Dinosaur Museum in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia- Professor Timothy Sauder
This was just the first visit to check it out .We will be doing more videos in the future.
Mongolia Tour Guide: Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs - powered by SIXT rent a car
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Mongolia, National Happiness Land Children's Park (2000): Part1
In the summer of 2000 Dr. Paula L.W. Sabloff traveled to Mongolia to film nomadic people today in conjunction with an exhibit that was to be put on at Penn Museum the following year, entitled Modern Mongolia, Reclaiming Genghis Khan. Dr. Sabloff was joined by cameraman Tom Gillern, and crew member Heather Marshall, who used a mini dv camera to videotape extensive interviews with Mongolian people from various backgrounds to give an overview of lifestyles today, as well as scenes of life on the Mongolian steppes. This collection contains the unedited tapes from the sessions, together with metadata gathered onsite.
0:00 Kids Wrestling in Park
Kid on Rides
4:30 Modern Mongolians
Duck ride, merry go-round, more rides, old stuff
12:34 Kids play at construction site
13:00 Erica B Roll - Erika and Betty walking to market
Food Market near Erika, lots of color, mdrn Mongolia (city life)
32:00 Exterior of Apartment Building, 2 kids playing
FIRST TIME Horse Riding in Mongolia: Sleeping in Ger (Mongolian Tent)
What do you think? The horse likes me or am I just its scratching post?
Get tickets to the best show on earth!!!
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♫Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
Title: Drive, Wings
♫Warm by Joey Pecoraro
Creative Commons--Attribution 3.0 Unported--CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library
♫Chasing Time, Summers Coming by Dexter Britain
In the world of depleting wildlife resources Mongolia stands up as a unique place with most of its original wildlife species preserved to these days. This tour is a chance to see animals and birds one can only find in museums and zoos. However, this will require walking, tracking and hiding as wildlife would not really be wild if enclosed in corrals and available for patting by an unassuming visitor. So the more accessible species you can hope to see include Argali – largest sheep, gazelles, red deer, marmots and Przewalski’s horses ancestor of modern horse. The range of available birds is much wider. A pair of good binoculars will allow you observe even more of the great wildlife.
It is a dream trip of any birdwatcher that takes you to grassy steppes and wooded hillsides of North Eastern Mongolia. Wide open grasslands, flooded meadows and pools are home to many species such as Upland Buzzard, Amur Falcon, Great Bustard, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, Oriental Plover, Mongolian Lark, Siberian crane, Steppe eagle… to name just a few. Experience the nomadic culture which seemingly hasn’t changed for many hundreds of years. Our expert guides will ensure your ultimate enjoyment by offering skillful guiding.
Bayan Ulgii Aimag Museum in Ulgii City - Mongolia (Баян-Өлгий)
Video of the Ulgii City museum first floor exhibits taken October 2010.
Museum Tour in Ulaanbaatar | Mongolia Travel Tour Guide | Cashmere and Leather
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Perhaps, you are in Mongolia or travel to Mongolia, this is your best ONE CLICK planning advice for your trip to Ulaanbaatar.
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【K】Mongolia Travel-Ulaanbaatar[몽골 여행-울란바토르]유목민의 겨울 준비/Ger/Nomad/Horse riding
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
다음 날, 보그드 산을 떠나 초원으로 나갔다. 한참을 가다 보니 게르 집이 보여다가갔다. 게르 주변에는 올봄에 태어난 송아지들이 한가롭게 휴식을 취하고 있다. 아직 9월 초지만 벌써 날씨는 꽤 쌀쌀하다. 초원에서는 이때쯤이면 겨울 준비를 시작해야 한다. 가장 중요한 것은 겨울 동안 쓸 땔감을 준비하는 것이다. “트럭 몇 대 분의 소똥을 모아요. 소나 양의 똥을 모아 겨울 연료를 준비합니다.” 하루 종일 가축들을 돌봐야 하는 유목민들의 식탁은 소박하다. 아침, 점심은 주로 빵과 차, 유제품으로 간단히 해결한다. 올해 8살인 손자 빌궁은 요즘 삼촌에게 말 타기를 배우고 있다. 작년에 처음 말을 타봤는데, 지금은 혼자 가볍게 말을 달릴 수 있을 정도가 됐다. “저는 24살인데 8살 때부터 말을 탔어요. 그때 경주용 말도 탔었죠.” 빌궁에게는 요즘 새로운 친구가 생겼다. 한 달 전에 태어난 새끼 염소다. 당분간은 게르 안에서 키워야 하는데 녀석은 틈만 나면 밖으로 나간다. 밖으로 도망친 녀석을 잡아 게르 안으로 데려오는 건 빌궁의 몫이다. 유목민들의 생활은 결코 목가적이지 않다. 하루 종일 가축들을 몰고 다니며 좋은 풀을 먹여야 하기 때문이다. 초원에서 가축을 기르면서 가장 중요한 것 중 하나가 물을 먹이는 일이다, 이곳에는 근처에 강이 없어 지하수를 퍼 올려 가축에게 물을 먹인다. 많지 않은 물을 수십 마리가 먹어야 하니 치열한 싸움이 벌어지기도 한다. 떄문에 모든 말들이 빠짐없이 물을 먹을 수 있도록 해줘야 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
Leaving the next day, de Borg went to the mountain meadows. Bonnie go a long walked to show the Stavanger home. Around Stavanger it takes a leisurely break calves born this spring. Yet only in September already it propelled the weather is pretty chilly. In this case you should start the meadow By the winter ready. The most important thing is to prepare a written firewood for the winter. Moahyo the cow dung truck for a few minutes. Prepare for winter fuel collecting dung of cattle and sheep, the table of nomadic cattle take care of all the day is simple. Breakfast, lunch is usually solved simply with bread and tea, dairy products. This year eight murders bilgung grandson is learning to ride a horse uncle these days. I saw other horses for the first time last year, and now has become light enough to run the horse alone. I'm 24 years old rode a horse since 8 years old. Then it ended the race rode ridiculous. Bilgung who nowadays have a new friend. The baby goat was born a month ago. For the time being, to raise teumman guy goes out once in Stavanger. Grab this guy bringing fled out into the ger gun bill is up to the palace. Life of nomads is not never idyllic. I traveled all day to drive to feed the animals because a good pool. One of the cattle in the grassland grow while the most important is the one feeding the water, where there is no river near the putting up groundwater to feed livestock water. Do you have dozens of water birds eat not much going on and accentuated a fierce fight. Haejwoya to ensure that all horses can eat the water without drowning ttyaemun.
[Mongolia : Google Translator]
Дараагийн өдөр нь орхих, де Borg уулын нуга явсан. Бонни удаан явах Stavanger гэр харуулах явлаа. Stavanger орчим энэ хавар төрсөн тааваараа завсарлага тугал авдаг. Гэсэн хэдий ч зөвхөн есдүгээр сард аль хэдийн энэ нь цаг агаар сайхан хүйтэн юм явагч. Энэ тохиолдолд та бэлэн өвөл гэхэд нуга эхлэх ёстой хамгийн чухал зүйл өвөл бичгээр түлээ бэлтгэх явдал юм. Хэдэн минут үхрийн аргал ачааны машин Moahyo. үхэр, хонь, өвлийн түлшний цуглуулах аргал бэлтгэ, нүүдлийн мал хүснэгт бүх өдөр анхаарал тавих хялбар юм. Өглөөний цай, үдийн хоол нь ихэвчлэн зүгээр л талх, цай, сүү, сүүн бүтээгдэхүүн шийдсэн байна. Энэ жил найман аллага bilgung ач хүү нь морь авга ах нь эдгээр өдрүүдийг унаж сурах явдал юм. Би өнгөрсөн жил анх удаа бусад морь хараад, одоо ганцаараа морь ажиллуулах хангалттай гэрэл болж байна. 24 настай би байна оноос хойш 8 настай морь унаж. Дараа нь уралдааны инээдтэй ирэв. Одоо үед шинэ найзтай Bilgung дууссан. хүүхэд ямааны нэг сарын өмнө төрсөн байна. Одоогийн байдлаар, teumman залуу Stavanger нэг удаа болдог өсгөх. Энэ залуу гэр буу хуулийн төслийг уруу зугтан авчрах шүүрэх ордонд хүртэл байна. нүүдэлчдийн амьдрал хэзээ ч бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуйн биш юм. Би сайн сан, учир нь амьтан тэжээх жолоодох бүх өдөр явсан байна. хамгийн чухал нь ус тэжээлийн нэг нь мал аж ахуйн ус тэжээхийн тулд газар доорх усны хүртэл тавих ойролцоо ямар ч голын байдаг байхад бэлчээрийн-д малын нэг нь ургадаг. бол усны шувууд маш олон их дээр гэж байгаа юм биш идэж байгаа бөгөөд ширүүн тэмцлийг хурцатгаж байна. Haejwoya бүх адуу ttyaemun живэх ч ус идэж болно гэдгийг баталгаажуулахын тулд.
■클립명: 아시아037-중국24-09 유목민의 겨울 준비/Ger/Nomad/Horse riding
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 윤성도 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 8월 August
평원,plain,고원, 평야, 들판, 목초지, open land, plateau, meadow, grassland,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,빵,bread,bread,차,Tea,Tea,동물,animal,wildlife,아시아,Asia,,몽골,Mongolia,Монгол Улс,,윤성도,2016,8월 August,울란바토르,Ulaanbaatar,Улаанбаатар,
Mongolia: Genghis Khan country
A record of the journey I took to North East Mongolia in search of the places associated with Genghis Khan. This is the last of my Mongolian Odyssey series.....
Music by Samadeen Javkhlan.
【K】Mongolia Travel-Ulaanbaatar[몽골 여행-울란바토르]돌탑 어워/Gobi Desert/Ovoo/tone tower/Furgon
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
드디어 고비 사막으로 향한다. 승차감은 그닥 좋지는 않았다. 달리고 길이 험한 고비사막에서 불편함은 각오해야 한다. 첫 번째 목적지는 울란바토르에서 300km 떨어진 ‘바가 가즈린 촐루’다. 울란바토르를 떠난 지 얼마 되지 않아 풀이 막 자라기 시작한 드넓은 초원이 나타난다. 시속 100km로 흙먼지를 휘날리며 거침없이 달리는 푸르공. 비포장도로에서 그 진가가 발휘된다. 몽골의 고비사막에서는 사람이 지나는 길이라면 어디에서든 ‘어워’라고 불리는 돌탑을 만날 수 있다. 몽골인들은 항상 길을 떠날 때 어워를 돌며 안전을 기원한다. “멀리 가는 운전기사들도 안전하고 좋은 여행이 되길 바라면서 땅의 신과 하늘의 신에게 부탁을 하면서 소원을 비는 겁니다.” 오른쪽으로 세 번 돌면서 소원을 빌면 된다. 나도 남고비사막 서쪽 끝까지 무사히 갈 수 있도록 기원해 본다.
[English: Google Translator]
I finally go to the Gobi Desert. The ride was not good. The discomfort in the deserted gobi desert must be determined. The first destination is the 'Bagagazin Cholu', 300km from Ulaanbaatar. Not long after leaving Ulaanbaatar, a wide grassland appears where the grass began to grow. A green ball that rushes through the ground with a speed of 100 km / h. On the unpaved road, its value is demonstrated. In the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, wherever people go, you can see a stone tower called 'Ughu'. Mongolians always go round and pray for safety when they leave the road. I hope that the drivers who travel far will be safe and a good trip, praying to the god of the earth and the god of heaven. Three turns to the right and make a wish. I wish I could go to the west end of the desert.
[Mongolia: Google Translator]
Эцэст нь би Говь цөл рүү явлаа. Явах боломжгүй байсан. Зөвхөн цөлийн говийн бүсэд таагүй мэдрэмж тодорхойлогдоно. Хамгийн анхны очих газар бол Улаанбаатараас 300 км зайтай Баганзин Чолу юм. Улаанбаатарт орсноор удалгүй өвс ургамал тариалж эхэллээ. 100 км / цаг хурдалж байгаа ногоон бөмбөг. Шороон зам дээр ач холбогдол өгдөг. Говь цөлийн бүсэд хүмүүс хаана ч очдог Ugu нэртэй чулуун цамхгийг харж болно. Монголчууд үргэлж замдаа гарахдаа аюулгүйгээр залбирч байдаг. Алс хол аялж яваа жолооч нар аюулгүй, сайн аялал, газар дэлхийн бурхан, тэнгэрийн бурханд залбирч байгаа гэдэгт би найдаж байна гэжээ. Гурав дахь нь баруун тийш эргэж, хүсэл мөрөөддөг. Би цөлд баруун тийш очихыг хүсч байна.
■클립명: 아시아025-몽골05-04 고비사막 2 안전 기원 돌탑 어워
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 허성무 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 5월May
사막,desert,열도, 군도, archipelago, cay,
*섬으로 이루어진 곳탑,tower,자동차,탈것,,car,소원빌기,체험,,make wishes,구조물,structure,아시아Asia아시아몽골Mongolia허성무20195월울란바토르UlaanbaatarMay걸어서 세계속으로
dinosauro Ulaanbaatar
short video about dino in Ulaanbaatar museum of natural history cause forbidden to take video
Mongolia 2018 / Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan / Ulaanbator / өвлийн ордон
Visit of Ulaan Bataar, in 2018. Winter Palace of Bogd Khan. Build in 1905.
Khoton lake
Khoton Lake (Mongolian: Хотон нуур) is a freshwater lake in Altai Tavan Bogd National Park in Bayan-Ulgii Province, western Mongolia.
It lies at the foot of the Altai Mountains near the Chinese border, at an elevation of about 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level. It is fed by the Khuiten River from the east and other rivers from the north. With an area of 50 square kilometres (19 sq mi), it is the country's twenty-sixth largest lake by surface area. It has a maximum depth of 8.58 metres (28.1 ft).[1] The lake is home to abundant fish life.
Khoton lake is not only the two beautiful lake, but also ancient rock painting, stone men, petroglyphs, and stone ruins...
Rock Art and Archaeology:
Investigating Ritual Landscape in the Mongolian Altai
The Arctic Studies Center
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C.
National Museum of Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition | National Geographic
On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, the Torajan people believe that a person is not truly dead until water buffalo have been sacrificed at their funeral, serving as the vehicle to the afterlife. Until that time, the bodies are may be kept at the family's home for weeks, months or years and are fed and cared for as if they were alive. Some Torajans continue their relationship with the dead through a ma'nene' ceremony, a type of second funeral in which families bring out their ancestors every few years and change their clothes and clean their bodies and crypts.
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VIDEOGRAPHERS: Kaylee Everly & Brian Lehmann
EDITORS: Kaylee Everly & Kathryn Carlson
Here, Living With Dead Bodies for Weeks—Or Years—Is Tradition | National Geographic
National Geographic
Central Museum of Mongolian Dinosaurs
BREAKING NEWS - Mongolian Paleontology Institute with Explorers Club HK Display New Dinosaur Bones
June 2018: INFINITI HORIZON BASE CAMP, Gobi Desert, Mongolia: – The Mongolian Institute of Paleontology and Geology (IPG), together with the Explorers Club Hong Kong Chapter, supported by INFINITI Motor Company, have just announced a major breakthrough in paleontological methodology through advanced mapping technology, and a discovery of many significant findings after a 20-day expedition in the Gobi Desert, which concluded this past weekend.
The multidisciplinary team found possible evidence of three new dinosaur species, more than 250 new fossil locations, five entirely new areas previously not known to inhabit dinosaur life, with hundreds of fossilized bones. The paleontologists will analyze the new discoveries they took back to Ulaanbaatar, the Mongolian capital, to study and validate the findings with the intent to explore these newly discovered sites over the next several years.
Paleontologists were able to analyze an enormous amount of data collected from satellite and drone imagery to pinpoint high probability locations for fossilization, based on geological and sedimentary markers. The team could then travel quickly to high potential sites in a fleet of INFINITI SUVs to prospect for fossils. The combination of satellite and drone imaging, together with a team of paleontologists and scientists who have worked with NASA, in SUVs - all in close coordination, has never been done before.
The expedition revisited the historic route of famed explorer Roy Chapman Andrews, who discovered dinosaur eggs at the Flaming Cliffs approximately 100 years ago. During his 10 year expedition in the Gobi Desert, Roy Chapman Andrews was the first to use motorized vehicles, which vastly improved the distance the expedition could cover.
Key Finds by IPG’s Badamkhatan Zorigt and the team:
- Mature dinosaur meat eating tooth - largest ever found in Mongolia:
- Hind leg of an Ostrich-type dinosaur from 65 million years ago
- Turtle intact from 70 million years ago
- Neck vertebrae of a dinosaur with a long neck and tail from the same period
- The arm of an ostrich-like dinosaur from 70 million years ago
Saving Mongolia's Dinosaurs
How do you save an animal that's been extinct for 80 million years?
This fall, paleontologist Bolortsetseg Minjin and a team of Mongolian and American collaborators are driving a mobile museum across Mongolia for a month-long expedition with that precise goal. Using specially-designed exhibits, activities and educational materials, we plan to combat fossil poaching at some of the world's most important dinosaur quarries, and save the last remains of Velociraptor, Protoceratops, Oviraptor and the animals they shared the Mesozoic with. We also hope to inspire a new generation of Mongolian paleontologists and improve the communities we visit by using dinosaurs to foster interest in science and the environment.
The expedition is lead by the Institute for the Study of Mongolian Dinosaurs (ISMD), a nonprofit founded in 2007 by Bolortsetseg Minjin, a Mongolian paleontologist and National Geographic Explorer who works at the American Museum of Natural History. The ISMD helps repatriate illegally exported fossils, host science outreach events in Mongolia and the US, and plans to build a permanent museum in the Gobi desert near one of the world's most famous dinosaur fossil beds.
To contribute to the expedition, visit
Touring Mongolia & I Held an EAGLE
I got a tour of Ulaanbaatar by my amazing guide Yogi. I was also invited to stay at someone's house and was served the most amazing traditional homemade Mongolian meal.
Get tickets to the best show on earth!!!
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Middletown, NY 10940
♫Evening, Momentum by Zplit
Creative Commons -- Attribution 3.0 Unported-- CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library
♫Artist: Nicolai Heidlas
Title: Drive, Chase Your Dreams
Equestrian statues in front of the monument representing the Khan`s army.
Mongolia, Tuv Aimag Countryside (2000/08/18)
In the summer of 2000 Dr. Paula L.W. Sabloff traveled to Mongolia to film nomadic people today in conjunction with an exhibit that was to be put on at Penn Museum the following year, entitled Modern Mongolia, Reclaiming Genghis Khan. Dr. Sabloff was joined by cameraman Tom Gillern, and crew member Heather Marshall, who used a mini dv camera to videotape extensive interviews with Mongolian people from various backgrounds to give an overview of lifestyles today, as well as scenes of life on the Mongolian steppes. This collection contains the unedited tapes from the sessions, together with metadata gathered onsite.