???? Museum of Soviet ARCADE MACHINES (Budget Travel Russia) {St. Petersburg, RUSSIA}
Budget Travel Russia #13
Vintage Soviet arcade machines are no longer relegated to the relics of forgotten electronics. Tucked away from the main sights along Nevsky Street in St. Petersburg, a converted warehouse contains refurbished arcade games honoring USSR technology.
Dozens of vintage Soviet arcade machines are on display at which to be admired, gawked and yes, played in this interactive museum. While it is said the technology of the USSR was always behind the West, and these games would be a prime example, these video games, pinballs and tabletop sports still display a level of technological sophistication that made them fun to play decades ago and even more enjoyable today with their nostalgia.
Matt captures some of the Museum's exuberance and even tries his hand at pulling the Giant Turnip. You have to be there to get it.
Budget Travel St. Petersburg #5
Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines:
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Kaliningrad Region: How the Amber Region Builds Ships and Raises Wunderkinds
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On Monday, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, Skvernelis, explained why his government was going to build a wall on the border with the Kaliningrad region.
For protection from migrants and smugglers coming from Russia. But everyone understands that building the wall instead of cooperating with Russia is a symbol of paranoid Russophobia.
Even the European Union gave Lithuania a warning. There will be no money for this absurd project.
The governor of the Kaliningrad region, Anton Alikhanov, said: Let them build whatever they want!
He even offered to supply Lithuania with building materials for the construction of the wall. However, the wall is not an issue for Kaliningradians.
Достопримечательности Калининграда. Правдинск. Кирха Friedland. #63
Привет друзья. Сегодня я расскажу вам про одну из достопримечательностей Калининграда. Это кирха Friedland, в Правдинске.
Кирха Фридланда основана в начале XIV века в северо-западном углу города, неоднократно перестраивалась и реконструировалась. Церковь, включающая пятиэтажную башню, построена из кирпича в готической кладке.
После того, как в 1772 молния зажгла башню, верх её был надстроен в виде зубчатого венца и шестиугольного шпиля из пустотелого кирпича. Башню, высотой 60,6 м венчают шар и простой крест.
Во время сражения при Фридланде, в ходе которого русская армия под командованием генерала Л. Л. Бенигсена потерпела поражение от наполеоновских войск, сам Наполеон, по преданию, в этой битве командовал своими войсками с высоты 48 метровой колокольни Свято-Георгиевской кирхи.
После 1945 кирха оставалась абсолютно целой, но в 1948 году была разграблена за одну ночь. В 1959 были произведены обмерки кирхи и её поставили на гос. учёт как памятник архитектуры, но 14 октября 1961 года в ходе хрущёвской антирелигиозной кампании передана райпотребкооперации под склад.
Ремонт практически не производился, храм пришёл в аварийное состояние. Из-за разрушения крыши стены пропитались водой, покрылись плесенью и водорослями. От морозов местами выкрошилась кирпичная кладка. В пристройках частично разрушились своды.
С 1979 года предпринимались попытки сохранить здание. По инициативе Отдела культуры районной администрации была восстановлена кровля на башне. При осмотре шара на шпиле были обнаруженны документы и и монеты, переданные в местный музей.
В 1990 году кирха передана РПЦ и восстановлена силами прихода и бывших жителей Фридланда.
В 1992 году Урсула Клуге (урожд. Яндт) инициировала с немецкой стороны содействие в ремонте разрушавшейся церкви Святого Георгия. Возглавляя общество Фридланд (Восточная Пруссия), в совместной работе со многими жителями Правдинска, она вплоть до 2006 года во многом способствовала восстановлению здания церкви.
27 сентября 2005 года митрополит Смоленский и Калининградский Кирилл (Гундяев) совершил чин освящения храма.
7 сентября 2013 года город и приход отпраздновали 700-летие начала строительства первой церкви во Фридланде.
Название Достопримечательности Калининграда. Правдинск. Кирха Friedland. #63
China's Haier launches new plant in Russia
China's home appliances giant Haier launches a new washing machine plant in Russia's Republic of Tatarstan, which will upgrade operating efficiency by 40%.
Cyc4lib in Kaliningrad
cycling for libraries presentation in Kaliningrad 7.12.2012
Please watch: 2017 SPRING WHEAT RUSSIA
Scale Model Talk #2 Update 1/16 Sheridan fix, review Accion Press books
Scale Model Talk Episode #2
Tamiya M551 Sheridan Fix
Book Reviews from Accion Press
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Алексей Иванов - о сытой Москве и небесном Челябинске (Eng subs)
Аудиокниги для каждого:
Писатель Алексей Иванов – автор «Географ глобус пропил», «Общага-на-крови», «Сердце Пармы», «Тобол» и много чего еще
Бомбер как на Дуде -
Едем на пляж в Зеленоградске (Дорога Калининград - Зеленоградск - Орловка - Калининград)
Едем по маршруту: Калининград, Аллея смелых - улица Второй Эстакадный мост - улица Фрунзе, Юрия Гагарина, Шатурская, Большая окружная - затем по кольцевой автомагистрали Приморское Кольцо А-217 до Зеленоградска (Кранц). Машину в Зеленоградске можно поставить на парковке у Тротилинова пруда, по улице Московской. Обратно едем не по скоростной автомагистрали через Орловку до улицы Интернациональной в Калининграде. Карту маршрута этой поездки смотрите здесь:
По пути проезжаем замок Королевские Ворота (немецкий Königstor), Средневековый замок отель #Nesselbeck (3D тур по замку отелю Nesselbeck - музей и часть крепости Фридландские ворота (немецкий Friedländer Tor), мемориальное кладбище Курган славы в Гурьевском районе.
Машину в Зеленоградске оставляем на платной парковке у парка пруда Тортилин пруд. Хотя там очень много парковочных мест в этот день нам пришлось около 30 минут ждать в очереди, когда освободятся парковочные места. Оставлять машину в неразрешенных местах не рекомендуем, т.к. работает эвакуатор.
Выход на пляж, обзор пляжа. Со старшим сыном, строим и разрушаем башенку из камней. Замедленная съемка разрушения башни. Замедленная съемка падения камня в песок.
#калининград #зеленоградск #орловка #довезухарф
Петербургская одиночная тюрьма Кресты / Petersburg single prison Crosses- 1906-1914
Петербургская одиночная тюрьма Кресты
(Арсенальная наб., 5).
1906 - 1914
Petersburg single prison Crosses
(Arsenalnaya nab., 5).
1906 - 1914
.from The Isle of the Dead by S. Rachmaninov
Crosses - a remand prison in St. Petersburg , one of the most famous and largest in Russia. The original building dates to 1867 on the site of a huge wine warehouse.
Initially, the prison was designed for criminals and contained more than a thousand single cells, whose prisoners wererequirex to work.
In 1884, construction of a new prison was begun.using the prison labour themselves. As construction continued, the old buildings were torn down....
The two prisoner cells had single windows. The complexincluded an administrative building with a church, entrance building with warders' apartments, houses for overseers, a kitchen with a bakery, four hospital buildings, an infectious diseases block, a sauna, a boiler room with an electric generator, and a smithy - some 20 freestanding buildings, some of which were connected by junctions or cast-iron gangways. At that time, according to the Chief Prison Administration, this was the most exemplary prison in Europe and the biggest....
Before the Revolution, as exampled by the photos shown, the prison held both criminals and political prisoners. L. Trotsky, A. Lunacharsky, and V. Antonov-Ovseyenko all spent time within these walls...
.In 1917, with the exception of Kerensky, who had fled, all members of the Provisional Government were incarserated here...
In 2006 the authorities decided to build a new prison, as the present Crosses has become overcrowded, the condition of the building is in poor repair and does not comply with European standards. The site chosen is outside the centre of St. Petersburg in the municipal city of of Kolpino.........
Сторожевой корабль «Дружный». Сталк с МШ. Guard Ship «Druzhniy»
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RAW: Four nations compete for best engineering unit in International Army Games 2015
Military engineers representing Russia, Belarus, China, and Egypt participated in a competition in the central Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod on Wednesday.
Only the Chinese team brought their own military equipment.
The contest was part of the International Army Games 2015 being held on 11 firing fields of Russia from August 1 to 15.
DreamRoad: АвтоКультурное Путешествие. S00E01. Литва
В первом из двух пилотных эпизодов DreamRoad Алексей и Женя отправляются в Литву.
Рассказ о Тракае, Вильнюсе, визиты в тюнинг-ателье GroundWirus, Dog Custom Works, к Бесусу (Дарюсу Бесячичюсу, который строит раллийные авто и болиды для дакара), всё это - в первом эпизоде DreamRoad.
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Steam locomotive Su250-64 in Rostov-na-Donu
Steam locomotive Su250-64 in Rostov-na-Donu near Museum of railway's transport
Special edition of bloopers.Happy birthday Tomai!! Miss you guys!
Hanseatic League | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:21 1 History
00:02:38 1.1 Foundation and formation
00:05:47 1.2 Commercial expansion
00:09:30 1.3 Zenith
00:13:00 1.4 Rise of rival powers
00:18:10 1.5 End of the Hansa
00:20:46 2 Modern Hanseatic connections
00:23:03 3 Organization
00:26:33 3.1 Quarters
00:27:28 4 Lists of former Hansa cities
00:28:36 4.1 Hansa Proper
00:28:44 4.2 Kontore
00:28:52 4.3 Ports with Hansa trading posts
00:29:18 4.4 Other cities with a Hansa community
00:29:28 5 Modern versions of the Hanseatic League
00:29:38 5.1 City League The Hanse
00:30:47 5.2 New Hanseatic League
00:31:16 6 Historical maps
00:31:26 7 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Hanseatic League (; Middle Low German: Hanse, Düdesche Hanse, Hansa; Standard German: Deutsche Hanse; Standard
Dutch: De Hanze; Latin: Hansa Teutonica) was a commercial and defensive confederation of merchant guilds and market towns in Northwestern and Central Europe. Growing from a few North German towns in the late 1100s, the league came to dominate Baltic maritime trade for three centuries along the coasts of Northern Europe. Hansa territories stretched from the Baltic to the North Sea and inland during the Late Middle Ages, and diminished slowly after 1450.
Hanse, later spelled as Hansa, was the Old High German word for a convoy, and this word was applied to bands of merchants traveling between the Hanseatic cities – whether by land or by sea.Merchant circles established the league to protect the guilds' economic interests and diplomatic privileges in their affiliated cities and countries, as well as along the trade routes which the merchants used. The Hanseatic cities had their own legal system and operated their own armies for mutual protection and aid. Despite this, the organization was not a state, nor could it be called a confederation of city-states; only a very small number of the cities within the league enjoyed autonomy and liberties comparable to those of a free imperial city.
Kaunas | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:40 1 Etymology
00:02:26 2 Folk history
00:03:12 3 Coat of arms
00:04:40 4 History
00:04:49 4.1 Early history
00:05:25 4.2 Grand Duchy of Lithuania
00:07:26 4.3 Russian Empire
00:10:00 4.4 Interwar Lithuania
00:18:59 4.5 Soviet occupation and the June Uprising
00:24:48 4.6 Nazi occupation
00:26:33 4.7 Jewish community of Kaunas
00:29:38 4.8 Soviet administration
00:32:43 4.9 Restored independence
00:34:44 5 Geography
00:35:09 5.1 Administrative divisions
00:35:21 6 Climate
00:36:44 7 Religion
00:37:37 8 Culture
00:40:03 8.1 Museums
00:42:01 8.2 Theaters
00:43:04 9 Parks, Leisure, and Cemeteries
00:44:40 10 Economy
00:49:39 11 Demographics
00:51:46 12 Municipality council
00:52:17 12.1 Mayors
00:54:00 13 Transportation
00:54:09 13.1 Airports
00:55:07 13.2 Highways
00:55:53 13.3 Bridges
00:57:06 13.4 Railways
00:58:00 13.5 Hydrofoil
00:58:24 13.6 Public transportation
00:59:48 14 Sports
01:02:25 15 Education
01:04:26 16 Annual events
01:05:27 17 Notable residents
01:05:36 18 Twin towns – sister cities
01:05:49 19 Honours
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Kaunas (; Lithuanian: [ˈkɐʊˑnɐs] (listen); also see other names) is the second-largest city in Lithuania and the historical centre of Lithuanian economic, academic, and cultural life. Kaunas was the biggest city and the centre of a county in Trakai Municipality of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1413. In the Russian Empire, it was the capital of the Kaunas Governorate from 1843 to 1915.
During the interwar period, it served as the temporary capital of Lithuania, when Vilnius, the traditional capital, was considered part of Poland between 1920 and 1939. During that period Kaunas was nicknamed the Little Paris because of its rich cultural and academic life, fashion, construction of countless Art Deco and Lithuanian National Romanticism architectural-style buildings as well as popular furniture, the interior design of the time, and a widespread café culture. The city interwar architecture is regarded as among the finest examples of European Art Deco and has received the European Heritage Label. It contributed to Kaunas being named as the first city in Central and Eastern Europe to be designated as a UNESCO City of Design. Kaunas has been selected as the European Capital of Culture for 2022, together with Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.The city is the capital of Kaunas County, and the seat of the Kaunas city municipality and the Kaunas District Municipality. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kaunas. Kaunas is located at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and is near the Kaunas Reservoir, the largest body of water in the whole of Lithuania.