Пляж Камала на Пхукете (Kamala beach Phuket). Пхукет в Апреле
Пляж Камала на Пхукете.
Длина побережья составляет 2 километра, а ширина 30-40 метров. Песок практически белого цвета. Заход в море пологий, дно чистое, что подойдёт для купания с детьми. На пляже отливы сильные, для купания это время подойдёт не всем. Море чистое, но иногда кажется мутным. С ноября по апрель на пляже нет волн. А в низкий сезон с мая по октябрь в море появляется волнение и на пляже выставляют красные флаги, запрещающие купаться. Но волны на Камале намного меньше, чем на более глубоких пляжах, например, Кароне или Найхарне.
Пляж можно условно разделить на 3 части: юг, центр и север. Южная часть Камалы не подойдёт для купания. Во время отлива становится очень мелко и оголяется дно с камнями. Тут находится буддийский храм — Wat Baan Kamala. На территории храма находится школа, главное здание храма, статуя Будды и колокольня. В этой стороне в море впадают 2 речки и здесь же расположена стоянка рыбацких лодок.
Центральная часть пляжа начинается от монумента жертвам цунами 2004 года, который был установлен в 2006 году. Дело в том, что пляж Камала был опустошен цунами и большинство строений, к сожалению, были уничтожены.
Тут же построили небольшой парк с детской площадкой и спортивными тренажёрами. Здесь растёт много пальм и деревьев, что создаёт естественную тень, где можно расположиться не боясь обгореть.
Основная пляжная инфраструктура именно здесь: лежаки и зонты в аренду, по стандартной цене - 200 бат на день за пару. Каждый день тут выстраиваются в ряд макашницы, открыты магазины и бары. На береговой линии расположены массажные салоны, многочисленные кафе и рестораны с национальной и европейской кухней. По пляжу ходят торговцы кукурузой, мороженым и другими закусками.
Можно арендовать доску для серфинга, покататься на водном скутере, банане или полетать на парашюте.
Автомобильной дороги в северной части пляжа Камала нет, добраться сюда можно только пешком из центральной части. А новые отели в стадии строительства. Поэтому тут тихо и малолюдно. От солнца легко спрятаться в тени деревьев, а купание комфортное, как в центре пляжа.
Ближе к северу вы найдёте два пляжных клуба — пхукетский филиал знаменитого Café Del Mar на Ибице и HQ Beach Lounge. Днём играет приятная музыка, красивая территория с бассейном и лежаками. Большой выбор коктейлей и блюд, а ближе к ночи тут проходят вечеринки.
На Камале находится одно из самых популярных вечерних шоу Пхукета - Phuket Fantasea. Сюда приезжают со всего острова, чтобы посмотреть грандиозное представление с участием акробатов, артистов и животных. Шоу проводится каждый день, кроме четверга. Понравится детям и взрослым.
В этом районе есть все необходимое для туристов: обменники, круглосуточные магазины, в которых вы можете купить продукты, бытовую химию и многое другое. 2 рынка, один находится возле вечернего шоу Фантазия и работает по пятницам с 3х часов дня. Второй открыт по средам и субботам возле перевала на Патонг.
На холме, чуть севернее отеля Novotel Phuket Kamala, открывается шикарный вид на весь пляж. Туда можно подняться пешком, пройдя по главной трассе, но будьте аккуратны: пешеходных дорожек нет.
Пляж камала — отличное место для спокойного пляжного отдыха среди тропической зелени для семей с детьми и людей, которые приехали насладиться уединением и спокойной атмосферой.
Пляж Ката Ной
Пляж Карон
Пляж Ката
Пляж Парадайз
Пляж Най Харн
Пляж Три Транг
Экскурсии на Пхукете тут:
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Kamala Beach Phuket Scene 2011
Kamala Beach Phuket Scene 2011.
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Amazing Wat Chalong temple, Phuket, Thailand
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Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of Following My Thumb, a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
Amazing Wat Chalong temple, Phuket, Thailand
Dhamma Kamala- Thailand [Islands of Dhamma]
Lotus Of Dhamma
Video is the part of the Islands of Dhamma made by VRI. Islands of Dhamma shows different Vipassana learning centres across the world.
Dhamma Kamala, meaning The Lotus of Dhamma, was established after Goenkaji, Mataji, and other senior teachers had traveled to Thailand to conduct several non-centre Vipassana courses. Old students decided to establish the first Vipassana centre in Thailand in 1992. The site is in a quiet rural village, a two-hour drive from Bangkok and half way to the Cambodian border.
The development of the Centre started in 1992 and the first course was conducted in November 1992. In August 1998, Goenkaji inaugurated the main building in the centre, composed of a golden pagoda in the top centre, a spacious meditation hall, and 144 individual cells.
Dhamma Kamala, serving students arriving from all over the world, can accommodate approximately 120 meditators, 55 males and 65 females. Built in a modern Thai style, two residential quarters for men and three for women provide simple yet comfortable accommodation. The complex is surrounded by serene ponds and moats of colourful lotuses in keeping with the name of the Centre. Flowering shrubs and trees, especially teak, give a shady and pleasant environment for meditation. Ten-day, twenty-day, and thirty-day courses as well as
Satipatthana courses are regularly held. Occasionally special courses for monks are also held.
Dhamma Kamala
200 Ban Nuen Pha Suk, Yoo Pha Suk Road,
Tambon Dong Khi Lek, Muang District, Prachinburi Province, 25000, Thailand
E-mail address: vipthai@hotmail.com
Video copyrights are of Vippassana Research Institue.
Be happy!
With Metta.
Siddhartha Chabukswar
Phuket Thailand Video Guide - chpt 4: Kamala Beach
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Highlights meines Phukettrips
Nach dem ich nun 1 Monat auf Phuket war und wirklich jede Menge gesehen und erlebt habe, möchte ich euch meine Highlights und Tipps für Phuket mitteilen:
- Handykarte: gibt es am Flughafen zukaufen, die netten Thais richten Dir die Internetkarte sofort ein. Kosten: ich hab für 8GB 20€ gezahlt
- Roller mieten: es gibt an jeder Ecke Roller zum ausleihen, es ist normal das man seinen Reisepass hinterlegen muss. Tipp: macht Fotos von den Schäden direkt wenn ihr den Roller mietet, dann gibt es hinterher kein Ärger! Kosten: kommt auf die CCM-Zahl an, ich hatte einen 150ccm Roller-- 6€ pro Tag
- Markt in Phuket Town immer Sonntag auf der Thalang Road-- Essen und Trinken was das Herz begehrt, Künstler und eine Feeling was man auf Phuket sonst nirgendwo findet.
- Traumhafter Inselbesuch: Ban Ko Nakha-- zu erreichen vom Ao Por Pier-- endlos lange Strände, extrem coole Beachbars mit Tresen im Wasser, Jetski fahren rund um die Insel und kleinen Nachbarinsel, mein absolutes Highlight
- versteckter Strand auf Phuket: Ao Yon Beach auf der Halbinsel Panwa, zu erreichen in dem man den Roller auf der Hauptstrasse stehen lässt und einen steilen Weg zum Brasserie Yachtclub läuft.
- Thaiboxen: überall liegen und hängen Fleyer mit den Daten an den Thaiboxkämpfe in Patong statt finden aus, wenn man denkt es seien Showkämpfe dann täuscht man sich. Kosten: VIP Sitze kosten ca. 45€ und es gibt noch ein Shirt als Andenken dazu.
- Massage: Massagesalon gibt es aller 5 Meter, ich rate euch lieber abseits zu einem kleineren Salon zugehen, da sich die Thais da wirklich mehr Zeit nehmen und es nicht so eine Touristenabfertigung ist. Geht auch lieber zu einer älteren Thaidame, da sie ihr Handwerk wirklich verstehen. Kosten: 1h Ölmasse ca. 8€
Kleiner Hinweis: falls ihr vor habt so wie ich immer ohne Helm zufahren, steckt lieber ein bisschen Kleingeld ein:-)
hope you like it...
Dhamma Kamala Thailand : Vipassana Meditation Center as taught by S N Goenka
Dhamma Kamala, meaning The Lotus of Dhamma, was established after Goenkaji, Mataji, and other senior teachers had traveled to Thailand to conduct several non-centre Vipassana courses. Old students decided to establish the first Vipassana centre in Thailand in 1992. The site is in a quiet rural village, a two-hour drive from Bangkok and half way to the Cambodian border.
The development of the Centre started in 1992 and the first course was conducted in November 1992. In August 1998, Goenkaji inaugurated the main building in the centre, composed of a golden pagoda in the top centre, a spacious meditation hall, and 144 individual cells.
Dhamma Kamala, serving students arriving from all over the world, can accommodate approximately 120 meditators, 55 males and 65 females. Built in a modern Thai style, two residential quarters for men and three for women provide simple yet comfortable accommodation. The complex is surrounded by serene ponds and moats of colourful lotuses in keeping with the name of the Centre. Flowering shrubs and trees, especially teak, give a shady and pleasant environment for meditation. Ten-day, twenty-day, and thirty-day courses as well as
Satipatthana courses are regularly held. Occasionally special courses for monks are also held.
For additional information:
Dhamma Kamala
Thailand Vipassana Centre - Dhamma Kamala
200 Baan Nern-Pasook (Behind Thai-Rath Vitaya 7 School)
Tambol Dong-Kee-Lek, Amphur Muang, Prachinburi 25000
For Registration Contact:
Ms. Thaveephol Ansusingh
Tel: [66] (081) 646-4695 Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00(GMT+7)
Course Schedule :
Phuket's Best Market not to be missed at Wat Chalong
Join me as we take a look at probably the best market on the island of Phuket this very special market takes place just once a year in the grounds of the beautiful Wat Chalong temple normally taking place around the beginning February and running for just 8 days.
The goods on offer are wide and varied from home, garden, clothing and of course food however it does not stop there, there's also a host of entertainment on offer including a large free concert, free traditional Thai dance show and even a funfair for the kids.
If you happen to be on the island at the start of February then this market is not to be missed great for solo travellers, group and families alike with people travelling from another province in Thailand to sell all kinds of different food you wouldn't normal find in Phuket.
This is well worth a look........
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Patong Newest Mall --- Central--- in Phuket Thailand
Join me as we take a look at the newest addition to the ever-growing shopping scene here in Phuket.
The Central Mall in Patong opened just a few months ago which now offers even more shopping to the tourist, situated opposite the very large Jungceylon shopping mall.
So if you are coming out to Phuket over the next 4 or 5 month during the rainy season you can always visit one of the many Malls to keep you occupied while it's Raining
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Top 5 Chinese temple in Phuket
Top 5 Chinese temple in Phuket
- Tha Rue Shrine
- Ka thu Shrine
- Jui Tui Shrine
- Bang Neow Shrine
- Kiew Tien Keng Shrine
This video is a part of English for mass media subject
Made by
May #13 Pakkard #21 Ta #37
A well known hill in Phuket, Thailand where sightseers go for exercise and to see the monkey's
Bang Thao (Dream Beach) in Thailand.
Phuket, Thailand
This is my favourite beach situated about 35 mins scooter ride up north of Patong.
As you can see its uninterupted, has beautiful warm waters and offers a sence of privacy away from the chaos.
My friends and i swam there at night time once and we experienced something quite extraordinary.
When we swished our hands and feet around in the water, the water became magically charged and lit up like particles of light! Truly amazing! Even when I came out of the water there were little sparks that washed of my feet and onto the sand!
No we weren't on any hallucinogens, just a bottle of Tequila and a hamper of fresh fruits. lol.
Very sureal experience. One that I'll never forget.
Phuket Thailand - Paradise on Earth
Phuket Thailand - Paradise on Earth
Phuket is Thailand's largest at 48km in length and 21km at its widest. It's in Southern Thailand, on the west-facing Andaman Sea coastline, suspended from the southern tip of Phang Nga Province by a pair of short but substantial road bridges.
Phuket island in the Andaman Sea, has some of Thailand’s most popular beaches, mainly situated along the clear waters of the western shore. The island is home to many high-end seaside resorts, spas and restaurants. Phuket City, the capital, has old shophouses and busy markets. Patong, the main resort town, has many nightclubs, bars and discos.
Phuket Town is the largest town in Phuket Province. It has a population of 63,000 and is the economic hub of the island. For the most part just an ordinary, scruffy provincial Thai town, it's hardly a major tourist attraction, but the Chinatown area is worth a quick look and there are some great Thai-style shopping opportunities too. Overall, accommodation and food in the town is cheaper than near the beaches, and can provide a refreshing change of pace.
Regions of Phuket :
Western Phuket (Bang Thao, Kamala, Karon, Kata, Laem Sing, Mai Khao, Nai Thon and Nai Yang, Patong, Surin)
Southeastern Phuket (Chalong Bay, Cape Panwa, Nai Han, Rawai, Ya Nui)
Interior Phuket (Bang Rong, Ko Sire, Phuket Town, Phra Taew National Park, Thalang)
Small islands southern-eastern Phuket and Phang Nga Bay (Ko Bon, Ko Hae, Ko Lon, Ko Mai Thon, Ko Racha, Ko Maphrao, Ko Naka, Ko Yao, Ko Panyi, Ko Tapu (James Bond Island))
Cities of Phuket :
Chalong Bay — home to Phuket's most popular yacht anchorage and the primary gateway to the islands off Phuket
Kamala — a quieter beach to the north of Patong
Karon — the second most-developed beach after Patong
Kata — busy, clean tourist beaches with good surf, split into Kata Yai and Kata Noi Beaches
Nai Thon and Nai Yang — two quiet beaches in Sirinat National Park
Patong — the largest beach resort, known for its night life
Phuket Town — the administrative centre of the province, and the island's main population centre
Rawai — set off point for lots of local islands, popular with locals for eating on the water front
Surin — an up-and-coming up-market destination
Phuket is hot and humid throughout the year. The hot season is generally considered to be from March to early May. During the summer monsoon season from May to October, mornings and afternoons are still sunny and clear, but it tends to rain in the evenings and water clarity goes down. Locals consider November to February the cool season, and the weather is quite tolerable, much more so than in the tourism centres around the Gulf coast. It's comparable to Florida's summer weather in temperature and intensity of rain storms: 25-33°C, flying clouds, short and thunderous rainfalls in the afternoons and evenings. Surfing is possible off the western beaches.
A lot to see in Phuket such as :
Karon Beach
Phuket FantaSea
Wat Chalong
Big Budda
Kamala Beach
Hat Kata Noi
Phuket Simon Cabaret
Thanon Bangla
Hat Kata
Sirinat National Park
Promthep Cape
Ko He
Ko Racha Yai
Surin Beach
Flying Hanuman
Phuket Aquarium
Mai Khao Beach
Baan Saan Market
Siam Niramit Phuket
Bang Pae Waterfall
Naiyang Beach
Splash Jungle Water Park
Tiger Kingdom Phuket
Monkey Hill
Ra Wai Beach
Khao Rang
Kathu Waterfall
Nai Thon Beach
Freedom beach
Phuket Sunday Night Market
Phuket Zoo
Phuket Trickeye Museum
The Khao Phra Thaeo Wildlife Sanctuary
Hat Laem Sing
Wat Phra Thong
Baan Teelanka - The UpsideDown House of Phuket
Yanui Beach
Rang Hill
Thalang Road
Rawai Beach
Dolphins Bay Phuket
Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
Thai Hua Museum
Banana beach
Ko Lon
Ao Sane Beach
( Phuket - Thailand ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Phuket. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Phuket - Thailand
Join us for more :
Top 23 Best very Local Thai Restaurants in Phuket & Restaurants in Phuket, Thailand
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Coronavirus updates & economic impact! 112th Wat Chalong fair! || Phuket
PHUKET XTRA - January 28 || brought to you by PVCPhuket.com
Coronavirus updates & economic impact |:| Angry driver admit running over neighbour |:| The 112th Wat Chalong Fair is on! |:| Wastewater overrun lands Phuket resort B10k fine
Hosted by: JP Mestanza
ThePhuketNews.com || #Phuket
1- Wastewater overrun lands Phuket resort B10k fine
2- Coronavirus updates and economic impact
MORE: Hits hotels hard
3- Angry driver admits running down annoying neighbour
4- The 11th Wat Chalong Fair is now on
Check out JP Mestanza’s Channel here:
PSD Windows & Doors:
Thai Residential:
The Phuket News TV is the video arm of The Phuket News, an English-language newspaper in Phuket, part of the Class Act Media family.
Phuket Xtra is a daily news show covering Phuket Island and the latest news from Thailand. Our show intends to cover the everyday aspects of life in Southern Thailand, and the rest of the Kingdom of Thailand.
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At Class Act Media we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver high quality media services to residents and tourists in Phuket and all across Southern Thailand.
We sincerely believe in accountability towards our clients and ensuring that each member of our team subscribes to our motto: The client is always right.
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