serbian population at the duration of the World War I.
Is situated on Moustoxidi street 19. The Mustoksidi street (colloquially known as Plati Kantúni which means Wide alley) is one of two important streets of Porta Remunda district. During the Venetian occupation it was named Strada Larga (Wide street) because it was considerably wider than the neighbouring kantunia (alleys).
The Ricci mansion is the 17th century venetian mansion which belonged to the Ricci family.
Corfu, Vido Island boat trip and Serbian War Memorial
Vido is a municipality of Greece in the Ionian sea between Corfu and Albania and is a pleasant 30 minute boat trip allowing you to take photographs of the cruise terminal from a sea perspective, and the Old Town. The views alone and the food in the restaurant and swimming in the bay just by the restaurant are all enough to make the 2 Euro trip worth it, But, venture into the bird sanctuary and nature reserve against the music of tree frogs and you will be on a very rugged Durrells adventure away from commercialisation. See all our films on Greece and the Adriatic.
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Οι Σύμμαχοι τίμησαν τα 100 χρόνια της λήξης του Α' Παγκοσμίου | Allies honour 100 years WW1 end
Οι Σύμμαχοι τίμησαν τα 100 χρόνια από την λήξη του Α Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου στην Θεσσαλονίκη, στα συμμαχικά Κοιμητήρια του Ζέιτενλικ. Το Zeitenlik είναι το μεγαλύτερο στρατιωτικό νεκροταφείο της Βαλκανικής Χερσονήσου και εκεί βρίσκονται θαμμένοι πάνω από 20.500 στρατιώτες της Αντάντ που πολέμησαν στο Μέτωπο Μακεδονίας-Θεσσαλονίκης κατά τη διάρκεια του Α' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Στο νεκροταφείο βρίσκονται σε τομείς, οι τάφοι 7.500 Σέρβων, 8.089 Γάλλων, 1.600 Βρετανών, 3.000 Ιταλών και 400 Ρώσων στρατιωτών που σκοτώθηκαν στις μάχες στο μέτωπο της Θεσσαλονίκης κατά τη διάρκεια του Α 'Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Τιμές αποδώθηκαν σε κάθε τομέα του νεκροταφείου από εκπροσώπους της πολιτικής και στρατιωτικής ηγεσίας Γαλλίας, Ελλάδας, Σερβίας, Αγγλίας, Ρωσίας και Ιταλίας
Greece: Allied countries of World War I or Entente Powers, honour the 100 years after the end of Great War, at the Allied military cemetery of Zeitenlik in Thessaloniki. Zeitenlik is the largest military cemetery of the Balkan Peninsula and contains the remains of more than 20,500 Entente soldiers who fought at the Macedonian-Salonika Front during World War I. The cemetery contains the graves of the remains of 7,500 Serbian soldiers, 8,089 French,1,600 British, 3,000 Italian and 400 Russian soldiers and Bulgarian POWs, who died in the battles on the Salonika front during World War I. Tributes given in all cectors of the cemetery by delegations from all allied states, among them Secretary of State to the French Armed Forces, Geneviève Darrieussecq, political and army representatives from United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, Greece and Serbia.
Грчка: савезничке земље Првог светског рата или ентитетских сила, почаст 100 година након завршетка Великог рата, на савезничком војном гробљу у Зеитенлику у Солуну. Зеитенлик је највеће војно гробље на Балканском полуострву и садржи остатке више од 20.500 војника ентенте који су се током Првог светског рата борили на македонско-солунском фронту. Гробље садржи гробове остатака 7.500 српских војника, 8.089 француских, 1.600 Британских, 3.000 италијанских и 400 руских војника и бугарских ратних заробљеника, који су умирали у биткама на фронту Салонике током Првог светског рата. Набавке у свим цековима гробља делегације из свих савезних држава са представницима политичких и војних снага из Велике Британије, Русије , Италије, Грчке и Србије.
PRVI SVETSKI RAT: Sećanja sa Krfa/MEMORIES OF CORFU by Jasmina Vujnović Milošević
Memories of Kerkira (Corfu)
Kerkira is a wonderful island in Grace. Legend says that island was founded by beautiful nymph Kerkira. When Odysseus came on island he saw gorges princess Naisikaia. Kerkira for the first time was mention in historian archives dated in 734 b.c. Since that period different concordant rule by Kerkira, Romans, Byzantine, Venetians, Franc, England. Whit historian facts begin this film but after documentary made focus on one date that was forever singed in history off this island, 18 January 1916 when Serbian solders and civilians, during First World War, came on Kerkira looking for salivation, after hard and epochal act, crossing in called winter Albanian mountainous. The last Russian Czar Nicolay II Romanov gave ultimatum to other aliens’ army in First world wore, English, French and Italian, that Russia would live the War if other armies would not help Serbia. After hard talk was decided that Serbian civilians and solders could came on Greek island Corfu, Kerkira. Several thousands civilians and soldiers died in Albanian mountainous. Soldiers who came on Corfu was so exhausted and thousands of them have died on this island. They were berried in a deep of Ionian see.
, The citizens of beautiful Corfu, still have memory on those tragic days. Among them is Michael Alludes eyewitness who was 10 years old in that period , will always remember those days. When we shot hem he was 104 years old. He was remembering some Serbian wards that he learned as boy during the First World War. He and his family remember all historical things that happened on the Corfu at 1916, and he was only surviving witness on that days. His story is touched and emotional. In this documentary historian of one small village on Corfu Spyros Kaludys tell us never told stories about those days. He collected them trough the years and tell us in front of objective of camera.
Film MEMORY OF KERKIRA (Corfu) is deeply touched story about history of Corfu from the beginning and love, friendship between Greek and Serbians. This is a story, told by the Corfian and by the Greek eyes and have been told to Serbian people for the first time.
Film was presented on INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL 2012 in Belgrade and in several cities in Serbia. He has premiere in Greek culture center in Belgrade. Film was shooting on Corfu. Film is translated on Greek and Serbian.
Author and director
Jasmina Vujnovic Milosevic
Zoran Milosevic
Jasmina Vujnovic Milosevic
Director of photography
Vojislav Popovic
Sound design
Velibor Hajdukovic
Nebojsa Zoric
Branislav Godic
Serbian Museum of Corfu
The period of the Serbina history called the Albanian Golgotha took place in the WW I, when the Serbian army, along with expelled civilians, was retreating after the invasion of the Axis Forces on Serbia, over the snowy mountains of Albania and Montenegro during the winter of 1915 and 1916. The retreat was realized in several columns from the direction of Kosovo and Metohija and towards the Adriatic coast, from where the ally ships transported the Serbs to Greek islands in the Ionian Sea, as well as to Italy and North Africa.
The Serbian House in Corfu hosts the exhibition dedicated to those events, depicted in the chronological order. The part on the ground floor is dedicated to the beginnings of the war, defense of Serbia, the battle of Mojkovac and bravery of the Sandzak division. Next, an entire block portrays the Albanian Golgotha and the suffering of the Serbian soldiers and civilians on that course. The visitors can see not only photographs, but also the uniforms of soldiers and generals, weaponry, medical equipment etc. (International Radio Serbia)
The Ricci mansion is the 17th century venetian mansion which belonged to the Ricci family.
The Mustoksidi street (colloquially known as Plati Kantúni which means Wide alley) is one of two important streets of Porta Remunda district. During the Venetian occupation it was named Strada Larga (Wide street) because it was considerably wider than the neighbouring kantunia (alleys).
Српско војничко гробље на Зејтинлику - Zeitenlik
Zeitenlik (Greek: Ζέιτενλικ, Serbian Cyrillic: Зејтинлик) is an Allied military cemetery and World War I memorial park in Thessaloniki, the largest in Greece. It contains the graves of the Serbian, French, British, Italian and Russian soldiers and Bulgarian POWs, who died in the battles on the Salonika front during World War I. The largest part of the complex is the Serbian Military Graveyard, which contains the remains of c. 7,500 soldiers.[1] The French sector contains the remains of 8,000 French soldiers.[2] The Italian sector holds about 3,000 graves; the British sector holds about 2,000 graves, and there is also the Russian sector with about 400 graves.
Σέρβων Επίσ. Επίσκεψη Άγιο Ματθαίο,Serbians Offic.Visit at Aghios Matttheos Corfu,
Σ' αυτό εδώ το βίντεο Αντιπροσωπεία Τμήματος Ενστόλων και οι Επίσημοι των Σέρβων ήδη στην πλατεία του Αγίου Ματθαίου μπροστά από την προτομή του Ευεργέτη των Προγόνων του -Θυμάτων των ..συνεπειών του Α. Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου τότε & Σέρβων Στρατιωτών,του Γιάννη Γιαννούλη,στην ν/α άκρη της κεντρικής πλατείας Αγίου Ματθαίου(Ας το πώ:Φιλότιμος και όχι ΑΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΣ Λαός και οι Σέρβοι,σε αντίθεση με Κάποιους Άλλους Γειτονικούς Λαούς & που δεν ξεχνούν την Ιστορία τους και Αυτούς που τους ευεργέτησαν & που έχουν αποδείξει ότι οι μοναδικοί στα Βαλκάνια πραγματικοί Φίλοι & Αδελφοί & γιαυτό Σεβαστοί & από τον Λαό μας).Δεν είναι και Λίγοι και Ιδιώτες Σέρβοι -Τουρίστες που τους καλοκαιρινούς μήνες επισκέπτονται αυτό το σημείο και Προτομή.!Το πιθανότερο και στους τουριστικούς τους οδηγούς της Κέρκυρας).!Εδώ ο Πρόξενος της Σερβίας στην Κέρκυρα ,..προφανώς(αφού στην Σερβική γλώσσα) ,αναφέρεται στον Ευεργέτη τους Γιάννη Γιαννούλη και ίσως άλλα .ιστορικά σχετικά στοιχεία.!!Ο Πρέσβυς και Εκπρόσωποι των Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων της Σερβίας καταθέτουν στεφάνια μπροστά από την προτομή του Ευεργέτη των Προγόνων τους.!here we are already in front of the Statue of Giannis Giannoulis(Benefactor of the Serbian Soldiers-Victims of the 1st World Was,1916) at the s/w corner of the main Square Aghios Mattheos Corfu.!First a smal Speech in Serbian Language by the Serbian Consul in Corfu & possibly about the relative Hisrory.! Lay down of Crowns in front of it,by the Ambasador of Serbia in Greece & by Represantation of Serbian Army.!.!
Serbian military cemetery Zeitenlik - Thessaoloniki Greece
It contains the graves mostly of the Serbian (c.7000), but also of French (c.8000), British, Italians (3000), Russian soldiers and Bulgarians POW, who died in the battles on the Salonika front during World War I. The complex is located on the place where the Main Hospital of the Serbian Army was located during the war.
Ιονίου Ακαδημίας Corfu Χορωδ.Event,'Choirs Nis Serbia & Ai Matthias Corfu'-Presentation,Video 5th
Από την Χορωδ. Συνάντηση κι αυτό στην Ιόνιο Ακαδημία Κέρκυρας που οι Πολιτ. Σύλλογοι Καναλίων & Αι Μαθιά την 15-10-2018 συνδιοργάνωσαβν.!Σ' αυτό και οι 2 Χορωδίες της Πόλης ΝΊς της Σερβίας με την ονομασία''Ουτσίτελσκα Λίρα' & Καλλιτεχνικού Ομίλου ο Άι Μαθιάς,που 2 τραγούδια συντραγούδησαν & που εδώ Εκπρόσωπος της Χορωδίας αυτής & που μεταφράζει ο εδώ διαβιών Σέρβος του Σερβικού Προξενείου,κ. Πόποβιτς Ζέλικο που μεταφράζει στα ελληνικά ότι αυτή λέει και θαακούσετε.!Ακοπούθησαν 2 τραγούδια & από τις 2 Χορωδίες που θα αναρτηθούν προσεχώς.!Ionian Academy Corfu Cgoral Event,organized by rthe CultureClub's Kanalia & Artistic Club Aghuios Mattheos Corfu on 15-10-2018.!Here on ths stage Choir's of Town Nis Serbia,called 'Outsitelska Lira; * artistic Club 'O Ai Matthias'.!Small greeting to the Audience,by a Representator of ist Club & nterpreted into Greek,by Mr Zeliko Popovic,who is living in Corfu & speaks ofvouse very well Greek.!Later both Choirs performed together 2 Songs & are going to be uploaded nerxt.!
Toast to the Serbians
A friendly toast to our friendly neighborhood Serbs... Also a quick lesson in the Serbian language and assery!
Σέρβων Επίσημη Επίσκεψη στον Άγ. Ματθαίο Corfu-Serbians offic.Visit at Agh. Mattheos ,Βίντεο 4ο
Κι εδώ η δέηση που τέλεσε ο Ιερέας Αγίου Ματθαίου,ο Παπά Σπύρος στο Μνημείο Πεσόντων Σέρβων Στρατιωτών Α. Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου στην θέση Μεγάλη Πέτρα Αγίου Ματθαίου Κέρκυρας την 11.00 ώρα της 28-9-2017.!By this Video the Prayer of the Priest Aghios Mattheos Corfu,..Father Spyros for the 1st World War Serbian Soldiers. Victims,at the place 'Megali Petra' Aghios Mattheos & 2 km south of the Village & on the main Road left,direction Ano Messonghi.!
Tour of Kerkyra city, Serbian Museum and Vido Island Corfu
Corfu or Kerkyra is a city and a former municipality on the island of Corfu, Ionian Islands, Greece.
Vido island, known from the First World War, when there was a hospital for Serb soldiers who came to Corfu after crossing Albania. A large number of Serbian warriors were buried in the sea near the island, in the Blue Tomb. During the '30s of the 20th century, the construction of a mausoleum on the island was completed, listing the names of those who had died, and whose names were known.
This video was made in honor of my great grandfather and all Serbian heroes!
Music in video: Tamo daleko
The island is just a mile from the city port in Corfu, and to reach it it takes about ten minutes to ride a boat.Prices is 2e.
Serbian house is a museum dedicated to the suffering of the Serbian army during the Albanian Golgotha 1915-1916. years.
It is located in the city of Corfu, on the island of the same name in Greece. The address is Μουστοξύδου 19 (Moustoxidi 19), Kerkira. In Serbian house there is a honorary consulate of Serbia.
The museum exhibition contains numerous photographs, documents and exhibits illustrating the period of the First World War of the Serbian Defense in 1915, the Serbian Army's retirement during the withdrawal through Albania and the grips of Corfu, until the army left Corfu in 1916.
Musicin video: Blues_Infusion and Tamo daleko
Video recorded: Huawei P10 in 4K
There, Far Away
Morava, Timok - Rivers in Serbia
Slava - Serbian UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Read more about Slava here:
Icon - Image with religious motives, usually a family patron saint
There, Far Away (Serbian Cyrillic: Тамо далеко) is a Serbian national, folk song, created during WW1, when Serbian army and a large number of civilians retreated from Serbia, across the albanian mountains. The original plan was for Serbian army to go south through FYRoM to Thessaloniki, Greece. But Bulgaria suddenly enterd the war on Austro-Hungarian side and backstabbed Serbia, cutting it's retreat to Thessaloniki. Serbs were forced to go through albanian mountains, dying of hunger, cold, tyhpus and constant attacks by albanian mountain ambushers. This event would remain known to Serbs as albanian Golgotha.
To the port where the French allied ships would take them to Corfu, to heal and wait for the moment to break the back of Austro-Hungarian empire, breaking through the Salonika front with such fire, that French generals reported that their cavalry can't keep up with the advance of the Serbian infantry.
Many that died on the way to Corfu were given the burial at sea. Soldiers named it the Blue Tomb/Graveyard.
Today, the Serbian graveyard of those who died in Salonika front is guarded and tended by a Serb grandpa Djordje, in Zeitenlik in Thessaloniki (Greece). More about grandpa Djordje and his unrelenting duty:
The identity of its writer and composer remained a matter of dispute for many decades. In 2008, historian Ranko Jakovljević discovered that Đorđe Marinković, an amateur musician from the village of Korbovo near Kladovo, was the song's original writer and composer, having composed the song in 1916 and secured its authorship rights in Paris in 1922. The song remains popular among Serbs in the Balkans and the diaspora.
The song became very popular amongst Serbian émigrés following World War I and was even played at the funeral of Serb inventor Nikola Tesla in January 1943.
Read more about the song:
Serbo-Greek Friendship
In the First Balkan War of 1912-1913, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro and Bulgaria (Balkan League) defeated Turkey (Ottoman Empire)
In June 1913 Serbia and Greece signed a defensive pact opposing to Bulgaria's expansionist goals. Eventually on June 16 of the same year Bulgaria attacked both countries. Being decisively defeated by Greeks in the Battle of Kilkis-Lahanas and by Serbs in Bregalnica Bulgaria retreated into defensive positions until Romania entered the war by attacking Bulgaria and threatening Sofia resulting in the latter's defeat. Greece and Serbia found themselves being the winner parties by having successfully fought the war side by side.
World War I
During the First World War, Corfu served as a refuge for the Serbian army that retreated there by the allied forces ships from the homeland occupied by the Austrians and Bulgarians. During their stay, a large portion of Serbian soldiers died from exhaustion, food shortage, and different diseases. Most of their remains were buried at sea near the island of Vido, a small island at the mouth of Corfu port, and a monument of thanks to the Greek Nation has been erected at Vido by the grateful Serbs; consequently, the waters around Vido island are known by the Serbian people as the Blue Graveyard (in Serbian, Plava Grobnica), after a poem written by Milutin Bojić after World War I.[7]
Assistance to Bosnian Serbs
According to University of Amsterdam professor 'C. Wiebes', the Hellenic National Intelligence Service (EYP) systematically sabotaged NATO operations in Bosnia in the mid-1990s, in an attempt to aid Bosnian Serb nationalists. In his report for the Dutch government, entitled Intelligence en de oorlog in Bosnie 1992-1995, Wiebes claims that EYP leaked classified NATO military plans (to which, as an allied intelligence service, it had access) to the Serb Bosnian leadership, and often to General Ratko Mladic himself, during the summer of 1995. Eventually, Wiebes states in the report, NATO allies ceased sharing NATO military plans with the Greek authorities.
Besides some dozens of Greek volunteers fought along Bosnian Serbs in the Bosnia war and helped capturing Srebrenica. According to a report in the Greek daily Ethnos, they raised the Greek flag over the town's destroyed Orthodox church. Since the start of the war, about 100 Greeks have fought in a guard of volunteers based in Vlasenica, in central Bosnia.[8] The Greek Volunteer Guard, or GVG, soon became a regular fighting unit with its own insignia - a white double-headed eagle on a black background. In September 1995, four of its members received the White Eagle medal of honor from then-Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić.
Most volunteers were recruited in Belgrade, but liaison offices were also set up in Athens and Thessaloniki. A student working in one of the offices said he received many calls from patriotic-minded candidates and claimed to have fought himself in Bosnia for six months. He added the Greek authorities never caused any problems and that the Hellenic National Intelligence Service was in touch with the volunteers, the cause of their volunteering was reported in the name of Orthodoxy.
Thessaloniki. The military cemetery and World War I memorial park Zeitenlik - 06/2015
The military cemetery and World War I memorial park Zeitenlik. The 5th of June 2015
The main entrance - The Italian cemetery - The English cemetery - The French cemetery - The Russian cemetery - The Serbian cemetery
Η Θεσσαλονίκη. Τα Συμμαχικά νεκροταφεία του Ζέιτενλικ. 5 Ιουνίου 2015
Η κύρια είσοδος - Το Ιταλικό νεκροταφείο - Το Αγγλικό νεκροταφείο - Το Γαλλικό νεκροταφείο - Το Ρωσικό νεκροταφείο - To Σερβικό νεκροταφείο
Салоники. Военное кладбище Зейтинлик. 5 июня 2015
Главный вход - Итальянское кладбище - Английское кладбище - Французское кладбище - Русское кладбище - Сербское кладбище
Солун. Српско војничко гробље на Зејтинлику. 5. јун 2015
Вход - Италијанско гробље - Енглеско гробље - Француско гробље - Руско гробље - Српско гробље
The Great Serbian Retreat: Golgotha of the Serbs 1915 - 1916
Српско војничко гробље на Зејтинлику
Зејтинлик 2010.г.
Serbian military cemetery in Thessaloniki, Greece. It contains the graves of the Serbian, French, English, Italian and Russian soldiers who died in the battles on the Salonika front during World War I. The complex is located on the place where the Main Hospital of the Serbian Army was located during the war.
1) Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery Athens, Greece
How true. If I were able, I'd gladly donate significantly to organisations such as this. Taken on Tuesday 26/April/2016.
IxD @ Serbian Museum of Corfu
Angel met New Friend at Serbian Cemetery June 1, 2012.
Angel White Dove - One in a Million !