Watu Ulo Beach - Jember
Watu Ulo Beach
Watu Ulo beach is one of Jember tourism objects, and located about 45 KM from Jember city, East Java and lies on the Indonesian ocean.
It is called Watu Uloor snake stone by the natives because they believe that in the past there was a snake that was becoming a spirit among the society. After becoming a spirit, it became a stone resembling a snake, sticking into the sea with its body lying on the land.
During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese soldiers made fortresses which were used for fortifying against the attacking enemies and now some of the fortresses also become the tourist sites. Beside the Japanese fortress, there is also a bat cave inhabited by thousands of bats. The visitors can cross the sandy shore to get to the cave. The lonely cave is often used for meditation by visitors.
Currently, there are two ceremonies that being held at Watu Ulo beach area; which is Pekan Raya Watu Ulo that held every 1 Syawal and Larung Sesaji Watu Ulo beach, held on 7 Syawal and became one of the traditions and entertainment for people of Jember and surrounding areas. Those ceremonies are such a thanksgiving ceremonial to the god by giving offerings and kinds related.
Watu Ulo Beach - Jember
Watu Ulo Beach
Watu Ulo beach is one of Jember tourism objects, and located about 45 KM from Jember city, East Java and lies on the Indonesian ocean.
It is called Watu Uloor snake stone by the natives because they believe that in the past there was a snake that was becoming a spirit among the society. After becoming a spirit, it became a stone resembling a snake, sticking into the sea with its body lying on the land.
During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese soldiers made fortresses which were used for fortifying against the attacking enemies and now some of the fortresses also become the tourist sites. Beside the Japanese fortress, there is also a bat cave inhabited by thousands of bats. The visitors can cross the sandy shore to get to the cave. The lonely cave is often used for meditation by visitors.
Currently, there are two ceremonies that being held at Watu Ulo beach area; which is Pekan Raya Watu Ulo that held every 1 Syawal and Larung Sesaji Watu Ulo beach, held on 7 Syawal and became one of the traditions and entertainment for people of Jember and surrounding areas. Those ceremonies are such a thanksgiving ceremonial to the god by giving offerings and kinds related.
Pantai Watu Ulo Jember - pantai legenda
Ee yoo prenn..
Balik lagi bareng kita Loyal Trip Jalan - jalan.
Ok Pren di video kali ini kita ngetrip ke Pantai Watu Ulo Jember nih,.
Kalian pasti penasaran kenapa pantai ini di namain Pantai Watu Ulo kan? ternyata disini ada batu yang memanjang dan teksturnya mirip banget sama Ulo atau bahasa Indonesia ular pren.
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Watu ulo beach Jember East Java Indonesia
Watu Ulo The Beach - Jember - East Java
Watu Ulo is one of the tourist sites which lies on the Indonesian ocean. There is beautiful scenery at this site and it is the perfect place to enjoy the sea. It is called Watu Ulo by the natives because they believe that in the past there was a snake who was becoming a spirit. After becoming a spirit, it became a stone resembling a snake, sticking into the sea with its body lying on the land. During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese soldiers made fortresses which were used for fortifying against the attacking enemies and now some of the fortresses have become tourist sites. Beside the Japanese fortress, there is also a bat cave inhabited by thousands of bats. The visitors can cross the sandy shore to get to the cave. The lonely cave is often used for meditation by visitors. However tourists should remember that the cave is 100m in depth. To get there, the visitors can use public transportation or hire a rental car. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes from the downtown of Jember.
Watu Ulo Beach - - Jember - East Java
Watu Ulo is one of the tourist sites which lies on the Indonesian ocean. There is beautiful scenery at this site and it is the perfect place to enjoy the sea. It is called Watu Ulo by the natives because they believe that in the past there was a snake who was becoming a spirit. After becoming a spirit, it became a stone resembling a snake, sticking into the sea with its body lying on the land. During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese soldiers made fortresses which were used for fortifying against the attacking enemies and now some of the fortresses have become tourist sites. Beside the Japanese fortress, there is also a bat cave inhabited by thousands of bats. The visitors can cross the sandy shore to get to the cave. The lonely cave is often used for meditation by visitors. However tourists should remember that the cave is 100m in depth. To get there, the visitors can use public transportation or hire a rental car. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes from the downtown of Jember.
#beach #vlog #indonesia
Pantai Watu Ulo - Jember - Indonesia
Watu Ulo Beach is a beach located on the southern coast of East Java, precisely in the village of Sumberejo, Ambulu sub-district, Jember, approximately 40 km south of the city of Jember. There is also the Pasir Putih beach on the west coast of Watu Ulo, if you are going to have to pay
Watu Ulo Beach.mp4
Watu Ulo Beach , Jember, East Java, Indonesia.
Capture & Upload by Hanung Sudrajad (September 2011)
My Blog;
Keindahan Pantai Watu Ulo - Jember [ Watu Ulo Beach ]
Keindahan Pantai Watu Ulo ini berada di kota Jember, yaitu sekitar 45 km dari pusat kota Jember. Pantai ini bisa ditempuh dengan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi ataupun kendaraan umum yang ada di sana.
Untuk menuju ke Wisata Pantai Watu Ulo, kamu bisa menggunakan banyak rute. Patokan utama menuju pantai ini adalah kota Ambulu karena jalan paling mulus menuju pantai Watu Ulo adalah melalui kota Ambulu. Mereka yang dari arah Surabaya, ada dua pilihan ketika sampai di Lumajang. Rute yang bisa kamu tempuh adalah Lumajang -- Yosowilangun -- Kencong -- Balung -- Ambulu -- Lokasi pantai Watu Ulo.
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FTV Asal Mula Watu Ulo - Ferdi Ali
FTV Asal Mula Watu Ulo adalah cerita rakyat tentang naga yang menjadi batu.
Kota Jember ????????
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#Ahmad Bahrudin
Our Journey at Watu Ulo (Payangan Beach) Jember, East Java, Indonesia.3gp
Me, Roji, And Adi
look adi's trouser ripped ........
Pantai Watu ulo Jember
Pantai indah yang masih alami di Jember
Best Attractions and Places to See in Jember, Indonesia
Jember Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Jember. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Jemberfor You. Discover Jemberas per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Jember.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Jember.
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List of Best Things to do in Jember, Indonesia
Tanjung Papuma
Rest Area Gumitir
Roudhotul Muchlisin Mosque
Watu Ulo Beach
Warna Indonesia Tour
Payangan Beach
Bandealit Beach
Love Bay
Mount Argopuro
Pemandian Rembangan
NATURALLY JEMBER - Lovely Destination
One of the best 10 beaches in Indonesia according to TripAdvisor and Backpackers is here. Not only the beautiful white sandy beach, here you can enjoy the sunrise as well the sunset in one spot. Furthermore, you will find magnificent beauties of nature and people in other parts of this region. Jember, which has well known as a city with the 4th world biggest carnival of Jember Fashion Carnival, is in fact has a lot more to discover!
Explore Pantai Selatan Jember #2 Pantai Watu Ulo
Masyarakat Jember menceritakan bahwa nama pantai Watu Ulo bermula dari kisah berikut. Pada zaman dahulu Ajisaka (baca: Ajisoko) datang ke tanh Jawa. Di Jawa, negeri Medang Kamula, ia mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan agama dan kesaktian kepada masyarakat. Saat mengajari murid-muridnya, ilmunya didengar ayam yang sedang mencari makan di bawah pondok perguruannya. Seharusnya, siapapun tidak boleh mendengar ajaran Ajisaka, selain murid yag sudah diijinkan. Karena mendengar matra-mantra yang diajarkan kepada muridya, seekor ayam itu mendadak bertelur yang amat besar, tidak seperti biasanya.
Saat telur itu dierami dan menetas, ternyata yang keluar dari cangkang telur bukan anak ayam, tetapi anak naga raksasa, yang mampu berbicara seperti manusia. Anak naga itu bicara terus, dan menanyakan siapa ayahnya. Oleh masyarakat setempat naga itu diberi tahu kalau ingin tahu siapa ayahnya, disuruh tanya ke rang sakti bernama Ajisaka. Lalu, anak naga itu mendatangi Ajisaka dan bertanya siapa ayahnya. Ajisaka tidak terkejut, lalu diberi tahulah anak naga itu bahwa sebenarnya anak naga itu memang anaknya yang tercipta dari telur ayam lewat mantra-mantra. Walaupun mengakui naga itu sebagai anaknya, Ajisaka tidak mengijinkan naga itu ikut dengannya. Ajisaka menyuruh anak naga itu bertapa di pantai laut selatan. Kemudian anak naga itu bertapa di pantai selatan.
Saat bertapa, naga itu sesekali bangun dari meditasi untuk makan binatang apa saja di sekitarnya. Ratusan tahun ia bertapa, badannya tambah besar. Badannya di Jember, kepalanya sampai Banyuwangi, dan ekornya memanjang sampai Jawa Tengah. Karena tubuhnya membesar akibatnya makanan di sekitarnya tidak cukup, maka sesekali naga itu mencari makan di tengah laut selatan.
Karena lamanya bertapa sampai badannya ditumbuhi lumut seperti kayu. Suatu hari, penduduk di sekitar pertapaan naga kehabisan kayu bakar. Penduduk menemukan kayu besar dan memanjang maka dipotonglah kayu itu. Saat dipotong kayu itu mengeluarkan getah seperti darah, sehingga semua penduduk terheran-heran tetapi penduduk tetap saja mengambilnya sebagai kayu bakar.
Sampai sekarang naga yang telah besar itu masih bertapa di pantai laut selatan, tetapi tubuhnya tidak lengkap lagi karena dipotong penduduk untuk kayu bakar, tinggal kepalanya ada di Banyuwangi, badannya di pantai selatan Jember, dan ekornya di Jawa Tengah. Bagian-bagian tubuh itu mengeras seperti batu, dan sampai sekarang masih bisa ditemukan batu-batu seperti sisik kulit ular di pantai selatan Jember. Oleh penduduk, pantai itu disebut pantai “Watu Ulo” (Batu Ular) karena batu-batunya tersusun seperti sisk kulit ular. Konon pada saatnya naga itu akan berubah menjadi manusia yang sakti dan akan menjadi pemipin dan penguasa di tanah Jawa atau Indonesia. (Dikumpulkan dan diceritakan ulang dari cerita masyarakat Jember dan sekitarnya)
Mitos versi lain :Konon, dahulu kala, hiduplah sepasang suami istri yang bernama Aki dan Nini Sambi. Pasangan ini dikaruniai anak yang bernama Joko Samudera. Si ayah bekerja mencari kayu bakar di perbukitan di sekitar pantai, sedangkan si anak mencari ikan di laut. Di suatu hari, Aki serta Nini Sambi yang tengah mencari kayu bakar mendengar adanya suara tangisan bayi. Mereka lantas mencari sumber suara tersebut yang ternyata berasal dari seorang bayi laki-laki. Merasa tidak tega, Nini Sambi pun lantas jatuh kemudian dan merawat si bayi. Bayi ini kemudian diasuh dan diberi nama Marsudo.
Seiring waktu berlalu, kedua anak lelaki Aki dan Nini Sambi pun tumbuh dewasa. Mereka secara bergantian mencari ikan di laut. Suatu ketika Marsudo sedang mencari ikan, dia begitu kaget ketika mengangkat pancingnya dan yang didapatkannya adalah seekor ikan raksasa yang dapat berbicara. Ikan yang bernama Raja Mina itu pun ingin Marsudo melepaskan dirinya. Dan sebagai ganti, Raja Mina akan mengabulkan semua keinginannya. Marsudo lantas melepas ikan raksasa tersebut. Dengan rasa terima kasih, Raja Mina langsung berenang pergi. Akan tetapi, sesampaianya dia di rumah, Marsudo malah dimarahi oleh orang tuanya sebab melepaskan ikan yang sangat besar itu. Tidak tega saudaranya kena marah, Joko Samudera pun pergi memancing ke laut untuk menggantikan adiknya itu. Bukannya mendapatkan ikan, Joko Samudera malahan mendapatkan seekor ular laut raksasa. Ular tersebut mengamuk ketika kail pancing Joko Samudera telah melukai tubuhnya.
Joko Samudera dan Ular raksasa pun berduel sengit. Melihat kakaknya tengah berjibaku melawan ular raksasa, Marsudo pun memanggil Raja Mina yang sebelumnya dia selamatkan. Dia menagih janji Raja Mina untuk memenuhi permintaannya. Ia meminta Raja Mina memenangkan kakaknya dalam melawan ular raksasa itu. Raja Mina pun lantas memberi Marsudo cemeti (cambuk). Ikan yang dapat berbicara tersebut berpesan supaya Ia memukul tubuh ular raksasa itu dua kali, sehingga tubuh ular akan terbelah menjadi tiga. Pisahkanlah ketiga bagian tubuh ular itu ke 3 tempat, jadi tidak dapat bersatu kembali. Karena jika bersatu, ular terseb
Watu Ulo Beach - Jember - Jawa Timur
Playing at Fine White Sandy Beach at Watu Ulo Beach, Jember - East Java
Watu Ulo beach is one of Jember tourism objects, and located about 45 KM from Jember city, East Java and lies on the Indonesian ocean.
It is called Watu Uloor snake stone by the natives because they believe that in the past there was a snake that was becoming a spirit among the society. After becoming a spirit, it became a stone resembling a snake, sticking into the sea with its body lying on the land.
During the Japanese occupation, the Japanese soldiers made fortresses which were used for fortifying against the attacking enemies and now some of the fortresses also become the tourist sites. Beside the Japanese fortress, there is also a bat cave inhabited by thousands of bats. The visitors can cross the sandy shore to get to the cave. The lonely cave is often used for meditation by visitors.
Currently, there are two ceremonies that being held at Watu Ulo beach area; which is Pekan Raya Watu Ulo that held every 1 Syawal and Larung Sesaji Watu Ulo beach, held on 7 Syawal and became one of the traditions and entertainment for people of Jember and surrounding areas. Those ceremonies are such a thanksgiving ceremonial to the god by giving offerings and kinds related.
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