Rob & lori waxham barns sea palling. 8th August 2015
PBWS Waxham Movie
The beautiful Great Barn Waxham, Norfolk, England
Hickling Norfolk area tour 01493 740333 Hickling in Norfolk, is a village 20 miles north-east of Norwich and 3 miles east of the Broadlands town of Stalham. The village attracts many tourists who come on boat trips and moor up at the staithe. It is situated on the edge of the Hickling Broads, which is the largest of all the Norfolk Broads, covering over 400 acres. Situated on the River Thurne it is possible to use the water-ways to reach Great Yarmouth. Because it leads to the sea the waters are slightly tidal and, depending on the time of year, the water levels can heavily rise or fall. There are many thatched huts dotted along the broads, one of the oldest being Turner's Hut. The houses are a mixture of old and new, with flint and stone, thatch and colour washed Hickling is home to The Norfolk Wildlife Trust The village is just a couple of miles from the wide open beaches at Sea Palling and Waxham where pupping seals can often be found in winter The village has a fine fourteenth century church, St Mary's, and a Methodist Church built in 1883. (Info courtesy of
Norfolk Beaches
Just a short clip showing the fun to be had on a warm spring day.