Hydropark Zhytomyr 2011
Many Zhitomir natives say, that there is nothing interesting to show the guests, that is why we decided to prove that Zhitomir is rich in places of interest. Among them are the park named after Gagarin, where you can see valuable rare kinds of trees and bushes.
Think also of historical buildings, such as Central Church in Soborna square, a cathedral, a water tower, a big stone which symbolizes the foundation of Zhitomir in 884.
There are a lot of museums and monuments to famous people, who lived and created in Zhitomir.
But today we'd like to demonstrate that Zhitomir is a green town, that is why we are in Zhitomir recreation zone - Hydropark, which is situated in the banks of Teteriv.
Rock Climbing Parsec 5.11a in Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Igor's commentary makes this worth watching...
Zhytomyr, Koroliov square
Drone Grand Tour - Tarnowski Palace and Park in Kachanovka. Ukraine
Drone Video from all around the world.
Subscride on our Chanel - Drone Grand Tour
The Tarnowski Palace and Park in Kachanovka is a perfectly preserved landlord's estate, a unique example of the manor construction of the Left Bank Ukraine. The creation of a palace and park complex began in 1770, the Governor-General of Little Russia P. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, who bought the estate from the court singer F. Kachenovsky. Originally the manor was built by the architect. K. Blank in the style of pseudo-Gothic, but in 1808-24. The new owner landowner G. Pocheka rebuilt it in the style of classicism, and the following masters from the Tarnowski family greatly expanded it and collected in it a large collection of works of art and Ukrainian antiquities. The palace, two wings and a water tower form the front yard.
At the lower level is a landscaped park with ponds and park sculptures. St George's church in Empire style was built in 1780. In the possession of Tarnowski manor became a cultural center. Here at different times visited K. Bryullov, T. Shevchenko, N. Gogol, M. Glinka (Glinka's arbor was a music salon), etc. The last owners of the estate were sugar plant P. Haritonenko and his daughter Elena, married to Baron M. Oliva . In Soviet times, the sanatorium functioned on the basis of the estate, the palace was badly damaged. In 1981 the historical and cultural reserve Kachanovka was created.
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The roads of Uzhorod. Highway H13
Urban Ukraine. Small city. November 2019
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Lower Devils Canyon Climbing 2016
A weekend climbing trip from Phoenix to Lower Devil's Canyon. Some great rock climbing footage from GoPro and DJI Phantom 3. Trad and sport combo.
Lots of great climbing in this canyon and perfect weather in February here in Arizona.
Routes Include:
Easy Street 5.7 Sport, 1 pitch, 140' Hackberry Creek
Smokin' The Toad 5.8 Trad, 1 pitch, 130' Hackberry Creek
Going Out Of Chicken Sale 5.8+ Trad, 1 pitch, 90' Lower Devil's East (LDE) : The Coop
El Throatchoker Grande 5.9- Trad, 1 pitch, 160' Lower Devil's East (LDE) : The Lunchbox
Accelerated Climbology 5.9 Trad, 1 pitch, 165' Lower Devil's East (LDE) : Climbology Area
Dacite Conspiracy 5.9 Sport, 1 pitch, 120' Hackberry Creek
The Fruits of Optomisim 5.9+ Sport, 1 pitch, 60' Totem-Proto Area
Adios Larry 5.10b PG13 Sport, 2 pitches, 160' Glitter Box Area
The Shmotem Pole 5.10b Trad, 3 pitches, 250' Lower Devil's East (LDE) : The Shmotem Pole
Totem Pole Direct 5.10 Sport, 1 pitch, 70' Totem-Proto Area
Pathological Optimist 5.10 Trad, Sport, 1 pitch, 110' Totem-Proto Area
Centipede Corner 5.10b/c Trad, 110' Lower Devil's East (LDE) : The Lunchbox
Damsels in Distress 5.10b/c PG13 Trad, Sport, 1 pitch, 160' Glitter Box Area
Octabulgey 5.10c Trad, 1 pitch, 110' The Torch : The Bulges
The Totem Pole 5.10c/d Sport, 2 pitches, 150' Totem-Proto Area
Eyes of the World 5.11a PG13 Sport, 1 pitch, 115' Glitter Box Area
High Man on the Shmotem Pole 5.11- Sport, 1 pitch, 150' Lower Devil's East (LDE) : The Shmotem Pole
Gabriel's Watch 5.11c Sport, 1 pitch, 135' Godhead South : The Face of God
Double Fault 5.12 Sport, 1 pitch, 60' Faulty Towers : The Towers
Live and Let Dyno 5.12 Sport, 1 pitch, 100' The Torch : The Torch
1943 German Newsreel - 250109-04 | Footage Farm Ltd
Footage Farm is a historical audio-visual library. The footage in this video constitutes an unedited historical document and has been uploaded for research purposes. Some viewers may find the archive material upsetting. Footage Farm does not condone the views expressed in this video.
For broadcast quality material of this clip or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@footagefarm.co.uk
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk
[WWII - 1943, Germany: Newsreel - Military Christmas; Russian Front Mud & Fighting; Submarine] R2 of 2
Pan toy boats w/ swastikas on front & rear.
00:20:48 German soldier overlooking harbor w/ palm trees below; troops carry palm fronds to quonset huts; interior soldiers prepare Christmas decorations & light candles mounted on frond.
00:21:01 German sentry overlooking Atlantic; troops carry Christmas trees.
00:21:15 Map of eastern front w/ Dnieper River.
00:21:21 Parked FW-190 fighter plane on grass field; German air force captain / pilot shaking hands w/ others after downing 100th Russian plane. CUs w/ plaque. Walking w/ others & laughing.
00:21:48 German soldiers in railyard w/ Hummel & Wespe SPGs / tanks on freight cars moving behind. Tanks moving thru muddy village. Empty Jerry cans filled from railroad tank car; loaded into trucks & tanks & trucks leaving in column. Soldiers in winter coats eating honey from honeycomb.
00:22:22 Soldiers pushing trucks thru deep mud w/ dead horse in foreground; 8t half-track pulling 8.8cm Flak cannon / artillery in mud. Troops looking out of mud slit trench. W/ binoculars in front of anti-aircraft guns, good tracers from quadruple 2cm Flak firing at plane & plane crashes, burns. Firing across river.
00:23:48 Tiger I tanks moving up w/ Wespe self-propelled guns following thru village (Zhytomyr / Zhitomir, Ukraine); German troops across field; Panzer 3 stationary. Following tanks on road. Self-propelled Marder & Hummel guns firing. Nazi troops firing cannons, nebelwerfer rockets, explosions.
00:24:47 German soldiers in muddy crater, dead USSR soldier, destroyed Russian T34 tanks. German tanks / StugIII w/ side armor moving up.
00:24:59 Soldiers around destroyed / collapsed bridge; cross stream on planks & move w/ armored column into Zhitomir, past burning buildings. CU smoking truck wreckage, burning building. Large open car, half-track past wreckage of Russian town. MCU tired German soldiers walking past, one carrying MG34. Infantry given bread from Sd Kfz 250 APC half-track.
00:26:16 Montage: German U-Boat / submarine victory pennants / signal flags & signalman w/ flags; small naval vessels / minesweepers. CU sailors on sub conning tower. German motion picture cameraman w/ 35mm Arriflex on monopod filming. Bow of Type IX long-range U-Boat U-177 commanded by Robert Gysae thru waves; men on bridge; porpoises diving in group. Sailor working on deck doing maintenance work in water w/ safety harness. Gun crew beside 10.5cm deck gun w/ water breaking around them. Men on bridge w/ binoculars. Beneath deck w/ captain to bridge, into sub & diving. CUs, raising periscope & sinks merchant Liberty vessel in Indian Ocean off Madagascar.
00:29:07 Sub above water, crew watching firing on ship, explosions & sinking. Cameraman.
00:30:06 Pan floating crates on ocean surface. The End.
WW2; Dec43; Fighting; Military Battles; Nazis;
NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №144. Tracking point. Колеса з Runflat [ENG SUB]
У випуску:
00:18 Армія FM у Києві, Житомирі, Вінниці
00:44 Система влучної стрільби Tracking point
05:42 Перші читання законопроектів щодо військових стандартів та імпорту товарів (послуг) для армії без посередників
06:01 Перша пара H-225 для МВС. Прощання з загиблим у катастрофі Су-27 майором Олександром Фоменко
06:24 Катер Прилуки без пускових контейнерів КТ-97М. Судно ВМС Великобританії Echo в Одесі
06:45 14 бронемашин Varta для ЗСУ. МЛПК допущені до експлуатації у війську. Пожежні машини для ДСНС на Донбасі та інших регіонах
07:07 Цифрова головка самонаведення для снарядів Квітник, Карасук, Круча. ДП Прогрес. Лінія виробництва патронів від Форт
07:31 Законопроект щодо незаконного носіння військової форми та нагород
07:51 Підйомно-розсувний комплекс для захисту передових баз від Leonardo
08:15 Безпілонтик T-ATV. 888 вантажівок для Війська Польського
08:42 Самохідні гаубиці PZH2000 для Литви. Тендер на закупывлю 210 бойових машин для МО Чехії. Легкий танк для США
09:10 Єгипетський симбіоз Кразу та М-46-1М. Протикорабельна ракета Gabriel-5
09:32 Фрегат для ВМС Таїланду. Ще два кораблі прибережної морської зони для США. Субмарина для ВМС Бразилії
09:53 Викатка LAH, 16 гелікоптерів H-225M для Угорщини. Чотири M-346 для Польщі
10:16 Важкий європецський безпілотник. Завод Elbit в Індії
10:36 Безсмертні колеса для броньованої техніки. Розбірний диск та ранфлет для виходу з-під обстрілів. БТР-4, Saxon, HMMWV
16:09 Теми випуску 145: ТОП-10 подій у ВПК України та світу
#технікавійни #ВПК #зброя
00:18 Army FM in Kiev, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia
00:44 Tracking point precision shooting system
05:42 First reading of bills on military standards and import of goods (services) for the army without intermediaries
06:01 The first pair of H-225 for the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Farewell to the victims of the catastrophe of the Su-27 Major Alexander Fomenko
06:24 Priluki boat without launchers CT-97M. UK Navy ship Echo in Odessa
06:45 14 Armored Vehicles Varta for the Armed Forces. MLPCs are allowed to operate in the army. Fire trucks for DSNs in Donbass and other regions
07:07 Digital homing head for shells Kvitnik, Karasuk, Krucha. Progress . Line production of cartridges from Fort
07:31 Draft law on illegal wearing military uniforms and awards
07:51 Lifting and sliding complex for the protection of advanced bases from Leonardo
08:15 Unmanned T-ATV. 888 trucks for the Polish Army
08:42 Self-propelled howitzers PZH2000 for Lithuania. Tender for the purchase of 210 military vehicles for the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic. Light tank for the USA
09:10 Egyptian symbiosis of Krazu and M-46-1M. Anti-ship missile Gabriel-5
09:32 Frigate for the Navy of Thailand. Two more ships of the coastal marine zone for the United States. Submarine for the Navy of Brazil
09:53 LAH viking, 16 helicopters H-225M for Hungary. Four M-346 for Poland
10:16 Severe European drone driver. Elbit Factory in India
10:36 Immortal wheels for armored vehicles. Dismantling disk and Ranfleet for the release from the shelling. BTR-4, Saxon, HMMWV
16:09 Themes of issue 145: Top 10 events in the MIC of Ukraine and the world
Житомир исторический Часть 2 Zhytomyr historical Part 2
Особняк адвоката Филиппова, Лютеранская кирха. В начале XVIII века на месте, где впоследствии появилась Лютеранская кирха, были пригородные луга и поля. Возле будущей лютеранской церкви на большом пустыре в 1863 году был построен комплекс Житомирской мужской гимназии. Восточная сторона комплекса и образовала линию будущей Лютеранской улицы (ул. Коцюбинского). В середине XIX века эти земли принадлежали житомирянину Вильгельму Кнааку. После его смерти, вдова Кнаака передала часть земель лютеранской общине под церковь и дом пастыря. Особняк Филиппова - это памятник архитектуры местного значения, который может сравниться разве что со зданием консистории, в котором сейчас размещается краеведческий музей. Особняк Филиппова и консистория были построены в одном и том же архитектурном стиле.
Житомир сегодня завалило снегом:))) Zhytomyr today overwhelmed with snow :)))
Житомир завалило снегом:)))
Teaser: Zhytomyr 2k17 | Evgeni Dilov
A short teaser to our vlog from Zhytomyr which you can find on my channel.
Music: Marina & The Diamonds - Froot.
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Snapchat: @evgenigermanott
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Hungry for Power: Luhansk electricity plant key target for Kremlin forces
Power plants like this one in Ukraine's eastern industrial heartland, are a key target for Russian-backed militants. The complex is capable of supplying electricity for at least a million people and is vital for local industry, including coal mines and steel manufacturers.
Whoever controls the thermal power station, has control of where the energy goes. Ukrainian forces well aware of this, defend the complex.
It's situated just one kilometer from the combat line, near the town of Schastya, north of the militant stronghold of Luhansk.
The plant runs at limited capacity. The specific type of coal needed to generate the electricity is only extracted in militant-controlled areas.
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Irvine to Hollywood Timelapse 10x
Валерій Харчишин та його Житомир · Амбасадори Ukraїner
У чотирнадцятій серії співак і фронтмен гурту «Друга ріка» Валерій Харчишин познайомить з тисячолітнім Житомиром, що у студентські роки став для музиканта ще одним рідним містом. Житомир — адміністративний і промисловий центр, що завдяки цікавим туристичним місцям і пам'яткам області стрімко нарощує свій туристичний потенціал. Разом з Валерієм до міста поїхав засновник проєкту Ukraїner Богдан Логвиненко.
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