Один из шедевров природы Синайского полуострова - Белый Каньон. Протяженность каньона 3 км, высота 25-30м, ширина от 1 до 4 м. The video was shot on the action camera Sjcam M10. Editing is done in iMovie.
Escape - White Canyon and Red Canyon Trip, Sinai, Egypt
White Canyon and Red Canyon , Dahab Trip, Sinai, Egypt
nature of mountains in nuweiba - south sinai egypt ( safari trip )
the nature in wadi melha is amazing , i've recorded this video on our way to wishwashi canyon in nuweiba , one of the most beautiful places i've ever seen , it's completely safe and for whoever loves mediation , this is the place you look for . وادي وشواشي - نويبع - خليج العقبة - جنوب سيناء _________________________________________________ الطبيعة هي افضل شي هناك بعيدا عن زحام المدن الرئيسية . سواء طبيعة الجبال والصحراء او طبيعة الشعاب المرجانية والاسماك الملونة تحت الماء
Ain khudra Oasis and colored Canyon trip
Beautiful Egypt - Nuweiba and Wadi WeshWesh
اكتشف ماذا يوجد اسفل مياه وادي الوشواش لن تصدق لماذا الماء أخضر!
I found my lost Gopro Underwater in Wishwashi Canyon, you won't believe why its water is green!
Music: Audien & 3LAU - Hot Water (feat. Victoria Zaro)
South Sinai of Egypt - Day One&Tow - Ain Hudra Oasis.wmv
watch the video!
Sinai wadi el washwash
trip sinai
5argny - St . Catherine / Ras Shetan / Sharm El She5
We got so much fun with guys you were brave and did great effort to hike 2000 + Meter in very difficult road to the top of Mosa mountain we are so proud of you guys and we hope to see all of you again soon .