A walk through the worlds largest Ice Caves located in Werfen near Salzberg, Austria. The cave is over 40km in total length, with over a Kilometre of prepared paths/stairs to take visitors up and down.
*Please Note, filming and picture taking is Forbidden*
MR Media:
Canon 60D
Flycam DSLR Nano
Tokina 11-16mm
Premiere Pro
The largest ice cave in the world (Werfen ) Austria HD
Musique Kevin _ MacLeod
Werfen Ice Caves Austria | Travel to Austrian Alps | Austrian Countryside Trip - Part 1/4
Travel to Austrian alps is a must thing to do in any Austrian countryside trip. This video is about the Werfen ice caves Austria that we explored on first day of our four days trip by traveling from Salzburg to Werfen.
These ice caves situated about 40 km from Salzburg city are the world's biggest ice caves.
Website for Ice Caves:
Austrian Railways (OBB) Website:
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Largest Ice Cave in the World. The Eisriesenwelt in Austria
On this new travel adventure I got a chance to experience first hand the largest ice cave in the world. The Eisriesenwelt which is located in the town of Werfen at Salzburg in Austria close to the Swiss Alps.
Austria have one of the best nature views. Full of flora and fauna and a great view of incredible snowy mountains. I highly reccomend you visit this country if you have a chance. I really loved visiting this place.
I hope you guys enjoy the video. Remember to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE.
#Eisriesenwelt #icecave #raffired
Worlds Largest Ice Cave - Austria
Visited the world's largest ice cave, or Eisriesenwelt, near Salzburg Austria.
Froze our little tails off ⛄️ ...Which is odd, because it's the middle of summer and like 30'C outside ????
With the walk up included, 9/10 top rating! (Han gives it a 10/10)
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Biggest ice cave in the world - Eisriesenwelt (world of ice giants)
Follow Andy in this short video blog as he and his friend explore the biggest ice Cave on Earth.
The Eisriesenwelt (German for World of the Ice Giants) is a natural limestone and ice cave located in Werfen, Austria, about 40 km south of Salzburg. The cave is inside the Hochkogel mountain in the Alps. It is the largest ice cave in the world, extending more than 42 km into the mountains.
Additional footage courtesy of the Eisriesenwelt team, for more information about this amazing place click below:
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Nikon D5600
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#roamaroundandy #eisrisenwelt travelvlog #biggesticecave
Eisriesenwelt Werfen
Die Eisriesenwelt Werfen im SalzburgerLand ist größte Eishöhle der Welt. Der vordere Teil dieses gigantischen Höhlensystems verzaubert mit riesigen „Baum-Eisbildungen“ und wunderschönen „Eismandeln“. PS: Warme Kleidung nicht vergessen ;-)
We climb a mountain in Werfen, Austria to above 1700m to enter Eisriesenwelt, the worlds biggest Ice Cave.
Camera Stuff:
nikon 5300;
go pro;
cool camera strap;
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We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our subscribers and everyone who watches our videos and for all your lovely comments, it really does mean a lot to us.
If you would like to support us further and buy the dogs some treats or put a little fuel in Vinny, it would be very much appreciated and you can do so by clicking on the PayPal link below. ????
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Ice Cave - Werfen, Austria
Largest Ice Caves in the World - Eisriesenwelt, Werfen
Eisriesenwelt was one of the “coolest” (pun intended :D) things we did in Austria. How could we not cover it after all, it is the world’s largest ice cave!
Our blog is on its way to give you all the details you would need before you visit so stay tunes and keep Unwinding!
Werfen Ice Cave Day 4
Ice caves of Werfen Austria, Day 4 of the trip. And this time no music, the scenes do the singing
Howenwerfen Castle - Werfen, Austria
Who doesn't like a good castle? This was a great day trip from Salzburg or Maria Alm (Austria). It was used in the Clint Eastwood movie, Where Eagles Dare
Werfen, Burg Hohenwerfen, Eisriesenwelt, Austria 2009
Werfen is a town about 40 km south of Salzburg in Austria. The best-known attractions are the Eisriesenwelt (the biggest ice-cave in the world) and Burg Hohenwerfen (the medieval castle where the movie Where Eagles Dare was filmed).
Ice Cave - Eisriesenwelt Werfen
Největší ledová jeskyně na naší planetě.Navštivte tento jedinečný přírodní jev vytvořený z ledu a skály.
(The largest ice-caves on our planet .Visit this unique natural phenomenon created by ice and rock!)
#20 Pelo Mundo Com Angelo Persona - Eisriesenwelt Ice Cave - Werfen, Austrian
#20 Pelo Mundo Com Angelo Persona - Eisriesenwelt Ice Cave - Werfen, Austrian
Eisriesenwelt é uma caverna natural de calcário e gelo localizada na montanha Hochkogel, em Werfen, Áustria, cerca de 40 km ao sul de Salzburgo. É a maior caverna de gelo do mundo, com 42 km de comprimento, visitada por cerca de 200.000 turistas a cada ano. A cadeia de montanhas, um dos maciços no Alpes austríacos, é o maior planalto karst, nos Alpes de Salzburgo, e a Caverna Eisriesenwelt está localizado na borda do planalto. Embora a caverna tenha um comprimento de 42 km, apenas no primeiro quilômetro, os turistas estão autorizados a visitar, onde está coberto de gelo. O resto da caverna é formada de pedra calcária. Eisriesenwelt foi formada pelo Rio Salzach, que corroeu passagens na montanha. As formações de gelo na caverna foram formadas pelo degelo da neve que escoava para a caverna e congelou durante o inverno. Uma vez que a entrada para as cavernas está aberto durante todo o ano, no inverno os ventos sopram na caverna e congelam a neve no interior. No verão, um vento frio de dentro da caverna impedem o derretimento do gelo. As temperaturas no interior da caverna estão geralmente abaixo de zero, e roupas quentes são recomendadas. Fotografias não são permitidas, dentro da caverna. A parada final do passeio é o Palácio de Gelo, um quilômetro para dentro da caverna e 400 metros de profundidade. A partir daí, os visitantes devem se virar para voltar à entrada. A turnê de ida e volta até a caverna dura cerca de uma hora e 15 minutos.
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الكهف الجليدي و القلعه المقابله له Werfen Ice Caves, Austrian
الكهف الجليدي و القلعه المقابله له Werfen Ice Caves, Austrian
AUSTRIA - Werfen
Climb to Eisriesenwelt ice caves, largest ices caves in the world but unfortunately no cameras allowed inside
IBAMF.... Werfen, Austria Ice Caves 2018
Road tripped across Eastern Europe a couple years ago. Will be back the next two summers.
Eisriesenwelt Werfen (AT)
Uwe war wieder unterwegs. Diesmal hat er die Eisriesenwelt in Werfen / Österreich besucht.
In der grössten Eishöhle der Welt ist das Filmen leider nicht erlaubt, so musste auf Bildmaterial der Betreiber zurückgreifen.
Mehr informationen unter
Eisriesenwelt Werfen ice cave Austria Mountain
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