Wonorejo Dam - Tulungagung
Wonorejo Dam
Wonorejo dam, is the largest dam in Southeast Asia, with the discharge 15 000 m3 per second. The dam is located on the west side of Tulungagung, precisely at Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo subdistrict. This dam is served as power generation, irrigation, fisheries, sport and recreation.
As a tourist destination, this dam is equipped with multiple infrastructures such as, playground, fishing area, speed boat, accommodation and facilities for entertainment.
The visitors that come to this dam will enjoy the quiet nuance and the clear water dams. This dam is 12 kilometers far from the city Tulungagung, and it can be reach for about half an hour drive. The atmosphere is cool and natural, which there will green and leafy field around the way to the dam.
Wonorejo Dam - Tulungagung - East Java
Wonorejo Dam is a dam located in Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo district, Tulungagung regency, East Java province, Indonesia. It is about 12 km of the center of the city. With about 122 million meters cubic capacity, Wonorejo dam become one of biggest dam in Indonesia, even South-East Asian.
Wonorejo dam is declared in 2001 by Indonesia President, Megawati Soekarnoputri, after built almost 9 years since 1992. Wonorejo dam has function as the power of electricity and source of drink water in East Java province. This dam is also functioned to avoid flood in Tulungagung, together with Neyama Dam in Besuki district.
Now on, Wonorejo dam is also functioned as one of tourism object in Tulungagung, beside Popoh Beach. Some facilities are built around Wonorejo Dam, one of them is Swah-Loh Resort.
Beside functioned as PLTA and as irrigation, Wonorejo Dam is also introduced as tourism object that presents comfortable and recreation facilities. In its concept, Wonorejo Dam is aimed to supply clean water in Tulungagung area and also as irrigation facility in Pagerwojo area.
As one of tourism object in Tulungagung, Wonorejo Dam is equipped with canoe, camping area, helicopter lines, fishing and standart circuits for Motocross event and off road.
With about 15 km from the center of the town, Wonorejo Dam is easy to reach. Beside that, the visitors will enjoy their journey to Wonorejo Dam, because it has beautiful scenery and completed with resort and villa with high quality. Its hill nature is fresh with cool valley and clean air, very comfortable and natural in tropic area. Wonorejo dam is using foundry concept in a hill and has artistic value for the visitors. This tourism object is also has clean environment that make the visitors will keep up for a long time.
Many events are held here, both in region and national level. The annually events are; national paper kite competition, motocross and 4WD OFFROAD competition, bow and narrow competition, etc.
The other mission of Wonorejo barrage is trying to develop mountain tourism concept in Tulungagung, so that the tourism concept not only in coast sector or agro business, but also the important public facilities can exposes for tourism. On day, Tulungagung is not only known as marble city, but also a city that presents many recreation places.
Wonorejo Dam, Tulungagung
Wonorejo Dam is a dam located in Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo district, Tulungagung regency, East Java province, Indonesia. It is about 12 km of the center of the city. With about 122 million meters cubic capacity, Wonorejo dam become one of biggest dam in Indonesia, even South-East Asian.
Wonorejo dam is declared in 2001 by Indonesia President, Megawati Soekarnoputri, after built almost 9 years since 1992. Wonorejo dam has function as the power of electricity and source of drink water in East Java province. This dam is also functioned to avoid flood in Tulungagung, together with Neyama Dam in Besuki district.
Now on, Wonorejo dam is also functioned as one of tourism object in Tulungagung, beside Popoh Beach. Some facilities are built around Wonorejo Dam, one of them is Swah-Loh Resort.
Wonorejo Dam Tulungagung.mov
Wonorejo Dam is a dam located in Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo district, Tulungagung regency, East Java province, Indonesia. It is about 12 km of the center of the city. With about 122 million meters cubic capacity, Wonorejo dam become one of biggest dam in Indonesia, even South-East Asian.
Wonorejo dam is declared in 2001 by Indonesia President, Megawati Soekarnoputri, after built almost 9 years since 1992. Wonorejo dam has function as the power of electricity and source of drink water in East Java province. This dam is also functioned to avoid flood in Tulungagung, together with Neyama Dam in Besuki district.
Now on, Wonorejo dam is also functioned as one of tourism object in Tulungagung, beside Popoh Beach. Some facilities are built around Wonorejo Dam, one of them is Swah-Loh Resort.
Beside functioned as PLTA and as irrigation, Wonorejo Dam is also introduced as tourism object that presents comfortable and recreation facilities. In its concept, Wonorejo Dam is aimed to supply clean water in Tulungagung area and also as irrigation facility in Pagerwojo area.
As one of tourism object in Tulungagung, Wonorejo Dam is equipped with canoe, camping area, helicopter lines, fishing and standart circuits for Motocross event and off road.
With about 15 km from the center of the town, Wonorejo Dam is easy to reach. Beside that, the visitors will enjoy their journey to Wonorejo Dam, because it has beautiful scenery and completed with resort and villa with high quality. Its hill nature is fresh with cool valley and clean air, very comfortable and natural in tropic area. Wonorejo dam is using foundry concept in a hill and has artistic value for the visitors. This tourism object is also has clean environment that make the visitors will keep up for a long time.
Many events are held here, both in region and national level. The annually events are; national paper kite competition, motocross and 4WD OFFROAD competition, bow and narrow competition, etc.
The other mission of Wonorejo barrage is trying to develop mountain tourism concept in Tulungagung, so that the tourism concept not only in coast sector or agro business, but also the important public facilities can exposes for tourism. On day, Tulungagung is not only known as marble city, but also a city that presents many recreation places.
More info visit
Beautiful Views of Wonorejo Reservoir (DAM) in Tulungagung Regency, Indonesia
This is panoramic views of Wonorejo reservoir ahead of the rainy season, where rain is still rare, the water is still clear and the reservoir water volume is still low and receding.
Video by Mas DENIE H.
#WadukWonorejo #Reservoir #Tulungagung
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Video by Mas DENIE H.
Hi, guys! My name is DENIE H., I am a Javanese guy, Indonesia. I am an entrepreneur. My hobby is making videos for my YouTube channel. I am the original creator (and filmer) of content on this channel. Many useful things we do by joining YouTube (as a YouTube partner), we also get extra benefit (income) from here.
Bendungan Wonorejo - Tulungagung
Wonorejo Dam
Wonorejo dam, is the largest dam in Southeast Asia, with the discharge 15 000 m3 per second. The dam is located on the west side of Tulungagung, precisely at Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo subdistrict. This dam is served as power generation, irrigation, fisheries, sport and recreation.
As a tourist destination, this dam is equipped with multiple infrastructures such as, playground, fishing area, speed boat, accommodation and facilities for entertainment.
The visitors that come to this dam will enjoy the quiet nuance and the clear water dams. This dam is 12 kilometers far from the city Tulungagung, and it can be reach for about half an hour drive. The atmosphere is cool and natural, which there will green and leafy field around the way to the dam.
Dam Wonorejo - Tulungagung - East Java
Wonorejo Dam is a dam located in Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo district, Tulungagung regency, East Java province, Indonesia. It is about 12 km of the center of the city. With about 122 million meters cubic capacity, Wonorejo dam become one of biggest dam in Indonesia, even South-East Asian. Wonorejo dam is declared in 2001 by Indonesia President, Megawati Soekarnoputri, after built almost 9 years since 1992. Wonorejo dam has function as the power of electricity and source of drink water in East Java province. This dam is also functioned to avoid flood in Tulungagung, together with Neyama Dam in Besuki district. Now on, Wonorejo dam is also functioned as one of tourism object in Tulungagung, beside Popoh Beach. Some facilities are built around Wonorejo Dam, one of them is Swah-Loh Resort. Beside functioned as PLTA and as irrigation, Wonorejo Dam is also introduced as tourism object that presents comfortable and recreation facilities. In its concept, Wonorejo Dam is aimed to supply clean water in Tulungagung area and also as irrigation facility in Pagerwojo area. As one of tourism object in Tulungagung, Wonorejo Dam is equipped with canoe, camping area, helicopter lines, fishing and standart circuits for Motocross event and off road. With about 15 km from the center of the town, Wonorejo Dam is easy to reach. Beside that, the visitors will enjoy their journey to Wonorejo Dam, because it has beautiful scenery and completed with resort and villa with high quality. Its hill nature is fresh with cool valley and clean air, very comfortable and natural in tropic area. Wonorejo dam is using foundry concept in a hill and has artistic value for the visitors. This tourism object is also has clean environment that make the visitors will keep up for a long time. Many events are held here, both in region and national level. The annually events are; national paper kite competition, motocross and 4WD OFFROAD competition, bow and narrow competition, etc. The other mission of Wonorejo barrage is trying to develop mountain tourism concept in Tulungagung, so that the tourism concept not only in coast sector or agro business, but also the important public facilities can exposes for tourism. On day, Tulungagung is not only known as marble city, but also a city that presents many recreation places.
Wonorejo Dam
Wonorejo Dam is a dam located in Wonorejo village, Pagerwojo district, Tulungagung regency, East Java province, Indonesia. It is about 12 km of the center of the city. With about 122 million meters cubic capacity, Wonorejo dam become one of biggest dam in Indonesia, even South-East Asian.
Wonorejo dam is declared in 2001 by Indonesia President, Megawati Soekarnoputri, after built almost 9 years since 1992. Wonorejo dam has function as the power of electricity and source of drink water in East Java province. This dam is also functioned to avoid flood in Tulungagung, together with Neyama Dam in Besuki district.
Now on, Wonorejo dam is also functioned as one of tourism object in Tulungagung, beside Popoh Beach. Some facilities are built around Wonorejo Dam, one of them is Swah-Loh Resort.
Bendungan (DAM) Wonorejo Dilihat dari Pintu Gerbang Batas Desa Wonorejo (Juni 2018)
Bendungan (DAM) Wonorejo kecamatan Pagerwojo, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, jika dilihat dari dataran tinggi pintu gerbang batas desa Wonorejo, beginilah penampakannya.
#WadukWonorejo #DAM #Tulungagung
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Video by Mas DENIE H.
Hi, Guys! My name is DENIE H., I am a Javanese guy, Indonesia. I am an entrepreneur. My hobby is making videos for my YouTube channel. I am the original creator (and filmer) of content on this channel. Many useful things we do by joining YouTube (as a YouTube partner), we also get extra benefit (income) from here.
Instagram (Denie H./Owner):
Bendungan/waduk Wonorejo berada di sebelah barat kota Tulungagung.Waduk terbesar di Asia Tenggara dengan debit 15.000 m3 per detik, berfungsi sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik, pengairan, perikanan, olah raga air dan tempat rekreasi, yang dilengkapi dengan Gazebo, Home stay, Taman, area pemancingan, speed boad penginapan dan tempat pementasan seni tradisional.
Hamparan air bendungan yang tenang dan berwarna biru menyapa siapa pun yang berkunjung ke Bendungan Wonorejo, 12 kilometer dari Kota Tulungagung. Suasana sejuk di salah satu bendungan terbesar di Asia Tenggara itu selaras dengan suasana alam sekitarnya yang serba hijau dan rindang. Di kanan-kiri jalan terhampar sawah dan deretan pepohonan.
Di beberapa sudut waduk berkapasitas tampung 122 juta meter kubik itu kerap terlihat pasangan remaja memadu kasih. Sementara di sisi lainnya, serombongan keluarga yang mengendarai mobil pribadi, berkeliling di seantero bendungan. Waduk Wonorejo tak pelak lagi merupakan “primadona” baru di dunia pariwisata Tulungagung. Sarana pemasok air PDAM Surabaya itu baru diresmikan oleh Wakil Presiden (waktu itu) Megawati Soe-karnoputri, 21 Juni 2001.
Pembangunan Waduk Wonorejo dimulai tahun 1992. Untuk keperluan pembangunan itu, sebanyak 995 keluarga telah dipindahkan dari tempat mereka bermukim. Tercatat pula tujuh orang tewas selama proses pembangunan.
Total dana yang dikucurkan untuk proyek ini mencapai Rp 22,049 milyar, ditambah 18,71 milyar yen dana bantuan Pemerintah Jepang. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), usai pembuatan waduk tuntas, melengkapi dengan membangun jaringan listrik. Total biaya untuk instalasi listrik sebesar Rp 10,9 milyar, plus 577 juta yen dari Pemerintah Jepang.
Bendungan ini memiliki sejumlah fungsi penting. Antara lain, menyediakan air baku untuk Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Surabaya sebanyak delapan meter kubik per detik, mengusahakan pembangkit tenaga listrik 6,02 megawatt, mengendalikan banjir bagi daerah seluas 1.479 hektar, dan mendukung irigasi pertanian untuk sawah seluas 1.200 hektar.
Manfaat lainnya adalah untuk masyarakat di sekitarnya. Seperti budidaya perikanan, kawasan sabuk hijau untuk tanaman keras produktif, serta pariwisata. Untuk perikanan, menurut Pimpinan Proyek Pengembangan Sungai Brantas Ir Sukistiono Dipl HE, Waduk Wonorejo dapat 200 ton ikan per tahun.
Namun tahukah anda bahwa waduk Wonorejo merupakan satu dari dua waduk di Indonesia yang memiliki terowongan panjang? untuk itu simak video perjalanan ki Gandrung dan kawan-kawan masuk Terowongan Wonorejo sepanjang 800 meter.....SEruuuuuuuu...!!!
Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung Jawa Timur
Mengupas waduk / bendungan wonorejo
GOWES WADUK WONOREJO - TULUNGAGUNG #Tulungagung #Gowes #Wonderfultulungagung #Gowestulungagung
Gowes santuy sabtu 29 Juni 2019
(Tahun 2015) Panorama Waduk/Bendungan Wonorejo, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Wonorejo Reservoir Dam, Tulungagung Regency, East Java, Indonesia in 2015.
#WadukWonorejo #Tulungagung #Reservoir
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Video by Mas DENIE H.
Hi, Guys! My name is DENIE H., I am a Javanese guy, Indonesia. I am an entrepreneur. My hobby is making videos for my YouTube channel. I am the original creator (and filmer) of content on this channel. Many useful things we do by joining YouTube (as a YouTube partner), we also get extra benefit (income) from here.
Instagram (Denie H./Owner):
Undercover Vampire Policeman by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Tragedi Lumbon/ gateng Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung
TULUNGAGUNG - Air Waduk Wonorejo Menipis, Operasional PLTA Dibatasi
Kemarau Panjang Yang Terjadi Saat Ini, Berdampak Pada Minimnya Pasokan Air Ke Waduk Wonorejo, Tulungagung. Meski Elevasi Air Waduk Saat Ini, Masih Berada Diatas Pola Yang Ditetapkan, Namun Penggunaan Air Untuk Operasional PLTA, Dibatasi Menjadi 8 Jam Perhari. Penggunaan Air Waduk, Diutamakan Untuk Keperluan Irigasi.
Gowes Santai Cuwiri Menuju Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung
Suasana Pagi Di Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung
Berikut Suasana Pagi Di Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung:
Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung Menelan Korban (EVAKUASI JENAZAH TENGGELAM WADUK WONOREJO)
Tidak bisa Berenang Dan Cuaca Yg Buruk Seorang Pemancing Asal Tulungagung Tenggelam ketika hendak menyeberang di Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung..
Puthuk di tengah Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung yang sering memakan korban
Puthuk atau yang disebut daratan di tengah waduk wonorejo kabupaten tulungagung ini sering memakan korban ,kebanyakan mancing mania.menurut penuturan korban kebanyakan di puthuk tersebut seorang yang suka memancing sering di temui ikan dalam jumlah yang banyak dan tertarik memancing di daerah puthuk tersebut.akhirnya setelah memancing dan air mulai pasang akhirnya tenggelam di sekitar puthuk tersebut.allohu aklam.cerita ini diambil dari kisah nyata.semoga bermanfaat dan semoga kita hati-hati dan diharapkan kita sebelum memulai mengunjungi wisata ataupun memulai aktifitas harus berdoa dulu.semoga keluarga kita selamat dari gangguan setan yang terkutuk.amin