Zhusheng Bridge in Zhenyuan, China
Zhusheng Bridge in Zhenyuan, Chin
aThe town of Zhenyuan is less than 2 square miles in size but it’s crowded with scenic tableaus and rich in history. Nestled on the shores of the Wuyang River as it winds through the greenery-draped Miaoling Mountains, the sights here are quite impressive, although somewhat off the beaten path. What’s waiting for the intrepid traveler? Ancient multi-tiered temples, streets lined with historic homes, and just across the river a Ming Dynasty-era cave complex carved into the mountainside. And of course, Zhusheng Bridge (seen here decked out in its festive nighttime colors) is a favorite of locals and visitors alike in this small corner of southwest China
Wuyang River 舞陽河遊船 - 碼頭 day 6 - 6 ( China )
2011.03.25 ( Guizhou )
A Nightscape of Zhenyuan Ancient Town
Surrounded by mountains, Zhenyuan Ancient Town is divided into two parts by the Wuyang River that runs across the town in the S shape. Seen from a higher place, the setup of the town looks like a Taichi Diagram. Therefore, it has another name Taichi Town.
Except for natural scenery, Taichi Town also has around 160 cultural and historical spots, such as Green Dragon Cave, Ancient People's Residence of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Longevity Palace.
貴州舞陽河上孔雀開屏 Wuyang River, Guizhou (China)
CHINE GUIZHOU Croisière de nuit sur la rivière Wuyang, à Zhenyuan
Zhenyuan Ancient City 鎮遠古城 - 大菜園 day 6 - 2 ( China )
2011.03.25 ( Guizhou )
We traveled Guizhou for 14 days, although it's a long journey, Guizhou truly shows us its beauty of every aspect.
Here are the destinations we've been to:
Guiyang 貴陽市 - TianHeTan 天河潭景區
Pingba 平壩 - TianLongTunPu 天龍屯堡
Zunyi 遵義 - BaiLiDuJuan 百里杜鵑風景區
Chishui 赤水 - FoGuang Rock 佛光岩景區
Zunyi 遵義 - SiDongGou 四洞溝景區
Tongren 銅仁 - Mount Fanjing 梵淨山景區
Zhenyuan 鎮遠 - Wuyang River Cruise 㵲陽河,Zhenyuan Ancient Town 鎮遠古鎮
Kaili 凱里 - Xijiang Miao Village 西江千戶苗寨
Libo 荔波 - DaXiaoQiKong 大小七孔景區
Jiabang 加榜 - Jiabang Rice Terrace 加榜梯田
Zhaoxing 肇興 - Zhaoxing Hmong Village 肇興侗寨
Basically the journey were planned under a very hectic schedule as we try to cover all the places around Guizhou as much as possible that the last few days were really torturing I just wish I can ditch the schedule and sleep till noon, but seeing all these footages I glad we made it through!
Videos taken with:
Olympus OMD EM1MK2
Olympus OMD EM10MK3
Olympus PEN EPL9
7-14mm M.ZUIKO F2.8 PRO lens
12-40mm M.ZUIKO F2.8 PRO LENS
12-100mm M.ZUIKO F4.0 PRO LENS
14-42mm kit lens
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Zhenyuan Ancient City 鎮遠古城 - 大雄寶殿 day 5 - 20 ( China )
2011.03.24 ( Guizhou )
Zhenyuan Ancient City 鎮遠古城 - 抵達 day 5 - 7 ( China )
2011.03.24 ( Guizhou )
远眺 贵州镇远舞阳河 guizhou zhenyuan guyang river
Gorgeious night view of Zhenyuan Ancient Town
#travelinChina Gorgeious night view of Zhenyuan Ancient Town(镇远古镇).
Located at the edge of Yunnan-Guizhou plateau(云贵高原), Zhenyuan is sheltered by the mountains. It's a land-and-water transportation center since ancient time which can date back to more than 2000 years ago. Cut through by the Wuyang River(舞阳河), Zhenyuan Ancient Town is divided into two parts: south 'Wei City' and north 'Fu City', which forms a water town. Rich cultural relics and spectacular natural view have made it one of the must-go destinations in Guizhou. (credit:抖音@邹渝)
Toursim Project —— GuiZhou & Tibet
GBC student's project.
Source from A Bit of China
DrGalBenDavid at Jidao Miao Village April 2016
Walking along Jidao Miao Village
eH Embrace China-Colorful Guizhou Cultural Week
和大家一起分享生活,攝影,旅行,分享一路的奇聞趣事和快樂,中國的景觀旅游資源相當豐富,這些風景名勝區從不同的角度可以有不同的劃分,以其主要景觀的不同,大體上可分為如下八種類型,湖泊風景區,白洋淀,杭州西湖,南京玄武湖,武漢東湖,新疆天山天池,青海湖,丹江口水庫 山岳風景區燕山,泰山,衡山,華山,紫金山,阿里山,森林風景區,西雙版納,湖南張家界,河南寶天曼,四川臥龍,湖北神農架,山水風景區,桂林漓江,長江三峽,武夷九曲溪, 海濱風景區海南天涯海角,廈門,大連 休閑療養避暑勝地北戴河,牛首山,廬山,宗教寺廟名勝區,九華山,棲霞寺,敦煌莫高窟,洛陽龍門,嵩山,武當山等,革命紀念地,延安,涉縣,西柏坡,遵義,北京的故宮博物館,天壇,王府井,頤和園,八達嶺長城,河北的山海關景區,新白洋淀,津門故里,承德避暑山莊,木蘭圍場,邢臺大峽谷,邢臺天河山,湖南的偉人故里韶山,張家界國家森林公園,天下五岳南岳衡山,上海的東方明珠,野生動物園,重慶的武隆喀斯特旅游區,巫山小三峽,大足石刻,酉陽桃花源風景區,萬盛區黑山谷,紅巖革命紀念館,重慶歌樂山烈士陵園,萬盛區石林,酉陽龔灘古鎮,江蘇的鐘山風景區,中華孝道園,拙政園,周莊,山西的云岡石窟,五臺山,平遙古城,遼寧的沈陽植物園,老虎灘海洋公園,吉林省的皇宮博物院,長白山,黑龍江省的哈爾濱太陽島,森林公園,牡丹江八女投江紀念群雕,五大連池,鏡泊湖,浙江安徽的太湖城堡,黃山風景區,九華山風景區,湖北的武漢黃鶴樓公園,宜昌三峽大壩旅游區,宜昌三峽人家風景區,十堰武當山風景區,恩施巴東神農溪纖夫文化旅游區,神農架生態旅游區,長陽土家族自治縣清江畫廊風景區,名勝古跡,福建的廈門市鼓浪嶼,南平市武夷山,寧德兔耳嶺,江西的廬山,吉安市井岡山,三清山,婺源,山東的煙臺市蓬萊閣,泰山景區,陜西的華山,秦始皇陵,云南的路南石林,麗江古城,香格里拉,九寨溝風景名勝區,三亞亞龍灣
音乐黔东南(51)(镇远·旅游·黔东南) 高清