False Killer Whale Taiji Whale Museum
Ok, so I have really been unsure about releasing this video filmed at Taiji Whale Museum on the 17th January 2017. The last time #Taiji captured and killed false killer whales was in 2011, so whether this is because no orders are in for live ones, or their numbers have declined that much in the area, I do not know. They currently hold one False Killer Whale who is Male.
I have had this video analysed by 3 cetacean experts with extensive marine training. All concurred that this appears to be the trainer conditioning the animal to accept tactile stimulation and manual probing, possibly in readiness for any artificial breeding in the future. This is just another example of the horrors these once wild beings endure for our entertainment, so it should be seen, should be shared widely, because these sentient beings did not sign up for this show willingly, they have been forced into this life of slavery and abuse, for human entertainment.
For me, this act alone is invasive, horrific and wrong on so many levels, but more disturbing is the lack of gloves used for this procedure, I would be concerned about infection being transmitted to this animal. I emailed #IMATA about what would be standard practice in these instances, and advised I had a video depicting this, however have not had a response. Please share. Watch in HD
#IMATA #ShameIMATA #Broome #LoveBroome #dontbuyaticket #takethepledge #EmptyTheTanks
ASO Global Geopark,Japan. ジオツーリズムコース D
From Taiji to Tanks: A Look at the Barren Lives of Captive Dolphins
In November 2015, Sea Shepherd's Cove Guardians observed the captive cetaceans at Japan's Adventure World.Though this marine park has dolphins from Taiji, the suffering behind cetacean captivity looks much the same around the world.
To learn how you can support Operation Henkaku and help us break the cycle that flows From Taiji to Tanks, please visit: seashepherd.org/henkaku.
エイっと潮吹き1メートル、餌おねだり? 高知・むろと廃校水族館
Airwave - Starving Dolphins
Airwave - Starving Dolphins-197.m4v
Swimming with dolphins in Japan
I was pleasantly surprised that the dolphin swim place in Shikoku, Japan had the dolphins in better conditions than a dolphin place in Port Macquarie in Australia, so I decided to take a swim with them. The waterproof camera is mounted on my head, and the black-gloved hands you see popping into frame are mine.
About the conditions: In Port Macquarie, Australia, the dolphins were kept in a small shallow pool and allowed into a slightly bigger pool for shows and to swim with humans. Here in Shikoku, Japan they have a large and deep area separated from the rest of the bay with a very low floating net which they can easily jump over if they wish to swim to freedom. But these dolphins seem to love it here. I was told they were rescued and they obviously love their trainers. Unlike most other workers in zoos and other animal places in Japan, the trainers here really care for the dolphins, and are actually knowledgeable, skillful and kind as well. When the dolphins get tired or bored or don't want to train any more, they just go the bigger section of their 'pool' behind the pontoon which is closed to humans. This is the private dolphin area, trainers don't go there either, they accept that the dolphins don't feel like training at that time and leave them alone until they feel like coming back into the 'human interaction area'. I was very impressed!
For those who want to visit, this place is in a town called Muroto at the southeastern tip of the island of Shikoku. I toured this island by bicycle over 9 days. If you'd like to see the full video of the trip, please look here
Finally, this is not near the famous dolphin killing place featured in the movie The Cove. That place is in Taiji on the island of Honshu (the main island of Japan). Apparently there is also a dolphin swim place at Taiji, which I think is just so hypocritical. I have never been to Taiji, was too scared to visit in case I start attacking the fishermen.
[Anchor Lead]
A dolphin calf has died at the Whale Life Experience Museum in the city of Ulsan just 25 days after its birth. Harsh breeding conditions of dolphins, which are crammed into in small aquariums regardless of gender, are largely to blame for the tragedy.
A dolphin calf has been found floating belly-up in the water at the Whale Life Experience Museum in Ulsan just 25 days after its birth. The museum staff performed CPR and did all they could to resuscitate the animal, but to no avail.
[Soundbite] KIM SEUL-KI(MUSEUM STAFF) : We spotted the mother-dolphin pushing its calf, which appeared listless and came up to the water surface. We captured the calf right away and provided first aid.
A total of four dolphins were kept in this four-meter-deep ancillary pool with afloor space of 380 square meters. The four included a mother and its calf, as well as two others. Those conditions, in human terms, are like living in a tiny room that can barely accommodate one person. Dolphin deaths are not uncommon due to severe stress that they go through when living in narrow spaces. Seven dolphins have perished since the museum opened in 2009. Three out of four calves that were born in the museum died less than a month after their birth.
[Soundbite] CHOI JAE-CHUN(PROF., EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY) : Dolphins become pregnant and give birth often because they live in narrow spaces and females are not separated from males. It is wrong to think that dolphin calves will grow up well without stress in small spaces.
To find out the cause of the calf's premature death, the Whale Life Experience Museum will perform an autopsy and investigate the breeding conditions of the dolphins.
Dolphin in Captivity, Dolphin Island, Toba, Japan
I am not an expert on dolphins, but this was kind of heartbreaking to see - a dolphin at the dolphinarium on Irukajima (Dolphin Island) off the coast of Toba, Mie prefecture, Japan.
???????? Muroto Dolphin Center - where you can pet a sick dolphin
This is not a quarantine facility, or where the dolphins live punctually.
In these water basins in Japan called ???????? Mutoro Dolphin Center, live dolphins from Taiji, a total of 4 in the entire installation, 2 in those fish tanks.
Where, by paying a fee, you can be a trainer by 10’, feed them with a slice of dead fish, or pet the skin lesions (mycosis). All very educational and conservationist.
In Muroto, dolphins are forced to make circus trick, even sick, exercises like Olympic acrobats, due to the dimensions of the fish tank they have to make real contortions.
In 2018, typhoon No. 24 struck the establishment, but fortunately none of the dolphins was injured, but they had to close for a while, now they reopen the facilities.
This is how the dolphins brutally hunted in #Taiji end, miserable and sad life.#taijiblooddolphins
Please, if you want to use the images and information, kindly mention the source of origin @ningyolamardaprop is the minimum we ask after the effort and hours we spent in locating and collecting the worst / best videos for you.
#BoycottSeaWorld #CaptivityisCruel #EmptytheTanks #Dolphin #TheCove
#CaptivityKills #ningyo #boycottokyo2020
???????? Muroto Dolphin Center - exhausted singing dolphin
this video is cruel #CaptivityIsCruel
As the dolphin didnt make right at first the trick ( he didnt made all the round singing, he won't get the slice of death fish, and had to make another half round)
This is not a quarantine facility, or where the dolphins live punctually.
In these water basins in Japan called ???????? Mutoro Dolphin Center, live dolphins from Taiji, a total of 4 in the entire installation, 2 in those fish tanks.
Where, by paying a fee, you can be a trainer by 10’, feed them with a slice of dead fish, or pet the skin lesions (mycosis). All very educational and conservationist.
In Muroto, dolphins are forced to make circus trick, even sick, exercises like Olympic acrobats, due to the dimensions of the fish tank they have to make real contortions.
In 2018, typhoon No. 24 struck the establishment, but fortunately none of the dolphins was injured, but they had to close for a while, now they reopen the facilities.
This is how the dolphins brutally hunted in #Taiji end, miserable and sad life.#taijiblooddolphins
Please, if you want to use the images and information, kindly mention the source of origin @ningyolamardaprop is the minimum we ask after the effort and hours we spent in locating and collecting the worst / best videos for you.
#BoycottSeaWorld #CaptivityisCruel #EmptytheTanks #Dolphin #TheCove
#CaptivityKills #ningyo #boycottokyo2020
Training Dolphins to do Silly Tricks
Trainers at Dolphin Base in Taiji Japan work year round to train dolphins for the abusement park industry. The dolphins are given medications by injecting the medications into their feeding fish. The medications help with various problems that are common with captive dolphins such as ulcers, due to the stress of captivity. The dolphins are selected from an entire pod that is driven onto a nearby beach. The dolphins that are not selected are killed and slaughtered.
Releasing captive dolphins
Meridian - Starving Dolphins (Original Mix)
???????? Katsurahama Aquarium ( part 2/3 )
At ???????? Katsurahama Aquarium ( part 2/3 ) dolphins have to pass trhough cleaning pool seson, wich mean: full drain the tank, wait until workers clean the concrete tank, and refill again…It take long time and It stress a lot them.
At Katsurama this happen often.
It is such a small aquarium, that the same person who sells the tickets, makes the dolphin show or feeds the penguins, among other things.
#BoycottSeaWorld #CaptivityisCruel #EmptytheTanks #Dolphin #TheCove
???????? Beluga Cafe - manipulating dolphins food
keepers manipulating the fish, it seems that they are introducing something in the dead fish pieces. the dolphins are restless, they are hungry.
Small pools in coffee shops, crowded by belugas and dolphins, stolen freedom to life like that..
#BoycottSeaWorld #CaptivityisCruel #EmptytheTanks #Dolphin #TheCove
#CaptivityKills #dontbuyaticket #Ningyo #taijiblooddolphins
#taijidolphins #belugacafe #chinacetaceanalliance
????????Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium - older video
older video
Another cleaning pool season, this time video taken at
????????Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium????????
Via 萌萌哒的虎鲸Daphne
谢谢 我的朋友 ❣️
#BoycottSeaWorld #CaptivityisCruel #EmptytheTanks #Dolphin #TheCove
Nous sommes Floche & Raspoutine. Deux ours polaire sur la côte d'Azur.
Une journée comme une autre a Marineland Antibes.
Prenons 3mn 38 de notre précieux temps pour effleurer du doigt le quotidien de Flocke et Raspoutine, ours polaires sur la Côte d'Azur.
Depuis 2010, jour après jour, heure après heure, 365 jours par an, ces deux ours (sur)vivent tant bien que mal (à) leurs conditions de captivité totalement inadaptées aux impératifs biologiques propres à leur espèce, contre-nature, tout simplement...
Assistons et observons ici même un hypnotique ballet, incessant, répétitif, ennuyant, lancinant, proche d'une certaine forme de folie...
Dans leur bassin minuscule et vitré, méthodiquement, c'est plonger, remonter dans l'angle gauche, le cou tendu vers le ciel, se repousser des deux pattes, prendre appui, patte avant gauche, puis patte arrière gauche sur la vitre, aller se cogner, parfois violemment, l'arrière de la tête contre la paroi de droite, repartir, replonger, se repousser, se recogner, recommencer, encore, et encore...
Le temps de lire ce post, combien de fois Raspoutine ou Flocke auront-ils effectué cette danse conditionnée ?
La captivité brise les esprits, même les plus forts...
La captivité tue, lentement, mais sûrement...
Manifestation anticaptivité
Campagne anti-captivité 2018
#dontbuyaticket #captivitykills# blackfish #emptytetanks #dolphinproject #anticaptivite #manifestation #captivitykillsorcas #antibes #frenchriviera #villeneveuveloubet #marinelandantibes #france #missionblue #oceanconcervation #bornfree #captivityiscruel #nonalacaptivite #stopdelfinarium #informer #agir #soyonsleurvoix #thecove #stoptaiji #vidonslesbassins #freeorcas #freelolita #tilikum #freyavalentin #antispeciste #vegan #abolitioniste #causeanimale #ourspolaire #côtedazurnow #liberationanimale #floke #raspoutine #anticaptivité #lerev #cestassez #sansvoixpaca #anonymousforthevoiceless
Captive Dolphin Release In South Korea
In 2013, Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon made the decision to call for the release of illegally captured dolphins from the Seoul Zoo.The dolphins had been caught unlawfully from the waters surrounding Jeju Island in South Korea. They had spent years in captivity, languishing in the terrible conditions at Pacificland Aquarium and the Seoul Zoo. As Ric put it, “These three dolphins lived in the wild very successfully for about ten years before they were abducted by aliens and forced into a life of show business inside a building.”
Read more: bit.ly/2GWfIIa
Video by Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project. Support our mission to protect dolphins from exploitation and slaughter by visiting our website DolphinProject.com.
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