Wushan County Tourism Documentary(including Wushan Yangtze river bridge)三峡最美是巫山
From this video about 3:17 we can seen famous Wushan Yangtze River Bridge, it is a 460m span CFST arch, high 180m from deck to water. When this bridge completed in 2005, was the largest CFST arch in the world, now still belong top ten largest arch bridges in China. In Wushan county, has another high arch bridge named Daninghe Bridge with 400m span and 220m high. After all, local government start build a unique sky airport about 1600m high from Yangtze River water level, located on top of the peaks just 4 km north of the Three Gorge!
Top Ten Arch Bridges in China:
China-Hubei Shennongjia Nature Reserve
10 August 2016
Flying across Badong - Hubei Province, China | 翱翔巴東 湖北
Challenge the game and survive!
2016-11-14: Day 06: Part A: Century Legend Cruise Ship: Yangtze River: Baidicheng , 3 Gorges
2016-11-14: Day 06: Part A: Century Legend Cruise Ship (世紀傳奇遊輪): Yangtze River (長江): Baidicheng (白帝城), 3 Gorges (三峽), Wushan Goddes Creek (巫山神女溪), Farewell show (離別晚會)
Aerial view of Shennongjia nature reserve in Hubei, China
Aerial view of Shennongjia nature reserve in Hubei, China, a world heritage site. The nature reserve protects the largest primary forests remaining in Central China and provides habitat for many rare animal species, such as the Chinese Giant Salamander, the Golden or Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkey, the Clouded Leopard, Common Leopard and the Asian Black Bear.
Wushan and the Lesser Gorges
Wushan is famous for its Little Three Gorges located on the nearby Daning River.
The Wushan county seat is on the northern bank of the Yangtze River channel, which in the Gorges region was flooded after the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. The original town was abandoned and submerged under the rising waters, and the new town constructed on the hills above.
The population of the town is something in excess of 100,000, and the main economic activity in the area is coal mining, almost all from very small mines in the surrounding mountains. Tourism also plays a role, although tourist activity is not as great as it was before the flooding of the Gorges in the first decade of the 21st century. The Little Three Gorges are no longer as deep or as spectacular as they once were.
重慶巫山小三峽遊船回到大寧河河口 Wushan Small Three Gorges , Chongqing (China)
大寧河風景區是大寧河除巫山小三峽外中上段景區的總稱,是奉節 - 巫溪 - 巫山 “金三角”的三條主軸線之一,以景點密集,可遊性強和自然,人文,民俗的和諧統一著稱,堪稱“百里畫廊”,有“天下第一溪”的美稱.
景點地址:重慶市雲陽縣清水鄉景點簡介美景險中求龍缸天坑 550米深的天坑一個長軸350米、短軸170米.深550米的橢圓形天坑,內壁如削,壁縫松柏橫臥,古藤倒垂,缸底四季吐翠,百鳥爭鳴,因形狀為一個天然大石缸,還流傳著樵夫與龍女愛情傳說,而得名龍缸。雲端廊橋 懸空玻璃廊橋在海拔1123米高的懸崖處,建造了雲端廊橋,令恐高者畏懼的玻璃棧道,讓追求健康的人喜歡的健康步道,讓攝影愛好者心悅的觀光廣場,雲端廊橋,帶來不一樣體驗。棧道 懸崖峭壁上欣賞美景近乎垂直的山體,曲曲折折的棧道,順著山勢,懸掛在峭壁之上,漫步在棧道上,或膽戰心驚,或興奮刺激,或緊張冒汗,看整個龍缸天坑的絕美景色。在龍缸,還能看到經...