Terskol, Russia stream & bridge
Terskol gorge 2 (waterfall Terskol,6 hours later)
Elbrus trip 2007
Terskol gorge 3
Elbrus trip 2007
Terskol gorge 1
Elbrus trip 2007
Mt. Elbrus Climb - Day 7 - Extra Day Hike in Terskol Valley | Trek Tips
➤ With one extra day allotted for weather complications, Dean and his crew had one extra day to spend in the Terskol Valley - they enjoyed an extra day-hike before wrapping up their trip. Another successful Mt. Elbrus trip in the books!
Mt. Elbrus ➤
Mount Elbrus (18,510’), one of the Seven Summits, is a sentinel that bestrides the border between Europe and Asia. Locally referred to as, “Mingitau,” or “the mountain of a thousand mountains,” Mount Elbrus is a massive, dormant double-coned volcano covered in eternal snow. Take part in an epic odyssey by climbing to the summit of Europe’s highest peak.
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elbrus-azau 1
Elbrus trip 2007
Поляна Азау 2-Glade Azau
Поляна Азау – наивысшая обитаемая точка Приэльбрусья. Она расположена между поселком Терскол и склонами Эльбруса, на высоте 2300 метров над уровнем моря.
Glade Azau - the highest inhabited point Elbrus. It is located between the village of Terskol and the slopes of Mount Elbrus, at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level.
Außeralpine Bergtouren - Russland, Unterwegs im Hohen Kaukasus
Dokumentation einer knapp 2-wöchigen Reise mit Wanderungen ausgehend vom Baksan-Tal und einem gescheiterten Besteigungsversuch des Elbrus, organisiert durch den DAV Summit Club.
Karte: Elbrus - climbing and trekking map, 1:50.000, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-9523294-3-6, climbing-map.com
und weitere Karten unter
Webcam (falls funktionierend):
Tag 1 Anreise über Moskau, Mineralny Vody nach Cheget (0:16),
Tag 2 Syltran-Pass von Verhny-Baksan (1:24),
Tag 3 Seilbahn-Bergstation Cheget (5:56),
Tag 4 Observatorium - Piket 105 von Terskol (8:13),
Tag 5 Irik-Tal von Elbrus (11:59),
Tag 6 Mir - Botschkis - Dieselhütte von Azau (14:31),
Tag 7 Botschkis - Dieselhütte von Azau (16:10),
Tag 8 Pastuchov-Felsen von Botschkis (18:29),
Tag 9 Zwangspause (19:46),
Tag 10 Abfahrt nach Cheget (19:52),
Tag 11 Fahrt nach Nalchik und Ausflug (21:31),
Tag 12 Fahrt nach Mineralny Vody (23:26),
Tag 13 Rückreise nach Frankfurt (24:23).
Elbrus. the MIR station (alt.4000m)
Elbrus trip 2007
elbrus-azau 2
Elbrus trip 2007
waterfall near the Narzan glade 1
Elbrus trip 2007
Road to Elbrus part 3 - 50 km to Terskol