JL Waikelo - Waitabula, Waitabula, Sumba 87255, Indonesia
Sumba Land for Sale: Waikelo Low Cliff
Sumba Land for Sale: Waikelo Low Tide Beach.
For more info, please contact:
Waikelo harbour
Small harbour located in Waikelo, Sumba (NTT) Indonesia
Yuneec Q500 4K - Pelabuhan Waikelo, Sumba NTT Indonesia
Yuneec Q500 4k
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VLOG 40 : Danau Waekuri & Pantai Mandorak Jelajah Sumba Barat Daya
Akhirnya kesampean juga ke Sumba, di vlog ini gw explore Sumba Barat daya menuju danau Waekuri dan Pantai Mandorak. masih bersambung di Vlog selanjutnya yaa..
PANTAI Terindah diSUMBA SELATAN PAHIMBAT BEACH (NTT) bikin jiwa bergetar!!!
sunset di pelabuhan waikelo #SumbabaratdayaNTT
Yaa di video kali ini, saya bersama teman2 saya berkesempatan untuk menikmati indahnya sunset di sore hari,,,
Namun di video kali ini saya kurang beruntung karena matahari di tutupi oleh awan atau kabut yg sangat tebal yg menyelimuti sebagian kabupaten Sumba barat daya.
Guys jangan lupa subscribe like???? comen and share
Waikelo waterfall - west sumba
Air terjun waekelo di sumba baratm sebagai salah satu mata air terbesar di sumba barat yang dapat mengairi kawasan persawahan di sekitar sumba barat dan sumba barat daya
Soundtrack : buterfly (
Camera : Lenovo K4 Note Vibe
Kawona Beach
Kawona Beach #sumbabaratdaya #kawona #sumbaisland #southwestsumba #beach #pantai
Pantai Kawona, Sumba Barat Daya-NTT
Akhirnya sampai pantai ini. Padahal pantainya dekat banget dari Pelabuhan Weekelo. Mungkin cuma butuh waktu 20 menit. Ga sampai 30 menit kalau dari Bandara Tambolaka. Pantai ini letaknya di belakang kantor pemerintahan SBD. Nama pantainya Kawona. Arti nama pantainya apa, gagal paham saya. Aksesnya juga muda. Dalam hal ini jalannya sudah bagus. Ga terlalu jauh masuknya dari jalan utama. Mungin 5-10 menit. Jalannya ngikut jalan lintas selatan Sumba. Cantik banget pantainya.
Hari ini critanya jalan ga jelas sama Pak Bams, Bu Bams dan anak kece katanya Yusuf Saputra.
The beautiful beach Mananga Aba SBD
Gerakan Bersih Laut dan Pantai Pelabuhan Waikelo
Pasola_Best Festival in Sumba.flv
Uploaded and Featured by Albert Usada, Waikabubak, Sumba Island :
The Pasola in Lamboya and Wanukaka, West Sumba, and Kodi, South West Sumba are the best ceremonies festival in Sumba Island, Indonesia.
The PASOLA is the name of ancient war ritual. It's war festival by two groups of selected Sumbanese men. They riding their colorful decorated and selected horses fling wooden spears at each other.
Sumba is one of the few islands in Indonesia where a majority of the population still follow the ways of their ancestors. One gets the sense that time has passed this island by and that only now is it slowly being drawn into the present.
On Sumba faith in the old traditions are very strong. Throughout the year the island is the site of many fascinating rituals, the most spectacular of them all are the Pasola ceremonies that take place during the months of February and March at select locations along the west coast of the island: Lamboya and Wanukaka in West Sumba, Kodi in South West Sumba.
The Pasola's are wild and martial events involving hundreds of charging horseman battling with spears on a large playing field. Serious injuries are common and there are occasional deaths of horses and even riders. In fact a Pasola is not considered successful without a proper amount of bloodletting. In Sumba blood on the ground is necessary to make it fertile, and one of the aims of the Pasola is to make the conditions right for the rice harvests that take place in the months of April and May. As we know, that National Geographic television channel have come recorded on it's channel.
My Disclaimer:
This video just for educational use, non-commercial use only.
(c) Copyright holder: National Geographic
Tradisi Budaya Indonesia: Potret Desa Tradisional Kodi Sumba Barat Daya NTT
Sumba Land for sale: Pantai Kita
We have several properties for sale in Pantai Kita (aka Pantai Mananga Aba) ranging from 0,4 hectare land to 1,5 hectare land.
Contact us:
More info on Pantai Kita lands:
Sumba real estate - land for sale
My trip my Adventure ke pantai marosi Sumba barat NTT
My adventure