Cetatea RUPEA Fortress (Transylvania, Romania)
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Cetatea este amplasată pe vârful dealului de bazalt care domină orașul Rupea situat în partea sud-estică a Transilvaniei, între Brașov și Sighișoara. Cetatea a fost construită, extinsă în mai multe etape și locuită de către coloniștii sași în perioada secolelor XIV - XIX. Nu se știe exact când a început construcția, dar prima menționare a ei datează din anul 1324 când, în perioada de constituire a scaunelor săsești, sașii de aici s-au revoltat împotriva voievodului Trasilvaniei și a regelui Ungariei. Prima cetate, numită Cetatea de Sus (incinta 1) a fost construită pe vârful dealului în secolul al XIV-lea și în ea se recunosc acum Turnul Pulberăriei (era turn de poartă), Camera Scaunului (sediul administrației Scaunului Rupea), câteva case vechi și o căsuță în vârf. În secolul al XV-lea cetatea a fost extinsă în jos, jur-împrejur, cu un zid reprezentând prima etapă a Cetății de Mijloc (incinta 2). În cadrul acesteia se păstrează sau se recunosc turnurile Pentagonal, a Scribilor (turn de poartă) și Căpos. În secolul al XVII-lea Cetatea de Mijloc este extinsă spre vest cu incinta 3 în cadrul căreia se găsesc turnurile Ugrei (lângă poartă), a Cercetașilor, precum și o capelă. În secolele XVIII-XIX cetatea se extinde numai spre nord cu un nou zid care separă Cetatea de Jos (incinta 4). În cadrul acesteia, acum se pot vizita noul turn de poartă, Turnul Slujitorilor, Turnul Slăninei, Fântâna, Magazia militară, Casa paznicului cetății. De remarcat că această cetate nu a fost niciodată asediată. Nu este o cetate țărănească cum greșit s-a mai afirmat, fiind un burg fortificat, permament locuit, sediu al administrației Scaunului Rupea și al trimisului regelui. Perioada de glorie a cetății a fost în secolul al XVII-lea când avea circa 100 de case și mai multe clădiri publice și administrative. Cetatea a început să fie părăsită începând cu a doua jumătate a secolului al XVIII-lea, oamenii coborând spre vale și având securitatea asigurată de armata habsburgică. În anii 2010-2013 cetatea a fost parțial renovată în scop turistic.
The fortress is located on the top of the basalt hill that dominates the town of Rupea located in the south-eastern part of Transylvania, between Brasov and Sighisoara. The fortress was built, extended in several stages and inhabited by the Saxon settlers during the 14th-19th centuries. It is not known exactly when the construction began, but its first mention date back to 1324 when, during the formation of the Saxon seats, the Saxons here rebelled against the voivode of Trasilvania and the King of Hungary. The first fortress, called Upper Fortress (enclosure 1), was built on the top of the hill in the 14th century, and it now we can recognize the Powder Tower (gate tower), the Throne Chamber (the seat of the Rupea Seat), some old houses and a lodge on the top. In the 15th century the fortress was extended downwards around, with a wall representing the first stage of the Middle Fortress (enclosure 2). Within it, the Pentagonal, of Scribes (gate tower) and Capos towers are preserved or recognized. In the 17th century, the Middle Fortress is extended to the west with a courtyard (enclosure 3), in which the towers of Ugra (near the gate), of the Scouts, as well as a chapel are located. In the 18th-19th centuries the fortress extends only northwards with a new wall separating the Dawn Fortress (enclosure 4). Within it, you can now visit the new gate tower, the Servants Tower, the Bacon Tower, the Fountain, the military repository, the Gate Tower. It is worth noting that this fortress has never been besieged. It is not a peasant fortress as wrongly it was affirmed, but a fortified burg, with living quarters, the seat of the administration of the Rupea Seat and of the King's Empowerment. The glory of the fortress was in the 17th century when it had about 100 houses and more public and administrative buildings. The fortress began to be abandoned since the second half of the 18th century, the people descending to the valley, the security being provided by the Habsburg army. In the years 2010-2013 the fortress was partly renovated for tourism purposes.
Where to eat in Cluj Napoca, Romania
If you're in Cluj and you want to eat in a very nice location, you may want to give Restaurant Gilau a try.
The restaurant's terrace overlooks the Gilau Dam, an artificial lake in the mountains near Cluj.
They serve a variety of foods but they are famous for their trout and desserts.
The kids also like it because they have a nice playground as well.
We chose to have both trout and dessert and we were not disappointed. The trout was cooked to perfection and it felt very fresh.
For dessert, we chose papanasi with cream (cheese balls pancakes), a Romanian staple dessert. They were divine! :)
Price-wise, the food is pricey compared to other restaurants in the area, but given the views and the quality of the food, it's totally worth it.
Upload 7-15-19
This Video: This past week my crush & I decided to travel to Bucharest, Romania & make a travel vlog for the channel. My friend Lawrence decided to tag along & made this video worth watching. This is the part 1 of our stay and although we aren't doing alot its funny as hell. Enjoy...
#Travelvlog #Army #Crush
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Bucharest Street Food Festival/Carnival 2018 - d.tube vs YouTube performance review
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This is a tour of Bucharest Street Food Festival/Carnival which took place 6th-9th of September 2018 in Bucharest, at Romexpo halls.
The event gathered a lot of known local and international artists.
The highlight of the evening, music wise, was the Subcarpati concert, which is one of the most popular bands at this moment in Romania, which you can hear across this video playing.
In terms of food, everything was very good, I only had a pulled duck burger, as I'm trying to keep my weight in check, but the options were so many, from sushi, thai food, indian food, to mexican food, all that was missing was actual authentic romanian food, but I already had 30 years of that :)
I hope you enjoyed this tour of the festival, let me know your thoughts in the comments, and if you haven't already, follow me on @trocsoneria.
Bran Castle - Dracula Castle
Photo Credit; Flickr - Adriana Cocic, Josh Thielen, Michael Guerra, Otto, Catalin Vlahos Ionita, José Manuel Campañó Rodríguez, neacristi, NMPUC, Phil Withey, soulwise, Richard Mortel, Aleksander Dragnes, Alexandru Panoiu, Bob Schoenherr, CameliaTWU, Dennis Jarvis, Espino Family, Gaspar Serrano, Jaysmark, Jorge Láscar, ljubar, old Swede 65, Phil, Sebastian Adel