Wellnes Živa - a spa day in Bled Slovenia *4K* [ Sava hotels & resorts, Rikli balance review ]
Haveing fun in the wellnes Živa spa resort pool complex. Jacuzzi, main pools, outdoor pool and slide.
Sava hotels bled (Rikli balance - Golf, Grand hotel toplice, Savica garni,) wellnes tour.
Includeing a beautiful view of Bled lake (Slovenia) for sava hotels spa, wellnes center.
????Snoop Dog - Serial Killa (6ix9ine trunks)
????Sporty - o - Let me hit it (drop it)
????Chill Day
????Goblins from Mars - Lucid
#kapa #bled
BetterLifestyle Team building at Wellness Živa spa Bled, Slovenia
Wellness in Bled
Enjoy staying in one of the many wellness centres in Bled, relax while having a massage or visiting a sauna:
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Production: Vizualist
Sprostitev na Bledu
Privoščite si oddih v enem izmed številnih velnesov na Bledu in se sprostite ob masaži ali v savni:
PRIJAVITE se na naš kanal:
Produkcija: Vizualist
Wellness Živa
V Wellnessu Živa, ki se nahaja v Hotelu Golf, nadaljujemo bogato izročilo Riklijeve tradicije, ki je našel zdravilno moč v edinstvenih zdravilskih metodah.
Golf Hotel Bled Slovenia 10 07 2017
Hotel Rikli Balance - Bled
Slovely.eu è andato a visitare, e a soggiornare, presso il prestigioso Hotel RIkli Balance a Bled. Atmosfere raffinate, cucina di alto livello, splendide piscine, saune e un'area wellness per gli ospiti e i visitatori esterni. Il tutto incorniciato dal lago di Bled, dal castello, dalla sua iconica chiesetta sull'isola in mezzo al lago.
Spa, Wellness, Terme and Health resorts in Slovenia
The importance of health is becoming more and more significant in our stressful life. The professionals, who are employed in Slovenian wellness centers, are more than aware of this significance and prepare the most qualitative and respected welness programmes in Europe. Welness programmes offer various kinds of massages and therapies, accompanied by the well known effects of thermal water. Discover the secret to good health!
Spa and Health resorts:
Gift certificates for wellness:
Aqua Park Bohinj:
Terme Rogaška Riviera:
Laško Thermal Spa resort:
Wellness center Živa Bled:
Radenci health resort:
Terme 3000 Moravske Toplice:
Terme Olimia:
Terme in zdravilišča:
Darilni boni za wellness:
Vodni Park Bohinj:
Termalni center in Wellness Spa Center Laško:
Termalno kopališče Rogaška Riviera:
Wellness center Živa Bled:
Zdravilišče Radenci:
Terme 3000 Moravske Toplice:
Terme Olimia:
Ziva Life Collective Retreat 2018
When the enigmatic Pauline Nguyen of Red Lantern fame met the invigorating personal performance coach , Dr Maria Zuschmann, it didn’t take long for them to realize that they were both on the same mission. In no time, they dove deep into inspired conversations around transformation, mindset, heartset, healthset and soulset. They both agreed that the time has come for a major paradigm shift to the way us women practice Self Care, Self Expression and Self Sustainability. Moving away from the ‘frou frou’ of mainstream feminine discourse, the Ziva Life Collective retreat is the ultimate alchemy of the impassioned topics both Maria and Pauline, study, teach and share.
Ziva is not a wellness retreat. Ziva is a retreat for Transformation. At Ziva, we will explore the terrain where NeuroScience, Health Science, Behavioural Science and Spirituality meet. Ziva is not for everyone. Self Care, Self Expression and Self Sustainability also involves embracing new perspectives, facing fear, taking risks, and powering ourselves up to shine bright in our Divine Feminine Glory. Ziva is only for those who are ready to step up and ask themselves “What is the next level for me? I no longer want to live my life by default. How do I design my own destiny? What do I need to do to feel the way I want to feel? How do I sing the true song of the life my heart desires? And how can I do this with effortless flow – with dignity, grace and poise?”
The Ziva Life Collective retreat is by application only. The weekend is strictly limited, both in numbers and in attitude. Whether you want to change yourself or change the world, we want to ensure that our retreat is filled with only change makers – those who want to Level Up to their infinite potential.
Wellness Banya Dobrovolskogo
Дарим счастья людям через свободу движений
Bled 2010 kratki
zimovanje na Bledu 2010.godine uz kupanje dok pada sneg
Wellness a aquapark - Kuřim
Moderní aquapark disponuje několika vnitřními bazény, tobogánem, parními saunami nebo vířivou lázní. K dispozici je také restaurace, skvěle vybavené fitness centrum, aerobní sál, bohatá nabídka relaxačních a regeneračních procedur včetně masáží nebo unikátní pivní koupele.
více informací najdete zde:
GORENJSKA POROČILA: Spoznavni dan blejskih študentov
¸Včeraj se je za okoli 80.000 študentov v Sloveniji začelo novo študijsko leto. Univerze, fakultete in študentske organizacije so za študente prvih letnikov pripravile različne dobrodošlice, prisrčno pa so jih sprejeli tudi na Višji strokovni šoli za gostinstvo in turizem na Bledu. Tam letos izobražujejo v programih Gostinstvo, Turizem in Velnes.
| gtv.si |
Steamul Sauna - Richmond Hill
Welcome to Steamul Sauna! We are conveniently located at 9866 Leslie Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario - for all of your sauna needs! Join us any day of the week for an authentic sauna and steam room experience - with traditional Eastern European food and LLBO! See you soon!
Sava Hoteli Bled
Sava Hoteli Bled ... kjer se sanje uresničujejo!
Rikli Balance Hotel (ex Hotel Golf) - Sava Hotels & Resorts, Bled, Slovenia
Book now -
Rikli Balance Hotel (ex Hotel Golf) - Sava Hotels & Resorts
Cankarjeva 4, Bled, 4260, Slovenia
4-star hotel in Bled with 2 restaurants and spa
Free WiFi and free parking
Krompirjeve počitnice v termah in na Bledu
V paketih Krompirjeve počitnice vam podarjamo dodatno noč (paketi 3=4) ter veliko veselja za vaše najmlajše. Vas bo razveselila ugodna cena, saj bosta do 2 vaša otroka pri nas bivala brezplačno, vaši otroci pa bodo doživeli nepozabne počitnice s skrbno domišljenim animacijskim programom.
Bled in General
Video presentation of Bled and its surroundings.