La Voix libérée. A Holocaust Remembrance © Sejny 29.10.2017 White Synagogue
“La voix liberee” is a musical tribute to the outstanding Polish-Jewish composers who did not stop composing and creating even in the Nazi death camps.
The project of a pianist - Kristina Raczyńska, was born in 2016 out of fascination with Jewish music, both traditional, secular and religious, and under the influence of the artist's encounter with the works of the prisoners of concentration camps, as well as their memories and available material on their lives.
Liberated voice is a musical diary, a testament to Jewish artists, and at the same time - a monument of sound to millions of their compatriots, in a language that cannot be imprisoned, enslaved or killed. More on
Film and edition by Patryk Wodecki.
POR LA TU PUERTA - new version! by Anna Riveiro & Marcin Olak & Michał Pindakiewicz; Sephardic song
ANNA RIVEIRO TRIO in concert: TRANS'SEFARAD - Sephardic impressions (Sefardyjskie impresje)
Sephardic/Ladino songs in modern arrangements (Pieśni sefardyjskie we współczesnych aranżacjach) at the White Stork Synagogue in Wrocław, Poland, 2014
More about the program:
ARTISTS: Anna Jagielska-Riveiro: vocal, classical guitar, hurdy gurdy; Marcin Olak: acoustic and electric guitar, darabuka; Michał Pindakiewicz: classical and acoustic guitar, udu;
More about the music by Anna Riveiro:
Adagio in C major BWV 1005 by J.S.Bach - Marcin Masecki piano
Adagio from Bach's Sonata for Solo Violin in C major BWV 1005. Played on piano literally, no transcription or arrangement.
The performance took place in Sejny, Poland, in the White Synagogue during the summer cycle Camera pro Classica. Organized by Borderland (Fundacja Pogranicze)
A Synagogue without a Congregation (13)
A fragment from a work in progress to demonstrate the progress made to restore the synagogue building in Wielkie Oczy, Poland as a library for the town. This Jewish communal property was given to the town under the auspices of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Jewish Heritage in Poland (FODZ) by the descendants of the Jewish community of the town that no longer exists.
Learn more about the library in Wielkie Oczy here:
The Wielkie Oczy Foundation, Inc. a U.S.-based not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation will contribute to this restoration by supplying materials and funding for a permanent memorial to the members of the Jewish community that at one time, up until the Holocaust of the mid twentieth century had been part of a diverse religious and ethnic population in the village and surrounding area. The Jewish community was decimated; survivors spread far and wide across the globe. This memorial will be housed in the library. To them, our ancestors and to the people of Wielkie Oczy, we dedicate this project.
The Wielkie Oczy Foundation, Inc.
Fugue BWV 1005 by J.S.Bach - Marcin Masecki piano
Fugue from Bach's Sonata for Solo Violin in C major BWV 1005. Played on piano literally, no transcription or arrangement.
The performance took place in Sejny, Poland, in the White Synagogue during the summer cycle Camera pro Classica. Organized by Borderland (Fundacja Pogranicze)
Chaconne BWV 1004 by J.S. Bach - Marcin Masecki piano
Chaconne from Bach's Partita for Solo Violin in d minor BWV 1004. Played on piano literally, no transcription or arrangement.
The performance took place in Sejny, Poland, in the White Synagogue during the summer cycle Camera pro Classica. Organized by Borderland (Fundacja Pogranicze)
Małgorzata Sarbak, Burlesca/Scherzo, J. S. Bach, Partita a minor BWV 827
Fragment koncertu w ramach cyklu Camera pro Classica, Sejny, Biała Synagoga, lipiec 2013 r. Rejestracja wideo: Ośrodek Pogranicze - sztuk, kultur, narodów
Fragment of the concert in the White Synagogue during the summer cycle Camera pro Classica, Sejny, Poland, July 2013. Video: Borderland (Ośrodek Pogranicze - sztuk, kultur, narodów )
Allegro Assai BWV 1005 by J.S. Bach - Marcin Masecki piano
Allegro Assai, last movement, from Bach's Sonata for Solo Violin in C major BWV 1005. Played on piano literally, no transcription or arrangement.
The performance took place in Sejny, Poland, in the White Synagogue during the summer cycle Camera pro Classica. Organized by Borderland (Fundacja Pogranicze)
SzaZa - Kerry Film Festival
SzaZa's (Paweł Szamburski / Patryk Zakrocki) music is a unique blending of seemingly opposite extremes -- of noise and silence, pop and contemporary chamber, beauty and ugliness, of sophisticated wisdom and pure, naive thoughtlessness. Using clarinets, violin, analogue loopstations, subtle effects and interaction with the audience, the musicians seek to collapse those oppositions, attempting to free both the stage and the audience from the bonds of rules and cultural expectations.
Patryk Zakrocki and Paweł Szamburski are multi-instrumentalists, improvisers and promoters of culture who have been active on the Warsaw improvised music and independent art scene since 1999. The duo creates music for theatre, film, silent movies and contemporary dance and both are members of the Warsaw-based independent music label Lado ABC and the Lado cultural association, whose activity over the last ten years has contributed a great deal to the dynamic development of new music in Poland.
Supported by the Embassy of Poland in Dublin
Dr Maurice Mizrahi - Are secular Jewish activities enough to preserve Judaism? (Shoftim)
In this week’s Torah portion, Shoftim, we hear the famous injunction: Justice, justice shall you pursue. [Deut. 16:20] This injunction has galvanized Jewish social activism for centuries. Yet the question arises: Are ethical values and concerns alone sufficient to keep Judaism alive? More generally, are secular Jewish activities enough to preserve Judaism and its values and pass them on the next generation? Let us examine this issue.
[captions available -- click on cc]
Krzysztof Rutkowski - SYMPOZJON „WIZJE RODZINNEJ EUROPY - III - 2 lipca 2011
30 czerwca - 2 lipca 2011
Krasnogruda, Sejny
Wystąpienie Krzysztofa Rutkowskiego (Paryż) w ramach sympozjonu SYMPOZJON „WIZJE RODZINNEJ EUROPY - sesja III.
Sympozjon odbył się w Białej Synagodze w Sejnach
From Thee To Thee - Excerpt No.1
Cykl pieśni zespołu From Thee to Thee , autorstwa Raphaela Rogińskiego jest hołdem oddanym wszystkim tym, którzy mają odwagę powracać i ocalać to co skazane na stawanie się przeszłością. To kompozycja powstała do tekstów poetów pogranicza, wieków, kultur i idei. Żyjąc w średniowiecznej Hiszpanii, tworzyli poematy kabalistyczne opiewające energię oddziaływującą na ludzi bez względu na granice. Pradawny kod dla zrozumienia świata objawiał im się jako równanie, wiodące do odnalezienia życia człowieka w wielości i bogactwie.
Kompozycja ta powstała w ramach cyklu Muzyka Miejsca organizowanego przez Ośrodek Pogranicze w Sejnach.
Ola Bilińska -- śpiew
Raphael Rogiński -- gitara
Mateusz Bartosiewicz -- perkusja
Dominika Korzeniecka -- perkusja, kieliszki
Patryk Masłowski -- puzon wentylowy, kieliszki
Piotr Janiec -- tuba
Kacper Szroeder -- trąbka
Stanisław Czyżewski - cymbały
Włodzimierz Moniuszko -- fortepian
Michał Moniuszko -- kontrabas, kieliszki
Małgorzata Sarbak, Sarabande, J. S. Bach, Partita a minor BWV 827
Fragment koncertu w ramach cyklu Camera pro Classica, Sejny, Biała Synagoga, lipiec 2013 r. Rejestracja wideo: Ośrodek Pogranicze - sztuk, kultur, narodów
Fragment of the concert in the White Synagogue during the summer cycle Camera pro Classica, Sejny, Poland, July 2013. Video: Borderland (Ośrodek Pogranicze - sztuk, kultur, narodów )
Camera Pro Classica - Marcin Masecki - 8 sierpnia 2013 - LATO W POGRANICZU 2013
Camera Pro Classica to program prezentacji muzyki klasycznej pod opieką artystyczną Stanisława Czyżewskiego, który zaprosił do współpracy młodych, wybitnie utalentowanych muzyków ze szkół i akademii muzycznych. Camera Pro Classica to cykl koncertów począwszy od Bacha, Vivaldiego po Achrona, Szostakowicza i Pendereckiego.
Wolfgang Amedeusz Mozart w wykonaniu Marcina Maseckiego
Biała Synagoga w Sejnach, 8 sierpnia 2013
Produkcja: Ośrodek Pogranicze - sztuk, kultur, narodów w Sejnach
Instytucja Kultury Województwa Podlaskiego
Realizacja: Marcin Pawlukiewicz